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Thread: My SCT Story...

  1. #31
    BANNED BT Rep: +20BT Rep +20BT Rep +20BT Rep +20
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    Quote Originally Posted by bilkenter View Post
    Thanks for reply, here are the rules of sct does it say anything like that? and i also asked user whether it will be ok or notm i waited 30 minutes for mods to take action to know whether trading is allowed or not. Also seeing others trade and avoided punishment. How can someone suspect that trading is not allowed unless you see it on the rules? ok i admit, i am not a blank paper but nor are the mods. I still believe i could have been an asset to the site. To prove that, i can show bcg, scc, revtt, tti, bitmetv, bitme and so forth. In none of those sites, my ratio is 1, at the terrible rate, it is 2. At most, it is 15 and so forth. Most of them has at least 100 gb buffer except blackcats it has 30 gb i guess... Anyway it is up to them. Even if i dont get reinstated, it doesnt matter anymore. I get the general picture of sct...

    Edit: at Imky666: yeah you are right though i dont agree with the geek part, if they were geeks, they would know how to behave, i think most likely the kinda people that you are talking about would be those who would use msn talk with girls and do nothing except please themselves... anyway Aside from SCT, there are really good trackers, would you suggest some pls? i have bitme, bitmetv, td, tti, revtt,bithdtv, thedvdclub,tv waffles scc and so forth... Is there anyone that has a good archive section aside from SCC?
    You should read those rules again.. I think you have broken one/another one.

  2. BitTorrent   -   #32
    ghurka's Avatar Welsh Bhoy BT Rep: +5
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    @ bilkenter - the terms and conditions of having the account were broken. Almost every site has the same T & C's and when you sign up to the site you have to agree to them. This is a personal agreement between you and the tracker. Within the T & C's will be a section which states that the account is for your personal use only - it is not transferable. You will not find this in the Rules or FAQ - only in the T & C's.

    This is why account trading is not allowed by any tracker.

  3. BitTorrent   -   #33
    Cabalo's Avatar FileSharingTalker BT Rep: +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24
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    Next time, get a clean account and start from the scratch, then u will know, FOR SURE, that u didn't cheat.
    now, the problem is: u had your shot at ScT, and now probably if u get there, you will be banned on sight as soon as someone compares your ip to the banned database.

    stop whining and move on, if u don't like them, or the staff, don't make a fool of yourself like you are doing here, and just STFU and go buffer accounts for e-penis purposes somewhere else. You won't be missed at sct that's for sure.

  4. BitTorrent   -   #34
    Swax's Avatar n00blet
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    Well, it took me a while to work out who you are, you love multiple identities don't you.

    You messaged me on here using the username wade003, you started this thread with your second FST username bilkenter, and then on the tracker you use the username cweber.

    I'll make this message nice and thorough.

    Quote Originally Posted by bilkenter View Post
    well i didnt change the email, email was changed by the original owner to my own email, no password change at all...

    Looks like at least 2 password changes to me, after you changed the e-mail from your trading address to your normal address.

    Quote Originally Posted by bilkenter View Post
    As davide said trading is allowed then why shall i be banned cuz i traded?
    Trading is not allowed. So that's 1 reason to be banned.

    Quote Originally Posted by bilkenter View Post
    Second is the behaviour they have... Just comment on what you would think for those words. Here are the words of someone with power on sct which my friend tried to communicate...
    ..and you quoted some of my PM (from your other FST account), let's be thorough and show it all;

    I'm pretty certain I told you the reason it was banned, the account was cheating, stats were being spoofed.

    In this PM you say you got the account from a friend a matter of days ago. But then you come to IRC and say you've had the account a while and have since moved from America to Turkey. Even then you say "it's forbidden to give invites for other things, like Rapidshare"

    Some nice red question marks next to the flaws in your story. prevent you dragging this on any further, I will sum it up for you;
    1) You traded
    2) You lied
    3) The account cheated
    4) You lied some more

    You were given the cheat reason on PM here by myself personally. Then on IRC you eventually got the same response after a small wait, which is to be expected between 7am and 10am in the morning . Staff have full-time jobs and help staff the site in their spare-time for the benefit of the site and its community.

    Quote Originally Posted by bilkenter View Post
    ...Even if it is said that SCT is a level five tracker, it is not determined by the general torrent community but by some who are supposedly be the representative of torrent community. So here i shall say that even if sct level is seen as 5, its staff isnt even 0...for paying attention to the members inconveniences...
    In the words of Kate Nash: "You must eat so many lemons, 'cause you are so bitter"

    Myself or other staff could not have done anything else to help you, but you certainly could have helped yourself by not lying so much.

    P.S. for the bystanders I apologise for the essay-like response. No doubt this will be in-adequate response for bilkenter, but I've tried to cover every possible angle so he can sleep well tonight.

  5. BitTorrent   -   #35
    YAY FOR TRADING/! BT Rep: +8BT Rep +8
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    *golf clap*

  6. BitTorrent   -   #36
    Poster BT Rep: +5
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    Quote Originally Posted by th0r View Post
    *golf clap*
    /me joins the clap

    (potheadJMK) "you are a f*cking retard kid" lmao
    DO NOT PM me 4 invites thanks

  7. BitTorrent   -   #37
    Dr_Green_Thumb's Avatar Mangina BT Rep: +4
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    Not the sharpest high honour student are you?

  8. BitTorrent   -   #38
    LoKaLiRi's Avatar n00b BT Rep: +55BT Rep +55BT Rep +55BT Rep +55BT Rep +55BT Rep +55BT Rep +55BT Rep +55BT Rep +55BT Rep +55BT Rep +55
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    trader > BAN !


  9. BitTorrent   -   #39
    BANNED BT Rep: +18BT Rep +18BT Rep +18BT Rep +18
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    Ok now lets go one by one last post of mine (thanks for the effort you all put on this thread)
    1) I read the rules, to those who says i shall read it again, there may be some parts that i may be missing i admit. However, if you are referring to the first rule saying smt like obey to the wishes of mods. I cant have a blind faith in mods. If they care and doesnt shut the topic with a sentence like this you cheated. end of story. I will always honour them bec of the behaviour they show just like Swax friend did. I really appreciate it !!!! even if you dont give the account. I will be in debt to you since you have paid attention to what i was arguing all the way.
    2) Wade003 is a kind member who offered me help regarding issue problem. C... is not my original name. I use only one identity if it is mine, but there are some accounts that i got from someone. You can check it on most sites if you want to have a general background on what kinda user i am, you can pm me i will give ya details but that wont solve it since you may think that i will be partial. Now i am calm and can think clearly anyway...
    3)About the lying, i admit i did lie, the fact you are showing it is a proof. Also i did mean it on the previous pages by saying i am not a blank page meaning i am not completely innocent i wish i could have expressed this much more clearly. Anyway, I did lie, but as far as i am concerned, it is normal for people to panick. I did panick because it was a level 5 tracker and i was afraid if i tell them the truth they might have banned me from the irc and so forth. This is why i made smt up. Anyway, I did tell the truth to a certain tracker that i am on the irc in order to help my friend whose account got disabled, At first i did try to lie, then it appeared to me that i shall tell the truth, After i did, my account which was disabled earlier because i let another person use it since it would be unwise and time consuming to download content and upload it to rapidshare. This is why, i gave my account details to forthat. They banned me for this, then yesterday the person who owned the account of sct helped me with this and i got it reinstated until today i guess. I wanted to help my friend and went to irc, told a lie but not a deep one then i told them the truth. After i did that, i am banned from both irc and my account got disabled.

    also another point would be this, trading accounts are impossible right, even if i wanted to get an invite without trading, people dont give it away without extra things like rapid, another account or so forth. Basily they all trade, since it is impossible for outsiders to get invites via donation or any other means without trading... Even your best friends dont buy it for ya...

    At the end, I didnt defend myself much because i knew that i was at fault at least bec i lied. But up to know, i belived that SCT staff was as wrong as i was. Now i see that there are some who actually cares about the members or those who are kicked out. This is why, I cant find a proper way to thank you. But thank you for your actions. It meant a lot to me. Also if you could enlighten the fact that original owner was a cheater i will be glad...I dont mean to imply that i dont trust your judgement but i need to be sure because depending on the proof i will erase that person from my life and label him as cheater... It is kinda against my principles that i blame others without anything... he says he had a good speed without a seedbox... he showed it to me. Besides, he said he utilized free leeches to buffer 100 gb. Therefore i believed him. I spared the half of my account to him since i thought he has been hurt by the deal too. If there is nothing like that, i would love to get all my account and give it away (6 month). Also as a suggestion to the site, it would be better for donations to be open to outsiders... so that they dont apply trading at all...

    Thanks for your all efforts. You dont have to reinstate this account. However, i need to know whether i will be banned permanently or not. Some say that you may get there via changing your ip. But i dont wanna apply to those unnecessary things, If not, if you can clarify this point too. It willl be greatly appreciated...

    Lastly, your reply changed my opinions about sct today. Thanks for this. I wont reply any more questions from now on since it is clear i am at fault and i also learnt that the original owner may be a cheater, if you can clarify this one whether he is a ratio cheater or any other kinda cheater... will be appreciated since i trusted this person and it is hard to cast him off... i was gonna give him free invite oh gosh...

    Oh btw i am really sorry for what my friend said there didnt look at it at all at first...

    also yeah that pothead freaked me out was unbearable!!!
    i am really laughing at what i did rite now... ahahaha thanks for this freaking awesome reply...but i can justify it if i try anyway all i was looking for is a proper reply... even if it still lacks some points, i appreciate it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited by bilkenter; 06-21-2008 at 10:11 PM.

  10. BitTorrent   -   #40
    Raban's Avatar Poaster BT Rep: +7BT Rep +7
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    ya a low point was when the pothead guy called you a retard . .. . . . . considering he's the one who came into the support IRC channel looking to trade for an account on ScT . .. . . . . .. .

    btw tx for the lulz this thread has been "So Cash" . . ..

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