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Thread: Interesting. Have at it Meg and Idol.....

  1. #71
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    If life has taught me anything it's that in the end all you really need is a good sword and a strong arm to wield it.

    Hope all is well buddy and always good to see you

  2. Lounge   -   #72
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Forgive her for having the affront to let coporate blackmail leave a bad taste in her mouth.
    That would be disgusting if it were true!!, Amazon made an offer for incentives to build and any time the New York counsel could have made counter offers or accepted.. That is 101 in a Capitalist society, and a great one to boot. It was the same here in Aurora Township when Magna (Frank Stronach) negotiated for incentives fo build infrastructure here, Plants, Golf Course, Housing, Condos, And Millions and Millions of dollars in charitable donations!!! It worked just perfect

    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    As for the Democrats, the thing I find most egregious about the current lot is that their failure to open impeachment hearing on Trump only because it might end up hurting them politically. Your consititutional duty doesn't give a fuck if you get re-elected or not, you sniveling cowards.
    I luv if they did, again there is zero evidence to Impeach, they will loose badly with Moderate Democrats voting against and my repeat will just get Trump elected faster!!
    Ya they should go for it, And i also Remember saying Pelosi has a great set of Boobs!!, there were in real action yesterday when she did shaky hand gesture Beto impersonation

  3. Lounge   -   #73
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Also I think there is a lot of confusing of motivation with opportunity in this thread. I'm only saying that because I don't believe someone who works 2+ shit jobs 60+hrs a week just to get by is any less motivated(lazy) to succeed than your average Fortune 500 executive living the high life.
    At least there is 2 jobs to get, and second the illusion of someone working 2 jobs is only getting by in cases is also false, and there is a few Wants, or expenses to better the lives of there family (children or expected children), for a better future (Been there and done that as well)...Again you just don't know what life can throw you Idol, the same with Tech or Inventive ideas today, again there is opportunities out there...

    As for the CEO's etc out there.... To be honest i have always been puzzled about that, in it is like a cult or small club that just move from Corporation to Corporation even know they Almost Bankrupt or put them is a Bad situation the first one they worked at?? Then they are hired to the next one to fuck up without actually giving a young hungry outsider the opportunity?? They only seem to have that chance if it is something they started themselves???
    Just saying
    Funny it also really seems in a lot of cases that even disabled or mentally challenged people are more motivated than educated ones to work??
    Also speaking with my kids and there friends, and looking at a 4 year University education or a 2-4 year College education and seeing which one is actually more beneficial today?? Meaning in Cost and actually Getting a steady well paying job today (That is if you are not going into a family business), it was a very interesting Debate/Conversation, and i am not sure what you think about that???
    Last edited by shaina; 05-24-2019 at 12:44 PM.

  4. Lounge   -   #74
    megabyteme's Avatar RASPBERRY RIPPLE BT Rep: +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Also I think there is a lot of confusing of motivation with opportunity in this thread. I'm only saying that because I don't believe someone who works 2+ shit jobs 60+hrs a week just to get by is any less motivated(lazy) to succeed than your average Fortune 500 executive living the high life.
    At least there is 2 jobs to get, and second the illusion of someone working 2 jobs is only getting by in cases is also false, and there is a few Wants, or expenses to better the lives of there family (children or expected children), for a better future (Been there and done that as well)...Again you just don't know what life can throw you Idol, the same with Tech or Inventive ideas today, again there is opportunities out there...

    As for the CEO's etc out there.... To be honest i have always been puzzled about that, in it is like a cult or small club that just move from Corporation to Corporation even know they Almost Bankrupt or put them is a Bad situation the first one they worked at?? Then they are hired to the next one to fuck up without actually giving a young hungry outsider the opportunity?? They only seem to have that chance if it is something they started themselves???
    Just saying
    Funny it also really seems in a lot of cases that even disabled or mentally challenged people are more motivated than educated ones to work??
    Also speaking with my kids and there friends, and looking at a 4 year University education or a 2-4 year College education and seeing which one is actually more beneficial today?? Meaning in Cost and actually Getting a steady well paying job today (That is if you are not going into a family business), it was a very interesting Debate/Conversation, and i am not sure what you think about that???
    Wise words, Shay!

    Arbeit macht frei
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Ghey lumberjacks, wolverines, blackflies in the summer, polar bears in the winter, that's basically Canada in a nutshell.

  5. Lounge   -   #75
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Freddie should have thought it through better and left AIDS out of the request.
    Last edited by IdolEyes787; 05-24-2019 at 05:22 PM.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  6. Lounge   -   #76
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by megabyteme View Post
    Wise words, Shay!
    [SIZE=4 ]Arbeit macht frei[/SIZE]
    I come back from my wife's monthly MS Infusion and check out the new posts and see this.......
    Do you think that a Holocaust Nazi slogan in any post addressed to me is appropriate Meg?? It would be like me going after your family!!!! I don't think you would appreciate that!!!! And think that 2 actual friends would never!!! use a phrase like that ever!! unless it has "NEVER AGAIN" in the post!!!Disgusting and Disgraceful and you really should be ashamed of yourself!!

    I recommend you avoid doing that in the future..And i think it is time to remove the out of context splash screen and start acting like a adult .....


    PS. Not only am i disappointed and Angry, I know that anything i type on this site i would say it right to the persons face!!, if you said that to me in person!!! you wouldn't be standing very long!!!! That's how angry i am seeing that in a post from you Meg a supposed friend......
    Last edited by shaina; 05-25-2019 at 01:26 AM.

  7. Lounge   -   #77
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Freddie should have thought it through better and left AIDS out of the request.

    Were prophylactic's not invented then

  8. Lounge   -   #78
    megabyteme's Avatar RASPBERRY RIPPLE BT Rep: +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by megabyteme View Post
    Wise words, Shay!
    [SIZE=4 ]Arbeit macht frei[/SIZE]
    I come back from my wife's monthly MS Infusion and check out the new posts and see this.......
    Do you think that a Holocaust Nazi slogan in any post addressed to me is appropriate Meg?? It would be like me going after your family!!!! I don't think you would appreciate that!!!! And think that 2 actual friends would never!!! use a phrase like that ever!! unless it has "NEVER AGAIN" in the post!!!Disgusting and Disgraceful and you really should be ashamed of yourself!!

    I recommend you avoid doing that in the future..And i think it is time to remove the out of context splash screen and start acting like a adult .....


    PS. Not only am i disappointed and Angry, I know that anything i type on this site i would say it right to the persons face!!, if you said that to me in person!!! you wouldn't be standing very long!!!! That's how angry i am seeing that in a post from you Meg a supposed friend......
    Here's the thing, Shay... when your feverish, neo-con, white nationalist bullshit Fox regurgitations gets to the point where your argument for how the poor (literally half the population) just need to 'work harder, be less "wasteful", apply themselves (because they're just lazy screwups) mirrors famous Nazi propaganda, I'm either going to call you a fucking idiot OR reference your stupid idea in hopes you'll clue in on it.
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Ghey lumberjacks, wolverines, blackflies in the summer, polar bears in the winter, that's basically Canada in a nutshell.

  9. Lounge   -   #79
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by megabyteme View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post

    I come back from my wife's monthly MS Infusion and check out the new posts and see this.......
    Do you think that a Holocaust Nazi slogan in any post addressed to me is appropriate Meg?? It would be like me going after your family!!!! I don't think you would appreciate that!!!! And think that 2 actual friends would never!!! use a phrase like that ever!! unless it has "NEVER AGAIN" in the post!!!Disgusting and Disgraceful and you really should be ashamed of yourself!!

    I recommend you avoid doing that in the future..And i think it is time to remove the out of context splash screen and start acting like a adult .....


    PS. Not only am i disappointed and Angry, I know that anything i type on this site i would say it right to the persons face!!, if you said that to me in person!!! you wouldn't be standing very long!!!! That's how angry i am seeing that in a post from you Meg a supposed friend......
    Here's the thing, Shay... when your feverish, neo-con, white nationalist bullshit Fox regurgitations gets to the point where your argument for how the poor (literally half the population) just need to 'work harder, be less "wasteful", apply themselves (because they're just lazy screwups) mirrors famous Nazi propaganda, I'm either going to call you a fucking idiot OR reference your stupid idea in hopes you'll clue in on it.
    Half the population is poor?? How do you know??!! Are you friends with them??, Do you speak to them?? Or you just believe the media outlets you choose to go to?? How are you affected?? Do you consider you are in the 50%?? Or you just feel sorry for them if your numbers are even right?? And if you are right?? over 50% are poor and the other is split up between Upper/Middle Class and Well Off and Rich?? Do your really think you are making sense?? Where do seniors fit into your stats??
    That is your Garbage excuse for using any type of phrase like that for a friend!!! Own up to it!!, and if you don't agree with my view of anything don't respond!!, but don't look at excuses for garbage you posted!!! And if you are personally frustrated in your life then that is what PM's are for if you don't want to talk about it in a open forum!!. A great way for long distance friends to talk in a personal way!!!

    The same with your garbage splash screen!! You took something out of context and think you are smart, if everyone did that here what legitimacy do you think you have?? is it to stir up shit??!! Or piss off your long distance friend!!! Or better yet own up to it and say ya Shay i think Jews did?? Have the balls to do that!!!.....
    And the bottom line is you can have your left wing views and i really don't give two shits!!! The same you can vote for who you want in the next election!!!, again your right living in a Democracy country!!! And saying "Neo Con"!! (And i am Jewish)That is your view not everyone and your economy is doing better than it has in decades!! If it hasn't trickled to you?? What do you want me to say "SORRY"!!, you seem to have the privilege of the internet, to voice your views to i would hope i am your friend and seem to be doing what the fuck you want to do!!!, I worry about others as well but no matter where you are there will be poor people Meg!!, and taking from the Rich that either did earn or inherited is not the solution!!, and if you actually use your brain and think!!! It is the MIDDLE CLASS!! and your so called poor that are making those other people rich by purchasing or using there services to better there lives!! Where do you think the evaluations come from the Rich??!!!!That's Capitalism is it not?? I really don't understand what your goal is Meg?? Do you want to take from the rich and make the Middle Class and the Poor equal?? do you want to make the Rich poor?? Wrong country!!, and Wrong concept of Democracy and Capitalism!!.. Or if i am way off base here Meg!!?? Explain what your concept should be living in a Democracy society??
    You are smart or have enough common sense forget about your education that you don't have to use something to hurt your friends or others!!!!! And if you were smart enough!!! "Stupid" or "Dumb" would have been better than what you posted!!!! Again it would have been your view/opinion....
    And you think my ideas are stupid maybe a lot of others think yours are!!!Republicans did win the White House, And if Trump gets back in 2020 i guess that can be debated right!!!!
    What you posted was 100% wrong!!! and i always thought you were better than that!! And i never say your views are stupid!! They are your Views!!! And i can agree/ignore/or say my view that is what a conversation/debate is all about!!! Not Slander or wish harm on others!!! That is how "HATE" and "VIOLENCE" happens!!!..

    You were wrong and it is your choice to own up to it or not, but things like that i don't forget....

    Shay (J)

    PS. So far 99% what Fox News has said has been true!! Do you dispute that??!!. CNN MSNBC for 2 years has lied??!! Do you dispute that!!!!??
    Fox News has many news anchors that are Conservative and Liberal what about all the places you go?? Is it one sided to just fit your views?? Again all your choice and you have that luxury to have that choice in a Democracy society!!! You don't like that Move somewhere else!!! We have a Liberal Government here in power!!, Do you think i really see a difference in life??!! My kids go to work!!! They get paid!! I go eat in restaurants!! No Difference!!!, I buy Groceries !! Some things are expensive and it is my choice if i want to buy them or not!!! Do i notice some effects that happened?? Ya but it is not really affected my everyday life......
    You talk cost Meg!! you have no idea what it costs to be Religious Jews!!! Meat and Fish are 3 Times the Price to buy!! , but they survive!!! (Not me of course being a bacon lover), if they have meat or fish twice a week that is there choice or pasta??!!!, my point is your are not going to be able to please everyone and it doesn't matter where you choose to live!!!! I could tell you a true story on a couple that was at the clinic (Wife's Infusion) that i had a conversation in person and held my tongue to be polite!!! Telling me they were finding it tough with 2 kids, Brand New IPhones Iwatch on!!! Fancy Clothes and saw they got into a fairly nice car!!! Again not my business how people live!!, but seeing that makes me think how i lived when i was young. And i won't get into speaking with my friend now a male Russian nurse who lived across Europe and Russia on him agreeing with my views on Socialist Countries, and it comes from him first before i even tell him my views
    That's all.....
    Again all my opinion...........And you can have yours hopping without garbage to hurt your friends
    Last edited by shaina; 05-25-2019 at 04:22 PM.

  10. Lounge   -   #80
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post

    PS. So far 99% what Fox News has said has been true!! Do you dispute that??!!. CNN MSNBC for 2 years has lied??!! Do you dispute that!!!!??
    As I have eyes, ears and a semblence of a brain I'm going to have to give that an affirmative, breaker breaker.

    I also pledge that if Trump wins re-election in 2020 I will be killing myself, having entirely lost faith in mankind. Btw I fail to see how some people having more money is a positive when it comes at such a terrible cost to things like democracy, integrity and the environment.

    PS. I don't dispute that MSNBC is bias in their editorial opinions. I don't see them airing doctored videos of anyone and promoting them as the truth though. Likewise I don't see CNN disseminating racist viewpoints.
    Last edited by IdolEyes787; 05-25-2019 at 04:18 PM.
    Respect my lack of authority.

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