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View Full Version : Leechers? in bitcomet

11-15-2005, 07:53 PM
OK I downloaded bitcomet 0.6

Is there any way of blocking leechers?

I'm succefully dl'ing my first file (480Mb - 100Mb dl so far) I have a max upload of 11KB/s and a Max dl (so far) of 50KB/s -currently 37KB/s as I write. I can get up to 120 - 130KB/s on Kazaa.

I have also noticed that my system is running slow with bit comet dl'ing in the background, things like webpages are very slow to open....I hope this doesn't continue to be a feature of bitcomet. Kazaa can run in my background no trouble at all.

11-15-2005, 08:57 PM
Definately bitcomet causing the slow running, I turned off BC and everything went back to normal :( I don't think I can put up with this after I've downloaded my file. and the idea of not having files available unless people are actively dl ul ing them is pretty useless. There is another file I want 25Mb but no one is active with it. I think Kazaa is better than this.

11-15-2005, 09:14 PM
Reconnect to BC and when your page viewing slows down open your task manager and let me know how much the %age of cpu it is using please mate.

11-16-2005, 08:01 AM
u could use www.utorrent.com .. nice small BT client and u could dump BC right away :)

11-16-2005, 11:11 AM
Reconnect to BC and when your page viewing slows down open your task manager and let me know how much the %age of cpu it is using please mate.

I don't think I can give a %age in Windows 98?

I have now finished dl'ing both my desired files.

the 490Mb file had quite a few users, the smaller one had one user @ 3KB/s and came through eventually.

I'd like to leave them in my Bit comet and let them upload to others but it slows my machine down something chronic! and it's only uploading @ 10KB/s

I also dl bittornado but I haven't used that one yet.

11-17-2005, 04:05 PM
Problem is your using an O/S that was created with stone tablets and wooden sticks.

11-17-2005, 04:29 PM
yup BT isnt for anythin <WinXP, coz it handles a lot of conn's which Os<winXP is not good at....

11-18-2005, 11:02 AM
Win 98 works with all my other progs very well. Including Kazaa lite, and I can have 20 + connections on kazaa with no probs at all (I've never bothered to count them).

Also Bitcomet slows my computer down the moment it is switched on, even though there are no active connections at all.

I still haven't tried bittornado. But I have completed both the files I wanted so I'm not really in any need to try bittornado as I don't need any more files.

Mauro Rosati
11-18-2005, 03:46 PM
No problem with bitcomet yet, at least for me.

11-19-2005, 02:28 PM
I started using BC because Torrentstorm was such a resourcehog...

I love BC for it's possibilities and smooth operating....

I run xp, btw.

11-20-2005, 11:34 AM
This is what ive been doing to stop leechers.

- Click Peers
- Go to the Peer download speed colum
- Look for high speed downloads
- Click on them, then move to the 'upload colum' (which is left 4)
- If its 0, right mouse click and BAN for 24 Hours.

That way im only giving my upload speed to the people who are giving me some too. I suggest everyone does the same, that way it'll make everyone have to share :) Then overall we'll all have a better speed :)

11-20-2005, 09:30 PM
This is what ive been doing to stop leechers.

- Click Peers
- Go to the Peer download speed colum
- Look for high speed downloads
- Click on them, then move to the 'upload colum' (which is left 4)
- If its 0, right mouse click and BAN for 24 Hours.

That way im only giving my upload speed to the people who are giving me some too. I suggest everyone does the same, that way it'll make everyone have to share :) Then overall we'll all have a better speed :)

I don't know if that's such a good idea. There could be reasons why someone has a 0 in the upload column other than that the person may not be allowing uploads. I doubt those numbers are 100% accurate 100% of the time, so you could be banning someone for no good reason.

Whatever, but I wonder if the original poster is talking about leechers like we talk about leechers from Klite or leechers as we talk about them in BT, cause they're different. In BT leechers are just people who have only downloaded less than 100% of a file. After downloading 100% leechers become seeders.

In klite leechers are just a-holes who don't share.

In any case I can hear where you coming from as I tried BT a few times before I stuck with it. Klite is simply a cool program to use and if you find a file with lots of high bandwith sources you can download at almost your maximum rated connection speed.

Not so with BT, I tried Bit Tornado and Bit Comet and the best I've ever averaged is about 60 K/sec.

But, and this is a big but, you won't have to worry about fakes, viruses or just programs, movies, etc that have been renamed or are not what the damn filename says it is with BT.

Bit torrent is a great p2p system, it's just not as FUN to use as Klite was/is.