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View Full Version : Serious ideas needed.

Jon L. Obscene
08-11-2006, 11:07 PM
We have a 13 y/o boy to punish.
Lets just say we found some stuff in his bag he's too young for.

Idea's please.

We have several ideas on the back burner but would like to hear some more :D

Jonno :cool:

08-11-2006, 11:15 PM
if it's weed, make him throw up.

if it's porn just tell him you found it. the embarrassment will be enough.

if it's booze, you're english. don't pretend you weren't drinking when you ten years old

08-11-2006, 11:24 PM
If it's fags make him promise he will only sell them for a massive profit to all his mates.

08-11-2006, 11:27 PM
We have a 13 y/o boy to punish.
Lets just say we found some stuff in his bag he's too young for.

Idea's please.

We have several ideas on the back burner but would like to hear some more :D

Jonno :cool:
Let Nikki deal with it.

It's not your kid and she's far more sensible than you are.

08-11-2006, 11:55 PM
We have a 13 y/o boy to punish.
Lets just say we found some stuff in his bag he's too young for.

Idea's please.

We have several ideas on the back burner but would like to hear some more :D

Jonno :cool:

Identify what he likes and take it from him. You figure out how long.

My 5 year-old was destined to get caught by me. She was told not to bring extra anything to school (like toys) by the school and us.

1. One day as I'm leaving out the door to drop her off I notice she had her hands in her pockets for a long time. Before we walk out I asked what she has, at first she says, "Nothin" then she pulls out a bead necklace, little play make-up, stickers, and so mo shit. That was easy to spot. No TV for that evening.

2. On Monday, I bring her pillowcase to school but she wants to carry it which was no big deal. When I get out the car to take her into school, I pick up the pillowcase. When I get in school, I feel something in it. A fucking sticker pack that mommy bought. I took 'em out, said nothing, and went to work. I told wifey by phone (she picks her up later) no TV again. I'm sure my little one was wondering where the stickers went all day.

3. The last straw. When I'm taking her into school, she runs around the car and a Bratz booklet falls out her pocket. Destined to get caught. :no:

Now it's no TV for 5 days and I'll go across her behind next time. She's disobeying us and being sneaky. It's funny sometimes that she wants to lie when I ask her, "Did you do (suchandsuch)" and she say no then immediately tell the truth afterwards..like, "No..yes". I know she thinks I'm looking right through her.

I tell her that if you tell the truth you might or might not be in trouble. You lie you are definitely in worse than trouble.

08-12-2006, 12:00 AM
I smuggled a box of snails into the house when I was little, to take to school. I dunno why now, my mum caught me and took away my computer and my tv AND my radio. I was gutted. She's greek and cooked the snails. That last bit was a lie.

08-12-2006, 12:01 AM
I smuggled a box of snails into the house when I was little, to take to school. I dunno why now, my mum caught me and took away my computer and my tv AND my radio. I was gutted. She's greek and cooked the snails. That last bit was a lie.
So it was all true.

08-12-2006, 12:03 AM
I don't eat molluscs.

08-12-2006, 12:58 AM
If its fags buy him a packet and make him smoke the lot infront of you. He wont do it again.

If its alcohol get him to ask you to get him drink (then you know how much/limit the amount he gets). 13 is a nice age to start.

Depending what else it could be, take something (game console etc) for a week or so. Ground him or any of the usual punishments.

F. Canard
08-12-2006, 01:00 AM
My parents always went for the nagging method.

When my sister got in trouble with them they just nagged her until she left home.

08-12-2006, 01:23 AM
If it's fags make him promise he will only sell them for a massive profit to all his mates.

If it's fags, just get a smaller bag, or, better yet, get one of those open-air fag carriers that are all the rage in 'Frisco.

Anything else, I concur with my colleague manker-

Leave it to Nikki-they're her kids and she's been doing it longer.

Nikki-don't you dare try to shove it off on Jonno.

He'd do well to stand around trying to looking dangerous (instead of just goofy).

I offer all this in total seriousness. :)

08-12-2006, 01:37 AM
Or how about you make him sort out that fucked up basement of yours?

08-12-2006, 02:36 AM
I'd get out the belt if it was really serious. (This is for you to decide, but don't go overboard ;)). If it was of a lesser offence, I'd discipline him by taking something he likes away. (Ex: Tv, iPod, PC). Also, talk to him about what he did and why he did. If you know his personality and think he is a genuine and good kid, this would do the most good. If you think his personality is more on the rebellious side, be severe and stern about it. And last but not least, never fall into his traps. (Ex: Fake apologies, A completely different attitude from before, etc.) Your job as a father is to love him, but also to discipline him. Best of luck with the problem :)

Btw what did he have in his bag

Jon L. Obscene
08-12-2006, 01:38 PM
Or how about you make him sort out that fucked up basement of yours?

Now that sounds like a plan :whistling

And just for the information of the higher uppy interleligent people among us, I'm actually pretty good at this parent type stuff so ner :P
Possibly to do with having the mental age of a 14 y/o :lol:

Jonno :cool:

08-12-2006, 01:43 PM
For the record, it was empty bottles of alcohol and a girls thong. :angry:

He's been grounded for two weeks, no tv, no computer, no video games and no friends. He can choose to work that off by doing jobs around the house - the basement idea sounds brilliant!

What makes things easy for us is the fact that he's a crap liar and really easily caught. I mean, I would NEVER have left stuff like that where my parents might find it. Good for me, not so good for him.

08-12-2006, 01:50 PM
We have a 13 y/o boy to punish.
Lets just say we found some stuff in his bag he's too young for.

For the record, it was empty bottles of alcohol and a girls thong. :angry:

Thirteen is definitely too young for him to be wearing girlie thongs.
I didn't start till I was twenty, but times have changed so maybe 15-16 would be about right these days.

Sit him down and explain that the thong will inhibit testicular development and he'll be glad in later life if he waits awhile.
Til then a little eye makeup and a training bra should keep him occupied safely.

08-12-2006, 02:10 PM
And just for the information of the higher uppy interleligent people among us, I'm actually pretty good at this parent type stuff so ner :P
Jonno :cool:

You can be as good as gold, Jon-it is not a matter of talent, but one of propriety.

Retain your good graces with the children, and keep your powder dry for the type of guidance and advice that'll be needed down the road.

I've done all this, wrong, as well as right.

Believe me.

On a less serious note, and as to the actual offense, I propose you offer him a high-five when Nik isn't around, with the caution it is on the basis of the thong, but not the alcohol.

Sort of a bifurcated congratulations, you see...and yes, the basement is a terrific idea. :)

08-12-2006, 06:31 PM
uhh did you guys mean fags as in cigerattes?

08-12-2006, 06:41 PM
I propose you offer him a high-five when Nik isn't around, with the caution it is on the basis of the thong, but not the alcohol.

How very liberal of you, Kev.
Outing the lad as a cross-dresser is nowhere near as bad as a pubescent drinking habit.

08-12-2006, 06:54 PM
For the record, it was empty bottles of alcohol and a girls thong. :angry:

Thirteen is definitely too young for him to be wearing girlie thongs.
I didn't start till I was twenty, but times have changed so maybe 15-16 would be about right these days.

Sit him down and explain that the thong will inhibit testicular development and he'll be glad in later life if he waits awhile.
Til then a little eye makeup and a training bra should keep him occupied safely.


Also it might be an idea to talk about colour co-ordination - red might not be his best colour.


Two weeks misery for the alcamahol sounds about right.

08-12-2006, 07:43 PM
I propose you offer him a high-five when Nik isn't around, with the caution it is on the basis of the thong, but not the alcohol.

How very liberal of you, Kev.
Outing the lad as a cross-dresser is nowhere near as bad as a pubescent drinking habit.

Cross-dressing youngsters require a different sensibility, to be sure. :)

08-12-2006, 07:46 PM
How very liberal of you, Kev.
Outing the lad as a cross-dresser is nowhere near as bad as a pubescent drinking habit.

Cross-dressing youngsters require a different sensibility, to be sure. :)

Refer him to SGG she will keep him right (or wrong, depending on your politics :shifty: )

08-12-2006, 08:32 PM
You may want to clear it with Nikki before SGG turns the unwitting youngster into the living avatar of some weird Japanese anime character.

Wearing a thong is one thing, looking like a 10 year old Asian porn star is another.

08-12-2006, 09:28 PM
You may want to clear it with Nikki before SGG turns the unwitting youngster into the living avatar of some weird Japanese anime character.

Wearing a thong is one thing, looking like a 10 year old Asian porn star is another.

I conceed there is both a quantitative and qualitative difference there :ph34r:

08-12-2006, 11:02 PM
I wonder if the boy has discovered Chanel yet?