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View Full Version : How do you seed a download on another tracker?

03-02-2007, 09:19 AM
Read about downloading the same release from one tracker and then seeding it on another one. Was wondering how you do this exactly with Utorrent.:frusty:

03-02-2007, 09:24 AM
Just download it from the other site and point it to the file then it will check to see if you have it and start seeding.They have to be the exact same filenames.

Hope that helps a little anyway.

03-02-2007, 09:27 AM
after you have the downloaded the file you have to upload it on another tracker like it was your file caus it is now and make sure your download location is right re check the file when it reaches 100% its ready to seed....hope this helps

03-02-2007, 09:35 AM
Ok, ill show you hope it helps. First, we have to make sure you have the exact same file. So compare, file names, and file sizes on the tracker you downloaded it from, and on the tracker you are going to upload it on.

Take for example...


Its the LOST torrent from Torrent Leech, And compare it with the torrent from lets say RevolutionTT, Same name and size.


Now you have the same torrent. Open Utorrent.
Click "Download" torrent on the tracker RevTT, and do what you normally would do to download a torrent...

Once it loads, it should have something like...


And then....your torrent should be something like....
Checking blah blah 4%...99% blah blah...
Normally, it will stop @ 99.9 % or 97.4%, as it has to download the NFO.s or w.e
Once its 100%...Your ready to seed on another tracker ;)

Hope u understand this 10 minute guide, sorry if its shit ;)

03-02-2007, 09:40 AM
Great guide alba your 10 minute guide would of taking me 25 due to messing up about 30 different times.

03-02-2007, 11:40 AM
Do any sites dislike this practise - I am sure the likes of FTN and FSC object to this as it is uploading to another tracker - or is that a seperate issue.

03-02-2007, 01:53 PM
Do any sites dislike this practise - I am sure the likes of FTN and FSC object to this as it is uploading to another tracker - or is that a seperate issue.

SCT ussually dislikes it if you take their files and Upload them to another tracker. However they take [B]Some{/B] of their files from other trackers anyways.

F*N I dont think really minds as long as you seed the files you get from them to 1:1. <<--- I beleive that is their beliefs I could be wrong.

Also on the client note: If you know the files are exactly the same you can click to bypass the whole checking the torrent to make sure they are the same. Put a check in the box ussually labeled "Skip Hash Check". The very worst if the files are not completely the same it will tell you there was an error then you know to just uncheck that box and run the hash check ;)

BTW very nice tutorial with the snapshots above. You should make a whole series and sell em. ;)

03-02-2007, 05:08 PM
Good tip, melvinmeow. Will try that next time - thanks!

03-05-2007, 04:22 AM
Just to add something that is painfully obvious already:

Most trackers find it perfectly fine to seed a file on another tracker that you originally leeched from their tracker. Where they get upset is when you download from their tracker, then use their .torrent with their announce url to upload to another tracker.

03-05-2007, 05:40 AM
BTW very nice tutorial with the snapshots above. You should make a whole series and sell em. ;)

Really? I re-read it, and was like...my god thats terrible..do people even understand it... ;). Anways, anyone else need a specific tutorial on something? i have a bit of time on my hands :)

03-05-2007, 07:12 AM
Do any sites dislike this practise - I am sure the likes of FTN and FSC object to this as it is uploading to another tracker - or is that a seperate issue.

SCT ussually dislikes it if you take their files and Upload them to another tracker. However they take [b]Some{/B] of their files from other trackers anyways.

F*N I dont think really minds as long as you seed the files you get from them to 1:1. <<--- I beleive that is their beliefs I could be wrong.

Also on the client note: If you know the files are exactly the same you can click to bypass the whole checking the torrent to make sure they are the same. Put a check in the box ussually labeled "Skip Hash Check". The very worst if the files are not completely the same it will tell you there was an error then you know to just uncheck that box and run the hash check ;)

BTW very nice tutorial with the snapshots above. You should make a whole series and sell em. ;)

the skip hash check works wonders... also if you d/led just a few rars from one tracker and want too seed on another click the "select none" button and check skip hash check. it will check the files quick and not d/l anymore and get you seeding the rars you have d/led quick

03-05-2007, 11:04 AM
Also, I noticed some trackers change a bit content of rars, usually first one and last.So, don't include them in the process.
I haven't realised how FZ finds out you're seeding a file that's not uploaded on them.

03-05-2007, 11:11 AM
not bad guide j.a

03-05-2007, 02:42 PM
BTW very nice tutorial with the snapshots above. You should make a whole series and sell em. ;)

Really? I re-read it, and was like...my god thats terrible..do people even understand it... ;). Anways, anyone else need a specific tutorial on something? i have a bit of time on my hands :)

I already knew how to use the functions but I really did think you presented it in a nice way with the photos ect... If I didnt know how to do it I think the method you used would have explained it enough for me to figure it out.
The images look jumbled but if you click em and select to enlarge they look fine.
If you want to make some nice video tutorials for various clients ect.. in flash send me a msg sometime. ;) Think they might help alot of people out with some of their client issues.