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Thread: For Narrowband Users

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    United Kingdom
    Try this out:

    It supposedly avoids automatic ISP disconnection. I haven't tested it out, but try your luck at it.

    I may use it, the 2 hour cut for me is becoming unbearable .

  2. File Sharing   -   #2
    it wont work it only keeps your connection alive by preventing you getting kicked during periods of inactivity (when reading web pages etc)
    There are 10 types of people in the world those who understand binary and those who dont

  3. File Sharing   -   #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Southern California USA
    That cuz you guys are using extra software(,msn) to connect to the internet.
    If you use msn - uninstall the software and setup a manual connection.
    MSN will allow you to do this.
    I have this setup and never get kicked off! B)
    If you don't know how to setup a manual connection MSN will help you do it over the phone.
    Now I get online first time every time and only it takes about 25 seconds. B)

  4. File Sharing   -   #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Lubbock, TX
    will this keep my connection active even if my ISP has a 5 hour limit?
    PLEASE help me get my Free IPOD! my brother got his 4 days ago and i need help with referrals. the screensavers just aired a story and it works. Just use my referral link and i suggest the 2 week blockbuster trial. you won't owe anything!

  5. File Sharing   -   #5
    Barbarossa's Avatar mostly harmless
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Over here!
    No, only if your ISP has an inactivity timeout.

  6. File Sharing   -   #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Southern California USA
    Who is your isp?
    If they have this ridiculous 5 hour limit dump them.
    Don't get AOL either.
    They won't let you do it because they want to take over your computer!
    God I hate AOL!

  7. File Sharing   -   #7
    I hate AOL also... their ads on TV say that they are "#1"

    AOL ads are the devil

    Is this true? Can it be true? Are that many people blind? I hope AOL dies, its software is like a virus on your system, a virus written by Adolf Hitler for the purpose of destroying all that is free.

    Virii are the devil

    Adolf Hitler is the devil

    Don't believe the ads, they claim it is "so easy to use." Personally, I find it easier to plug my cable modem into my ethernet card, and open Internet Explorer to browse the web.

    AOL is the devil

    Beware of Compuserve too

    Compuserve = reskinned AOL

    Compuserve is the devil

    AOL Broadband sucks too. I tried it once (since the DSL provider kept adding charges and cable wasn't in my area yet (I would rather have got a temp dialup now that I think of it)), I had to tweak the registry to get downstream faster than 2.7KB/s (equal to or slower than dial-up for you newbies). And my ping in online games, such as Counter-Strike had 4 digits (makes it impossible to move for you newbies)

    When I went to uninstall it when cable was finally in my area, it crashed (fatal windows error: blue screen of death) when I pressed the "remove" button and I chose to reformat and reinstall to remove the AOL software.

    AOL Broadband is the devil

    2.7 KB/s is the devil

    Counter-Strike is the devil

    4 digit ping is the devil

    AIM sucks too
    AIM is adware
    Delete AIM, download Trillian from (beware kazaa users, I found a nasty worm on fasttrack while looking for Trillian and use that, it probably has less features than AIM, and more than the AIM that's built into AOL, but it doesn't suck, and you can connect to the most common IM mediums)

    AIM is the devil

    Worms are the devil

    Adware is the devil

  8. File Sharing   -   #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    United Kingdom
    My friend used to use AOL and he learnt the hard way. He was with their 56 K package and average connection speeds were around 32 Kbps !!! But then he moved to Blueyonder 1 Mbps .

    My advice ...

    STUFF AOL!!!

  9. File Sharing   -   #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Southern California USA
    Originally posted by Nesseight@9 May 2003 - 16:12
    I hope AOL dies, its software is like a virus on your system, a virus written by Adolf Hitler for the purpose of destroying all that is free.

    Personally, I find it easier to plug my cable modem into my ethernet card, and open Internet Explorer to browse the web.

    4 digit ping is the devil

    Very perceptive statement.
    It is exactly like a virus!
    Never thought of it that way but I've had viruses that were less annoying!
    And thats the truth!
    It's like installing the biggest adware,spyware program there is and paying for it!
    Yeah I setup a manual connection on MSN and it's about the best you can do with dialup.
    NO SOFTWARE to connect to the internet just EXPLORER.
    But if you use there software(MSN 8) it's almost as bad as AOL but not quite.
    I asked aol to do this for me(because I was getting it free)and they said 'NO"!
    So I dumped that free AOL Crap and paid MSN.

    Oh yeah!
    Deleteing AOL is worse than trying to delete a virus! True

    What's a 4 digit ping mean?


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