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Thread: Getting that invite you always wanted

  1. #1
    fatcat69's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25
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    spamming ur mom and sis.
    So you want an invite to a specific community but don't know anyone who can give you one that you are already friends with....what do you do?

    Well, most likely this is a high level site that you eagerly want to get into. Therefore, invite trading IS OUT OF THE QUESTION.

    "Why not invite trading?"
    Its simple, It is against the rules of the tracker. Most high level sites know the moderators of the forum that you are trading at, so don't break the site rules by trading because there is a chance they will find out. If you are found violating rules of your tracker, they will kick you and ban your ip. Which sucks big time, not only that but the person who you gave the invite to is also banned. Not Cool At All!

    "But Fatcat, how can you say no invite trading? How will I get invites if I don't know people who have them? Isn't invite trading the only way people will trust you to give you an invite?"

    No. Any member of a site knows full well that if they invite someone who doesn't maintain a good relationship with the tracker, their status is also at risk. Who you invite to your tracker is important, if you invite a leecher, then your account may lose invite privileges or be deleted all together

    There are a few ways to get invites to new or better trackers, and all of them depend on how well you interact with people. If you are nice to people on forums, your current trackers IRC, etc etc most likely you will meet people who agree with your opinion ....someone you can call a friend.

    Another option is asking...NOT BEGGING, asking in the torrent invite trade section here. There is a HUGE difference between asking and begging. Examples:

    "Yo, I need an F*N INVITE. I have awesome ratios at this tracker and that tracker! Email me asap if you can give me a invite to F*N!!!"

    "Hey All, I was wondering if anyone had an extra invite to F*N. I have been a member of the following trackers and love being part of them and their communities. I have ratios of xxxxx and believe that I could contribute very well and help increase the trackers overall ratio. Shoot me a pm if you want to talk and what not as I am a pretty easy going person and can be found on these xxxx irc channels all the time. Thanks again for all the help and I hope I can be a part of your community in the near future!"

    Now which one gets your attention better, it doesnt mean youll instantly get an invite, but maybe youll meet someone who is pretty cool and might give you an invite once they make sure you are a trustworthy person. That is the goal!

    I am not promising miracles, but just try to be a good person, if you beg you won't get it, I know that for a fact. I personally don't trade at all as it is just plain stupid. However, I do ask people I know for favors, as when you are nice to someone, they trust you. They feel comfortable asking you for something and you will have no problem giving them something they want.

    Just be nice, polite, and easy going. If someone posts something negative, just ignore them, as they look like the idiot, see my post yesterday where someone flipped out about an asterisk lol. Don't sink down to their level. Be happy and be yourself. Youll eventually meet people who will help out. Thats how I have gotten into so called "lvl 10" sites, as you can see this is only like the 20th post ever in a trading community such as this one!

  2. BitTorrent   -   #2
    bikernin's Avatar KatanaLover BT Rep: +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30
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    hey nice work m8. im sure all n00bs need to read this before they hit the invites section! you sure learn fast

  3. BitTorrent   -   #3
    Grind$oFine's Avatar get n3rd3d BT Rep: +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60BT Rep +60
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    Haha, I'd say most people don't read, though.

    I personally think you should have to pass a test to get into the invites section.

    However, everyone would just ask for the answers in the regular bittorrent section.

  4. BitTorrent   -   #4
    bikernin's Avatar KatanaLover BT Rep: +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30
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    yea. this one should me made sticky for all the n00bs

  5. BitTorrent   -   #5
    fisherman's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +14BT Rep +14BT Rep +14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grind$oFine View Post
    Haha, I'd say most people don't read, though.

    I personally think you should have to pass a test to get into the invites section.

    However, everyone would just ask for the answers in the regular bittorrent section.
    I'm not a noob but I just scanned that first post ur prob right most people don't read lol

  6. BitTorrent   -   #6
    Demigod's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35
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    I love your posts and you're turning out to be a quite a promising member here.

    Keep up the good work.

    By the way, I saw in another thread of yours that you were looking for a few trackers. The only one I can offer you right now is RevTT so if you're willing to provide a few ratio-proofs, I'll be happy to send an invite your way. Just PM me!

  7. BitTorrent   -   #7
    fisherman's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +14BT Rep +14BT Rep +14
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    Quote Originally Posted by sgmailer View Post
    I love your posts and you're turning out to be a quite a promising member here.

    Keep up the good work.

    By the way, I saw in another thread of yours that you were looking for a few trackers. The only one I can offer you right now is RevTT so if you're willing to provide a few ratio-proofs, I'll be happy to send an invite your way. Just PM me!
    Who me? Or Poster ? I already have most trackers, just sniffing for them hard to ge ones now *Sniff* *Sniff* lol

  8. BitTorrent   -   #8
    Cheffy's Avatar Slut up ! BT Rep: +4
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    Have to agree with Grind here. The users that could actually benefit form this sort of posts will never read them becouse they are simply to long for them

    For them its seems easyer to just skip to the next topic and get their +1 spam added than acctually read the posts that makes some sence.
    Last edited by Cheffy; 12-15-2007 at 04:59 AM.
    My e-penis is so big it makes John Holmes look like a little boy.

  9. BitTorrent   -   #9
    bikernin's Avatar KatanaLover BT Rep: +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30BT Rep +30
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    yea i agree. they dont have time to read, but they sure do have time to write long F*N request essays

  10. BitTorrent   -   #10
    fisherman's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +14BT Rep +14BT Rep +14
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    Quote Originally Posted by bikernin View Post
    yea i agree. they dont have time to read, but they sure do have time to write long F*N request essays
    The noob's should understand everything before getting high end invites BUT it's also down to the inviter as whether to tollerate the request or not from experience...once the noob meets the requirments to even ask for an invite

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