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Thread: Peerportal is Closed

  1. #1
    superm4n's Avatar Owner Of Peerportal BT Rep: +6BT Rep +6
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    On the 12th September 2010, the Official torrent tracker was closed by Superman the owner of the site.

    It was not an easy decision to make, and PeerPortal will be missed by all of the P2P community, the reason for the site closure will stay confidential for now.

    It is unlikely that PeerPortal will ever return.

    I would like to say a huge thank you to all of My members, Donator's and Staff, for the hardwork and commitment over the last 4 years. it has been a lot of fun and will never be forgotten.



  2. BitTorrent   -   #2
    It appears at least one of the people who staffed at your tracker doesn't exactly think highly of you right now:

    Quote Originally Posted by Glen@pp View Post
    It seems for as long as peerportal was up Superman has been skimming donations like a thieving scumbag.
    What's your take on that?
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  3. BitTorrent   -   #3
    Champo101's Avatar Im That Guy You Like BT Rep: +1
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    What bullshit. I cannot BELIEVE you made this thread. Just a wow from me. Lying sac of shit. btw have fun, ffs redirected domain. Care to explain?
    Last edited by Champo101; 09-14-2010 at 10:13 PM.

  4. BitTorrent   -   #4
    1000possibleclaws's Avatar BT God BT Rep: +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100
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    Well I don't really know what to say. Regardless of the money drama, this isn't terribly surprising news for me..

    I actually have had a folder inside my tracker bookmarks folder for awhile called 'don't use', and it consists of TiT, Faplife, Peerportal, appzbitshock, and every one of them appear to be dead now
    Last edited by 1000possibleclaws; 09-14-2010 at 11:06 PM.

  5. BitTorrent   -   #5
    Poster BT Rep: +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1000possibleclaws View Post
    I actually have had a folder inside my tracker bookmarks folder for awhile called 'don't use', and it consists of TiT, Faplife, Peerportal, appzbitshock, and every one of them appear to be dead now
    what's the point of having a folder for tracker that you "don't use"? i would think bookmarks are for future references of things that one would use.

  6. BitTorrent   -   #6
    1000possibleclaws's Avatar BT God BT Rep: +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100
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    It took me at least a year to check it, so there was really no point in it... I'm not a robot who organizes his stuff perfectly rationally

  7. BitTorrent   -   #7
    Quote Originally Posted by 1000possibleclaws View Post
    I actually have had a folder inside my tracker bookmarks folder for awhile called 'don't use', and it consists of TiT, Faplife, Peerportal, appzbitshock, and every one of them appear to be dead now
    I keep the login data for that kind of trackers as text files inside a "pending trackers" folder, and check it regularly. Sometimes I've found accounts I didn't even remember I had.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  8. BitTorrent   -   #8
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1000possibleclaws View Post
    Well I don't really know what to say. Regardless of the money drama, this isn't terribly surprising news for me..

    Last time I remember you mentioning PP and granted it was a while ago ,you were singing the praises of both the site and the owner.I don't know anything about either but if I was a member and I made good use of the site to the tune of saving me hundreds if not thousands of dollars , scummy move funds skimming or not ,I don't think that in the end I should think that such a terrible trade off.
    I mean in perspective even if the allegations of theft are true isn't it kind of like "Thanks for giving me a nice place to hang out for a couple years and saving me a ton of money you thieving motherfucker"
    Respect my lack of authority.

  9. BitTorrent   -   #9
    1000possibleclaws's Avatar BT God BT Rep: +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100
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    It's a nice place don't get me wrong, Glen and beat were cool dudes from what I could tell, and I'm sure other staffers were swell. Just the ratio economy seemed fucked beyond all good measure, and they kept asking for donations. Future looked pretty bleak to me.

    Well I'm sure however many regular users that actively downloaded will be able to find another replacement if they don't already have a backup.
    Last edited by 1000possibleclaws; 09-15-2010 at 02:49 AM.

  10. BitTorrent   -   #10
    superm4n's Avatar Owner Of Peerportal BT Rep: +6BT Rep +6
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    There are two sides of every story, ive never stole a penny from PP if anything pp has cost me a fortune. when enough donations arnt made who do you think pays the bill? ME.

    Glens problem was that there was money missing from the kitty, but if he used his brain and actually asked me rather than just trying to block me out from my own site and changing paypal accounts behind my back. He would have learnt that paypal charge fees. (Tbh i thought everyone new that) glen seems to think if some one donates a 10$ you get 10$ when it fact you only get $9.30 times this by the 100s of donations that we received over 4 years and your left with a big hole which glen thought i was stealing.

    the reason why peerportal is closed is because i dont know who i can trust in my staff anymore. because ii dont know who had a hand in trying to get me out. ultimatly no staff no tracker.

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