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Thread: How Much Money Does This War Cost The Americans?

  1. #1
    Approximately 3 weeks since US starts its campaign, US government have already
    spend about 75 billion US dollars directly on the war.

    Since the war is expected to last for some time, Pantegon have already layout a
    war budget of $344billion USD to removing saddam.

    The $344Billion is just a small portion, more greater economic costs(or risks) of the
    war include:

    1) Hundreds of American Soldreds, thousands of Iraqis soldreds and civilians' lives
    2) The direct economic impact of war, including consumer spending, stock market,
    3) A rocketing oil price that may devaste some american industries.
    4) The future military and security budget may be a lot more higher than before
    5) Opportunity cost of the war, money spent on the war that could been spent on
    other more constructive things.

    That's the cost analysis of the war, lets take a look at what AlterNet have to say

    "Why does the federal government want to spend $344 billion on the Pentagon,
    when the federal government currently spends only $42 billion on education, $26
    billion on affordable housing, $6 billion on Head Start, and only $1 billion on school
    construction? Does it appear that our national priorities are mixed up or what?"

    some interesting facts are also being stated in the same article:

    "In our country ¡V the richest nation in the world ¡V 14 million kids attend schools
    that need extensive renovation or replacement. In international test scores, our
    eighth graders rank 18 in math and 19 in science, below Slovenia, Singapore, and
    Hungary, among others."

    "The child poverty rate hovers at over 15 percent, meaning that about one in six
    kids lives in poverty. "

    "Over 40 million Americans, including about 10 million children, have no health

    Since Bush choose to ignore all these problems to pursuit a much more noble and
    important quest - removing Saddam, what do you think the outcome of the next
    election will be?

    Can the Americans afford to have Bush for president for another 4 years?

    Reference link:

  2. The Drawing Room   -   #2
    wow. thats probably right too. $344 billion?!!!! shit, how big is the entire US economy? trillions?

  3. The Drawing Room   -   #3
    are the iraqis suppose to compensate this amount to US for "liberating" them with those multi-million dollar bombs ?

  4. The Drawing Room   -   #4
    MagicNakor's Avatar On the Peripheral
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Originally posted by Z@3 April 2003 - 08:28
    wow. thats probably right too. $344 billion?!!!! shit, how big is the entire US economy? trillions?

    If you caught Bush's proposed budget, he was dedicating so much money to different things that you really couldn't write out that many 0s.

    He should let his financial planners do the math next time.

    things are quiet until hitler decides he'd like to invade russia
    so, he does
    the russians are like "OMG WTF D00DZ, STOP TKING"
    and the germans are still like "omg ph34r n00bz"
    the russians fall back, all the way to moscow
    and then they all begin h4xing, which brings on the russian winter
    the germans are like "wtf, h4x"
    -- WW2 for the l33t

  5. The Drawing Room   -   #5
    how much do u think state sponsored terrorism costs the U.S. and world economy?

  6. The Drawing Room   -   #6
    Barbarossa's Avatar mostly harmless
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    Jun 2002
    Over here!
    Originally posted by eng60340@3 April 2003 - 08:31
    are the iraqis suppose to compensate this amount to US for "liberating" them with those multi-million dollar bombs ?
    Yes, with their oil reserves, and by assigning all the rebuilding contracts to American companies once all this is over.

    (And in the Baghdad branch of McDonalds )

  7. The Drawing Room   -   #7
    MagicNakor's Avatar On the Peripheral
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    I think Baghdad already has a McDonalds...

    I know there's been one in India for a while now, too. It's a shame.

    things are quiet until hitler decides he'd like to invade russia
    so, he does
    the russians are like "OMG WTF D00DZ, STOP TKING"
    and the germans are still like "omg ph34r n00bz"
    the russians fall back, all the way to moscow
    and then they all begin h4xing, which brings on the russian winter
    the germans are like "wtf, h4x"
    -- WW2 for the l33t

  8. The Drawing Room   -   #8
    Originally posted by sAdam@3 April 2003 - 10:16
    how much do u think state sponsored terrorism costs the U.S. and world economy?
    I think the act of terrorism really don't need much state supports, all it needs is a strong brlief + a gernade or pistol, that's all they need to blow up the world trade centre

  9. The Drawing Room   -   #9
    Originally posted by eng60340@3 April 2003 - 09:31
    are the iraqis suppose to compensate this amount to US for "liberating" them with those multi-million dollar bombs ?
    I think USA is responsible to spend a huge amount of money to rebuild Iraq after wiping out most its infrustructures during the war. Iraq have no economy, perhaps the only way for US to get a breakeven return for the war is to claim ownership of all oil fiends in Iraq.

  10. The Drawing Room   -   #10
    I'm by no means a financial expert, but I really don't know where the money should be coming from.
    Maybe I just can't read these figures right:

    US deficit stats

    Some of the allies who contributed a great deal to previous wars are seemingly pretty unwilling this time (e.g. Germany and France).

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