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View Full Version : Nero 6 language pack

11-12-2005, 07:43 AM
OK, I bought Nero 6.6
One of my hilarious buddies went and applied an Italian language pack to it as a joke. I know what you're thinking..not funny, right? After uninstalling and reinstalling it's still in Italian.
I like the Italian language, I think it sounds cool. But I can't frickin read it.
Anyone know how or what to get rid of to get it back in english?

Much obliged

11-13-2005, 01:25 PM
download the latest version of nero 6.6 here (http://www.nero.com/nero6/eng/update_nero6.php?pak=1)

Language packs can be found here (http://www.nero.com/nero6/eng/sp_file_main.php)

you need to update nero before you can install language packs

11-13-2005, 01:40 PM
I was going to make a comment on "buying" an app then coming to a filesharing forum... but when I think about it, Nero really is one of the few apps that is worth it :01:

11-14-2005, 06:51 AM
Well, thanks for the input, but I found a much less time consuming way.
Going to Nero SmartStart and just changing the language. :)

My last program was Nero 5, which ddidn't have smart start.

Personally, I buy the stuff when I need it. But I figured someone here would know how to get around the hooha. :)

Thanks again.