View Full Version : Breaking The Password

09-05-2005, 02:24 PM
Hey i know this is not a cool thing to ask but my buddy made a website over on Geocities last night. And on the website hes got a couple of things i don't want people to know and he has it posted in his profile. Is there a software that will get his password so i can go in and write a lot of stuff about him?

09-05-2005, 02:36 PM
lets put it this way:

first off, tell him (if it's personal information about yourself), to remove it as he is doing something illegal.
if he refuses, send an e-mail to google-geocities and ask them to censor the information/terminate his website.

the thing you want to do is just as bad as what he is doing.

ask him, then geocities. if none works, beat him up.... :lol:

09-05-2005, 04:53 PM
ask him, then geocities. if none works, beat him up.... :lol:Promoting violence is not advisable on an open web page either - send him a PM next time. :shifty:

09-05-2005, 05:10 PM
haha i see what your getting at but yeah i could do that i just wanna give him a taste of what hes got coming to him. No harm in friends doing this to friends right?

09-05-2005, 06:24 PM
No harm in friends doing this to friends right?

no harm but it is still illegal.

the best way would probably to go phishing.

send him a email that looks like it could be from geocities (add a few picks that geocites use or link to them in the email to give it a bit more credibility.) asking him to verify his account detail for his email adress. I would setup my own mail server to spoof the senders adress to make it look like it came from [email protected] as well.

it will take a pretty long time to do all the above and you better have some basic html knowledge and your own server.

09-06-2005, 03:23 AM
Here's to help with Spoofing an account to your friend.


Spoofer for newbs. :) Make sure to test it on yourself to see the outcome and adjust as needed.

09-06-2005, 04:41 AM
whats the geocity website that says the bad stuff? we're all friends here.