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View Full Version : Banned from Oink?

07-18-2006, 01:44 AM

07-18-2006, 03:00 AM
I was recently banned from Oink(impossible to seed) and ive gotten another invite but i cant rejoin the site.

so i take it you're planning to leech till the new account gets banned too.

07-18-2006, 03:58 AM
signup at a friends house/or relatives

07-18-2006, 04:47 AM
1. Flush your DNS
2. Delete all cookies and password saved for Oink
3. If you have DSL, restart your modem, if you have cable, change your router's MAC Adress and restart the modem. The point is to have a new IP.
4. Sign up with different nick.
5. Give me one invite if you happen to have another one. :D

07-18-2006, 06:51 AM
You were banned for a reason. Leechers are not welcomed at Oink so don't even bother. Give up the invite to someone that will actually contribute to the community.

07-18-2006, 07:26 AM
if you have had your acc disabled at oink then its a high poss that you ip has been banned ...i am a member of oink and users who just leech are not welcome ..and if you try to trick the site by signing up elswhere on a invite ..you WILL get caught ..you cant fool OiNK...

07-18-2006, 07:29 AM
lol its hardly impossible to seed at oink! surely you could have uploaded something or kept something seeding!

their are places for leeches namely torrentspy etc! :)

07-18-2006, 11:02 AM
I don't want to defend this guy if he's a true leecher, but i have found it hard as hell to seed at oink. I made this brillant move to d/l a large file that i didn't even want in the hopes that i would u/l it back to 1:1 or even 2:1 and I would have a great ratio. Well, along with that file...anything i've d/led at oink hasn't been able to reseed faster than 1-3 kb/s (and it's inconsistently even doing that). The only way I've been able to seed anything is to bring over a file from another site and u/l it on oink. But even that is hard to do. So, basically i have a large hole to fill since i d/led that large file and i'll be lucky to retain my account.:frusty:

Never had a problem seeding back at any other site (TL, TD, Pisexy, etc...), in fact i normally have to make sure I'm not squatting so others can get a decent ratio.

07-18-2006, 02:26 PM
I too just got banned from Oink. I found it next to impossible to seed. I have over upped 600gigs on 2 other trackers each. I got on ratio watch, it said I had 13 days to get the ratio up. I got on a 11gig torrent 1 seeder and the leachers were spread out nicley. I can up at 300+ kps. Well I got up the next morning to find the i have downed 10gigs and upped 1 and a message that I got banned. So wheres my 13 days. I went to the IRC and asked for help. Only answer I got was your banned.

I knew that risk, but I figured i would upp more than I downed. I got screwed by a 800+kbs dl most of the night while I slept. Normally I would upp x2 the amount on a torrent. At pisexy I have over 600gigs upped. But o-well, I somehow will get back on in a month or so..


07-18-2006, 07:44 PM
There is a certain amount you can leech when on ratiowatch. And besides, you should not have leeched on a 11gb torrent if you were already in a hole.

07-18-2006, 10:10 PM
I heard some bad, very bad rumors about oink admins, but even if those rumors was true or not, I'm just curious to see what they offers ^_^;

07-19-2006, 02:06 AM
I got on a 11gig torrent 1 seeder and the leachers were spread out nicley. I can up at 300+ kps.
downloading an 11gb torrent on oink is NOT good idea.
oink can be notoriously hard to seed....or so ppl think.
its just hard to seed the way u do on normal sites. u have to do other things on oink to keep a good ratio, as its so well seeded.
hopefully this lil mini guide helps.

1. that 11gb torrent with 1 seed and lots of leeches probably had lots of seeds and no peers. the chances are that most ppl didnt download the whole 11gb, and only took the files that they wanted. they would have been seeding, not leeching. but as they didnt have 100% of the torrent, they show as a peer.

2. dont download big files to build up ur ratio. oink can be hard to upload on. downloading a big file just digs urself a hole.

3. upload ur own torrents. u surely have some music on disc somewhere that isnt on oink already. all members have upload rights. remember that the minimum bitrate is 192kbps. dont upload files from other sites though, or things u downloaded elsewhere, as it may be a transcode, and u lose ur upload rights for uploading a transcode.

4. dont seed 9999999999 files at once. each file ur uploading uses bandwidth, even when ur not actually sending anything. dont have max upload slots set to 50, or anything higher. 5-10 is enough.

5. jump on new torrents early. only if u want the music in it though. almost all torrents get downloaded more than once. the quicker ur on a torrent, the better chance u have of uploading data from it.

6. seed 24/7. leave ur pc on overnight. it cost less to run a pc for a week than it does to boil a full kettle twice. the longer u seed, the more chance u'll upload.

7. read their forums. they have 546838 threads giving advice on how to keep a good ratio on oink. like i said, its very much different to other trackers. the seed/peer ratio is unbelieveably high.

07-19-2006, 03:29 AM
Join date: 2006-05-01 02:12:18 (11 weeks ago)
Uploaded: 28.37 GB
Downloaded: 11.58 GB
Share ratio: 2.451

OiNK isnt hard to maintain a ratio on. Just upload like three or four torrents before you download what you want. Then be sure to jump on files with 1 seeder and 6+ Leechers. Set the first page of torrents to 100 so you know what to look for.

07-19-2006, 02:24 PM
It is possible to have a good ratio with out uploading your own torrents. You need to stay connected for ageeeesssss :whistling

07-20-2006, 02:26 PM
I got on a 11gig torrent 1 seeder and the leachers were spread out nicley. I can up at 300+ kps.
downloading an 11gb torrent on oink is NOT good idea.
oink can be notoriously hard to seed....or so ppl think.
its just hard to seed the way u do on normal sites. u have to do other things on oink to keep a good ratio, as its so well seeded.
hopefully this lil mini guide helps.

1. that 11gb torrent with 1 seed and lots of leeches probably had lots of seeds and no peers. the chances are that most ppl didnt download the whole 11gb, and only took the files that they wanted. they would have been seeding, not leeching. but as they didnt have 100% of the torrent, they show as a peer.

2. dont download big files to build up ur ratio. oink can be hard to upload on. downloading a big file just digs urself a hole.

3. upload ur own torrents. u surely have some music on disc somewhere that isnt on oink already. all members have upload rights. remember that the minimum bitrate is 192kbps. dont upload files from other sites though, or things u downloaded elsewhere, as it may be a transcode, and u lose ur upload rights for uploading a transcode.

4. dont seed 9999999999 files at once. each file ur uploading uses bandwidth, even when ur not actually sending anything. dont have max upload slots set to 50, or anything higher. 5-10 is enough.

5. jump on new torrents early. only if u want the music in it though. almost all torrents get downloaded more than once. the quicker ur on a torrent, the better chance u have of uploading data from it.

6. seed 24/7. leave ur pc on overnight. it cost less to run a pc for a week than it does to boil a full kettle twice. the longer u seed, the more chance u'll upload.

7. read their forums. they have 546838 threads giving advice on how to keep a good ratio on oink. like i said, its very much different to other trackers. the seed/peer ratio is unbelieveably high.

Someone should make this a sticky, this guy knows his shit! I was so excited about joining oink when i finally got an invite I started d/ling all kinds of stuff. A few days later, i'm 15gigs in the hole and although i'm still seeding everything...nothing is being u/led more than a few kbs here and there. I've since realized you have to bring in things either from your collection or stuff from other sites that oink doesn't have...so now my ratio is okay. I wish I had done a little more research before i jumped in so I knew what i was getting into....but oh well, live and learn!

07-21-2006, 04:32 AM
yeah it is good to know someone got the patience to put and reput the advices on how to keep good ratios time and time again, specially on an a very aggresive seeders torrent site like oink. I have able to successfully kept my ratio upon joining the oink but that's because i've read some articles on their forum, so i had the a some sort of preemptive warning about the seeder/leecher issue they are having there. However, we must know that not all people are perfectly alike, and it is understandable that we have different tendencies, attitude toward someone,something or towards ourselves, most of all people have different learning speeds as well as intellectual and emotional coping. So it isn't fair to say "you are stupid you should have went to their forum the ist time you entered oink or any other sites." Rules and faqs are of the exemption pls read it before entering the site, although the content should be similar to most of the private trackers, for sure some sites requires different ratios for you to become power user,demotions,warnings before being banned and alike. Just my two cents. ^_^

07-21-2006, 05:37 AM
Something not mentioned:

Sometimes it is necessary while trying to get your ration up, to limit your download speed. While starting out with a new account it's pertinent to limit your download alot less then you can upload.

Ex: 4kB/s down, 40kB/s up

I'm capable of 600kB/s, however while trying to get a ratio up I cap my download at 5kB/s, just enough to receive enough information to seed back to the peer pool 10 times what I download.

07-24-2006, 04:05 AM
I'm currently seeding 41 torrents on OiNK. Some as old as 2 months. I still see people downloading those torrents that are 2 months old because I'll open my client and see that I'm uploading 20 k/s for them.

Thats how you keep a good ratio ;)

07-24-2006, 04:14 AM
when you first join, upload something.

in addition, keep everything you download and continue to seed.

do these two things and your experience at oink will be incredible.