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Thread: Wich Files Share Programs You Guys Like Best

  1. #1
    call me crazy but i think that kazza lite is the the easiest to use i just tried e donkey but but where the does the damn downloads go in e monkey.

  2. File Sharing   -   #2
    I agree, KL is easy, I just tried Soulseek and tried to d/l some music but couldn't figure out where the damn d/l 's go, plus some people wouldn't even let me d/l from them because I wasn't sharing, I was new to ss and had nothing to share, one guy sent a message to me saying "Forget it man, your not sharing so FUCK OFF!" I told him I was new to ss and was still trying to figure it out and he still didn't care! KL is the best that I have expierenced so far!

  3. File Sharing   -   #3
    nostalgia's Avatar Frequent visitor
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Northern part of The Netherlands
    WinMx (if configured correctly) and Shareaza are fine programms too!!!
    -- They tell me tomorrow will never arrive, but I've seen it end a million times. --

  4. File Sharing   -   #4
    Call me stupid if you want to, but I just don't get other p2p prog.
    I tried edonkey and emule(++) several times, and never got the damn progs to work.
    I also tried to use DC(++), it didn't last 5 min, cuz ever time I try to connect to some hob they just kick me out cuz I dont share enough files (8-10 GB), can you believe that.I mean my whole HD is 8.6GB how do I suppost to share 8GB of files????
    Oh yeh I also use iMesh once , hate it . It's the slowest p2p-prog I ever saw.

    So like ruffernator said KaZaA-Lite is Cool, but I wish it had the same speed as bittorrent

  5. File Sharing   -   #5
    HELL YEAH! Bitorreont KICKS ASS! I get killer speeds on there, I usually get my whole bandwith, when I was d/l Matrix Reloaded I had speeds of 1600kbs on up! I' m on a 1.5Mbs/128kps cable modem!

  6. File Sharing   -   #6
    Originally posted by Denver@27 May 2003 - 19:40
    I agree, KL is easy, I just tried Soulseek and tried to d/l some music but couldn't  figure out where the damn d/l 's go, plus some people wouldn't even let me d/l from them because I wasn't sharing, I was new to ss and had nothing to share, one guy sent a message to me saying "Forget it man, your not sharing so FUCK OFF!" I told him I was new to ss and was still trying to figure it out and he still didn't care! KL is the best that I have expierenced so far!
    sooo agree ive just uninstalled the bugger...i have ONLY 3.5gigs to share!!! you would think that as long as you are sharing that would be enough i mean they could have 100Gbs of crap noone wants and you could have THE file everyones after...such morons...kazaa and nothing else...all the rest are too complicated or too moronic too bother with i haven't tried that yet

  7. File Sharing   -   #7
    I had speeds of 1600kbs on up! I' m on a 1.5Mbs/128kps cable modem!
    Wow Denver. You sure got one hell of fast connection, I still have a 512Kbs/128 cable modem and the top speed I reached on bittorrent is 72BK(8*72kb).

  8. File Sharing   -   #8
    i like klite++ best but i have no idea how your getting such great speeds on bit torrent...i always get about 1kbs or less....wat sites do you download from>?

  9. File Sharing   -   #9
    i've got speeds of 1700 to 2000 down and 260 to 380 up on a 1.5/128 cable modem connection.

  10. File Sharing   -   #10
    Join Date
    May 2003
    i like kazza lite, but i preferred win MX except everyone is in quque. i mesh is also ight'


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