View Full Version : ScT invite

10-22-2006, 08:47 AM
I'd like to gain access to the almighty secret society of ScT :)
I don't have much to offer other than 1 TL invite which I know isn't worthy but it's all I have. All didi accounts got reset. I uploaded 50+gig downloaded 20gig @ TL, uploaded 20gig downloaded 2gig @ ST and same for a few others but none are giving invites for me to trade, even if they did none are worthy of ScT. So I can only hope for some kind poster to get me in.

I'll gladly show screen shots to anyone who would like to see them but I won't post them openly here for fear of being banned or loosing my accounts :shutup:.

Any offers please PM, please please :D

10-22-2006, 10:05 AM
i'm looking for it too.:D
i can offer the sites on my signature:D

10-22-2006, 10:17 AM
sct davetiyesimi veriyor bu arkadaş