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04-17-2006, 04:07 PM
Basically i'm going to buy a PSP. Im in the Uk and it needs to be firmware 1.5 (Or a version that can play homebrew and downloaded games). I don't give a shit about the extra stuff on the new firmwares like backgrounds and stuff. Anyone know anywhere that sells the PSP that has firmware 1.5 or one that can be used to play pirated games from a 1Gb or 2GB memory stick.

Also what will i need to play the games? I'm guessing some kinda emulator or image mounter?

04-17-2006, 06:29 PM
Go to Pspupdates.com best place to find all the info you need.

Rip The Jacker
04-17-2006, 07:11 PM
I don't know where'd you get a 1.5 PSP in the UK.

But after you do, you can play downloaded PSP games (.iso's) with UMDEmulator 0.8c. Also, newer games come with their own loader, a customized version of RunUMD.

PSPupdates has some info, but they are against piracy, don't ask for ISO help there, they just flame anyone who does. =/

PSPcrazy.com has a ton of info, plus a section with direct downloads to ISO's that people post. It's where I get all my games from, but you do need 100 posts to access the download section.

UMDEmulator 0.8c emulates the ISOs. And newer games come with their own loaders...

04-17-2006, 07:35 PM
I don't know where'd you get a 1.5 PSP in the UK.

But after you do, you can play downloaded PSP games (.iso's) with UMDEmulator 0.8c. Also, newer games come with their own loader, a customized version of RunUMD.

PSPupdates has some info, but they are against piracy, don't ask for ISO help there, they just flame anyone who does. =/

PSPcrazy.com has a ton of info, plus a section with direct downloads to ISO's that people post. It's where I get all my games from, but you do need 100 posts to access the download section.

UMDEmulator 0.8c emulates the ISOs. And newer games come with their own loaders...

Thanks, i have access to the ISO's via Newsgroups and such. Getting the 1.5 PSP may be the problem. Can you not play ISO's on 2.0 PSP's or 2.01 PSP's or whatever the other versions are?

Rip The Jacker
04-17-2006, 07:46 PM
1.5 is the only version that you can use to emulate ISOs.

2.0 can be downgraded to 1.5, and 1.51 or 1.52 can be upgraded to 2.0 and then downgraded to 1.5.

2.01+ = Nope.


No Letter = 1.50 (North-American release) Confirmed
A = 1.50 Confirmed
B = 1.51 Confirmed
C = 1.52 Confirmed
D = 1.52 Unconfirmed (multiple version reports)
E = 1.52 Confirmed
F = 2.00 Confirmed
G = 2.01 Confirmed
H = 2.50 Confirmed

04-17-2006, 08:11 PM
Can RunUMD actually harm your PSP in any way? I have some newer games that use it to run and the warning screen when it loads always makes me wonder.

As for a 1.5 PSP, could always try eBay

04-18-2006, 12:05 AM
Can RunUMD actually harm your PSP in any way? I have some newer games that use it to run and the warning screen when it loads always makes me wonder.

As for a 1.5 PSP, could always try eBay

Its just saying about the "possible" harm running at 333Mhz... Not one confirmed brick from running at 333Mhz the only thing it does do is make the PSP feel a bit warmer and the battery runs out much quicker.

I have been using RunUMD and the other emu's since they came out and not had any harm done to my PSP... The odd crash from trying to load stuff without all the files but its all safe in books.

Rip The Jacker
04-18-2006, 07:12 AM

I didn't even know RunUMD ran the games at 333mhz, which is just fine. The PSP was designed to run at 333mhz anyways...

04-19-2006, 08:16 PM
Hmmmmmm nice image Rip, however all shops in the UK just put out dummy boxes and have the real ones locked away out the back.

Ebay may be my only option but the prices for the V1.5 ones are slightly higher, arround £200 ($370) plus then i'll have to spend another £50 or so on a big memory card.

I take it all 1.5's can be hacked no if's or but's about it? Also on ebay some are saying somes with X amount of discs with XX amount of games on them, i thought a UMD burner wasn't out yet? Unless they just mean a DVD with loads of homebrew games on them.

Rip The Jacker
04-19-2006, 08:24 PM
Hmmmmmm nice image Rip, however all shops in the UK just put out dummy boxes and have the real ones locked away out the back.

Ebay may be my only option but the prices for the V1.5 ones are slightly higher, arround £200 ($370) plus then i'll have to spend another £50 or so on a big memory card.

I take it all 1.5's can be hacked no if's or but's about it? Also on ebay some are saying somes with X amount of discs with XX amount of games on them, i thought a UMD burner wasn't out yet? Unless they just mean a DVD with loads of homebrew games on them.
Couldn't you ask the shops to bring a few out for you to look at? That's what I did, it's the same here. Tell them you want to buy one, but look at the box before buying it.

Yeah your gonna need at least a 1gb memory stick...

1.5's can run unsigned code, and will open just about anything you put on the memory stick, no if's or but's. UMD burners do not exist, I'm sure there are a lot of people selling ISO's on DVDs or CDs on eBay... that's probibly it.

04-19-2006, 08:28 PM
Hmmmmmm nice image Rip, however all shops in the UK just put out dummy boxes and have the real ones locked away out the back.

Ebay may be my only option but the prices for the V1.5 ones are slightly higher, arround £200 ($370) plus then i'll have to spend another £50 or so on a big memory card.

I take it all 1.5's can be hacked no if's or but's about it? Also on ebay some are saying somes with X amount of discs with XX amount of games on them, i thought a UMD burner wasn't out yet? Unless they just mean a DVD with loads of homebrew games on them.
Couldn't you ask the shops to bring a few out for you to look at? That's what I did, it's the same here. Tell them you want to buy one, but look at the box before buying it.

Yeah your gonna need at least a 1gb memory stick...

1.5's can run unsigned code, and will open just about anything you put on the memory stick, no if's or but's. UMD burners do not exist, I'm sure there are a lot of people selling ISO's on DVDs or CDs on eBay... that's probibly it.

Just brought a PSP on Ebay. The guy had pictures showing the info screen with his Ebay ID and the Firmware as 1.5. Yeah the games that are coming with it are on 15 DVD's. It's the value pack but only comes with a 32mb memory card so i'll have to buy a big one.

Do all the new games get cracked, or are companies adding extra protections thats stopping people running them on 1.5's. Also will running any certain games (real or cracked) accidently update my firmware?

Rip The Jacker
04-19-2006, 08:32 PM
Most of the new games are, not all. Some games are still not fully playable, such a Socom (save doesnt work) or Street Fighter 3 (save doesn't work), but so far things are okay.

As time passes companies add more and more protection, and so far it looks like they are winning, but yeah, it's not all bad... you just have to be a little patient sometimes. It's not possible to accidentally update your firmware... you'd have to run it yourself and confirm it afterwards.

04-19-2006, 08:34 PM
Okay all seems good.

2GB sticks look like they can be brought for about £40. Although on Ebay quite a few are saying:

This media does support the playback of unsecured MP3 music files.

Any idea what this means?

This was the memory stick i was looking to get:


Good one?

Rip The Jacker
04-19-2006, 08:38 PM
Okay all seems good.

2GB sticks look like they can be brought for about £40. Although on Ebay quite a few are saying:

This media does support the playback of unsecured MP3 music files.

Any idea what this means?

This was the memory stick i was looking to get:


Good one?
Does support playback of unsecured MP3's... or does not? If it does, then I guess it plays MP3's... not sure. :blink: My PSP's played every MP3 I've thrown at it, I don't think you need to worry...

I personally wouldn't buy a memory stick off eBay, because there are fake memory sticks out there. I don't know how to tell what's real and what isn't, I also wouldn't buy it because there are no actual photos of the actual memory stick. But that's just me, do know that there are fake memory sticks out there.

I'd buy one from a trusted store... but again that's just me. =/

04-19-2006, 08:40 PM
A friend of mine has a 2.51 PSP and a 2GB stick he got off Ebay for £45 and has had no issues. In the shops they are £79.99 for 1GB so 2GB would be like £150 ($270), Thats over £100 difference.

Rip The Jacker
04-19-2006, 08:43 PM
Then go for it. :P

I'm just paranoid, I've heard stories of cheap memory sticks from eBay with less space on them than listed. =/

04-19-2006, 08:47 PM
I also take it that you can only have 1 game on each memory stick? Seems a shame if so because some games are really small (Football Manager is only 40MB yet will be one of the games i play the most).

Whats the best program for converting TV Shows/Movies to the correct format and resolution the PSP uses?

Thanks for the all the help Rip btw.

04-19-2006, 09:08 PM
I also take it that you can only have 1 game on each memory stick? Seems a shame if so because some games are really small (Football Manager is only 40MB yet will be one of the games i play the most).

Whats the best program for converting TV Shows/Movies to the correct format and resolution the PSP uses?

Thanks for the all the help Rip btw.

Dont know who said you could only have one game on your memory stick... I have a few on mine at moment I have these...


04-19-2006, 09:11 PM
Ah no i just guessed as all the NFO's say put the files into a certain folder and run the emulator and click X so i was guessing you could only have 1 games files in that folder.

Also i guess i can play US copied games on a UK PSP because they have no region lock correct?

Just downloaded PSPVideo 9 and converted a quick 5 minute video and the quality was still good.

Also just been reading some NFO's and i take it theres no working GTALCS's ISO? The two i found said in the NFO's they needed hacking and the dump wouldn't run yet.

Edit: Same with Burnout :(

In there no new method to play these games?

Rip The Jacker
04-20-2006, 06:59 AM
1. You can have as many games as you'd like, your only limit being the memory stick's size.

2. Burnout Legends works perfectly with UMDEmulator 0.8c, using System Menu. (System Menu mode takes you back to the PSP's menu, you then go to Game > UMD to play)

3. GTA: LCS also works perfectly with UMDEmulator and MPH's Game Loader, found Here (http://mphwebsite.tuxfamily.org/index.php?page=1). (Again, use System Menu and it'll take you back to the menu, instead of picking UMD, run MPH Game Loader afterwards.

4. PSPVideo 9 does a good job of converting to MP4's... but, if you'd like, download PMP Mod (a homebrew app that plays PMP videos) and Videora PMP Converter (a PC app to convert videos to PMP format). Why?

MP4 videos on PSP play at 320x240 (the limit), while the PSP has a 480x272 screen, thank you Sony for crippling video playback from the memory stick. PMP Mod lets you play PMP videos, which are converted and play at 480x272... the PSP's native resolution. Giving you a much sharper picture with overall better quality. Take a high quality movie, and convert it to PMP instead of MP4, with a bitrate of 768, and what do you get? Near UMD video quality. :D

Sorry I don't have links to PMP Mod or Videora PMP converter at the moment.

5. Your welcome. :)

6. That's correct, no region lock on PSP games, just PSP's UMD movies.

04-20-2006, 03:27 PM
1. You can have as many games as you'd like, your only limit being the memory stick's size.

2. Burnout Legends works perfectly with UMDEmulator 0.8c, using System Menu. (System Menu mode takes you back to the PSP's menu, you then go to Game > UMD to play)

3. GTA: LCS also works perfectly with UMDEmulator and MPH's Game Loader, found Here (http://mphwebsite.tuxfamily.org/index.php?page=1). (Again, use System Menu and it'll take you back to the menu, instead of picking UMD, run MPH Game Loader afterwards.

4. PSPVideo 9 does a good job of converting to MP4's... but, if you'd like, download PMP Mod (a homebrew app that plays PMP videos) and Videora PMP Converter (a PC app to convert videos to PMP format). Why?

MP4 videos on PSP play at 320x240 (the limit), while the PSP has a 480x272 screen, thank you Sony for crippling video playback from the memory stick. PMP Mod lets you play PMP videos, which are converted and play at 480x272... the PSP's native resolution. Giving you a much sharper picture with overall better quality. Take a high quality movie, and convert it to PMP instead of MP4, with a bitrate of 768, and what do you get? Near UMD video quality. :D

Sorry I don't have links to PMP Mod or Videora PMP converter at the moment.

5. Your welcome. :)

6. That's correct, no region lock on PSP games, just PSP's UMD movies.

Nice should be arriving tomorrow, if all goes well. 2GB stick should be enough for at least 3 games then. I was reading last night about that MPH thing, right now it all seems slightly confusing but i'm sure once i get the thing it'll be easy. There just like programs you run in a browser right and select the gae you want or select Run From UMD?

Gonna have a look for Videora PMP Converter in a minute, i've been leeching some games from Newsgroups so far i've got Burnout, GTA, Football Manager, Winning Eleven (Pro Evo), Worms Open Warfare, Lemmings, Metal Gear Acid 2, Daxter, Street Fighter 3, EXIT, POP, Syphon Filter, NFL Street 2 Unleashed.

Any other games i should invest in? I'm thinking i'll grab Fifa when i see it.

The guy who i brought it off is sending 15 DVD's with over 100 homebrew games, emulators and utilities on there so hopefully that'll have some good shit.

By the way whats this i hear about downloading something bad and it 'bricking' your PSP?

04-20-2006, 05:52 PM
Bricking basically means that the PSP's software fucks up, and can't boot up anymore. If that happens, you're left with a very expensive brick, hence the term.

Bricking usually only occurs if you flash the PSP's memory (and even so happens very occasionally). Some homebrews flash the memory, and it's best to steer clear of them just in case. If you're upgrading/downgrading firmware and you don't follow the instructions carefully, you can very easily brick your psp that way.

Rip The Jacker
04-21-2006, 03:19 AM
1. You can have as many games as you'd like, your only limit being the memory stick's size.

2. Burnout Legends works perfectly with UMDEmulator 0.8c, using System Menu. (System Menu mode takes you back to the PSP's menu, you then go to Game > UMD to play)

3. GTA: LCS also works perfectly with UMDEmulator and MPH's Game Loader, found Here (http://mphwebsite.tuxfamily.org/index.php?page=1). (Again, use System Menu and it'll take you back to the menu, instead of picking UMD, run MPH Game Loader afterwards.

4. PSPVideo 9 does a good job of converting to MP4's... but, if you'd like, download PMP Mod (a homebrew app that plays PMP videos) and Videora PMP Converter (a PC app to convert videos to PMP format). Why?

MP4 videos on PSP play at 320x240 (the limit), while the PSP has a 480x272 screen, thank you Sony for crippling video playback from the memory stick. PMP Mod lets you play PMP videos, which are converted and play at 480x272... the PSP's native resolution. Giving you a much sharper picture with overall better quality. Take a high quality movie, and convert it to PMP instead of MP4, with a bitrate of 768, and what do you get? Near UMD video quality. :D

Sorry I don't have links to PMP Mod or Videora PMP converter at the moment.

5. Your welcome. :)

6. That's correct, no region lock on PSP games, just PSP's UMD movies.

Nice should be arriving tomorrow, if all goes well. 2GB stick should be enough for at least 3 games then. I was reading last night about that MPH thing, right now it all seems slightly confusing but i'm sure once i get the thing it'll be easy. There just like programs you run in a browser right and select the gae you want or select Run From UMD?

Gonna have a look for Videora PMP Converter in a minute, i've been leeching some games from Newsgroups so far i've got Burnout, GTA, Football Manager, Winning Eleven (Pro Evo), Worms Open Warfare, Lemmings, Metal Gear Acid 2, Daxter, Street Fighter 3, EXIT, POP, Syphon Filter, NFL Street 2 Unleashed.

Any other games i should invest in? I'm thinking i'll grab Fifa when i see it.

The guy who i brought it off is sending 15 DVD's with over 100 homebrew games, emulators and utilities on there so hopefully that'll have some good shit.

By the way whats this i hear about downloading something bad and it 'bricking' your PSP?
Some of my favorite games: GTA (must have), Burnout (must have), Dead to Rights, Street Fighter 3, Tokobot, Exit, Infected (must have), NFS: Most Wanted, Death Jr, Tony Hawks Underground, The Con, Syphon Filter (must have), and Twisted Metal (must have).

Mike summed up bricking, pretty much. Never remove the battery or do anything that'll turn off the PSP while upgrading/downgrading firmware, or running anything that writes to the PSP's flash. Otherwise you can screw it up, and turn it into an expensive brick. The "bad" thing online was a supposed downgrader that bricked your PSP when you ran it. You don't have to worry about it if your gonna get your PSP already at 1.5.

04-21-2006, 03:43 AM
Yeah it's already 1.5.

I take it i can play against my mates who have PSP's via the wireless thingy? Not online but if we are in the same room.

Whats the best homebrew stuff you can do with it? Is it just GBC games and SNES stuff?

Any chance you have a link for those two video programs as well? I've googled but no luck.

Rip The Jacker
04-21-2006, 03:47 AM
Yeah it's already 1.5.

I take it i can play against my mates who have PSP's via the wireless thingy? Not online but if we are in the same room.

Whats the best homebrew stuff you can do with it? Is it just GBC games and SNES stuff?

Any chance you have a link for those two video programs as well? I've googled but no luck.
WiFi works with some games, mostly the older ones. Ad-hoc (same room) and Infastructure (online via wireless router). It just depends on the game.

Best homebrew? ISO loaders (of course), SNES/NES/Genesis emulators, PMP Mod, a few good homebrew games (SuperTux, Attack of the Mutants), and a few apps (Fileassistant++). Tons of homebrew stuff at PSPupdates.com, check their forum if you'd like.

Lemme look for PMP Mod, hold please...

/Elevator music.

Rip The Jacker
04-21-2006, 03:51 AM
PMP Mod:

Videora PMP Converter:


04-21-2006, 03:54 AM
Thanks gonna try and convert something now.

Any chance you know if GTA and Burnout allow you to use ad-hoc?

Rip The Jacker
04-21-2006, 03:57 AM
Try and convert something that is widescreen (like PSP), and something high quality, use a bitrate of 768... you will get superb quality.

Ad-hoc works just fine with Burnout Legends.

GTA will only load with MPH's Game Loader, and (as of right now) ad-hoc or sleep mode do not work. =/

04-21-2006, 04:51 AM
Just got my PSP....all the normal ones in the shop were 2.6 or 2.5 so I had to settle for a ceramic PSP instead with 2.0 firmware.

Now I was wondering if I downgrade to 1.5....will I still have the web browser?

Or is there some app that tells the PSP it is at 1.5 while still on 2.0 or the other way round? With all that "bricking" talk, I don't want to go wrong

04-21-2006, 01:09 PM
Oh one thing I forgot to say...

Get ScummVm... It allows you to play old point n click classics like...

Monkey Island
Day of The Tentacle
Sam n Max
Broken Sword
Full Throttle

04-21-2006, 05:20 PM
Well mine arrived. I've got UMD Emulator V0.8C on there and i've put two ISO's on there. When i run EMD Emu it comes up fine and lets me select the ISO but as soon as i click X to select which one it kinda freezes, i can no longer use the up and down to select a different ISO and no buttons work?

Anyone got any ideas? It is 1.5 btw. So far i've tried Burnout and Football Manager.

EDIT: Ahhhh do i need some type of UMD disc in the PSP? If so thats a bit of a bastard as i don't have any right now.

Does any emulator work without a UMD in there? I just wanna test a game today.

So far i got that PMP video thing working fine. I need to find a decent place to get loads of homebrew stuff.

Rip The Jacker
04-21-2006, 09:29 PM
Well mine arrived. I've got UMD Emulator V0.8C on there and i've put two ISO's on there. When i run EMD Emu it comes up fine and lets me select the ISO but as soon as i click X to select which one it kinda freezes, i can no longer use the up and down to select a different ISO and no buttons work?

Anyone got any ideas? It is 1.5 btw. So far i've tried Burnout and Football Manager.

EDIT: Ahhhh do i need some type of UMD disc in the PSP? If so thats a bit of a bastard as i don't have any right now.

Does any emulator work without a UMD in there? I just wanna test a game today.

So far i got that PMP video thing working fine. I need to find a decent place to get loads of homebrew stuff. What ISO are you trying to load? And what settings are you using? Remember most ISO's run with System Menu, but then you need a UMD inside, there are a bunch that run with Direct Load also, where you don't need a UMD. Didn't you get a sampler UMD?

What ISO are you trying to load? Also, make sure you installed UMDemu correctly, there should be 2 folders in the GAME folder, and one in the root of your memory stick.

EDIT: browser,
If you downgrade to 1.5 you won't have the Sony web browser anymore. You'd need to use a homebrew browser, like the Fired Up one. The Sony one is much better, but it's 2.0+ only. Why would you want to browse the web on a PSP anyway?

EDIT: Burnout runs fine with System Menu, but then you need any UMD, I don't know about Football Manager.

04-21-2006, 09:37 PM
Well mine arrived. I've got UMD Emulator V0.8C on there and i've put two ISO's on there. When i run EMD Emu it comes up fine and lets me select the ISO but as soon as i click X to select which one it kinda freezes, i can no longer use the up and down to select a different ISO and no buttons work?

Anyone got any ideas? It is 1.5 btw. So far i've tried Burnout and Football Manager.

EDIT: Ahhhh do i need some type of UMD disc in the PSP? If so thats a bit of a bastard as i don't have any right now.

Does any emulator work without a UMD in there? I just wanna test a game today.

So far i got that PMP video thing working fine. I need to find a decent place to get loads of homebrew stuff. What ISO are you trying to load? And what settings are you using? Remember most ISO's run with System Menu, but then you need a UMD inside, there are a bunch that run with Direct Load also, where you don't need a UMD. Didn't you get a sampler UMD?

What ISO are you trying to load? Also, make sure you installed UMDemu correctly, there should be 2 folders in the GAME folder, and one in the root of your memory stick.

EDIT: browser,
If you downgrade to 1.5 you won't have the Sony web browser anymore. You'd need to use a homebrew browser, like the Fired Up one. The Sony one is much better, but it's 2.0+ only. Why would you want to browse the web on a PSP anyway?

EDIT: Burnout runs fine with System Menu, but then you need any UMD, I don't know about Football Manager.

I didn't get a sample UMD no. What do you mean by System Menu Mode :huh:

Any chance you could explain how to do it? Also do you know any game that loads without a UMD disc in the PSP. I have most of the PSP games now so i should have 1 if you know 1.

Im just using the normal settings in UMDemo, havn't changed anything.

Rip The Jacker
04-21-2006, 09:48 PM
Ok, your really gonna need a sampler UMD, or any UMD in the future...

Ok, I'm assuming you installed UMDemu correctly, with the 2 folders in the GAME folder and the UMDemulator folder in the root of your memory stick:


And your ISO's are the the ISO folder. Good.

Take one of the following games:
Hot Shots Golf
Marvel Nemesis
Metal Gear Acid
Namco Museum
MVP Baseball

These load with Direct Load, no UMD needed (at least I don't think so). Just to name a few. Open UMD emulator, for the settings, put:

CPU: 222mhz
ISO emulation mode: Direct Load
Disctype ISO: Game
Disctype UMD: Game
Updater: Remove
Everything else: Off

Pick one of those ISOs, and see what happens.

04-21-2006, 09:53 PM
Cheers, im gonna give that a go in about 10 minutes. GTA has nearly copied and i was gonna give that a go then i'll try a few of those direct load games.

Rip The Jacker
04-21-2006, 10:03 PM
Yeah I don't think you need a UMD for GTA, remember to use System Menu for emulation mode, and once your back at the PSP's menu, go to Game > MPH Game Loader.

04-21-2006, 10:05 PM
I still don't understand what you mean by 'remember to use System Menu for emulation mode'.

Whats system menu? Where do i use and how do i activate it?

04-21-2006, 10:13 PM
When you start UMDemu there's a list of things you can change if you highlight it and press left or right, right? Well on the second item, press left/right till you find 'system menu' and then go back to the bottom and click the iso you want to load. You'll find yourself back at the psp's main menu screen. Then just launch MPH Gamer Loader and the iso should launch.

Not all isos load this way mind, but that should be how GTA loads (i STILL haven't played it yet >_< )

Rip The Jacker
04-21-2006, 10:15 PM
Open UmdEmulator 0.8c, you get a screen with a green backround, a list of options at the top, and a list of ISO's to load at the bottom. Correct?

At the top, the 2nd option is Emulation Mode. You go up to it, and press left or right to change the setting. Your choices are

Direct Load = attempts to load the ISO right there on the spot.
System Menu = takes you back into the PSP's menu, with the ISO emulated.
Copy Load = can't remember what this does.

Most games run with System Menu mode, which requires any UMD. In UMDemulator, you change the emulation mode to System Menu, and pick an ISO. It then goes back to the normal PSP menu, but your PSP thinks that the ISO you picked, is the UMD inserted. You then pick Game > UMD, or for GTA, Game > MPH Game Loader.

If you want, get on MSN or AIM and I can help you out, but this should pretty much explain it.

EDIT: Dammit Mike beat me to it. :P

04-21-2006, 10:39 PM
Well just did the GTA thing and i clicked MPH 2 and it's gone to a black screen that just says Loading Game....

It's been on that for about 2 minutes now.

The CPU speed was set to 333 in UMDemu but i change that to 222 like you said a few posts up. Was that right?

I'm on MSN Rip if you can come online?

04-21-2006, 11:08 PM
Just tried it with Hot Shots Golf, all the settings like you said. When i go to select the ISO and click X the light near the memory stick slot lights up for a few seconds then the whole thing freezes on that screen.

Im starting to think this was a very expensive mistake.

Rip The Jacker
04-22-2006, 08:16 AM
Just tried it with Hot Shots Golf, all the settings like you said. When i go to select the ISO and click X the light near the memory stick slot lights up for a few seconds then the whole thing freezes on that screen.

Im starting to think this was a very expensive mistake. No no no, trust me, it was not a very expensive mistake. I have a 1.5 PSP with about 40 working ISO's, I've never had any problems with UMDemulator.

Sorry I had to leave for work, it's just really hard to help you like this, I'd get on MSN right now but your not online... I PMed my MSN email, and next time your online, add me. I'll help you out.

04-22-2006, 11:50 AM
I think you need a UMD in the drive to launch games. Pretty much all the ones i've downloaded needed one

04-22-2006, 03:57 PM
yea i think ull need a UMD for sure....

if i can find my sampler umd ill ship it u...for $1.00 :lol:

04-22-2006, 04:03 PM
yea i think ull need a UMD for sure....

if i can find my sampler umd ill ship it u...for $1.00 :lol:

Im in the UK so it would cost you more tahn $1 to send it. Im gonna see if i can buy a really cheap shit game or movie tomorrow.

Rip The Jacker
04-22-2006, 04:11 PM
yea i think ull need a UMD for sure....

if i can find my sampler umd ill ship it u...for $1.00 :lol:

Im in the UK so it would cost you more tahn $1 to send it. Im gonna see if i can buy a really cheap shit game or movie tomorrow.
Yeah it looks like that's your problem. I just tried loading Burnout Legends after taking the UMD out, nothing. I put the UMD back in, problem solved.

04-22-2006, 04:32 PM
You so any UMD will work right?

04-22-2006, 06:51 PM
Hey RIP have you tried DAX ZISO Loader v0.55 Beta? What do you think of it? I just bought my psp a 2gb card cuase of Peerzy and em trying to learn the basics again.

Rip The Jacker
04-22-2006, 07:50 PM
Yup, any UMD. I just use the sampler UMD.

I actually have not, I keep seeing more and more DAX ISO's at PSPcrazy.com, but I've never bothered with them. When the whole DAX compression idea came out, I tried compressing GTA and playing it. It worked, and was MUCH smaller, but at the same time, it made GTA unplayable. Because it was compressed, everything was slow until it just crashed eventually.

Until now I've been using normal uncompressed ISO's... I guess I can try some compressed ISO's again, just to see if anything runs better.

04-22-2006, 07:53 PM
Rip what can i do with my PSP right now without a UMD? Got any links you can PM for homebrew games/emulators for NES and GBA and so on that i can test tonight?

04-22-2006, 10:48 PM
psp radio
snes emulator
sega gensis emulator
STARCRAFT(came out just today)

04-22-2006, 11:02 PM
psp radio
snes emulator
sega gensis emulator
STARCRAFT(came out just today)

Got any links you could PM me? Especially PSP Radio and Starcraft (If it is a port of the PC game which was like one of the best ever).

04-22-2006, 11:25 PM
psp radio
snes emulator
sega gensis emulator
STARCRAFT(came out just today)

Got any links you could PM me? Especially PSP Radio and Starcraft (If it is a port of the PC game which was like one of the best ever).
two psp sites/blogs i go on:

the best one is http://www.pspcrazy.com/ because they have direct link to games(iso) and preformatted videos(movies, tv shows etc.) in their forums

btw ur inbox is full :naughty:

04-22-2006, 11:36 PM
Got any links you could PM me? Especially PSP Radio and Starcraft (If it is a port of the PC game which was like one of the best ever).
two psp sites/blogs i go on:

the best one is http://www.pspcrazy.com/ because they have direct link to games(iso) and preformatted videos(movies, tv shows etc.) in their forums

btw ur inbox is full :naughty:

Cheers, inbox empty now, feel free to PM any links to anything decent thats homebrew that you wouldn't normally be able to post here.

Oh and also how do i install Starcraft? It's not like the normal copy into the GAME folder. I did download something earlier that was a script.scl file or something and i didn't know what to do with it and Starcraft has one of those as well?

EDIT: It's a .LUA file? What do i do with them?

04-22-2006, 11:45 PM
two psp sites/blogs i go on:

the best one is http://www.pspcrazy.com/ because they have direct link to games(iso) and preformatted videos(movies, tv shows etc.) in their forums

btw ur inbox is full :naughty:

Cheers, inbox empty now, feel free to PM any links to anything decent thats homebrew that you wouldn't normally be able to post here.

Oh and also how do i install Starcraft? It's not like the normal copy into the GAME folder. I did download something earlier that was a script.scl file or something and i didn't know what to do with it and Starcraft has one of those as well?

EDIT: It's a .LUA file? What do i do with them?
well the starcraft thing is pointless (its just beta, u cant do anything in it) ...so dont bother with that..

psp radio https://developer.berlios.de/project/showfiles.php?group_id=4862

watch some movies with pmp player and btw u can stream movies with pmp streamer too :)

go to pspcrazy's forums and post some posts while u wait for a umd because there is a min. post requirement for you to be able to access the downloads section (its worth it)

this should keep u busy for a while :)

edit: also install tight vnc for PSP, a lot of fun :D

Rip The Jacker
04-24-2006, 03:37 AM
Wow the DAX ZISO Loader rocks!!!

I went ahead and decided to try DAX compressed ISO's again, and I'm impressed. I converted a few ISO's to DAX, and downloaded a few more, here are the results.

Syphon Filter: 600mb before, 303mb after.
Street Fighter Alpha 3: 187mb before, 93mb after.
Burnout Legends: Almost 500mb before, 258mb after.

It doesn't compress all ISO's, but the ones that can be compressed end up being half the sizes of the originals! I can finally fit more games onto my 1GB stick. :D

The only downside is, the load times are a little bit longer. Still no where as long as UMD load times though, it's well worth compressing ISOs. Let's see if I can find the links...

04-24-2006, 09:47 AM
Wow the DAX ZISO Loader rocks!!!

I went ahead and decided to try DAX compressed ISO's again, and I'm impressed. I converted a few ISO's to DAX, and downloaded a few more, here are the results.

Syphon Filter: 600mb before, 303mb after.
Street Fighter Alpha 3: 187mb before, 93mb after.
Burnout Legends: Almost 500mb before, 258mb after.

It doesn't compress all ISO's, but the ones that can be compressed end up being half the sizes of the originals! I can finally fit more games onto my 1GB stick. :D

The only downside is, the load times are a little bit longer. Still no where as long as UMD load times though, it's well worth compressing ISOs. Let's see if I can find the links...

:D one more day and i get my 2gb card, i cant wait

04-24-2006, 04:12 PM
Wow the DAX ZISO Loader rocks!!!

I went ahead and decided to try DAX compressed ISO's again, and I'm impressed. I converted a few ISO's to DAX, and downloaded a few more, here are the results.

Syphon Filter: 600mb before, 303mb after.
Street Fighter Alpha 3: 187mb before, 93mb after.
Burnout Legends: Almost 500mb before, 258mb after.

It doesn't compress all ISO's, but the ones that can be compressed end up being half the sizes of the originals! I can finally fit more games onto my 1GB stick. :D

The only downside is, the load times are a little bit longer. Still no where as long as UMD load times though, it's well worth compressing ISOs. Let's see if I can find the links...

Yeah got a link by chance?

I got a UMD - Spiderman 2 The Movie and Football Manager worked fine, my Burnout ISO didn't however, what settings do you need for that one? It might be the ISO though as the one i have inside the NFO it says not working. Gonna try a few more games now, i've got 15 DVD's of them!

Rip The Jacker
04-24-2006, 09:22 PM
Here is a link to the DAX ZISO 0.51 Loader I've been using. Great loader, it can even remember all the different settings for all your ISO's, so you don't have to remember anything.

http://www.sendspace.com/file/5pvc7x (http://forums.pspcrazy.com/forums/redirect-to/?redirect=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sendspace.com%2Ffile%2F5pvc7x) (cheers dblock110)
Just copy everything over to your memory stick. It has RunUMD support so all the new games work in DAX format.

And, here is the ISO to Dax converter:

http://dax.psp-tuts.net/download.html (Get ver 0.55)
The DAX creator is in that zip file. Use compression level 9 to make the games smallest. Most games compress fine, some don't. GTA won't work, and The Con won't work. I know these 2 so far.)

I use that for loading DAX games, and UMDemulator for loading older regular ISO games.

Peerzy, a lot of shitty nuked ISOs were released, so if the NFO that came with it says it doesn't work, it most likely doesn't work. Burnout Legends loaded just fine for me with System Menu (DAX Loader and Umdemulator). You might wanna look for a differnet ISO.

04-24-2006, 09:32 PM
My Burnout works fine now. Wierd because it won't work in System Menu but will work using Direct Load. Which is all by me as it means less time. Im downloading a real working Pro Evo now. Football Manager worked fine as well. NFSMW didn't work but again that might be my fucked ISO or something.

I'm halfway through coping the GTA ISO and im gonna give that a go.

Is it really worth using DAXZISO? I've got Burnout working now and i would hate to mess it up again.

Rip The Jacker
04-24-2006, 09:42 PM
Remember GTA uses MPH's Game Loader...

That's weird, Burnout for me loads only with System Menu. Different ISOs I guess. In my opinion, it really is worth converting Burnout to DAX. For me it went down to 52% of it's original size. That's half the size of the ISO, with nothing ripped. More space is always better. :D

Just use Direct Load after its a DAX file... NFSMW loads for me in System Menu...

04-24-2006, 09:44 PM
Crud, i just ran UMD Emu and then MPH and it loaded GTA and when it gets to that first loading screen with the picture, the logo and the red loading bar the bar gets stuck about 20% of the way up. The memory stick light (red one) flickers but i left it for like 5 minutes and it still didn't load.

Any ideas?

Rip The Jacker
04-24-2006, 11:17 PM
Where did you get your flash0 and flash1 folders? I had a lot of problems with those being corrupted at first...

Also, where did you get your ISO?

If'd you like, I get send you my hybrid 2.0/2.5 flash0 and flash1 folders...

EDIT: I'm on MSN right now...

silent h3ro
04-24-2006, 11:25 PM
I've got 2.0 flash folders and they work great. I've heard of the hybrid forlders...how is that different from just using 2.5 flash folders?

Rip The Jacker
04-24-2006, 11:33 PM
I've got 2.0 flash folders and they work great. I've heard of the hybrid forlders...how is that different from just using 2.5 flash folders?
With the 2.0/2.5 flash folders, DBZ works with MPH's Loader. Also, with most games, sleep mode works too.

silent h3ro
04-24-2006, 11:41 PM
Damn can u upload those or PM me where to get those because I looked for them until I got the 2.0 folders for GTA and they work fine but I put Metal Gear Acid 2 on and my saves don't work (possibly because of the flash folders?) I think it has to do with the prx files but I don't know where to get those either... Either way... do you have Metal Gear Acid 2 on ur PSP with ur saves working or ne one else on this forum? Games are getting harder and harder to crack now. But I would like the hybrid folders because I'm sure that would help for more games that I'm gonna put on mine like Burnout ect.

04-25-2006, 12:48 AM
http://forums.pspcrazy.com/forums/psp-tutorials/37561-how-get-gta-working-1-5-playstation-portable.html (tut)

this download has EVERYTHING except UMD emulator.

so all u gotta do is download it...and put it on ur mem stick. :)

no hassles = hAwT

Rip The Jacker
04-25-2006, 12:57 AM
I have Metal Gear Acid 2, loads up with MPH's Loader, save works too. I don't know if that game needs the 2.0/2.5 flash files, but lemme upload them, maybe saves will work then. Also my ISO is 285MB. Give me one second.

EDIT: That's better. :P

EDIT 2: This zip contains MPH's Game Loader 1.1 with the hybrid 2.0/2.5 flash files. Just copy it all over, remember to copy the folder without the % first.


It works for GTA, it makes DBZ work, and might even help you out with MGA2.

04-25-2006, 01:16 AM
Hey RIP can you get one AIM?

silent h3ro
04-25-2006, 01:25 AM
Dammnit I've got GTA, MPH Gameloader and even Devhook lol all I need is those flash folders but Idk ne where else to get them so thanks I'll just dl the whole thing.

EDIT: Thanks ALOT RTJ. :) Btw, doom is kicking ass on my psp. :D

EDIT 2: My .iso is the same size as urs hmmm I hope this works...dling now.

silent h3ro
04-25-2006, 01:43 AM
COOL! The flash folders worked perfect and now the loading works and I'm sure saving does do because loading didn't before. THX!!!!

Rip The Jacker
04-25-2006, 01:50 AM
COOL! The flash folders worked perfect and now the loading works and I'm sure saving does do because loading didn't before. THX!!!!
Glad to hear it.

Let me know how saving goes. :)

04-25-2006, 07:49 PM
I have Metal Gear Acid 2, loads up with MPH's Loader, save works too. I don't know if that game needs the 2.0/2.5 flash files, but lemme upload them, maybe saves will work then. Also my ISO is 285MB. Give me one second.

EDIT: That's better. :P

EDIT 2: This zip contains MPH's Game Loader 1.1 with the hybrid 2.0/2.5 flash files. Just copy it all over, remember to copy the folder without the % first.


It works for GTA, it makes DBZ work, and might even help you out with MGA2.

Why copy the % folder first? Also does anyone else get 'Currupted Data' in there game thing on the system menu. For every real working icon it has a Currupted Data one as well:huh:

@ Rip - My Flash0 & Flash1 folders just came with my MPH download off of some random website.

04-25-2006, 08:26 PM
it's the one without the % first.

I don't know why, but before I did that I got loads of games that did not work and I also got corrupt files as games.

I don't know if it was the copying the % second or maybe I did something else...but my games run fine now with now corrupt data icon

silent h3ro
04-25-2006, 09:11 PM
Peerzy- dl SeiPSP tool and you can get rid of all ur corrupt icons with it and organize your game list too. Noob. :dry:

04-25-2006, 10:05 PM
Peerzy- dl SeiPSP tool and you can get rid of all ur corrupt icons with it and organize your game list too. Noob. :dry:


@Rip - Can you re-upload your special flash files to www.yousendit.org. My ISP uses a proxy so i cannot use RapidShare as it thinks my IP has already downloaded something, when really it's someone else on my ISP in my area downloading and not me.

EDIT: And can you upload the DAXUMDRUN thing (DAXRUNUMD_DBLOCK110.rar) to yousendit as your link says:

You have reached your daily download limit (1GB).

Please try again tomorrow or upgrade to sendspace Max™ to enable a massive 4GB daily limit with multiple, fast, top priority downloads.

When i've never been to that site before.

Rip The Jacker
04-25-2006, 10:17 PM
Peerzy, you got them off some random website? You might want to use the ones I uploaded, I had asmithz (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/member.php?u=27937) download it with UMDemulator yesterday, I was helping him out with AIM, he got GTA working. :)

I can upload it elseware, sure, give me about 10 min or so. Also, you have to copy the folders WITHOUT the % at the end first. This applies to all homebrew apps/games, anything that goes into the GAME folder. Non % folder first. Also, the folders need to be renamed a specific way to remove the corrupted icons. I have like 10 items, no corrupted icons. :D SeiPSP tool lets you auto rename them, and organize the list, I'll upload that too in a sec.

04-25-2006, 10:20 PM
I got SeiPSP off a website. It worked to reorder them so i put all the currupt ones at the bottem which is fine. I've just been coping both folders (& and without &) at the same time.

Rip The Jacker
04-25-2006, 10:27 PM
Use the corrupt icon remover feature, you just type in the name of the folder, and it renames them so the corrupt icons go away...

04-25-2006, 10:28 PM
What size is your GTA ISO? I have two. One thats like 1.1GB and one thats 830mb.

Rip The Jacker
04-25-2006, 10:29 PM
830mb would be correct, mine is 815mb.

Rip The Jacker
04-25-2006, 10:33 PM
UMD Emulator:

MPH Game Loader 1.1 with hybrid 2.0/2.5 flash files:

Those are all you need for GTA...

Dax ZISO Loader (for dax games):

04-25-2006, 10:33 PM
Okay, cheers.

Also my UMDEMULATOR was got from some random website after googling, it works for Burnout fine but i'm pretty sure it's 0.8C and does not have RUNUMD (Not sure if it should have it) Does yours have it?

silent h3ro
04-25-2006, 10:39 PM
Thanks.Np, also DAX is great for compressing your .iso files some of mine have gotten as much as over 60% smaller in size.

04-25-2006, 10:40 PM
If you convert GTA to .dax you can get it down to 576MB (and working with MPH Loader)

Rip The Jacker
04-25-2006, 10:42 PM
Okay, cheers.

Also my UMDEMULATOR was got from some random website after googling, it works for Burnout fine but i'm pretty sure it's 0.8C and does not have RUNUMD (Not sure if it should have it) Does yours have it?
RunUMD is a whole different thing, so it's not included with Umdemu .8c. The Dax loader has it built it though...

But it lags to a point where it's unplayable, and even crashes. =/

04-25-2006, 10:44 PM
ah...well having just working out how to load all these ISOs I haven't managed to play anything

Lucky my memory card is full (but can't play Fifa Street 2 yet- does it need Genesis?)

Rip The Jacker
04-25-2006, 11:09 PM
Why can't you load any ISOs?

04-25-2006, 11:13 PM
When going to run GTA from UMDEmu can you list the exact settings i should select?

I have a UMD Movie in my PSP (Spiderman 2)

04-25-2006, 11:16 PM
1. ISO Emulation mode = System Menu
2. Disc Type ISO = Game
3. Disc Type UMD = Game (Well, depends on what UMD u have in the tray)
4. All of the rest = OFF

04-25-2006, 11:20 PM
1. ISO Emulation mode = System Menu
2. Disc Type ISO = Game
3. Disc Type UMD = Game (Well, depends on what UMD u have in the tray)
4. All of the rest = OFF

So 'use Boot.ini' should be off as well? As well as Flash0 and Flash1 emulation (didn't i just install some special Flash0 and Flash1 files that would need emulation to take effect?

Rip The Jacker
04-25-2006, 11:24 PM
Yup boot.bin off, flash0 and flash1 emulation off.

04-25-2006, 11:25 PM
They didn't work for me. I clicked the GTA ISO and it when back to the system menu but an error message came up saying wrong region code. I clocked O and that went away so i clicked MPHLoader and that went to the black screen that says loading... and stopped.

04-25-2006, 11:27 PM
They didn't work for me. I clicked the GTA ISO and it when back to the system menu but an error message came up saying wrong region code. I clocked O and that went away so i clicked MPHLoader and that went to the black screen that says loading... and stopped.

download that. and thats it.


what does this have? u ask? EVERYTHING** except UMDe

so heres what i recommend, start the download, and while its downloading format ur memory stick then install umd emulator and then follow *

EDIT: when i mean everything, i mean EVERYTHING for u to be able to play GTA:LCS and we know that it works because thats what i downloaded. **

Rip The Jacker
04-25-2006, 11:28 PM
They didn't work for me. I clicked the GTA ISO and it when back to the system menu but an error message came up saying wrong region code. I clocked O and that went away so i clicked MPHLoader and that went to the black screen that says loading... and stopped.
What are the options for "Disc Type UMD?" Aside from Game, is there Movie or Video?

I've never actually tried this with a UMD movie.

04-25-2006, 11:33 PM
Yeah theres Game, Movie & Audio. I've tried those settings your said with Game and Movie. The UMD i have is a Movie.

Rip The Jacker
04-25-2006, 11:34 PM
Yeah theres Game, Movie & Audio. I've tried those settings your said with Game and Movie. The UMD i have is a Movie. Same error with the "Movie" setting?

Wait how'd you get all the other games to load with System Menu? You didn't get that region error then?

04-25-2006, 11:34 PM
They didn't work for me. I clicked the GTA ISO and it when back to the system menu but an error message came up saying wrong region code. I clocked O and that went away so i clicked MPHLoader and that went to the black screen that says loading... and stopped.
What are the options for "Disc Type UMD?" Aside from Game, is there Movie or Video?

I've never actually tried this with a UMD movie.
i do it with a umd movie (spidey 2) and the only problem i get when using system menu is this...

"The region code is invalid..."

but u can still go and launch mph thingy and start gta up. i use direct load for all the other games :)

04-25-2006, 11:43 PM
Yeah theres Game, Movie & Audio. I've tried those settings your said with Game and Movie. The UMD i have is a Movie. Same error with the "Movie" setting?

Wait how'd you get all the other games to load with System Menu? You didn't get that region error then?

The only other ISO I have working right now is Burnout. I still have not got a Ststem Menu ISO working. Im gonna try my other ISO (I have 2) This 800mb one didn't work at all even when using the old programs and stuff. The 1.1GB one at least got past MPH loader and got to the GTA loading screen.

Same issue with Movie and Game.

04-25-2006, 11:54 PM
They didn't work for me. I clicked the GTA ISO and it when back to the system menu but an error message came up saying wrong region code. I clocked O and that went away so i clicked MPHLoader and that went to the black screen that says loading... and stopped.

download that. and thats it.


what does this have? u ask? EVERYTHING** except UMDe

so heres what i recommend, start the download, and while its downloading format ur memory stick then install umd emulator and then follow *

EDIT: when i mean everything, i mean EVERYTHING for u to be able to play GTA:LCS and we know that it works because thats what i downloaded. **

Im gonna give this ago, thanks.

04-26-2006, 12:13 AM
yea that has to work, because i have the exact same setup as u

1.50 psp
spidey 2 umd
umde 0.8
and the download link i gave u

good luck man

BTW theres a password on the file pass: pspcrazy4life

Rip The Jacker
04-27-2006, 06:34 AM
Any luck?

04-27-2006, 01:43 PM
Hey RIP I was messing around with my psp, and figured out the setup you told me is a little to much. You don't need UMDEmulator or the MPH Game Loader, If you have DAX. Dax has both them intergrated into it. If you want to run a dax or iso as you would in UMDEmulator just load it Direct. If you want to load it as you would with MPH Game Loader, just do MPH Direct. I even got GTA to run compressed that way, but the frame rate was off. It's less steps if you use Dax :)

04-27-2006, 03:01 PM
Any luck?

Havn't had chance to give it a go yet. I've got two database assignments in that depend on my A Levels so i havnt played my PSP for like 2 days now.

04-27-2006, 04:03 PM
I was reading somewhere about ripping languages and creating dummy files to make games smaller (i thought it was this thread but tried to look for it just now....).

Anyway, I was wondering if I could do that from a .dax and if not, is there a way of uncompressing the .dax to .iso since I deleted my originals.

Also a link to a how to, or just simple instructions with the programs I need would be appreciated


04-27-2006, 09:04 PM
I was reading somewhere about ripping languages and creating dummy files to make games smaller (i thought it was this thread but tried to look for it just now....).

Anyway, I was wondering if I could do that from a .dax and if not, is there a way of uncompressing the .dax to .iso since I deleted my originals.

Also a link to a how to, or just simple instructions with the programs I need would be appreciated


The program in Dax to compress the ISOs can decompress it too, you can use UMDgen open it up to replace the files you want.

04-27-2006, 09:38 PM
Thanks, but I don't know what those files are? Do you know of any guide on the internet?

04-27-2006, 11:47 PM
yea that has to work, because i have the exact same setup as u

1.50 psp
spidey 2 umd
umde 0.8
and the download link i gave u

good luck man

BTW theres a password on the file pass: pspcrazy4life

Downloading it now, but fuck me 200mb+, i might have to delete Burnout of the stick as GTA ISO (1.1GB + 500mb for Burnout is 1.6Gb and if this is 250mb the sticks only hold about 18GB of real data).

Thanks btw for the links and help guys, i'll try this download and see if i get any luck. If i can get a few other games working i might consider buying another 2GB stick.

Oh and btw i thought i would write down what was on those 16DVD's i got. Theres quite a few dupes but each DVD is filled with ISO's and roms and programs.


Fastloader 0.7
ATV Offroad Fury
Burnout Ledends
Coded Arms
Dynasty Warriors
Gretzky NHL 2005
Hot Shots Golf
Metal Gear Acid
Namco Museum
NBA 2005
Need For Speed Underground Rivals
Panic Bomver
Puzzle Bobbler
Ridge Racer
Rockman Dash
Smart Bomb


Colin Mcrae Rally 2005
Tony Hawks Underground 2 Remix
Twisted Metal Head On
Untold Legends
Virtual Tennis
Wipeout Pure


Fastloader 0.7
F1 Grand prix
Fifa Football
Fired Up
NBA Street Showdown
NFL Street 2 Unleashed
Ridge Racer Evolution
Toca Race Driver 2


Fastloader 0.7
Spiderman 2 - The Movie
Dead To Rights Reckoning
Namco Museum Battle Collection
Star Soldier
Tiger Woods PGA Tour Golf 2006
World Snooker Challenge 2005
World Tour Soccer


Tenchu Shinobi Taizen
Ape Academia
Kao Challengers
Madden 2006
NBA Live 2006
Tiger Woods 2006
Winning Eleven 9
World Series Poker


Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories
Bleach Head The Soul 2
Fifa 2006
Greztky 2006
NBA 2006


Astonishia Story
a-gitssc (Unknown)
Death Jr
Marvelnroti (Unknown)
NBA Street
SSX On Tour
The Con
Winning Eleven 9
X-Men 2


2.0 Firmware Downgrader
Homebrew Pack
Fastloader 0.7
File Assistant
Funny PSP Video's
Gameboy Advance Emulator
Gameboy Emulator
ISO Shrinker
NeoGeo Emulator
Original PSP Background
PC Engine Emulator
PSP Mame
PSP Tool
Scumm Emulator
Sega Game Gear Emulator
SNES Emulator
UMD Emulator
Video 9
Wab Firmware Set
Battlefield 2
Pursuit Force


AI Mahjong
Harry Potter
Kingdom OF Paradise
Midway Arcade Treasures
Poker 2
Socom Fireteam bravon
Tales Of Destiny
World Championship Poker 2


Armored Core Formula Front Extreme Battle
Championship Manager
LOTR Tactics
Need For Speed Most Wanted
Pacman Proper
Prince Of Persia Revelations
Pro Evolution Soccer 5
World Rally Championshp


Fastloader 0.7
A1 Go
Ape Escape
Coded Arms
Dark Stalkers
Dead To Rights
Puzzle Bobble
Ridge Racer
Smart Bomb
Vampire Chronicles
Wipeout Pure
World Soccer


Derby Time
Dynasty Warroirs
F1 Grand Prix
Fastloader 0.7
Mahjong Fight Club
Megadribe Emulator
Metal Gear
Namco Mus
NBA 2005
SNES Emulator
Toca Race Driver 2
Twister Metal


Fastloader 0.7
Hotshots Gold
Puyo Puyo
Spiderman 2
Tenchu Shinobi
Tiger Woods 2005
Untold Legends


ATV Off Road
Fastloader 0.7
Fired Up
Mini Gold
Need For Speed Rivals
NFL Street
Star Soldier
Tony Hawks
Virtual Tennis


Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories
MPH Loader (Needed to run GTA)
Worms Open Warfare
Prince Of Persia


From Russia With Love
Random PSP & PC Shit
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Syphon Filter Dark Mirror
Metal Gear Acid 2

04-28-2006, 12:33 AM
Downloaded it and it's .vob. I changed it to .rar and put the password in and it said damaged archive. What .* should i have changed it to?

04-28-2006, 08:44 PM
Downloaded it and it's .vob. I changed it to .rar and put the password in and it said damaged archive. What .* should i have changed it to?

04-28-2006, 09:25 PM
Still getting damaged or unknown format. It does ask me for the password however.

I'll guess i'll try and re download it

04-28-2006, 09:32 PM
dam i gtg to work in like 5 mins or else i would have uploaded it for u...

04-28-2006, 10:01 PM
nice list peerzy, rly. :mellow:

04-29-2006, 12:28 AM
The uber wierdest shit's happening. NFSMW doesn't work with System Menu with the original ISO, so i DAX'd it up and it went from 1Gb to 190MB, and it still wouldn't work System Menu style so for shits and and giggles i selected direct load and it works fine. Even though the NFO says System menu only. Burnout also works only in firect load.

Crazy shiznit.

Rip The Jacker
04-29-2006, 02:23 AM
That is weird, a lot of unexplained shit happening eh Peerzy?

Where'd you get NFSMW at 1GB big anyway? I have the original unripped and undaxed ISO and its 193mb. :P

A UMD can hold over a gig of storage and EA only used up 200mb, what a waste.

04-29-2006, 02:24 AM
The uber wierdest shit's happening. NFSMW doesn't work with System Menu with the original ISO, so i DAX'd it up and it went from 1Gb to 190MB, and it still wouldn't work System Menu style so for shits and and giggles i selected direct load and it works fine. Even though the NFO says System menu only. Burnout also works only in firect load.

Crazy shiznit.
yea system menu never works for me..i always use direct load..

i only use system menu for gta...

Rip The Jacker
04-29-2006, 02:26 AM
Almost every game I've played worked with System Menu, exept Infected. :wacko:

04-29-2006, 03:37 AM
some of my games worked with system menu, because the nfo said so, except a few which spicker told me to use direct load, then they worked. all my nfos say system menu.

04-29-2006, 04:20 AM
how big is gta again?

04-29-2006, 10:41 AM
Well i have two GTA ISO's one i downloaded and one i got on the DVD, my downloaded one was 1.1GB and the one that came on the DVD was 830mb. However both NFO's said stuff like this isn't working yet. I just found a new one on newsgroups that says it's working so im gonna download that and try it.

a-nfsmwu (ARTSAN) is the ISO name and release group of my 900mb NFSMW release that i DAXISO'd to less than 200mb.

I also noticed that Burnout had some major framerate issues while set on 233MHZ so i buffed that up to 333MHZ and it was all good (this is while it being DAX'd, while it wasn't 233MHZ was more than enough).

A UMD can hold 1.8GB if i remember correctly rip so you would have thought EA would put in some more songs or some videos of street racing or something.

04-29-2006, 05:51 PM
What version MPH Loader should i be using by the way? 1.0? 1.10? I have some crazy 2.0 version that i have yet to get working.

04-29-2006, 05:53 PM
i would say 1.1

04-29-2006, 11:02 PM
Anyone managed to get the following games working and under what settings and what programs?

Pro Evo 5
Prince Of Perisa Revelations

Rip The Jacker
04-30-2006, 02:35 AM
A UMD can hold 1.8GB if i remember correctly rip so you would have thought EA would put in some more songs or some videos of street racing or something.

MPH' Loader loader is at 1.1, I don't know where you got 2.0 from. =/

I don't know about THUG2 or Pro Evo 5, but PoP loaded just fine for me with UMDemulator. I used System Menu I think, or maybe direct load, either way UMDemu itself loaded PoP just fine.

And yeah, Burnout at 333mhz kicks ass. :happy:

04-30-2006, 11:52 AM
Pro Evo 5

DAX compressed
Direct Load
flash0 off
flash1 off
tables in RAM off

04-30-2006, 04:53 PM
Pro Evo 5

DAX compressed
Direct Load
flash0 off
flash1 off
tables in RAM off

How big was your original ISO and what level of compression did you use fin the DAX creator? Also any idea what release you used to DAX?

04-30-2006, 11:26 PM
Found this list, it's basically what settings to use for each game using DAXISO.

Best bet is to copy it into MS Word and then use CTRL + F to search for the game title.

Mode "RunUMD - Loadexe" & "Allocate tables in RAM" ON

007 - From Russia With Love (US)
Bust-A-Move Deluxe (US)
Bust-A-Move Ghost (EU)
Cabelas Dangerous Hunts Ultimate Challenge (US)
Championship Manager 2006 (EU)
Coded Arms (US)
Exit (US)
Exit (EU)
Generation Of Chaos (US)
Gradius Portable (JP)
Lemmings (EU)
Naruto Nultimate Portable (JP)
Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX (US) (CANNOT SAVE)
Syphon Filter Dark Mirror (US)
Untold Legends - The Warriors Code (US)
Worms - Open Warfare (US)
Ys - The Ark Of Napishtim (US)

Mode "MPHGL - VSH Exec" & "Allocate tables in RAM" ON

Bomberman Bakufuu Sentai Bomeber (Not confirmed by me)
Dragonball Z - Shin Budokai (US)
Exit (JP)(English Text)
Go Sudoku (EU)
Hayarigami Portable (Not confirmed by me)
Mega Man Maverick Hunter X (EU)
Megaman Powered Up (US)
Metal Gear Acid 2 (US)
PQ Practical Intellegence Quotient (US)
Samurai Warriors - State Of War (US)
SOCOM - Fire Team Bravo (Not confirmed by me)
Tokobot (US)
Ultimate Block Party (US)
Viewtiful Joe - Battle Carnival (JP)
Viewtiful Joe - Red Hot Rumble (US)

Mode "MPHGL - VSH Exec" & "Allocate tables in RAM" OFF

Daxter (US)
Crash Team Racing (US)
Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories (US)
MLB 06 - The Show (US)
NFL Street Unleashed 2 (US)
Pac-Man World 3 (US)
Viewtiful Joe - Red Hot Rumble (US)
World Championship Poker 2 (US)

Mode "DirectLoad - LoadExec" & "Allocate tables in RAM" ON

Ape Escape - On the loose (US)
Ape Academy (EU)
ATV Offroad Fury (Not confirmed by me)
Bleach 2 - Heat Of The Soul (JP)
Bleach (JP)
Burnout Legends (EU)
Dead To Right Reckoning (US)
Dynastey Warriors (US)
F1 Grand Prix (US)
Fired Up (EU)
Frantix (US)
Frogger Helmet Chaos (US)
Grip Shift (US)
Gretzky NHL 05 (US) (Not confirmed by me)
Guilty Gear XX (JP)
Gundam Battle Tactics (JP)
Hot Shots Golf Open Tee (US)
Everybodys Golf (EU)
Kingdom Of Paradise (US)
Lumines (EU)
Marvel Nemesis Rise Of The Imperfects (US)
Mercury (US)
Metal Gear Acid (EU)
Minna no Golf Coca-cola Edition (JP)
Namco Museum Battle Collection (US)
NBA 2006 (US)
NBA Street (Not confirmed by me)
Need For Speed - Most Wanted (US)
Need For Speed Underground Rivals (US)
Panic Bomber (JP)
Pinball (JP)
Puzzle Bobble (JP)
Power Smash - New Generation (JP) (Not confirmed by me)
Puyo Puyo Fever 2 (JP) (Not confirmed by me)
Rengoku (US)
Space Invaders Galaxy Beat (JP)
SSX On Tour (US)
Star Soldier (JP)
Starwars battlefront 2 (US)
Super Robot Taisen MX (JP)
Taiko no Tatsujin (JP) (Not confirmed by me)
Twisted Metal Head On (US)
Vampire Chronicle (JP)
Wipeout Pure (US)
World Series Of Poker (US)
Tony Hawks Underground 2 Remix (US)
Untold Legends (EU)
XI Coliseum (JP)(Sushi Rip) (Not confirmed by me)

Mode "DirectLoad - LoadExec" & "Allocate tables in RAM" OFF

Championship Manager (EU)
Death Jr (US)
Fifa 2006 (US)
Infected (US)
Kao Challengers (EU)
Legend Of Heroes (US)
Medievil Resurrection (EU)
Midnight Club 3 Dub Edition (US)
Midway Arcade Treasures (US)
NFL Madden 2006 (US)
Pro Evolution Soccer 5 (EU)
Prince Of Persia Revelations (US)
Ridge Racer (EU)
Ridge Racer (US)
Toca Race Driver 2 (EU)
Tiger Woods 2006 (US)
The Hustle (US)
Tales Of Eternia (EU)
Taitsujin Portable (JP)
Tenchu (Not confirmed by me)
Virtua Tennis World Tour (EU)
Virtua Tennis World Tour (US)
World Snooker Challange 2005 (EU)
World Rally Championship (EU)

Mode "System Menu", "UMD Icon" & "Allocate tables in RAM" OFF/ON

Darkstalkers Chronicle (US) (Not confirmed by me)
Pursuit Force (EU)
Spider-Man 2 (US)
The Con (US)
X-Men Legends II Rise Of Apocalypse (US)


Ghost In The Shell (EU)
Coded Arms (US)
Lemmings Preview (EU)

05-02-2006, 12:10 AM
Okay so i got MPH loader and my megaman iso, i edited the prx. and now i have the new iso, i got umd loader 8.c and mph loader on there, but both folders in the GAME section for mph sub folder, say put flash 0 or flash 1 of firmware 2.0 here
what does that mean?

05-02-2006, 12:13 AM
Found this list, it's basically what settings to use for each game using DAXISO.

Best bet is to copy it into MS Word and then use CTRL + F to search for the game title.

Mode "RunUMD - Loadexe" & "Allocate tables in RAM" ON

007 - From Russia With Love (US)
Bust-A-Move Deluxe (US)
Bust-A-Move Ghost (EU)
Cabelas Dangerous Hunts Ultimate Challenge (US)
Championship Manager 2006 (EU)
Coded Arms (US)
Exit (US)
Exit (EU)
Generation Of Chaos (US)
Gradius Portable (JP)
Lemmings (EU)
Naruto Nultimate Portable (JP)
Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX (US) (CANNOT SAVE)
Syphon Filter Dark Mirror (US)
Untold Legends - The Warriors Code (US)
Worms - Open Warfare (US)
Ys - The Ark Of Napishtim (US)

Mode "MPHGL - VSH Exec" & "Allocate tables in RAM" ON

Bomberman Bakufuu Sentai Bomeber (Not confirmed by me)
Dragonball Z - Shin Budokai (US)
Exit (JP)(English Text)
Go Sudoku (EU)
Hayarigami Portable (Not confirmed by me)
Mega Man Maverick Hunter X (EU)
Megaman Powered Up (US)
Metal Gear Acid 2 (US)
PQ Practical Intellegence Quotient (US)
Samurai Warriors - State Of War (US)
SOCOM - Fire Team Bravo (Not confirmed by me)
Tokobot (US)
Ultimate Block Party (US)
Viewtiful Joe - Battle Carnival (JP)
Viewtiful Joe - Red Hot Rumble (US)

Mode "MPHGL - VSH Exec" & "Allocate tables in RAM" OFF

Daxter (US)
Crash Team Racing (US)
Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories (US)
MLB 06 - The Show (US)
NFL Street Unleashed 2 (US)
Pac-Man World 3 (US)
Viewtiful Joe - Red Hot Rumble (US)
World Championship Poker 2 (US)

Mode "DirectLoad - LoadExec" & "Allocate tables in RAM" ON

Ape Escape - On the loose (US)
Ape Academy (EU)
ATV Offroad Fury (Not confirmed by me)
Bleach 2 - Heat Of The Soul (JP)
Bleach (JP)
Burnout Legends (EU)
Dead To Right Reckoning (US)
Dynastey Warriors (US)
F1 Grand Prix (US)
Fired Up (EU)
Frantix (US)
Frogger Helmet Chaos (US)
Grip Shift (US)
Gretzky NHL 05 (US) (Not confirmed by me)
Guilty Gear XX (JP)
Gundam Battle Tactics (JP)
Hot Shots Golf Open Tee (US)
Everybodys Golf (EU)
Kingdom Of Paradise (US)
Lumines (EU)
Marvel Nemesis Rise Of The Imperfects (US)
Mercury (US)
Metal Gear Acid (EU)
Minna no Golf Coca-cola Edition (JP)
Namco Museum Battle Collection (US)
NBA 2006 (US)
NBA Street (Not confirmed by me)
Need For Speed - Most Wanted (US)
Need For Speed Underground Rivals (US)
Panic Bomber (JP)
Pinball (JP)
Puzzle Bobble (JP)
Power Smash - New Generation (JP) (Not confirmed by me)
Puyo Puyo Fever 2 (JP) (Not confirmed by me)
Rengoku (US)
Space Invaders Galaxy Beat (JP)
SSX On Tour (US)
Star Soldier (JP)
Starwars battlefront 2 (US)
Super Robot Taisen MX (JP)
Taiko no Tatsujin (JP) (Not confirmed by me)
Twisted Metal Head On (US)
Vampire Chronicle (JP)
Wipeout Pure (US)
World Series Of Poker (US)
Tony Hawks Underground 2 Remix (US)
Untold Legends (EU)
XI Coliseum (JP)(Sushi Rip) (Not confirmed by me)

Mode "DirectLoad - LoadExec" & "Allocate tables in RAM" OFF

Championship Manager (EU)
Death Jr (US)
Fifa 2006 (US)
Infected (US)
Kao Challengers (EU)
Legend Of Heroes (US)
Medievil Resurrection (EU)
Midnight Club 3 Dub Edition (US)
Midway Arcade Treasures (US)
NFL Madden 2006 (US)
Pro Evolution Soccer 5 (EU)
Prince Of Persia Revelations (US)
Ridge Racer (EU)
Ridge Racer (US)
Toca Race Driver 2 (EU)
Tiger Woods 2006 (US)
The Hustle (US)
Tales Of Eternia (EU)
Taitsujin Portable (JP)
Tenchu (Not confirmed by me)
Virtua Tennis World Tour (EU)
Virtua Tennis World Tour (US)
World Snooker Challange 2005 (EU)
World Rally Championship (EU)

Mode "System Menu", "UMD Icon" & "Allocate tables in RAM" OFF/ON

Darkstalkers Chronicle (US) (Not confirmed by me)
Pursuit Force (EU)
Spider-Man 2 (US)
The Con (US)
X-Men Legends II Rise Of Apocalypse (US)


Ghost In The Shell (EU)
Coded Arms (US)
Lemmings Preview (EU)

We should make our own list, in a new thread. Also I think that list is for version .51 not the new one .55.

05-02-2006, 12:25 AM
nvm thanks to all the uploads in this one thread...

05-02-2006, 12:57 AM
Found this list, it's basically what settings to use for each game using DAXISO.

Best bet is to copy it into MS Word and then use CTRL + F to search for the game title.

Mode "RunUMD - Loadexe" & "Allocate tables in RAM" ON

007 - From Russia With Love (US)
Bust-A-Move Deluxe (US)
Bust-A-Move Ghost (EU)
Cabelas Dangerous Hunts Ultimate Challenge (US)
Championship Manager 2006 (EU)
Coded Arms (US)
Exit (US)
Exit (EU)
Generation Of Chaos (US)
Gradius Portable (JP)
Lemmings (EU)
Naruto Nultimate Portable (JP)
Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX (US) (CANNOT SAVE)
Syphon Filter Dark Mirror (US)
Untold Legends - The Warriors Code (US)
Worms - Open Warfare (US)
Ys - The Ark Of Napishtim (US)

Mode "MPHGL - VSH Exec" & "Allocate tables in RAM" ON

Bomberman Bakufuu Sentai Bomeber (Not confirmed by me)
Dragonball Z - Shin Budokai (US)
Exit (JP)(English Text)
Go Sudoku (EU)
Hayarigami Portable (Not confirmed by me)
Mega Man Maverick Hunter X (EU)
Megaman Powered Up (US)
Metal Gear Acid 2 (US)
PQ Practical Intellegence Quotient (US)
Samurai Warriors - State Of War (US)
SOCOM - Fire Team Bravo (Not confirmed by me)
Tokobot (US)
Ultimate Block Party (US)
Viewtiful Joe - Battle Carnival (JP)
Viewtiful Joe - Red Hot Rumble (US)

Mode "MPHGL - VSH Exec" & "Allocate tables in RAM" OFF

Daxter (US)
Crash Team Racing (US)
Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories (US)
MLB 06 - The Show (US)
NFL Street Unleashed 2 (US)
Pac-Man World 3 (US)
Viewtiful Joe - Red Hot Rumble (US)
World Championship Poker 2 (US)

Mode "DirectLoad - LoadExec" & "Allocate tables in RAM" ON

Ape Escape - On the loose (US)
Ape Academy (EU)
ATV Offroad Fury (Not confirmed by me)
Bleach 2 - Heat Of The Soul (JP)
Bleach (JP)
Burnout Legends (EU)
Dead To Right Reckoning (US)
Dynastey Warriors (US)
F1 Grand Prix (US)
Fired Up (EU)
Frantix (US)
Frogger Helmet Chaos (US)
Grip Shift (US)
Gretzky NHL 05 (US) (Not confirmed by me)
Guilty Gear XX (JP)
Gundam Battle Tactics (JP)
Hot Shots Golf Open Tee (US)
Everybodys Golf (EU)
Kingdom Of Paradise (US)
Lumines (EU)
Marvel Nemesis Rise Of The Imperfects (US)
Mercury (US)
Metal Gear Acid (EU)
Minna no Golf Coca-cola Edition (JP)
Namco Museum Battle Collection (US)
NBA 2006 (US)
NBA Street (Not confirmed by me)
Need For Speed - Most Wanted (US)
Need For Speed Underground Rivals (US)
Panic Bomber (JP)
Pinball (JP)
Puzzle Bobble (JP)
Power Smash - New Generation (JP) (Not confirmed by me)
Puyo Puyo Fever 2 (JP) (Not confirmed by me)
Rengoku (US)
Space Invaders Galaxy Beat (JP)
SSX On Tour (US)
Star Soldier (JP)
Starwars battlefront 2 (US)
Super Robot Taisen MX (JP)
Taiko no Tatsujin (JP) (Not confirmed by me)
Twisted Metal Head On (US)
Vampire Chronicle (JP)
Wipeout Pure (US)
World Series Of Poker (US)
Tony Hawks Underground 2 Remix (US)
Untold Legends (EU)
XI Coliseum (JP)(Sushi Rip) (Not confirmed by me)

Mode "DirectLoad - LoadExec" & "Allocate tables in RAM" OFF

Championship Manager (EU)
Death Jr (US)
Fifa 2006 (US)
Infected (US)
Kao Challengers (EU)
Legend Of Heroes (US)
Medievil Resurrection (EU)
Midnight Club 3 Dub Edition (US)
Midway Arcade Treasures (US)
NFL Madden 2006 (US)
Pro Evolution Soccer 5 (EU)
Prince Of Persia Revelations (US)
Ridge Racer (EU)
Ridge Racer (US)
Toca Race Driver 2 (EU)
Tiger Woods 2006 (US)
The Hustle (US)
Tales Of Eternia (EU)
Taitsujin Portable (JP)
Tenchu (Not confirmed by me)
Virtua Tennis World Tour (EU)
Virtua Tennis World Tour (US)
World Snooker Challange 2005 (EU)
World Rally Championship (EU)

Mode "System Menu", "UMD Icon" & "Allocate tables in RAM" OFF/ON

Darkstalkers Chronicle (US) (Not confirmed by me)
Pursuit Force (EU)
Spider-Man 2 (US)
The Con (US)
X-Men Legends II Rise Of Apocalypse (US)


Ghost In The Shell (EU)
Coded Arms (US)
Lemmings Preview (EU)

We should make our own list, in a new thread. Also I think that list is for version .51 not the new one .55.

Yeah it is, some ISO's that i've got have used different settings and some don't seem to work at all using those settings.

Ridge Racer, Fifa 2006 and Pro Evolution Soccer 5 don't work for me when using the above 'tested' settings. Although quite a few do.

05-02-2006, 01:53 AM
We should make our own list, in a new thread. Also I think that list is for version .51 not the new one .55.

Yeah it is, some ISO's that i've got have used different settings and some don't seem to work at all using those settings.

Ridge Racer, Fifa 2006 and Pro Evolution Soccer 5 don't work for me when using the above 'tested' settings. Although quite a few do.

So we should start a new thread?> :whistling

05-02-2006, 02:00 AM
lets possibly create a guide to getting these working?, sound good?

Rip The Jacker
05-02-2006, 07:11 AM
Okay so i got MPH loader and my megaman iso, i edited the prx. and now i have the new iso, i got umd loader 8.c and mph loader on there, but both folders in the GAME section for mph sub folder, say put flash 0 or flash 1 of firmware 2.0 here
what does that mean?
You need the flash0 and flash1 folders, here:


Thats a pretty useful list Peerzy, thanks.

05-02-2006, 08:46 AM
Can anyone help me? On PSPCrazy in the direct ISOs download section there's a thread called something like 'Syphon Filter DAX 300mb sendspace'. I downloaded that version, and used the settings from the list, but everytime i try and play it it just loads the UMD i put in the drive, not SF. I think it's something to do with the version of DAX/RunUMD i have.

05-02-2006, 08:28 PM
Can the new versions 2.5 etc be downgraded or is it only 2.0 to 1.5.

Rip The Jacker
05-02-2006, 08:37 PM
I've downloaded that exact same ISO from PSPcrazy, works just fine for me. I'm using the DAX ZISO Loader .55, and the settings I'm using are RUNUMD LoadExec with RAM Table Allocation ON.

It works perfectly, what loader are you using?

2.0 to 1.5 only.

05-02-2006, 09:46 PM
thanx for that looks like the psp system still hasnt been cracked from last time

05-03-2006, 10:38 AM
I take it there's still no way to run backups on gig cards yet

05-03-2006, 09:14 PM
lol, you can use any size memory stick, the memory stick doesnt matter...

05-03-2006, 09:19 PM
I've downloaded that exact same ISO from PSPcrazy, works just fine for me. I'm using the DAX ZISO Loader .55, and the settings I'm using are RUNUMD LoadExec with RAM Table Allocation ON.

It works perfectly, what loader are you using?

2.0 to 1.5 only.

Is there any reason as to why my PSP is only playing certain games yet other people can play them all. An example is PES5 (Pro Evo Soccer 5), i've tried 3 different versions from PSPCrazy and other people have got them to work using DAXISO .55, which is what I'm using.

Rip any chance you could do me a massive favour and copy your entire memory stick contents (minus the ISO folder) and upload it, as to be honest im getting lost as to what version of RUMEMU, flash0 files and eboot hacks:ermm:

Rip The Jacker
05-03-2006, 10:21 PM
Yeah you seem to be having weird issues, maybe something is wrong with your memory stick? :unsure:

I guess I could copy my entire memory stick, but even without the ISO folder it'll be kinda big. Gimme 15-30 min and I'll have it ready, I just won't zip the ISO's or SNES roms and other big junk.

Actually what if I just upload all my loader related files/folders?

05-03-2006, 11:06 PM
Yeah that would be fine, although before you do it could ou order the files and folders so that all i need to do is copy them over, as in no mucking about. When i meant your whole memory stick whar i was refering to was just all of your working loaders, hacks, flash thingys and such, no roms, games or homebrew apps.

I thought it might be my stick as well, i guess i could borrow my mates but he got it from the same ebay guy so im not sure if that would help.

Maybe i could get the sampler UMD, the only reason i borrowed Spiderman UMD was because my mate said the sampler would update my PSP.

Rip The Jacker
05-04-2006, 01:01 AM
I've never even tried loading something with a UMD movie, I'd recommend using a game UMD.

If anyone else wants it, here is a zip file with everything on my memory stick, exept ISOs, roms, or saves, nothing illegal. Just all the working loaders/apps:

05-04-2006, 10:29 PM
I've tried GTA with both Rip and asmithz's loaders and niether is working for GTA, although the games that i had working are still working.

Also where do i put normal .mp4 videos to play them? I've tried putting them in /PSP/VIDEO/ and in /MP_ROOT/ and in /MP_ROOT/100MNV01/ (That folder was already there) but still no luck.

Do you think i should buy a new memory card as i'm pretty sure mines a fake, although it has the full 2GB capacity and is transfering at the correct rates, it just looks a bit dodgy.

05-04-2006, 11:18 PM
the download with gta on here works for me...try using umdloader 8.c
and put as system menu the rest off
it works for me

05-05-2006, 12:14 AM
the download with gta on here works for me...try using umdloader 8.c
and put as system menu the rest off
it works for me

It doesn't work, it's not just GTA im talking about, it's like 70% of all the ISO's i've downloaded.

One thing that did make me think, UMDMovies are regioncoded, my UMDMovie is Region 2 and maybe the games i'm trying to play are US Region 1. Im gonna try and get a sampler disc or a game and see if that helps.

Also where do i put my .mp4 videos to play them (using the standard PSP video player).

05-05-2006, 01:38 AM

thats where i put mine.

05-05-2006, 02:09 AM
nice avatar spicker, my relatives always say v instead of w
like wolleyball

05-05-2006, 02:45 AM
Something I wanted to share with everyone, who was wanting to get rid of the corrupt icon on your psp, or used any other method.

In your \PSP\GAME you will have one of the three

This will display the program and corrupt icon in your folder.

"Program Folder"
"Program Folder%"


32 Charactures
Meaning you add 32 charactures and a 1 to the non % folder, and the % folder adding ~1 before the 1. This will hide the corrupt file on some programs.

"Program Folder<32 SPACES HERE>1"
"Program Folder~1%"

Example - \PSP\GAME\DAXZISO~1%
Example2 - \PSP\GAME\DAXZISO________________________1
Example2 - \PSP\GAME\DAXZISO~1%

SCE Method
Don't really know why, but adding "%__SCE_" before the folder with the % at the end, and "__SCE_" to the folder with no % gets rid of the corrupt icon for any program.

"__SCE_Program Folder"
"%__SCE_Program Folder" - < Get rid of the % at the end


Rip The Jacker
05-05-2006, 06:54 AM
Did you get your memory stick off of ebay? Ebay = fake memory sticks. =/

How to tell if your memory stick is fake or not:

Also, MP4 PSP videos go in /MP_ROOT/100MNV01/ (the folder included in my zip file), and then they should show up in the PSP > Video menu no problems.

Thanks for sharing that info, the 32 character method works, and SeiPSP Tool does the job in one click, I havn't tried the SCE method just yet..

05-06-2006, 01:43 PM
I'm having some more trouble. I got a new memory stick (2gb - woot!!) and i put Syphon on it and it works fine now, but i wanted to play DBZ but it won't load up.

I got the dax loader 0.55 bundle thing in the Jo's dax iso's thread over at PSPCrazy, and also MPH gameloader and tried to load up DBZ but it freezes when at the 'loading ISO' screen. Does anyone know if i'm missing some files or something?

05-06-2006, 02:38 PM
I'm having some more trouble. I got a new memory stick (2gb - woot!!) and i put Syphon on it and it works fine now, but i wanted to play DBZ but it won't load up.

I got the dax loader 0.55 bundle thing in the Jo's dax iso's thread over at PSPCrazy, and also MPH gameloader and tried to load up DBZ but it freezes when at the 'loading ISO' screen. Does anyone know if i'm missing some files or something?

Put this in the dax folders, the Flash0 and Flash1 folders.


Then use the flash emulation in dax, and it works compressed too.

05-06-2006, 03:06 PM
Did you get your memory stick off of ebay? Ebay = fake memory sticks. =/

How to tell if your memory stick is fake or not:

Also, MP4 PSP videos go in /MP_ROOT/100MNV01/ (the folder included in my zip file), and then they should show up in the PSP > Video menu no problems.

Yeah like i said im confident my stick is fake but so far its been running fine and if it was not working fine then Burnout wouldn't work, or would work and crash or something, it wouldn't work with some games and not with others.

I've put two .MP4 videos into /MP_ROOT/100MNV01/ and they are not showing up, do i need to call the videos a certain name? I got the videos from Google Video (When viewing a video next to download you can cange it to PSP video format and it lets you download a .MP4 of the video.

I have the same release of GTA as asmithz and i've used the settings he said works with him and settings people on other forums have said work and nothing.

It's coming the point where im considering just selling the PSP as im getting uber pissed off at the fact that only 30% of games are working for me.

05-06-2006, 04:25 PM
Put this in the dax folders, the Flash0 and Flash1 folders.


Then use the flash emulation in dax, and it works compressed too.

-edit- Got it working now, i was using the wrong settings. Thanks for the fix :D

Rip The Jacker
05-06-2006, 04:41 PM
Did you get your memory stick off of ebay? Ebay = fake memory sticks. =/

How to tell if your memory stick is fake or not:

Also, MP4 PSP videos go in /MP_ROOT/100MNV01/ (the folder included in my zip file), and then they should show up in the PSP > Video menu no problems.

Yeah like i said im confident my stick is fake but so far its been running fine and if it was not working fine then Burnout wouldn't work, or would work and crash or something, it wouldn't work with some games and not with others.

I've put two .MP4 videos into /MP_ROOT/100MNV01/ and they are not showing up, do i need to call the videos a certain name? I got the videos from Google Video (When viewing a video next to download you can cange it to PSP video format and it lets you download a .MP4 of the video.

I have the same release of GTA as asmithz and i've used the settings he said works with him and settings people on other forums have said work and nothing.

It's coming the point where im considering just selling the PSP as im getting uber pissed off at the fact that only 30% of games are working for me.

The MP4's need to have certain names, yeah. The have to be titled M4VXXXXX.MP4. Where the 5 X's are numbers. Example: First video would be:
Second would be: M4vX00002.MP4, etc. A huge and useful guide can be found here:

But I think Google video converts their videos into AVC format, compatable with 2.0+ only. 1.5 can only play regualr MP4's, not the AVC encoded ones.

05-07-2006, 11:02 PM
Got videos working thanks.

Can someone load up Worms OW and create a new save file (with 0% complete) and upload it for me? My copy has issues when the game goes to that screen saying "Please Wait, checking Memory Stick".


Also RIP, those emulators that are in that thing you sent me, any rom will work for them right? I tried an N64 emu and like 1 game worked and that was like 5fps.

Also is there a working GBA emu yet?

Rip The Jacker
05-08-2006, 08:11 AM
Got videos working thanks.

Can someone load up Worms OW and create a new save file (with 0% complete) and upload it for me? My copy has issues when the game goes to that screen saying "Please Wait, checking Memory Stick".


Also RIP, those emulators that are in that thing you sent me, any rom will work for them right? I tried an N64 emu and like 1 game worked and that was like 5fps.

Also is there a working GBA emu yet? Glad videos work now.

The SNES and NES emulators I uploaded? Yeah all NES roms work, and for SNES, most (not all) roms work. Certain games run too slow on it.

Also, there is no good GBA emulator (too slow) or N64 emulator (N64 on PSP is just asking for too much =/ )... not yet anyway.

Your Worms game shouldn't get stuck at the "Please Wait, checking Memory Stick" screen, I don't know if a 0% save will help. If you want, I can get you the exact ISO I use. It's around 77MB, movies ripped (they suck anyway), and it runs with RunUMD LoadExec.

05-08-2006, 06:07 PM
If you've got a link to that ISO that would be great, mines like 400mb and doesn't work :(

05-09-2006, 09:34 PM
Couldn't get your Worms ISO or Prince Of Persia working :(

Rip The Jacker
05-10-2006, 02:07 AM
Couldn't get your Worms ISO or Prince Of Persia working :(

It runs just fine for me, using RunUMD Loadexec, all the other options don't matter too much. Still using the same memory stick and movie UMD?

05-10-2006, 06:58 AM
Getting the UMD Sample today, gonna see if that helps.

05-11-2006, 05:53 PM
Got the UMD Sampler, still stuff isn't working. THUG2 Remix is suppose to load on RunUMD Load Exec but it goes to the first loading screen and just stops, the PSP doesn't crash however as i can still push Home, it's like it's just not loading. When i do it in System Menu though it comes up now on the main menu but still crashes on the loading screen, with my Spiderman UMD it would also give some error.

So im gonna try a few System Menu games, got a list of the best ones or something?

Rip The Jacker
05-11-2006, 09:01 PM
I have THUG2 Remix, its about 335mb a dax file, and for me it loads perfectly with Direct LoadExec and RAM Table Allocation ON... maybe you could try those settings? =/

05-11-2006, 11:21 PM
Tried and nothing, mine was 800mb and i DAX'd it to 550MB but still with no luck. I think i may need an X folder, i read somewhere that if a game is crashing on the main menu but the PSP is still running then it's usually a problem with not having an X folder.

They come with certain scene releases and the files inside the X folder are always the same so i just need to find one.

Rip The Jacker
05-12-2006, 06:55 AM
You don't have the X folder? :blink:

It was included in the ZIP file I uploaded, a folder titled "x", it needs to be in the root of your memory stick. =/

05-13-2006, 04:16 PM
I do have an X folder from your download yeah. I've also just got the same DAX THUG ISO you have, this one just makes the screen go black, every second the memory stick light bleeps for a second and then it goes off.

What settings to you use for Syphon (sp?) Filter, and Pro Evo 5?

05-13-2006, 05:12 PM
I really have no idea what's wrong. I have PES5, Syphon Filter, Worms, Burnout and DBZ (all dax compressed) on my stick with the settings from that list posted before and they all work perfectly.

Are you sure you have the latest version of DAX loader? The one that incorporates all the main loaders (MPH, RunUMD etc) in one?

05-13-2006, 05:52 PM
Im using DAXLOADER 0.55, i tried with a version i downloaded, a version Rip uses and a version Asmithz uses. Might it be because my PSP is PAL? Would i need to touch the regioncode settings in DAXLOADER?

silent h3ro
05-13-2006, 10:17 PM
Does Daxloader include DEVHOOK? Also, does the dax compressed iso of gta lcs work in umd emulator if you change the name to .iso extension?

05-13-2006, 10:23 PM
1) No Devhook.
2) No, the same way a RAR'd PC ISO wouldn't run if you changed the extension to ISO.

silent h3ro
05-14-2006, 12:42 AM
1) No Devhook.
2) No, the same way a RAR'd PC ISO wouldn't run if you changed the extension to ISO.Damn, no devhookl. I heard it was possible if you renamed it to iso from .dax.iso and ran it but I never tried it myself.

05-14-2006, 12:49 AM
Download a PC ISO, extract it from all of the 15mb RAR files or 50mb rar files, then put it in a folder and RAR it up. Then rename the extension, will it work? No because theres no autorun.ini in the 'ISO' just an .iso file.

RAR up 20 songs, rename the extension to .MP3 and put it on your Ipod, does it play?
RAR up 4 XviD tv shows and rename the extension to .avi, does WMP play it?

PSP needs files to boot up games and files to run the first piece of code. So it would never work.

You can have DAXZISO and DevHook (or DevHook Evolved - whatever that is, linkage anyone?) on the same PSP however.

silent h3ro
05-14-2006, 01:34 AM
So could I load the .dax iso file and then exit the daxziso loader and then run devhook and then would it work (like you can do with UMDEmulator)?

05-14-2006, 04:44 AM
Dax 6.0 is out every grab it....!!!

Rip The Jacker
05-14-2006, 09:31 AM
Thanks for the heads up asmithz. I don't know anything about DevHook or DevHook Evolved. Dax ZISO Loader .55+ is the only loader you need.

Hell, I just got Pursuit force, the full game. The whole 1.3gb ISO was Dax'd to about 707mb, and it runs perfectly. :)

Peerzy I'm still not sure why your having all these problems, the games don't have any region code on them, so you don't need to change those settings in DAX ZISO loader.

silent h3ro
05-14-2006, 06:16 PM
So could I load the .dax iso file and then exit the daxziso loader and then run devhook and then would it work (like you can do with UMDEmulator)?

Yes it worked (system menu is what its called), sad I had to quote myself.

@ Rip the Jacker - Devhook is an app that allows you to play .isos without having a UMD in the drive.

Also, I had trouble playing GTA in .dax compressed format (9). The game would freeze after about a min or two but the audio kept playing. Anyone get the GTA .dax working? I know its possible.

05-14-2006, 07:02 PM
Anyone get the GTA .dax working? I know its possible.

Yeah i did. It seemed a little laggy...i don't think the real game was that laggy, but it was playable.

05-14-2006, 07:51 PM
Anyone get the GTA .dax working? I know its possible.

Yeah i did. It seemed a little laggy...i don't think the real game was that laggy, but it was playable.

same here, its not meant to be compressed

05-14-2006, 10:23 PM
Just downloaded the latest DAXZISO, hoping it will help me get my games working.

Can i use the flash0 and flash1 folders from your upload Rip and just copy them over to the new DAXZISO?

Rip The Jacker
05-14-2006, 11:50 PM
Yeah, it should work.

Gam3Guy (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/member.php?u=56968)
GTA kinda loads everything on-the-fly, so compressing it doesn't work very well. I tried compressing GTA, it was very laggy, and crashed after about 2 min. of playing. GTA is one of those games you can't compress...

05-15-2006, 06:09 AM
Dark_AleX has now released DAX ZISO Loader v0.61 BETA For PSP (http://www.ps2nfo.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=4522) which includes some bug fixes. Specifically, an important bug was found (FUSEDCORE.BIN and EBOOT.PBP updated) that causes a lot of games not to work. The problem was not really the source code of the core, but a modification of an external app that I did to merge the DAX core into the UMD Emulator core (it destroyed some patches that UME core does).

Rip The Jacker
05-15-2006, 07:47 AM
Dark_AleX has now released DAX ZISO Loader v0.61 BETA For PSP (http://www.ps2nfo.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=4522) which includes some bug fixes. Specifically, an important bug was found (FUSEDCORE.BIN and EBOOT.PBP updated) that causes a lot of games not to work. The problem was not really the source code of the core, but a modification of an external app that I did to merge the DAX core into the UMD Emulator core (it destroyed some patches that UME core does).
Hmmm... I've never had a single problem with any ISO's, but glad to hear there were bug fixes. Thanks for keeping us posted dude. :)

05-15-2006, 03:00 PM
Dark_AleX has now released DAX ZISO Loader v0.61 BETA For PSP (http://www.ps2nfo.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=4522) which includes some bug fixes. Specifically, an important bug was found (FUSEDCORE.BIN and EBOOT.PBP updated) that causes a lot of games not to work. The problem was not really the source code of the core, but a modification of an external app that I did to merge the DAX core into the UMD Emulator core (it destroyed some patches that UME core does). Hmmm... I've never had a single problem with any ISO's, but glad to hear there were bug fixes. Thanks for keeping us posted dude. :)

mabey this version will help peerzy.... mabey

05-15-2006, 05:38 PM
Nope, 6.01 was what i tried and no luck, it loads all my old games but no new ones :(

05-16-2006, 10:24 AM
In PSP news, DragonUK has now shared DevHook Evolved DAX061 v7 Loader For PSP (http://www.ps2nfo.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=4533) for those interested in loading both compressed (DAX'd) and non-compressed iSO images via DAX ZISO Loader without a UMD in the PSP drive. Also, JAMESBDX (http://www.ps2nfo.com/forums/jamesbdx) has shared DevHook 3X MPHGL Mod r2 For PSP (http://www.ps2nfo.com/modules.php?name=Downloads&file=viewarticle&id=1070) which appears to be a modification of the previous (http://www.ps2nfo.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=4488) release by Chossy for those who enjoy experimenting.

:) DevHook and Dax Combined, what more can you ask for?

05-16-2006, 01:05 PM
how do i set up daxziso loader properly i have tried a few times trying gta but it will not work

05-16-2006, 01:05 PM
any help plz

05-16-2006, 01:07 PM
is any 1 derr

silent h3ro
05-17-2006, 01:22 AM
In PSP news, DragonUK has now shared DevHook Evolved DAX061 v7 Loader For PSP (http://www.ps2nfo.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=4533) for those interested in loading both compressed (DAX'd) and non-compressed iSO images via DAX ZISO Loader without a UMD in the PSP drive. Also, JAMESBDX (http://www.ps2nfo.com/forums/jamesbdx) has shared DevHook 3X MPHGL Mod r2 For PSP (http://www.ps2nfo.com/modules.php?name=Downloads&file=viewarticle&id=1070) which appears to be a modification of the previous (http://www.ps2nfo.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=4488) release by Chossy for those who enjoy experimenting.

:) DevHook and Dax Combined, what more can you ask for?Noo fucking way! I'm dling that now. :D

05-18-2006, 10:24 PM
BIG NEWS!!!!!!!!!!

Dark_Alex has released DAX ZISO Loader v0.62 BETA For PSP (http://www.ps2nfo.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=4580) today, and it includes USB support- as illustrated in the picture, you can now store a plethora of PSP iSOs and run them without conventional PSP Memory Stick size limitations. http://www.ps2nfo.com/forums/images/smilies/tongue2.gif

DragonUK has shared a DAX ZISO Loader USB Tutorial Pack For PSP (http://www.ps2nfo.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=4582) for those seeking help and the related files required, and another (alternate) DAX ZISO Loader DA USB Tutorial Pack For PSP (http://www.ps2nfo.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=4584) by Dark_AleX is also available. http://www.ps2nfo.com/forums/images/smilies/smile2.gif Finally, DAX ZISO Loader v0.62 changes include:

- A bug originally from the UMDEMULATOR core has been found. UMDEMULATOR didn't handle the case where the string pointed by the parameter file (sceIoOpen, sceIoOpenAsync), or dev (sceIoDevctl) was not aligned to 4 bytes, causing an exception when that happened.

- Now DAX ZiSO PRX's and default backgrounds are in ms0:/DAXZISO. Also, moved from newlib to PSP $DK libc to reduce the size of the executable.

- Added an "experiment" to play games via USB in Direct Load, MPHGL Direct, and RUNUMD Direct modes. This needs files from PSP Link (http://www.ps2nfo.com/modules/Downloads/userfile.php?id=1011), which are not included. (you only need usbhostfs.prx in the PSP part, and a driver and usbhostfs_pc in your computer, and edit the daxziso.ini file).

Also DevHook Evloved is updated

Update: DragonUK has now updated DevHook Evolved DAX062 v0.71 Loader For PSP (http://www.ps2nfo.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=4585) to support DAX062, however, it's important to NOTE that this release has the USB support deactivated by default. If you want to test games via USB, you will need to copy the DAXZISO folder (with the files inside it) from the USB Tutorial below and simply overwrite the one included in this release with it.

05-19-2006, 08:51 PM
Just get a 1GB Sandisk (i got it off a mate to borrow), and Pro Evo 5 worked straight away, also copy times were loads faster, must be my memory card. I'm gonna have to spend £80 now for a new 2Gb Sandisk on top of the £40 i spent on my shit Sony one :( .

Any ideas what i should do with my Sony one?

05-19-2006, 09:15 PM
Just get a 1GB Sandisk (i got it off a mate to borrow), and Pro Evo 5 worked straight away, also copy times were loads faster, must be my memory card. I'm gonna have to spend £80 now for a new 2Gb Sandisk on top of the £40 i spent on my shit Sony one :( .

Any ideas what i should do with my Sony one?

ebay it :happy:

05-19-2006, 11:12 PM
yeah do what someone did to you to someone else, if that makes sense :runs into wall:

Rip The Jacker
05-20-2006, 05:44 AM
BIG NEWS!!!!!!!!!!

Also DevHook Evloved is updated

Update: DragonUK has now updated DevHook Evolved DAX062 v0.71 Loader For PSP (http://www.ps2nfo.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=4585) to support DAX062, however, it's important to NOTE that this release has the USB support deactivated by default. If you want to test games via USB, you will need to copy the DAXZISO folder (with the files inside it) from the USB Tutorial below and simply overwrite the one included in this release with it.
Whoa. USB support? As in, running the ISO's from your PC? Interesting... not portable, but that'd remove the memory stick limits.

@Peerzy (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/member.php?u=47836)
Glad to hear it. Were you able to get Pro Evo 5 to work with your Sony stick? If not, then you should be pretty happy. :P Try and sell your Sony stick on eBay, remember, buy a Sandisk stick, and avoid sites like eBay, damn fake memory sticks. Buy from a trusted store.

05-20-2006, 10:00 AM
I spoke to my mate and i'm gonna swap his 1GB Sandisk real memory stick for my shyte 2GB one, as he doesn't play games and just uses it for music, movies and gamesaves, all of which work perfectly.

When i get paid next month i'll go and buy a 2GB Sandisk so i'll just have two memory sticks.

Oh and Pro Evo didn't work at all on my sony stick but works perfectly on my Sandisk one.

05-20-2006, 12:02 PM
I spoke to my mate and i'm gonna swap his 1GB Sandisk real memory stick for my shyte 2GB one, as he doesn't play games and just uses it for music, movies and gamesaves, all of which work perfectly.

When i get paid next month i'll go and buy a 2GB Sandisk so i'll just have two memory sticks.

Oh and Pro Evo didn't work at all on my sony stick but works perfectly on my Sandisk one.
You should get back into the scene with that money :P

EDIT If games are not working for you in usb mode, adding "z" before the filename makes it work for some reason.... I didn't read about it i just know it works.

Example - zGtalcs.iso.dax

05-20-2006, 01:49 PM
I spoke to my mate and i'm gonna swap his 1GB Sandisk real memory stick for my shyte 2GB one, as he doesn't play games and just uses it for music, movies and gamesaves, all of which work perfectly.

When i get paid next month i'll go and buy a 2GB Sandisk so i'll just have two memory sticks.

Oh and Pro Evo didn't work at all on my sony stick but works perfectly on my Sandisk one.
You should get back into the scene with that money :P

Thats only a months worth though, to be honest it's not worth it for me, wouldn't use it enough.

Rip The Jacker
06-13-2006, 12:34 AM
Damn the PSP scene just gets better and better. First the DAX ZISO loader, and now something else.

A new version of the loader DevHook came out, .41a. This new loader can load up games the MPH Game Loader and RunUMD loader couldn't. GTA works with Wifi now. Socom works with save, online wifi works too. Street Fighter saves now, wifi works. It loads Me and my Katamari, Tomb Raider Legend, Splinter Cell Essentials, Smackdown vs Raw, and a bunch of other games.

DevHook .41a emulates the 2.5 firmware completely... so you can use the Home button to quit your game, and BAM your in the 2.5 XMB. From what I understand you can use the official Sony browser now... on 1.5. :)

You can also now compress most games and load them with DevHook, by compressing ISO's into CISO's. Some of the games go down to half their original size. :)

It just gets better and better, now I just need a bigger memory stick, and a wireless router. :P

06-13-2006, 12:40 AM
Yup, i've been using it and it's great. By the way i figured out what was wrong with my memory stick. It only had 1GB of space, but made the PSP and my computer think it had more, so those games there were working were stored in the 1GB of real space and the stuff that wasn't i was copying onto nothing.

I've brought a new one from ebay and that will arrive tomorrow, when it does i'm going to email the guy and say it doesn't work and send back my old non working one and get a replacement or a refund. 2 X 2GB would be good.

Rip The Jacker
06-13-2006, 12:47 AM
Yup, i've been using it and it's great. By the way i figured out what was wrong with my memory stick. It only had 1GB of space, but made the PSP and my computer think it had more, so those games there were working were stored in the 1GB of real space and the stuff that wasn't i was copying onto nothing.

I've brought a new one from ebay and that will arrive tomorrow, when it does i'm going to email the guy and say it doesn't work and send back my old non working one and get a replacement or a refund. 2 X 2GB would be good.
So it was fake? :pinch:

That's horrible. Yeah people say the counterfeit memory sticks hold less, even though they say 2GB.

Your going to scam an honest eBay seller? :P

06-13-2006, 12:57 AM
Yeah it was fake, it had a 2GB case bu tonly a 1GB chip inside.

No, the guy i'm buying it off has sold like 200 2GB sticks in the last month, chances of these ones being real are not very good, but as long as they work i don't care.

I have two mates who have brought 2Gb fake sticks off ebay and they work fine for them, i just got unlucky. As long as it holds 2GB and works like it should i cound't give a toss if it's real or fake.