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Thread: In Defense Of The United States Of America

  1. #1
    j2k4's Avatar en(un)lightened
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    Oh, please...
    I know I am exhibiting an unhealthy and distasteful level of patriotism by posting this, but I am so twisted I couldn't help myself; I agree with the following 100%, so I will not attempt to dodge the slings and arrows I deserve for this post.

    After hearing that the state of Florida changed its opinion and let a Muslim woman have her picture on her driver's license with her face covered this is an editorial written by an American citizen, published in a Tampa newspaper. He did quite a job; didn't he? Read on, please!

    IMMIGRANTS, NOT AMERICANS, MUST ADAPT. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Americans. However, the dust from the attacks had barely settled when the "politically correct" crowd began complaining about the possibility that our patriotism was offending others.

    I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better life by coming to America. Our population is almost entirely made up of descendants of immigrants. However, there are a few things that those who have recently come to our country, and apparently some born here, need to understand. This idea of America being a multicultural community has served only to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. As Americans, we have our own culture, our own society, our own language and our own lifestyle. This culture has been developed over centuries of struggles, trials, and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom.

    We speak ENGLISH, NOT Spanish, Portuguese, NOT Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Not Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, learn the language!
    "In God We Trust" is our national motto. This is not some Christian, right wing, political slogan. We adopted this motto because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.

    If Stars and Stripes offend you, or you don't like Uncle Sam, then you should seriously consider a move to another part of this planet. We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change, and we really don't care how you did things where you came from. This is OUR COUNTRY, our land, and our life style. Our First Amendment gives every citizen the right to express his opinion and we will allow you every opportunity to do so! But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about our flag, our pledge, our national motto, or our way of life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great American freedom, THE RIGHT TO LEAVE.
    "Researchers have already cast much darkness on the subject, and if they continue their investigations, we shall soon know nothing at all about it."

    -Mark Twain

  2. The Drawing Room   -   #2
    Barbarossa's Avatar mostly harmless
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    Jun 2002
    Over here!
    Very well put argument, and one I totally agree with, and I'm not even American!

  3. The Drawing Room   -   #3
    j2k4's Avatar en(un)lightened
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Oh, please...
    Originally posted by barbarossa@4 July 2003 - 08:13
    Very well put argument, and one I totally agree with, and I'm not even American!

    Thank you barbarossa; glad you agree.
    Last edited by Barbarossa; 04-02-2007 at 04:21 PM.
    "Researchers have already cast much darkness on the subject, and if they continue their investigations, we shall soon know nothing at all about it."

    -Mark Twain

  4. The Drawing Room   -   #4
    Rat Faced's Avatar Broken
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    Aug 2002
    Me too.

    Sorry, but "Religious Freedom" doesnt give you the right to not follow the Law of the land.

    Or every mass murderer would have a defence of "Sacrificing someone to their God"....If they dont like the Law, lobby to change it through the ballot box, like everyone else is free to do.

    An It Harm None, Do What You Will

  5. The Drawing Room   -   #5
    it started off okay, but it quickly descends into something less than lucid. if i have time, i will parse in detail, but off the top: "dilute sovereignty" this appears specious, i have no idea how multicultural could dilute sovereignty, its far too vague to mean anything concreate;

    "in god we trust" i guess the separation of church and state isn't as important to others as it is to me;

    constant use of first person plural 'we' as though this one voice speaks for all of america, which is just silly -- the point is, there IS NO single cultural identity in any modern open society....this is the basic flaw of the commentary, just as flawed and and inevitably extinct as slavery.

  6. The Drawing Room   -   #6
    Are not all Americans, guests in a country, stolen from the Native Indians?

  7. The Drawing Room   -   #7
    Originally posted by denis123@4 July 2003 - 17:13
    Are not all Americans, guests in a country, stolen from the Native Indians?

    Native Indians, lol i had no idea America was in Asia.

  8. The Drawing Room   -   #8

  9. The Drawing Room   -   #9
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    Jan 2003
    If it were a club and someone wanted to join they would have to follow the rules.

    If your Golf Club has a dress code you follow it, or you are not allowed to be part of it. It's not acrimonious, or doesn't have to be. These are our rules, if you don't agree that's okay, you can play elsewhere.

    As Geordie Mod says, if you don't like the rules you abide by them and try to change them by consensus. If you can it means that the majority of the members agree with your position and the rules change for everyone.

    I take it that anyone who doesn't want their photograph on their driving licence can now chose to wear a veil. Otherwise it would be discrimination, wouldn't it ?

  10. The Drawing Room   -   #10
    clocker's Avatar Shovel Ready
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    Mar 2003
    Originally posted by JPaul@4 July 2003 - 09:46

    I take it that anyone who doesn't want their photograph on their driving licence can now chose to wear a veil. Otherwise it would be discrimination, wouldn't it ?
    The woman in Florida ( who's name I don't recall) lost her case.
    No doubt there will be an appeal.

    Till then she will be the veiled woman riding around Tampa on a donkey.
    "I am the one who knocks."- Heisenberg

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