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12-17-2005, 04:47 PM
Yesterday we moved someone's computer parts into a new case and the bastard didn't start when we finished. Everyone had a grounding strap and the mat was also grounded. We took everything out and checked if it might have been a part. We tried other power supplies. Other cables for the power.

In the end, we nearly wasted 2 hours and I finally took a good hard look at the motherboard's instructional manual. After a fourth time of looking at the front panel jumper settings I noticed the power switch wasn't connected correctly!!!
The damn thing was on "Green Switch" when it was supposed to be on "Soft Power Connector". Basically, it's in human nature to make this mistake, because what does the eye jump towards first when your trying to connect the computer's switch to the motherboard? "Switch"! Holy crap this has got to be the biggest load of crap.

12-17-2005, 04:50 PM
The computer can have more than one switch so I usually read the whole label :blink:

I think that's happened to me but it took maybe 1 min to fix tops not 2 hours :blink:

12-17-2005, 06:20 PM


12-17-2005, 09:48 PM
I always make a careful note of where I remove the wires from.

It saves having to consult the manual, which have even been known to be wrong occasionally.

12-17-2005, 11:17 PM
Green Switch feels like the Switch for the power since the Power LED is green.
Green LED + Power Switch = An easy mistake.
It kept slipping by me because of that very name.

peat moss
12-17-2005, 11:27 PM
Sounds like something I would do . :lol:

Don't be so hard on yourself its not like you took it to a shop and they made you look stoopid ! :)

Darth Sushi
12-18-2005, 12:06 AM
I once concluded I had a bad power supply when nothing came on and I almost bought a new one until my little niece pointed out that the power-strip was in the "OFF" position. :blushing: Sometimes technical questions can cause you to seek technical answers to even the simpliest problems. :frusty:

12-18-2005, 12:16 AM
Don't be so hard on yourself its not like you took it to a shop and they made you look stoopid ! :)
Or you brought it my shop and we looked stupid.

Darth is right...a "from the mouths of babes" kinda thang.

peat moss
12-18-2005, 01:30 AM
Ya the nice thing about puters is it taught me patience ,beleve me I needed it . :lol: But have a problem ? Ask a 12 year old for help you can't go wrong . :D

12-18-2005, 03:58 AM
hah. Well, I wish they would rename "Green Switch" to "Green S" and "Soft Power Connector" to "Power Switch". That'd save the hassle.
It's a gigabyte brand motherboard.

12-18-2005, 09:06 AM
I came across the "Green Switch" header many years ago, but I knew what it was.

I did once buy a new mobo and drive 200 miles to take it back to Coventry because it wouldn't boot.
Once there, they tried it on a bare test bench and it worked perfectly but when I put it back in my case it failed again.
Imagine how stupid I looked when I found a metal standoff from the previous mobo shorting across tracks on the underside! :blushing:

12-18-2005, 01:51 PM
Imagine how stupid I looked when I found a metal standoff from the previous mobo shorting across tracks on the underside! :blushing:
Give me a moment, I'm imagining....

Wow, you really did look stupid!

Dealing with the general public every day certainly feeds my (generally undeserved) sense of superiority...I've pulled some classics in my time as well.
The first PC I built was a comedy of errors (I couldn't even find the pinouts for the front panel connectors. Actually, I saw them but couldn't believe they used such a half-assed method as bare pins sticking up from the board...still don't) and since then I've managed to garble my first F6 dance with SATA drives and won't even talk about trying to RAID.

The absolute classic error was my first full Windows install.
"Press any key to boot from CD"...no prob.
Load files, etc...reboot.
"Press any key to boot from CD"...uh, OK.

Wait a minute, didn't we just do this?
"Press any key to boot from CD".

And over and over and over.

Now that's feeling stooopid.

12-18-2005, 02:10 PM
I hate how computers have to hard restart during the installation of software. There has got to be another way, because restarting seems to put some added stress on the hardware over time. Hell, why does the windows xp installation even restart after it's first step? Couldn't it just load the next step? Seems very possible, because I've seen linux programs do it.

I've used Suse 9.3 for about 5 months now and it's never requested me to restart the system, except for an operating system update, but besides that, all the software can be installed and run without a restart of the system. (that's 99.9%)

12-18-2005, 03:26 PM
The absolute classic error was my first full Windows install.
"Press any key to boot from CD"...no prob.
Load files, etc...reboot.
"Press any key to boot from CD"...uh, OK.

Wait a minute, didn't we just do this?
"Press any key to boot from CD".

And over and over and over.

Now that's feeling stooopid.
:lol: Now that has happened to everyone.:lol:

12-18-2005, 06:11 PM
The absolute classic error was my first full Windows install.
"Press any key to boot from CD"...no prob.
Load files, etc...reboot.
"Press any key to boot from CD"...uh, OK.

Wait a minute, didn't we just do this?
"Press any key to boot from CD".

And over and over and over.

Now that's feeling stooopid.
:lol: Now that has happened to everyone.:lol:
Not me. :snooty: