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Thread: Are torrent invite communities really trading in disguise?

  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by brightsid View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by dvdasacd View Post
    I do believe in non-movement, don't get me wrong - but if you say that anti-traders who believe in giveaways are hypocrites then you're also saying that the staff of the trackers allowing that are also hypocrites. It's just a matter of what your opinion on the issue is, and how secure you want your site to be.
    The non-movement list is one of the things I can't really understand in TPS. I'm tvseries maniac and I want to join BitmeTV for example. Noone is allowed to request or ga invites of this tracker. I'm a good user with perfect proofs. What's the point of not allowing to request? Is there something I can do except pming highly reped guys offering bj in private?
    I would try to find out what that tracker's position is on letting people in there. If they don't *want* to make it easy for people to join, then that's their choice whether you like it or not. If you're determined and capable, you can get into any place eventually.

    For getting my content, I personally prefer trackers like which are not so closed and actually give good people an opportunity to join and don't give themselves a restricted user limit. But if bitmetv doesn't neessarily offer anything better than other places which might be easier to join (I'm not sure if that's the case), I wouldn't bother, there's no point in either trying or getting hung up about it.

  2. BitTorrent   -   #42
    Night0wl's Avatar GoaHead BT Rep: +6BT Rep +6
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Martinator View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    That's my big complaint about general tracker forums - that no one seems to care about the content .The movie and TV sections are mostly comprised of what's the last movie you watched?
    Some people even put this like The.Tournament.2009.DVDRip.XviD-MoH That's not a movie that 's a release you fucking idiot.

    Whew. that felt good. Been wanting to get that off my chest for a while.
    I'm glad you said that and I completely agree. Some take their time to put a rating besides the release. It's almost always a 9/10 (you can't give it a 10, that'd be weird, lol).
    Why the hate for the "Rate that movie" thread? I use it all the time and others do too for finding something to watch. Quite a few people go that step further, at least adding an IMDB link and the year, maybe even a poster and a small review without spoilers. Also I very seldom see 9 and 10 ratings unless it's older movies i.e. people having watched something, they've heard about, had recommended etc.

    And BTW if you think the "rate that movie" posters on whatever site you are on are lazy, then change that by posting decent review. It's simple.

  3. BitTorrent   -   #43
    brightsid's Avatar Larisssssssaaaaaaa BT Rep: +4
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    Quote Originally Posted by dvdasacd View Post
    I would try to find out what that tracker's position is on letting people in there. If they don't *want* to make it easy for people to join, then that's their choice whether you like it or not. If you're determined and capable, you can get into any place eventually.

    For getting my content, I personally prefer trackers like which are not so closed and actually give good people an opportunity to join and don't give themselves a restricted user limit. But if bitmetv doesn't neessarily offer anything better than other places which might be easier to join (I'm not sure if that's the case), I wouldn't bother, there's no point in either trying or getting hung up about it.
    Tracker's position is simple and clear "DO NOT OFFER INVITES IN PUBLIC". But none is offering, I'm just requesting and we are talking for a tracker with an invites offering subforum . Last time I checked there was a special channel for staff to discuss their positions. And these so called invite communities should care more for their simple users position than how to be good with staff in order to join the ***** trackers.

    As for I like their approach also but it is not the best thing to do if you care for security
    We make a living by what we get,
    we make a life by what we give

  4. BitTorrent   -   #44
    The_Martinator's Avatar I is posting MACHINE BT Rep: +6BT Rep +6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Night0wl View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by The_Martinator View Post

    I'm glad you said that and I completely agree. Some take their time to put a rating besides the release. It's almost always a 9/10 (you can't give it a 10, that'd be weird, lol).
    Why the hate for the "Rate that movie" thread? I use it all the time and others do too for finding something to watch. Quite a few people go that step further, at least adding an IMDB link and the year, maybe even a poster and a small review without spoilers. Also I very seldom see 9 and 10 ratings unless it's older movies i.e. people having watched something, they've heard about, had recommended etc.

    And BTW if you think the "rate that movie" posters on whatever site you are on are lazy, then change that by posting decent review. It's simple.
    I'm trying to. Allthough I don't go as far as reviews. IDK which site you visit, but most trackers' forums are the same here. No IMDB links, just a neame and a rating. Or as Idol pointed out even the release name (as in I watched it in HD, so I'm cool or something) and a rating. And yes, I do search the movies and 95%+ are from 2009 atm.
    I'm back. The downside is that I'm also old now.

  5. BitTorrent   -   #45
    Quote Originally Posted by brightsid View Post
    As for I like their approach also but it is not the best thing to do if you care for security
    Well you'v'e got to have *some* compromise. What.CD *aims* to be large. They always knew they would have undesirables within their membership if they were to have a huge member base. It's inevitable. WhatMan was only speaking relatively, if I interpret correctly.

    Where they have secured up the site, is where it counts. Where Alan Ellis failed (like putting his fricking name and address on OiNK's whois and who knows what else), staff excell. Last time I heard, A9 uses a different proxy address every single day. They should be doing that, they're a massive target.

    Of course, this is if you mean security for the site itself. For the users, well that's up to them. They can use seedboxes and VPNs if they want, set profiles to tinfoil hat and use SSL and whatever else they want to protect themselves.

    Without sounding like a lame suckeruperer, I agree with's approach in pretty much everything they do, it's the tracker that turned me from hating all private trackers (cos I couldn't fricking get into them) to having faith in their relevancy in the wider file sharing world.

  6. BitTorrent   -   #46
    sez's Avatar c0V3r3Ð iN Ba57ArÐ BT Rep: +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23
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    Quote Originally Posted by dvdasacd View Post
    I think or perhaps I don't think or maybe am thinking that am thinking but assuming that am thinking its kinda hard to take a position with all these people staring at my avatar so let me start throwing disclaimers after every sentence i come up with,after all am a lawyer guy
    seriously dood easy on the disclaimers.Its not TPS ,feel free to articulate your position without fear of any nick/avatar combination just so long as you are within the board rules .You being all over the place kinda makes me strain to get your main points lol.

    But upon that,I have to agree with you that is perhaps the only tracker where the terms safety and axx can be put together in the same sentence without sounding ambiguous.

    One can literally move from texan style goat farming to membership without having known anybody in BT.I doubt whether there are any other quality trackers out there that can boast of this eminence.

    If its for the good of the tracker,then whatever invite policy is in place then it shouldn't really be an issue(and that's basically what threw me off about polarbear's statement).

    On another point,invite gives are dangerous but they sure aren't as precarious as trades are.I'd definitely charge higher premiums to a trader (supposed this was risk insurance) than someone offering invites to people he/she has scrutinized(at least to his/her ability) .

    Also if you look at it beyond the surface,these crafts are guided by two completely divergent attitudes;One by selfishness and the other one by generosity making the former more dangerous(simpleton,right?).
    That said,I think for no other reason other than security then its well within reason if staffers are unable to distinguish between trades and gives.

    As to which one is more of a threat to BT between invite forums and sites like FST,i guess thats up for debate but if I was one of the anti-piracy folks I don't think I'd start hunting for invites to sites worth checking out on a forum like this but i'd rather TPS and the likes(the more secretive the better as thats how you get into the super secrets lol).

    Why would I want to struggle creating a fake persona here that may eventually not materialize and yet I can have it easy by simply joining a site full of people who can't stand seeing an invite on their profile page and are just itching to get rid of it?

    Places that credibility is evaluated by post count,user rank,rep points etc.I mean how easy can it be.When the feds(not these anti-piracy faggots) finally get tired of chasing after the scene and decide to come after P2P,that's when people will realise how bad these invite gathering sites really are.

    As late as 04/05,the scene wasn't as secretive as it is today,there were sites that sceners actively participated in and some groups went to as far as recruiting from.But then the busts happened,something changed and the sites were no more.I don't know why its even up really but for anybody who cares,do check out
    for a practical experience on how things can quickly change.

    FST has a reputation for harboring angry individuals but that's really not the case,if somebody makes a ridiculous invite request then for the sake of those that are to come after them,they have to be told why their request lacks credibility.Some refuse to listen hence the occasional 'shouting' perhaps in an effort to navigate past the ear wax in order to get to them.
    Good requests at least from my time here eventually get fulfilled.

    lol at the epic triple offtopic

  7. BitTorrent   -   #47
    Quote Originally Posted by sez View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by dvdasacd View Post
    I think or perhaps I don't think or maybe am thinking that am thinking but assuming that am thinking its kinda hard to take a position with all these people staring at my avatar so let me start throwing disclaimers after every sentence i come up with,after all am a lawyer guy
    ... but I'm pretty sure I am clear about my positions, you will find my "disclaimers" are merely openness and awareness of other people's opinions .
    Last edited by dvdasacd; 10-24-2009 at 12:44 PM.

  8. BitTorrent   -   #48
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by Night0wl View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by The_Martinator View Post

    I'm glad you said that and I completely agree. Some take their time to put a rating besides the release. It's almost always a 9/10 (you can't give it a 10, that'd be weird, lol).
    Why the hate for the "Rate that movie" thread? I use it all the time and others do too for finding something to watch. Quite a few people go that step further, at least adding an IMDB link and the year, maybe even a poster and a small review without spoilers. Also I very seldom see 9 and 10 ratings unless it's older movies i.e. people having watched something, they've heard about, had recommended etc.

    And BTW if you think the "rate that movie" posters on whatever site you are on are lazy, then change that by posting decent review. It's simple.
    I have absolutely no problem with the concept of a rate the movie ( or ass ) thread.
    I don't know if you read the whole thread here but the whole point to my diatribe was that few people on 0day trackers seem to have any interest in the actual content .Some of the lack of meaningful posts are no doubt because many members are not fluent in English but that still doesn't excuse the other x percent .
    As for my lack of recent contributions basically at some point I got tired of talking to myself.
    That and I don't know if you've noticed but some of these forums aren't too open to critical posts and since an unavoidable part of film talk is criticism ( and since most recent movies, the only ones that again that the majority show any interest in, are - others words to the contrary - pretty bad ) I made a conscious decision not to be " the negative one ".
    Quote Originally Posted by clocker View Post
    Most of the posts in a thread don't really invite/warrant a response.

    Really, what can be said when someone posts "Saw Movie X, 8/10 LOL"?

    I've mentioned before how useless the "x out of 10" rating system is since we have no clue what the "10" might be...Citizen Kane or Paul Blart: Mall Cop?
    Makes a difference.

    It also matters why you liked (or disliked) a movie since it's possible to love a crap film for good reasons- and vice-versa- but most folks don't bother telling us anything about their reasoning, so basically, you can respond with either "You're a moron" or "I sooo totally agree!".

    Most of a thread is just Twitter without the immediacy..."Got up, took a dump, went and saw Transformers2, felt unclean...".
    What he said

    I understand that people have differing views , not everyone is going to like what I like but really , how can I answer a post about Terminator Salvation without saying something that the person who wrote it won't want to hear.

    PS on topic Just to clarify a point TPS succeeds because it co-operates with trackers and not because of it's lack of traders .
    Correct me if I'm wrong but not doing it openly and not doing it are two entirely different things.

  9. BitTorrent   -   #49
    sez's Avatar c0V3r3Ð iN Ba57ArÐ BT Rep: +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23
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    Most of this thread is just Twitter without the immediacy..."Got up, took a dump, went and saw Transformers2 , felt unclean...".
    not only that, but MOST of the ppl here only go to the lounge and talk about non-sense i'd care not even know about. ie: is there corn in your shit ?
    LO effin el

  10. BitTorrent   -   #50
    Great Topic and very debatable...

    I believe it is trading in disguise. Expecting something in return is selfish, those who truly deserve invites will be good members and contribute selflessly back to the community. Invites that aren't going to potential good members only hurts the community.

    Essentially giving invites to those that deserve it helps them as well as helps the whole community. Therefore building stronger community to bring better and unique content.

    On another note, i believe highly sought after content is not all that is important, unique content really brings a community together.

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