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Thread: *lurk*

  1. #31
    Cheese's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    is everything.
    it's funny if you google my username it comes up with this god awful website devoted to star trek...someone out there has my name and is using it to promote that god awful sci-fi series

  2. Lounge   -   #32
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Originally posted by Withcheese@7 January 2004 - 13:25
    it's funny if you google my username it comes up with this god awful website devoted to star trek...someone out there has my name and is using it to promote that god awful sci-fi series
    Google is aware of this.

  3. Lounge   -   #33
    DanB's Avatar Smoke weed everyday
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    London, so fuck y'all
    Googlism for: google

    google is that?
    google is three
    google is a user?s best friend
    google is tops for work time searches
    google is still spidering and caching my old server
    google is goood
    google is urged to go public
    google is the real winner in its own
    google is the world's favorite search engine
    google is your friend
    google is the most popular search
    google is faaasst
    google is one of the best search
    google is gong bezerk
    google is out of beta
    google is featuring the google
    google is $deity
    google is so cool
    google is here
    google is the best"
    google is dancing
    google is lief
    google is watching you"
    google is at it again
    google is first time our top referer
    google is microsoft ?
    google is #1 search
    google is a powerful weapon indeed
    google is thinking
    google is anti
    google is 'feeling lucky'
    google is excluding knife advertising
    google is having a programming contest
    google is the greatest? at news
    google is 'feeling lucky' the googleplex
    google is
    google is so popular
    google is decentralizing
    google is that? om malik
    google is able to process search queries at speeds superior to traditional search engines
    google is proud of their advantage
    google is three times bigger than the experts think
    google is a user?s best friend by john mccormick special to gcn every web user should know how to exploit the features of the powerful google
    google is your family
    google is not an anomaly
    google is tops for work time searches by abigail waraker
    google is my other memory
    google is still spidering and caching my old server 35 dayes and still counting
    google is goood positive things about google
    google is a harsh mistress
    google is in the black by kieren mccarthy posted
    google is urged to go public 12
    google is urged to go public google is urged to go public
    google is now indexing this list
    google is the real winner in its own contest by paul festa special to zdnet news may 31
    google is the world's favorite search engine by olaf jüptner
    google is more than an academic debate on copyright law
    google is not going to do anything as a result of it
    google is a dot
    google is replacing bookmarks
    google is the most popular search engine
    google is unique among search engines in that while it almost always shows you pages that have the exact keywords you are looking for
    google is faaasst just tried google
    google is one of the best search engines by tootough2be
    google is one of the best search engines i use google all the time to find everything
    google is gong bezerk it seems forums are flooded with complaints about google's new search algorithms
    google is gong bezerk post a comment name
    google is still choosing to take advantage of the safe harbor provision of the digital millennium copyright act
    google is featuring the google posted may 20
    google is a target for any optimization campaign simply because it has managed to obtain the most attention from users on search
    google is $deity i finagled work into buying me a wireless
    google is the best"
    google is an internet search engine
    google is dancing expect the full update to appear within the next day or so
    google is the most popular search engine on the web according to onestat
    google is the only search engine
    google is a privately held company and does not divulge financial information
    google is oft
    google is just the juice
    google is watching you ever wondered how many pages google is keeping track of for your domain? submitting this form
    google is the point
    google is in fact a company
    google is probably archiving all of your images
    google is a part of my brain
    google is a careless custodian of private information
    google is best
    google is already mostly rest friendly
    google is increasing its infrastructure as fast as it can
    google is a powerful
    google is indirectly supporting their anti
    google is smart
    google is the real winner in its own contest
    google is the best search engine
    google is a sensitive thing
    google is the only dotcom to achieve the rare distinction of zero percent employee turnover
    google is your friend i knew when i wrote this
    google is surprisingly light
    google is the greatest? get the latest news and information at news
    google is now the search engine of choice for most of the web and it handles over 150 million queries a day
    google is not a search company
    google is that?
    google is decentralizing
    google is 'feeling lucky'
    google is making money off blogger already
    google is not god
    google is the net dominator
    google is a user’s best friend
    google is three
    google is sending c&d letters about saying "to google"
    google is not a search
    google is goood
    google is a harsh mistress
    google is tops for work time searches
    google is god don't piss her off
    google is as google does
    google is evil
    google is the most important search
    google is niet hip meer
    google is our friend
    google is urged to go public
    google is the best tech
    google is self
    google is sued for penalizing
    google is penalizing for linking to bad neighbours
    google is scary
    google is here
    google is best"
    google is building the memex
    google is replacing bookmarks
    google is great
    google is thinking
    google is big biz
    google is a global phenomenon
    google is watching you
    google is
    google is being used as a net hacker tool / the hacks are made
    google is happiness
    google is vergevingsgezind
    google is dancing her feet off
    google is net hacker tool du jour
    google is now indexing this list
    google is hiring engineers in ny
    google is bigger than
    google is stalking me
    google is my
    google is good
    google is just the juice
    google is known best for its search capabilities
    google is not your friend
    google is proud of their advantage
    google is a trademark of google technology inc
    google is that? om malik
    google is so popular
    google is 'feeling lucky' the googleplex
    google is a privately
    google is making money off
    google is able to process search queries at speeds superior to traditional search engines
    google is my virtual garage
    google is hiring
    google is the net dominator the world's biggest search engine is in danger of consuming the net
    google is a user’s best friend by john mccormick special to gcn every web user should know how to exploit the features of the powerful google
    google is three times bigger than the experts think
    google is sending c&d
    google is not a search engine"
    google is a marvel of web brilliance
    google is goood positive things about google
    google is rewarding our informational sites quote nicely thankyou
    google is not an anomaly
    google is arguing that its search results are in essence opinions of a website
    google is km
    google is tops for work time searches by abigail waraker
    google is not an application service provider
    google is an 11
    google is examining its system
    google is known and loved for its impressive web search tool
    google is god
    google is no bargain if google
    google is changing what we can find out about one another
    google is not a search company kottke
    google is becoming increasingly embroiled in international political disputes over copyright and censorship
    google is still choosing to take advantage of the safe harbor provision of the digital millennium copyright act
    google is in some way able to control if a server with the new index or a server with an old index
    google is facing rifts between what's good for users and what's good for google
    google is best
    google is awesome
    google is a harsh mistress »
    google is the most important search engine of all
    google is now in advertising
    google is making my line of work a bit too easy in some respects
    google is niet hip meer »
    google is urged to go public 12
    google is in the black by kieren mccarthy posted
    google is sued for penalizing added on
    google is penalizing for linking to bad neighbours added on
    google is building the memex"
    google is that? google is three google is a user?s best friend google is tops for work time searches google is still spidering and
    google is saving the web
    google is my other memory
    google is nice but
    google is watching you "het merkenrecht is duidelijk
    google is great by john lenihan
    google is more than an academic debate on copyright law
    google is dancing
    google is an internet search engine
    google is bigger than alltheweb
    google is 'feeling lucky'
    google is that?
    google is decentralizing
    google is god don't piss her off
    google is my passport
    google is the net
    google is back in china but don't
    google is not the next microsoft
    google is the king of searching
    google is self
    google is not god
    google is skynet
    google is three
    google is not a search
    google is goood
    google is your friend
    google is scary
    google is just freaking me out
    google is ruining google
    google is te machtig'
    google is jarig
    google is broken?
    google is making money off blogger
    google is a harsh mistress
    google is volgende doelwit van microsoft
    google is handig voor hackers'
    google is sending c&d letters about saying "to google"
    google is smart
    google is tops for work time searches
    google is not always the answer
    google is terrible'
    google is a bad unix shell"
    google is fun
    google is not the best search
    google is building the memex
    google is ignoring my forum
    google is search engine that could
    google is listening
    google is good
    google is here
    google is
    google is the most important search
    google is looking for a
    google is watching and counting
    google is god reprised
    google is the best tech
    google is a calculator
    google is urged to go public
    google is known best for its search capabilities
    google is not your friend
    google is google god?
    google is to create a search tool specifically for weblogs
    google is being "gamed"
    google is not affiliated with the financial information providers that are used
    google is able to process search queries at speeds superior to traditional search engines
    google is a noun
    google is that? om malik
    google is so popular
    google is a marvel of web brilliance
    google is god
    google is the net dominator the world's biggest search engine is in danger of consuming the net
    google is back in china but don't try asking any difficult questions john gittings in shanghai saturday september 14
    google is no longer concerned solely with what's popular
    google is about to create another bubble in web advertising
    google is testing a new feature that suggests related searches
    google is three times bigger than the experts think
    google is not a search engine"
    google is scary smart
    google is using for its new synonym operator? try searching for
    google is rewarding our informational sites quote nicely thankyou
    google is goood positive things about google
    google is busted
    google is a trademark of google technology inc
    google is scary this doesn't need any comment from me
    google is making my line of work a bit too easy in some respects
    google is your friend;
    google is an 11
    google is sponsoring the first annual google programming
    google is not an anomaly
    google is te machtig en geeft internetters een te eenzijdige blik op informatie die via internet beschikbaar is
    google is blocked with blogs
    google is broken"
    google is making money off blogger already
    google is saving the web
    google is sending c&d letters about saying "to google" google apparently sent out a cease and desist letter for
    google is getting rid of weblogs" thing
    google is not always the answer by thuringowa library services 24mar03 do you only ever use google to search the internet? try a
    google is a bad unix shell"
    google is not the best search engine to use – altavista has two valuable tools that google lacks
    google is my other memory
    google is search engine that could by associated press sept
    google is like number 5
    google is currently my favorite
    google is the best
    google is the most important search engine of all
    google is km
    google is watching and counting printer
    google is examining its system
    google is watching you
    google is a harsh mistress

    edit - whoops, i didnt realise how long it was

  4. Lounge   -   #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Google already knew all of this. (Most of it is made up of lies spread by the false search engines.)

  5. Lounge   -   #35
    DanB's Avatar Smoke weed everyday
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    London, so fuck y'all
    That's what I said when I did my name

  6. Lounge   -   #36
    fkdup74's Avatar Pneuberator.
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Googlism for: yahoo

    yahoo is no longer good
    yahoo is soooo over
    yahoo is soooo
    yahoo is editing your email
    yahoo is #1
    yahoo is the place to
    yahoo is a search engine
    yahoo is the place to be
    yahoo is no good
    yahoo is slloooowww
    yahoo is not
    yahoo is hiring software e
    yahoo is still overvalued
    yahoo is overpriced
    yahoo is our specialty
    yahoo is doing slideshows of
    yahoo is being slow
    yahoo is to comply with laws on
    yahoo is cuckoo
    yahoo is down
    yahoo is blocked
    yahoo is one of our most important services
    yahoo is good
    yahoo is a single
    yahoo is no longer good by andrew goodman
    yahoo is soooo over the portal is making some radical changes to reverse its sagging fortunes
    yahoo is soooo over by
    yahoo is a licensee of the truste privacy seal program
    yahoo is planning to launch a newly
    yahoo is
    yahoo is a dirty word in my house
    yahoo is the place to be by laura rich and lessley anderson issue date
    yahoo is a actually a directory
    yahoo is not subject to french ruling in nazi memorabilia case
    yahoo is hiring software eng
    yahoo is 1
    yahoo is still overvalued by karen wallace
    yahoo is overpriced by elizabeth s
    yahoo is the only non
    yahoo is doing slideshows of posted august 07
    yahoo is doing this on purpose
    yahoo is to comply with laws on racist speech
    yahoo is cuckoo i can't
    yahoo is not a search engine; it is a directory
    yahoo is the one of the oldest and most
    yahoo is a must
    yahoo is merely categorizing what people are talking about
    yahoo is successful
    yahoo is the one
    yahoo is a wasteland
    yahoo is an information
    yahoo is one of the most used directories/search engines on the internet
    yahoo is better
    yahoo is getting listed at all
    yahoo is the oldest and still the most popular directory service for searching the web
    yahoo is the most popular search engine around
    yahoo is secretly controlling
    yahoo is unable to successfully charge your card or if the charge is refused
    yahoo is king of the directories and a great provider of traffic if you get a good listing there
    yahoo is the number one search engine available today
    yahoo is looking as tired and bedraggled as the faded actress you once fancied
    yahoo is soooo over by erick schonfeld special to zdnet november 15
    yahoo is said to be seriously considering switching its web search to inktomi
    yahoo is a directory
    yahoo is out
    yahoo is a search engine by lawrence schoeffler yahoo
    yahoo is successful because it really does help millions of web users find information on a wide variety of subjects
    yahoo is a single man i'd read
    yahoo is ok
    yahoo is no longer good
    yahoo is soooo
    yahoo is editing your email
    yahoo is the place to
    yahoo is a search engine
    yahoo is a dirty word in my house
    yahoo is gone
    yahoo is the place to be
    yahoo is no good
    yahoo is not
    yahoo is hiring software e
    yahoo is still overvalued
    yahoo is overpriced
    yahoo is doing slideshows of
    yahoo is doing this on purpose
    yahoo is being slow
    yahoo is to comply with laws on
    yahoo is cuckoo
    yahoo is blocked
    yahoo is successful
    yahoo is a wasteland
    yahoo is one of our most important services
    yahoo is no longer good by andrew goodman
    yahoo is soooo over the portal is making some radical changes to reverse its sagging fortunes
    yahoo is soooo over by
    yahoo is a licensee of the truste privacy seal program
    yahoo is planning to launch a newly
    yahoo is
    yahoo is #1
    yahoo is a search engine by lawrence schoeffler yahoo
    yahoo is the place to be by laura rich and lessley anderson issue date
    yahoo is slloooowww
    yahoo is a actually a directory
    yahoo is not subject to french ruling in nazi memorabilia case
    yahoo is hiring software eng
    yahoo is 1
    yahoo is still overvalued by karen wallace
    yahoo is overpriced by elizabeth s
    yahoo is the only non
    yahoo is our specialty
    yahoo is doing slideshows of posted august 07
    yahoo is to comply with laws on racist speech
    yahoo is cuckoo i can't
    yahoo is down
    yahoo is not a search engine; it is a directory
    yahoo is a must
    yahoo is merely categorizing what people are talking about
    yahoo is the one
    yahoo is soooo over
    yahoo is an information
    yahoo is good
    yahoo is one of the most used directories/search engines on the internet
    yahoo is better
    yahoo is getting listed at all
    yahoo is the oldest and still the most popular directory service for searching the web
    yahoo is the most popular search engine around
    yahoo is secretly controlling
    yahoo is unable to successfully charge your card or if the charge is refused
    yahoo is king of the directories and a great provider of traffic if you get a good listing there
    yahoo is the number one search engine available today
    yahoo is looking as tired and bedraggled as the faded actress you once fancied
    yahoo is soooo over by erick schonfeld special to zdnet november 15
    yahoo is the one of
    yahoo is a directory
    yahoo is out
    yahoo is the
    yahoo is successful because it really does help millions of web users find information on a wide variety of subjects
    I am just a worthless liar. I am just an imbecile.
    I will only complicate you. Trust in me and fall as well.
    I will find a center in you. I will chew it up and leave.
    I will work to elevate you just enough to bring you down.

  7. Lounge   -   #37
    UKMan's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

  8. Lounge   -   #38
    google will be eliminated
    Image Resized

  9. Lounge   -   #39
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Originally posted by yahoobot@7 January 2004 - 21:25
    google will be eliminated
    Google will own you. No-one can stand up to the supreme power of the ultimate search engine.

  10. Lounge   -   #40
    fkdup74's Avatar Pneuberator.
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Originally posted by yahoobot@7 January 2004 - 13:25
    google will be eliminated
    all hail the the yahoobot!!!!!!!!!!!

    i am hidden from your prying eyes googlebot, begone demon!!!

    Googlism for: fkdup74

    Sorry, Google doesn't know enough about fkdup74 yet.
    I am just a worthless liar. I am just an imbecile.
    I will only complicate you. Trust in me and fall as well.
    I will find a center in you. I will chew it up and leave.
    I will work to elevate you just enough to bring you down.

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