View Full Version : Decent newsgroup

02-15-2007, 07:07 AM
Was reading around here, as this I am pretty new here and pretty new to newsgroups. I was wondering if there were any decent free news groups at all? Any feedback is welcome.

02-15-2007, 07:17 AM
decent free newsgroups dont really exist because it costs a lot of money to run it. However, some ISP do provide free newsgroup access. But, dont expect much. You can check if you ISP offers it here: http://docs.newzbin.com/Usenet:ISP_Providers

Also, every so often a "premium" server will over free beta testing. One that is currently doing that is easynews.nl. The retention is only about a week or two.
Server: news.easynews.nl
Username: [email protected]
Password: beta

Honestly, ur best bet is to go get a paid server. UsenetServer is $13/month so its not too bad. That, and the retention is 90 days. ;)

EDIT: If you dont download too much, you can get pay per gig instead of pay per month.
http://news.astraweb.com/ and http://www.usenet-news.net/ are basically the only two usenet servers that still offer pay per gig.

02-15-2007, 07:29 AM
thanks a ton man, the info is really great... I guess i will end up chucking a couple bucks lmfao!