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Thread: Interesting. Have at it Meg and Idol.....

  1. #51
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    This is something interesting as well Idol...

    The DNC leader refused to let Fox News host any Democratic Debates right. But yet every Democratic running for Presidential that has had a Question/Answer on Fox has blown away ratings of CNN and MSNBC combined, even if they had some Democrat QNA on there network at the same time. Now i am going to give the raw truth!! Right now if you put any Democrat on stage with Trump he will bury them!!! They can go after his character but they are fucked on going after him on policies or how the US is doing right now!!! And the American people can see that..
    The majority of Americans do not want a Socialists agenda, that is reality and arguing back and forth is not going to change that. Look what happened today at the White House!! Pelosi and Schumer have a meeting an hour before meeting with Trump and talk about Impeachment!! Trump said enough and Pelosi said you are hiding something!! That was the end of that meeting, and Trump will do what he wants under executive order, and the Democrats just look like morons after 4 plus investigations that Trump or any American did collude with the Russians!!, Again the Truth!! Do i think Trump is a shady fuck!!! Fuck Ya!!, but he is doing everything he said if he was elected and the Democrats and Clinton is still crying they lost badly!!!
    So the Democrats in the house are all getting paid and doing the square root of cock!!! And Trumps wall is getting built and the Immigration being financed by the Democrats are not getting in at the border, and it is chaos as well, and they don't give a shit about the people other than using them as propaganda!!!. And really why the fuck are those people leaving Socialists countries??!!! It should be great there NO!!!!. And if you really take a look at those immigrants!!, they are way better dressed that you are Idol, and band new fancy shoes as well!!!
    So now it is shit or get off the pot!!! Try to Impeach and fail or move on and start helping the lives of the American People..Again being real now!! you still will have just under 6 more years of Trump!!, Elected Democrats now have to actually work for a living and start helping the people that voted them in to there jobs!!

    Edit: I am guessing you didn't watch the QnA with your communist friend Sanders on Fox (just kidding on the friend thing Cabby) It was right out of Sanders mouth that it is not free Health Care!!! you guys will be paying for it!!! Just like Mexico will be paying for the wall, if you take the new Canada Mexico deal.. I know you complained about the tax rebate even know you did get one and didn't pay more!!! You will be paying Bigly!!! because remember the socialist party will not be taxing the lower poorer class at all!!!, you will be making it up, and remember the rich know how to avoid paying more, or better yet you may not have any true rich American residents anymore because there is no benefit for them to be there, and trust me that will happen. And they will loose all the manufacturing and big businesses as well, and Amazon can have a head office anywhere in the world.......
    Last edited by shaina; 05-23-2019 at 03:33 AM.

  2. Lounge   -   #52
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caballero View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    [...] but really there is Zero!! successful socialists countries out there!!!
    Scandinavia. There's two and a half for you right there.
    They are not fucking Socialist Countries Cabby and you know it!!! They are Capitalist with social programs and high tax rates!! And again they have no Military, The US are expected to protect Scandinavia ASS!! along with Nato, and lets see them in another 5 years with the immigration they are getting..

    Nice try tho buddy,What next?? You going to call Canada a Socialist country because we have Free Health Care?? With the average salary in the US and what you guys are going to be taxed it won't work!! And it is not just your personal tax buddy, your gas and other things will be taxed up the wazzo!! Your Liquor is not Government controlled in the US but here in Canada we are not only taxed but pay way more,plus you won't accept the standards of the care compared to you employee paid or personal paid health insurance...

    It is like we go in circles all the time and you use the same props but it still is not going to make it real..The same if the Democrats get in and let every immigrant gets in, that will put huge stress on any social service!!, I can tell you it is really bad here!! And the immigrants are getting everything here for free, more than a Canadian Citizen does!!, and we are paying for it in costs and huge wait times for procedures/tests/operations and emergency waiting rooms!! There is no fucking way that an American is going to wait 9 months for a CT scan or longer!!!...

    Again time for both parties Dems and Reps start helping the people that voted them in and not fighting who is President!!!
    Last edited by shaina; 05-23-2019 at 03:10 AM.

  3. Lounge   -   #53
    megabyteme's Avatar RASPBERRY RIPPLE BT Rep: +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Caballero View Post

    Scandinavia. There's two and a half for you right there.
    I like socialism, but refuse to recognize it because I am wealthy and don't give a fuck about anyone else. Mine. Mine. MIIIINEEEE!!!
    I like you Shay, but your brainwashed mind hurts mine.
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Ghey lumberjacks, wolverines, blackflies in the summer, polar bears in the winter, that's basically Canada in a nutshell.

  4. Lounge   -   #54
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    Calling any army socialists is strange?? yes they do have to obey orders and conform?? other than that i don't get your view/point...
    Now Teachers and Police??
    If you are considering Laws and Curriculum/Freedom of Speech socialism?? I must have woke up on the wrong side of the bed and don't get it??

    Again just let me know if you every!!! and i mean EVER!! know of a politician that is honest wholesome and truthful
    Socialism definition. A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. ie the government and it's agencies.

    A capitalist army on the other hand would be privately owned like Blackwater or whatever name those wank mercenaries are hiding under now. Ironically where the US military really fails is by not in-housing it's own arms production and allowing for the bloat and greed of defense contractors to do it "capitalistically" instead. $22000 hammer anyone?

    A private police force would be this.

    A private school would be like Appleby College so there would be no girls but still a lot of buggery.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  5. Lounge   -   #55
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post

    It is like we go in circles all the time and you use the same props but it still is not going to make it real..The same if the Democrats get in and let every immigrant gets in, that will put huge stress on any social service!!, I can tell you it is really bad here!! And the immigrants are getting everything here for free, more than a Canadian Citizen does!!, and we are paying for it in costs and huge wait times for procedures/tests/operations and emergency waiting rooms!! There is no fucking way that an American is going to wait 9 months for a CT scan or longer!!!...
    Also you really do buy into all the insane scare tactics of the Right don't you? No one in any position of responsiblity basically anywhere is espousing letting every immigrant in or doing away with capitalism.
    Basing your whole belief system on a lie is standing on pretty shaky ground.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  6. Lounge   -   #56
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Also you really do buy into all the insane scare tactics of the Right don't you? No one in any position of responsiblity basically anywhere is espousing letting every immigrant in or doing away with capitalism.
    Basing your whole belief system on a lie is standing on pretty shaky ground.
    Yes and no, and the same here in Canada Idol, they do let a lot of crap in, and to your point the media outlets only pick out the bad cases or things that will make you weary of things, but ya there is a ton of crap that gets in and tries to start a ruckus!!.. And there really is border issues and it is being funded by Left wing parties to stir the pot. It is amazing on some of the riches brain function, and how they think and do things, some like to do good and some are really fucked up!!!

    The other real issue is the affects of things are not always immediate, meaning the worst of the issues more or less affect the future more...

    Just saying

  7. Lounge   -   #57
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by megabyteme View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    I like socialism, but refuse to recognize it because I am wealthy and don't give a fuck about anyone else. Mine. Mine. MIIIINEEEE!!!
    I like you Shay, but your brainwashed mind hurts mine.
    You are wrong and you have no idea who i help or choose to what charity i give too!!, but you wouldn't understand that because i highly doubt you would think of giving to anyone else the way i see a comment like that..
    The bottom line is even if i am wealthy, it is my money and i get to choose who and what i do with it, fi you can't understand that well ??
    I have been poor and i have had some good fortune in my life, i guess if you haven't experienced both sides of a coin, it will make you have only one sided view... Just remember you can always pack your bags and move out of America and go where you feel will benefit your family!!. What is that saying?? "Talk is Cheap", and having a conversation on FST, and seeing someone else's perspective and not really knowing what the person does on the other side to help others or there loved ones is just pure speculation..
    You taking care and building a sanctuary for farm animals in your backyard and putting joy on kids faces (and probably pissing off your wife big time!!), is your way of expressing yourself, if i choose to donate X amount of dollars to the Hospital that my children were born at to help other kids in the future is mine!!. Making comments like you did makes zero perspective of the distinction of either of those things?? To me any good deed that brings joy to others is a good thing, but it will always be my choice and not one fucking person is going to force me on my choices!!, That is your biggest problem, If i worried about all the people wealthier than me, it just brings misery!! and it is time for you to get over that and enjoy life because it is very very short..

    And as you know i like you too Meg.....


  8. Lounge   -   #58
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Socialism definition. A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. ie the government and it's agencies.
    A capitalist army on the other hand would be privately owned like Blackwater or whatever name those wank mercenaries are hiding under now. Ironically where the US military really fails is by not in-housing it's own arms production and allowing for the bloat and greed of defense contractors to do it "capitalistically" instead. $22000 hammer anyone? A private police force would be this.
    A private school would be like Appleby College so there would be no girls but still a lot of buggery.
    I am no sure what response you want from this post Idol, but seeing it makes me think of a mind of a Radical Dictator choosing to spin and twist something to allot for his misdoings...
    If you consider Loyalty and Patriotism, to be some sort of socialism?? Well ok great?? Or you been playing and watching too many movies/video games that have mercenaries, and spies in it, that we should deal with when we do meet in person some day buddy...
    Really seeing both yours and Megs perspective, having an open mind is good, and yes the only way to learn is to have some failures along the way, that is human nature i suppose??. But drastic change in a society or a major overhaul with millions of lives to me is just way more devastating!!.. Gradual change may be an option, to test out waters in anything?? But to reverse a way of living to people will never fly in a Democratic Society....
    As Fox said what is the difference if you are poor in a socialists country or a democracy country?? Well i know one thing for sure!!! In a socialists country poor will always be poor for reasons of Government control!!!. In a democracy society and a open market, anyone has a shot for success, there is no one to stop you!!!. Again if you feel you want to live in a poor socialist's society?? There are lots of places for you to go!!. If you see others and you are jealous how they are living where you are?? You can move!!!, If you had some success and want to move to a different neighborhood you can in a Domestic society, can you in a socialist one??...I mean did anyone watch the Stalone's movie "Demolition Man"
    Again right now i am very happy in Canada even with the higher taxes and cost of living, could social controlled things be improved and made better?? I would hope so!!. But like in any society!!, things will always be out of reach for some, but in a socialists controlled one they will never be reached!!, in a democratic one, there is always dreams, success, self reliance, goals, and a better chance of getting them..

    If you don't agree with anything i said well?? I am not sure what else i could say?? If would be interesting to hear a response from Fox??


    PS. I have always said this......
    If you know a guy and he lives and rents an apartment, but chooses to drive a brand new 100 thousand dollar Mercedes, instead of buying a small house and driving a Honda accord ?? What is that going to do to change your life??!!!! Well in a Democratic society, you have those choices and opportunities, or better yet motivated goals!!!. A few Democrats want to give away free money to people sitting on there asses at home smoking weed!! Is That is ok with you??!! Well!!, not me!!!
    Last edited by shaina; 05-23-2019 at 02:06 PM.

  9. Lounge   -   #59
    megabyteme's Avatar RASPBERRY RIPPLE BT Rep: +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    PS. I have always said this......
    If you know a guy and he lives and rents an apartment, but chooses to drive a brand new 100 thousand dollar Mercedes, instead of buying a small house and driving a Honda accord ?? What is that going to do to change your life??!!!! Well in a Democratic society, you have those choices and opportunities, or better yet motivated goals!!!. A few Democrats want to give away free money to people sitting on there asses at home smoking weed!! Is That is ok with you??!! Well!!, not me!!!
    It would be easy to dismiss people's shitty lives as 'irresponsible' and 'unmotivated' (you do), but there's so much more to the system than that. Are you suggesting that 69% of the population is simply careless, wasteful, and lazy?

    Here's the 'Commie' rag Forbes with a breakdown...

    I was reminded of this today when I went to Costco, spent $400+ on miscellaneous things without even asking my wife if we had the money in the account-- I just knew things were fine. More than 1/2 of America couldn't buy groceries/household items like that. Personally, I think that's abysmal.
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Ghey lumberjacks, wolverines, blackflies in the summer, polar bears in the winter, that's basically Canada in a nutshell.

  10. Lounge   -   #60
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by megabyteme View Post
    It would be easy to dismiss people's shitty lives as 'irresponsible' and 'unmotivated' (you do), but there's so much more to the system than that. Are you suggesting that 69% of the population is simply careless, wasteful, and lazy?
    No Meg i am not saying that completely, what i am saying is and Idol will i think agree with this is there are a lot of unnecessary purchases and spending that are causing massive credit card debt, remortgaging etc. and the cause and effect, someone needs to be blamed and it seems like it is easy to blame everyone except the actual impulse purchasers. So who do you blame??

    Quote Originally Posted by megabyteme View Post
    I was reminded of this today when I went to Costco, spent $400+ on miscellaneous things without even asking my wife if we had the money in the account-- I just knew things were fine. More than 1/2 of America couldn't buy groceries/household items like that. Personally, I think that's abysmal.
    Not to be nosey by any means Meg, and i know from experience that walking around in Costco or BJ's or Sam's money disappears like water!!..
    And you saying you didn't know if you had the money in your account?? Well if you paid Debit Card you were going to learn fast!! And if you paid Credit Card well you have a deferred month to pay the bill, or carry a balance and pay it off when you can, Or you have an overdraft on your bank account and carrying a lower interest rate owing balance?? I have been there and done that Meg!!, and most Canadians live like that, even if they make a great salary, there spending habits are not always the most intelligent...
    You want a ridiculous story that i have done Meg... I will give you one..... I was trying to figure out if there is savings actually using dishes and the dishwasher instead of using chinet paper plates that i was buy by the bag full at Costco!! because at one time i thought my kids were actually eating them how they were used and disappearing!, i can tell you how the fuck can you really do that math, so how did i solve the issue?? I stopped buying paper plates and forced my kids to use real plates, because i was just too lazy to constantly go to costco to buy them , and it also saved me money from the impulse buying every time i walked around the store...
    Then i started to look at the purchases that i was doing at costco and seeing how much i was actually throwing out because of the bulk purchases as opposed to going to a regular Walmart and buying it either on sale or there regular price?? Again i didn't have to do this by any means for financial savings!!, but i did it anyways.. Now just saying that how many middle class people really do that?? Look at what they are spending?? Well the Credit Card debt numbers tell me that!!, and it is not the poor racking up all this debt!!...
    Next and really think about this because it is fact!!!!.. How many people have cell phones and buying the latest!!??, and i am talking 13 year old kids walking around with IPhones?? What is the cost monthly for that?? How many poor kids do you see walking around in a mall with $150 running shoes?? Fancy designer Jeans?? I walk around with a $5 Fruit of the Loom pocketed T-Shirt, can you tell which one is well off or poor today?? Or what media outlet you decide to believe?? Again i am not begrudging anyone or telling people how to spend there money, but what is more important good healthy food or Technology/toys.. Yes i am saying the middle class sees how wealthier people live and want the same things...
    Most of American's/Canadians will always have debts as long as there is wants


    PS. What food produce did you buy, and how much was actually crap?? Steaks?? or Hamburger meat?? Pasta?? Prepared food??How long will it last what you bought/how many meals??

    Now i am done with this subject because you will never agree with my view, and i only agree with you partially, because i lived both sides of the coin, and i will tell you i am more conscience in the position i am in now and better off than spending money like water that i didn't really have or should have!!, and life will move forward and nothing is going to change....
    Last edited by shaina; 05-24-2019 at 12:57 AM.

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