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View Full Version : DVD newsgroup question on #s in headers

11-12-2005, 05:20 PM
I'm new at this and trying to find out what the numbers in the various dvd newsgroup posts refer to so I can see what I'm spending time on.
Some examples in a.b.dvd are
FTD #494478 - ST33_13
FTN #20026 0 Spirder-man 2
and some just a number like
491550 - Sopranos

These must reference something. Where do I go to find that info?
Thanx, I apprecate your help.

11-13-2005, 12:00 AM
For any Alt-Bin item you need to get on their IRC channel and use a trigger to get details. For FTD use http://nfo.ftd.nu/. As for FTN as I recall they have a site somewherethough its been a long time since I remember using it...

11-17-2005, 03:38 AM
here's a helpful little page
