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  1. #21
    "Please, someone tell me how to get those kind of speeds."

    Pay for it, mate.

    You use Cox, right? Maybe they don't offer better where you live, but usually they have much better DL rates available than you're getting.

  2. File Sharing   -   #22
    Tried it, did not like it.

  3. File Sharing   -   #23
    Double Agent
    Join Date
    May 2003
    ok so i see my beloved anonx has now become a porn site...sighs...

  4. File Sharing   -   #24
    LOL, where you been? I thought you got lost when the anonx forum went bust

    Good to see ya.

    Peace of mind Findnot

    No time to work out? Try Folding instead.

  5. File Sharing   -   #25
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Always did wonder what ever happened to Wyatt, and no explanation on why AnonX closed down.

  6. File Sharing   -   #26
    Afronaut's Avatar Xenu
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    k, call me a paranoid, misguided, tinfoiled idiot.
    but, you folks want to be anonymous and you need to give information,
    not to mention teh ca$h to someone to do that?

    How upside-down is that?

    I think you're buying some semi-anonymosity, which might be an easier path to take,
    but not nessecarily the best way to go.

    To be 100% invisible to any/everyone on the net is not an easy task.

    But to start that with giving info is rather, well, silly is it not?
    Tradin my personal info for anonymosity sounds like buying cash.
    Ofcourse, you could give Teh Wrong info (which folks should do by default imo.)

    Im not saying this aforementioned program is bad in what it does etc.
    But, I would look elsewhere for free applications where you could get teh source-code too.
    The "Getting Teh Source Code" is a good indicator that there's not
    spyware or hidden features about.
    Proxomitron and such apps helps a long way too.
    Infact, it'll be more than enough for me to get anonymosity for my needs.
    One might need even more, if one is truly into some shady bisnes, hehe,
    but in that case, buying anonymosity would be a silly way to go on about it.

    For anonymosity in p2p, I dunno because im not concerned about it.
    I dont have Teh Shady bisnes to run, I dont share kiddiepr0n or state-secrets
    so I dont have to be afraid if the feds are coming to me. I dont think they're really
    interested of a regular Joe Sixpack like me.
    I think there's more stuff out there that should interest the feds,
    like, Real Crime(tm) which could include, but not limited to:
    Ppl actually getting hurt, Heavy Drugs, Mafiosos, Corporate Inc.,
    Terrorism etc...

    **AA? Fuck 'em. They got nothing on me. It's all scare tactics as far as im concerned.
    Some Las has to change before I change my stand on that.
    Btw, I dont live in US.

    The tools available nowadays for safer, more anon. type of surfing are out there.
    I use Opera/Firefox with Proxomitron.
    Anything that has to "connect to the server" to be anonymous is automatically anonymous?
    There should not be a reason to "connect to the server" in the first place.

    To wear the tinfoil, one needs to understand what kinda data leaves your computer
    to the internet, and filter out any info you dont want to give,
    then use proxys(s). (Not a proxy program that "connects to server")

    Its all about where do you draw the line, how much anonymosity you want,
    ie. how much info about you are willing to give out there to feel "safe".

    To be 100% safe one needs way much more than one 3rd party app.
    You'd need to understand what leaves your puter and how to
    leave as little as possible traces on the net while you surf.

    This is just "imo", t'ween you and me guys, don't tell anyone, duh...
    Spoiler: Show

  7. File Sharing   -   #27
    Goes Rawr!
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Your using cox "value plan" so am i.. Where are you located?

    I'm getting well over 500-600kb/sec on dl's..

    Location: San Diego,CA

  8. File Sharing   -   #28
    I have tried findnot for a year the service was okay, but they introduced new feature which I wasn't given access to. But my real surprise was they store your credit card details and when your subscription ends they use your credit card again without warning you. And you say I didn't want to renew they charge you 20 dollars to cancel the subscription no matter what. I'm going to take it up with my credit card company and there sister company 1st class software. I'm not the only one they have done this to.

    so Bewarned people

  9. File Sharing   -   #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    have been using their service for about a month, im on a 2mbit connection but the speeds i get are like extremely slow like a 56k or a 128kbit connection it sucks some of their proxies are not compatible with mirc.

  10. File Sharing   -   #30


    Well I came accross this post:
    by Gennoslo

    I was looking at today and they posted a Security Advisorie for the service.
    they are saying that has security holes all over the place. Shocked
    Quote: Several vulnerabilities have been reported in's Microsoft PPTP VPN Service Client, which can cause intermittent immediate loss of anonymity and privacy while using the service:

    Quote: Several vulnerabilities have been reported in's SSH Proxy Service which can cause all DNS requests for lookup of sites visited to be resolved using local DNS servers. Exposing the location of all sites visited to local wireless, network, sysadmin snoopers or to an ISP that is monitoring their DNS server.

    Looks like from what they are saying, at the links I posted above, all it takes is a loss of connection to their servers. or a blip in the connection and your IP is sent out.

    I have been using the Metropipe Tunneler PRO for a little over 4 months and I know it dosn't have these problem.

    Have any of you guys come accross this same thing with the Findnot service?

    ~ Gennoslo
    I have been using the Metropipe Tunneler PRO service for a while now and never have problems with speed. and if its true what is saying Im glad I didnt choos

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