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View Full Version : Newsleecher:setting up usernet server

03-14-2007, 07:42 PM

I'm new to Newsleecher, read lots of guides, really confused!

Downloaded newslecher and installed. Even found what NZB files are, and downloaded one ready to go.

Now, when i click connect, it says i need to set up usernet server profile. All the guides i read didnt show this, or skimmed it.

Can you help. I know i need to go to >usernet/manager/servers/add new server, but no idea what to do.

Please help....


03-14-2007, 08:04 PM

03-14-2007, 08:30 PM
this is what i used to set it up initially....this is what confused things. Cheers though.

03-18-2007, 06:59 AM
When you've installed your client you will be asked for your News addy.
You can get this from your ISP (not all ISP support News) or try searching at
http://www.newsbin.com/ISP.htm or http://docs.newzbin.com/Usenet:ISP_Providers

NOTE: If your ISP dosent have Usenet access you will have to get a payserver for access.
The best for the money is NewsHosting which has an unlimited plan for $14.95 per month.
They are very reliable and have near perfect uptime along with great retention.

If you signup with NewsHosting (http://www.newshosting.com/?a=51500) you can support
the site here at FST by using our refferal link at

With NewsDemon (http://www.newsdemon.com/?aflid=2273/) you can use PayPal and support
the site here at FST by using our refferal link at