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Thread: anyones enternet been turned off by ISP

  1. #11
    powerstick's Avatar Poster
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    I have had my eithenet turned off by my isp several times in the past year. According to them, I was connected to about 200,000 computers and I made 3 networks go to a crawl. I was using more bandwidth than several large companies which my isp host's as well. They asked me what I was doing and I simply told them, running a p2p called the Overnet(now merged with edonkey2000). They would activate my connection temporairly and as soon as my p2p kicked in and I was uploading/downloading at a certain preset rate in which they were tracking for, they would shut me down until I called and told them to please turn me back on. After sneaking on several times at night (about 1:00 AM or so and being on the network for a few hours(usually cut off in about 30 minutes or so but sometimes undetected for a while) the service provider I had decided to upgrade their networks.They said that they were working on that before and seen this issue coming. After the upgrade and what not, they told me that they don't see a problem with me using the app. as long as I don't cripple the network again and 19-15 people do not do this at one time full speed. I used the Overnet version 0.52 (18 hrs a day serving + dl 7 days a week) for about 9 months strait.

    AS for using peerguardian, I used it integrated with the blocklist manager. Never had a problem yet. (knock on wood). It works great as the app logs the connections it rejected.


    Blocklist Manager:
    Make your files the smallest possible to share. If you don't you how I recomend DR. DivX. It will do it for you. We don't want to have to dl that 2.5 gig sh*t for a movie or 2 SVCD's. SMALLEST FORMAT ALWAYS!!!!!!

  2. File Sharing   -   #12
    Money Fist's Avatar Che-Che get the yayo
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    London, England
    Quote Originally Posted by twister
    mine was suspended for a week, because universal studios caught me downloading american pie 2 from and they contacted my ISP and made them suspend us untill i signed some documents saying i wouldnt do it agan
    universal studios also caught my friends DLing "the hulk" on suprnova
    i wrote a topic on it back in Oct 03

    most of the forum dicks flamed me about it
    coz they never believed me

  3. File Sharing   -   #13
    matt526's Avatar Poster
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    Apr 2004
    How do I know if Peerguardian is working?

    I downloaded and did the update. I also downloaded the Blocklist Manager

    now everytime I open Azureus several notifications pop up tell me that IPs are being blocked and they keep poping up every now and then.
    is there a good place to go to read how these all this work together
    Last edited by matt526; 01-11-2005 at 04:59 AM.

  4. File Sharing   -   #14
    matt526's Avatar Poster
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    Well, I got the letter from My ISP

    The letter was from Paramount pictures, or rather a company called BayTSP authorized by Paramount.

    The Movie was "The Stepford Wives.DVDRip.XviD-DVL"

    So be carefull about that movie.

  5. File Sharing   -   #15
    Well to Prevent the MPAA from even touching your comp is to use "Protowall" by bluetrack. It checks your packets and blocks any bad packets from the MPAA and blocks every single type of protocol with bad packets. This works with "Blocklist Manager" also. "Peer Guardian" works and all, but its not as quick acting as "Protowall". Get the stable version.

  6. File Sharing   -   #16
    matt526's Avatar Poster
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    I got version 2.0 and It is installed and loaded, (that was not easy)
    anyway, now I’m not sure if it is working right, I know it's blocking because I can't even surf the web, Protowall blocks everything in my browser. this is ok I guess because I really only need to have protowall loaded at night when I am using Azureus. Azureus works fine when Protowall it loaded. I would however like to figure out how to be able to surf the web and have Protowall loaded at the same. time.

  7. File Sharing   -   #17
    erRor67's Avatar Lord Of Everything
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    its blocking you from using the internet? Hmm, it must be blocking ur Gateway addresses and stuff. Try going to Run --> CMD --> Ipconfig. and copy down those IPs they give you and add them in ur exclusions file. Now you should be able to surf the net with Protowall running.

    Also, Ive heard stories about people getting caught downloading music and movies. What about applications and games?
    blah blah blah... whatever...

  8. File Sharing   -   #18
    matt526's Avatar Poster
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    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Bishtawiman
    copy down those IPs they give you and add them in ur exclusions file. Now you should be able to surf the net with Protowall running.

    How do I copy these files into my exlusions file

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