View Full Version : download stops at 99%

07-30-2006, 09:29 PM
I am using BitComet. I have been downloading a file for some days and now when it reached 99% it is always showing downloading status but not completing......?

anyone know how to get around it

07-30-2006, 09:43 PM
Is there any seeders?

07-31-2006, 09:29 AM
It's just one of those things not much you can do to fix it (as far as I know) torrents just sometimes fuck up. It's only happened to me once out of thousands of torrents so I wouldn't worry about it. see if the file works anyway thats what I did and it was sweet :)

07-31-2006, 09:09 PM
If there are no seeders lefet it will be very hard to finnish you may aswell stop and try something else. just one of them things like sear said

08-01-2006, 04:09 AM
I've tried stopping it and restarting. Sometimes it works.

08-01-2006, 11:14 AM
See if you can find the same file (same release) elsewhere with seeders and finish it off there.

08-02-2006, 11:03 AM
stop, force a re-check and try again, it will get 100% eventually.. :p