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View Full Version : 3000 P2p Users Busted In Italy

06-02-2003, 08:41 AM
From another board...

The last few days the italian police has busted about 3000 kazaa, morpheus or other p2p users.The have been traced with sniffing their lines. Their payment is gone be 1032 eur ( about same in us dollars.)
source: RTL nieuws
This is news to me, although I can't read it, its not in English

I was wondering why PeerGuardian was blocking so many probes from Telecom Italia........ 

No Shit, especially while running Shareaza, non stop.

Did they go after downloaders or just uploaders?

Had a feeling something was up with that.

06-02-2003, 11:39 AM
yeh this company is non stop on emule and edonkey network like over 100 blocks in 2 hours using emule
telcom italia, fooking idiots

but i never noticed them on kazaa strange.

06-02-2003, 04:25 PM
There is a thread on this is in the lounge

06-02-2003, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by ijc_2003@2 June 2003 - 12:39
yeh this company is non stop on emule and edonkey network like over 100 blocks in 2 hours using emule
telcom italia, fooking idiots

but i never noticed them on kazaa strange.
They are starting to appear on Kazaa - I got these three reports on PG on the day of this post and I think they've appeared in some of my others in the past couple of days

Connection forcefully closed on: - Telecom Italia
Connection forcefully closed on: - Telecom Italia
Connection forcefully closed on: - Telecom Italia

Just proves that now is a good time to keep updating PG regularly!

06-02-2003, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by loz@2 June 2003 - 16:25
There is a thread on this is in the lounge
i cant find it loz mabaye put up a link cheers, as i tried searching for telecom italia

06-02-2003, 04:39 PM
I'm not italian but i live in Italy ,ok here the news ,i translated for you with altavista.

This is from Republlica newspaper:

The marshal speaks about the Finance that intercepts who discharge from Internet films and songs protect from the copyright "Therefore has given the hunting to who exchanges rows on the Web" of MARK MENSURATI MILAN - "Ok, published also my name and last name, but for charity not the nickname. If they discover in the communities on-linens to me we burn surveyings and then we must recommence all from head ". The marshal of the Provincial Nucleus of the financial police of Milan, David D' Augustin is one of the men who give a pair of years inquire on several the foreheads of the pirateria on-linens. Key man of the inquiry is he it on shakes it Italian accused of violation of the copyrights in order to have unloaded, from the situated ones specializes to you, musical rows mp3, film, and software. He knows very well that its role - from when the law is last that punishes also the simple ones downloader, those that they unload from the net - is one of most unpopular of the web. And he knows very well also that, per.tutta.la.giornata yesterday, nearly all the situated ones of information that brought back the news of surveying have been intasati from messages of protest, launch comment and worry from the customers. And he is perhaps for that its tone seems a po' dispiaciuto. "But however - it says rassegnato - this is the law and we could not make other". - Publicity - Marshal what is changed with this law? "he is changed that now more the simple exchange of material covered from the copyrights is not punished only the commerce but also. Many say that it has been be a matter of an intentional law from the record houses, but to we this does not have to interest ". Which are the direct consequences of this innovation? "That, in theory, they can answer penal, all the customers who exchange one song unloaded from Internet". In theory? ", in theory. Because in practical, those that exchange music on linens are too many. To the fine ones it will be impossible to pursue them ". But you have made it... "About the surveying that is still in course I cannot speak. But we are making reference to decidedly various units of largeness ". However the technical possibility to identify for one all those that they exchange mp3 on the Net exists. "Yes, it exists. But as I said alone in theory. All the customers of Kkazaa and Morpheus leave traces. Indeed, to being precise, all the customers of the Net leave traces. Traces that last to along, also two years. Whichever thing you make on the net remains in some memory ". Which are the characteristics of an inquiry of this type? "They are surveyings in continuous evolution, like of the rest the techniques used from who commits crimes on-linens. A time the situated ones were found on which they came promoted the products prohibits to you. The demands arrived via email, and the product left for mark mails them. Today there is the peer to peer, two computer that is connected between of they and the game is made ". How is made one ciber inquiry? "part from the search engines. From Google, as an example or from Altavista. Groups of conversation) to topic are attempted newsgroup (, are infiltrated to us covering the own identity behind nickname credible. And cues investigated to you are attempted, like situated suspiciones and addresses email ". Then? "Then it is returned to the traditional one: laughed them to the name of the manager of the situated one and search is made one. To that point it is entered in possession of addresses email of the customers and the suppliers. In some case it is necessary to intercept, of usual enough to follow it on the net and to see as it is behaved and that type of activity carries out, the given size of the traffic. In these months I have seen of all: people that on the hard disk had 120 giga of mp3: that it wants to say approximately 25mila brani ". Which people were? "Students, employ to you, professionals, common people neanche much expert of Internet that never would have thought to end in the troubles for some song". (31 May 2003)

The original article (in italian)http://www.repubblica.it/online/scienza_e_tecnologia/napster/parla/parla.html

Another from Republlica newspaper :

Milan, inquiry of the Finance after the debut of the new norms on the copyright. Between the accusations, also the Copyright receiving, arrives the first raid online Scaricare music and film is a crime. Warnings and denunciations to squall of LUCA FAZZO and MARK MENSURATI MILAN - Settantacinque persons inquired for violation of the copyright and receiving, and an army of shakes it denounced customers of the web that in these days they come identifies to you and for the same reasons. But the inquiry of the Financial police of Milan on the pirati ones of the net of which Republic it has come to acquaintance is without previous also for the radical carried out one whom it marks in the judicial approach to the circulation via Internet of music, video, software. Joining technical sophisticated of computer science surveying to the legislative modifications entered in vigor the slid month, one is succeeds in to you to hit not only situated that diffuse material covered from copyright, but also the exchange directed between customers of the net, the peer-to-peer that it constitutes - after the offensive American against Napster and its successory ones - the main channel of circulation of the "electronic knowledge". The first cue has come from announcements buying and selling on some newsgroup of gets passionate to you. From here, it coordinates you from the prosecuting attorney Gianluca Braghò, the "Basques greens" of the Finance are leave themselves to the onslaught of the account of e-mail and the serveur that distribute protected material from article 171 of the law on the copyright who prohibits the exchange of works, even if this happens nonprofit. To commit crime, he recites the law entered in vigor the 29 you open them 2003, is not only who "he places in commerce, he sells, he rents" but also who "yields to whichever title protect material it": even if he is gratis, even if it is to freeshare that from always imperversa on the net. It has been a technically ostica surveying, forced to chase "IP nearly always dynamic", you address whose real adressee changes to every electronic address five minuteren, and account only apparently Italian, behind which they are hidden unseizable situated moldavi, lituani and of other countries of Europe orient them. - Publicity - But from an office crowded of it finishes them in peripheral barracks of the Finance, a square of marshals becomes to you segugi informed has succeeded equally to reconstruct step after step the traces of the pirati ones of the web. With you decree granted from the judge for preliminary surveyings, for before the time they have been intercepts in massive way also the messages to you of e-mail - often cripta you - than supplying and customers exchanged themselves: the managers of the serveur have been forced from the Financial police to inaugurate of "lock", of the e-mail case-shadow which all the messages arrived in copy assign you to inquire to you. Once the archives enter to you in the heart of the "pages", those with the directory of the accessible products (music in Mp3 format, film first vision, software of every kind and the immancabile porno), the financiers therefore have been able to stilare a directory of the final customers. And to follow, always through the computer science interceptions, the traces that had left. A meticulous job that has carried to the location of shakes it persons, downloader that in recent months they had unloaded all the possible one. "These subjects are not hacker, neither pirati - employment of the Yellow flames explains a commander of the ready Square, Mario Piccinni Lion - are common people. Professionals, students, employ to you. The homely ones, we call them ". At the moment many of shake it are still ignoti. The investigators are resolutions to identify some approximately two hundred. But it is meaningful that between these there are also two marshals of the police officers, communal putting and an university investigator. Hand by hand that they come identifies to you, the "homely ones" - than they are connected to the net from all Italy - comes denounced to the competence power of attorney that will estimate if to proceed also for the receiving crime, that is for detainment of material of illicit origin, beyond that for that one of .

The original article(in italian)http://www.repubblica.it/online/scienza_e_tecnologia/napster/retata/retata.html

So , i don't know what to say about ,if you have some comments.....

06-02-2003, 05:50 PM
Here's the same topic posted in the lounge (http://www.klboard.ath.cx/bb/index.php?act=ST&f=5&t=39300&hl=3000&st=0)

It does go of topic towards the end though

06-02-2003, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by loz@2 June 2003 - 18:50
It does go of topic towards the end though

It is not even worth looking at, sorry to say.

06-02-2003, 07:53 PM
Shereaza is a very sharespicious App!

06-03-2003, 12:49 AM
Well, now we have a nay sayer for Shareaza, we have plenty on ES5 as shown in other post. Funny the one that seems to be the most suspicious though, is KaZaa itself. :lol: :lol:

06-03-2003, 02:47 PM
Check "The Register". According to them this story is bogus.

www.theregus.com is one URL. There's another for the UK. I would post a link but I don't use "SPYWARE". (Internet Explorer) :P

Gandalf on Crack
06-03-2003, 06:47 PM
God Damn.

My internet company just called me and told me to stop sharing movie files :D
this blows ass, I was gonna get TMD Distro Access tomrorrow :(

06-04-2003, 03:28 AM
Well I would figure that means don't upload, not download, and as far as sharing goes you want to be a little more careful about new realeses and use Peer Guardian.

Regaring the story I would like a link showing its real or fake. Seems believable considering what I've heard about the state of the Italian goverment lately, being on the broke side. Also considering all the probes from Telecom Italia lately, its even more believable.

06-05-2003, 08:31 PM
God this is bloody bad. I am on 56k dialup so im probably ok (just about :P ) but i feel sorry 4 sum of u guys out there. I want to find out more about some rumour i heard about some rich guy makin his own country in neutral sea on an old oil rig - no copyright laws! sounds good to me. if i eva get that rich i might like to do that... :rolleyes:

06-05-2003, 08:40 PM
REALITY wrote:

Regaring the story I would like a link showing its real or fake.


Yes, it was overzealous journalism on the part of an Italian newspaper ... that unfortunately got picked up by other Italian newspapers and spread with all the speed of a typical urban legend. Here are the pertinent paragraphs about this from The Register:

"So I phoned Captain Mauro Piccinni, who is in charge of the Milan police branch that launched the alleged raid, and asked for details. It turns out that there is no wide-ranging raid on average Joe Downloaders. His branch is merely prosecuting a group of about 200 Italian Net users who were buying and selling pirate CDs containing copyrighted software, music and movies, which is a crime that carries a prison sentence. Not-for-profit P2P sharing does not."

"Piccinni vehemently denied any involvement of ordinary P2P users in his investigation. P2P was mentioned to Repubblica reporters only because the illegal material was originally downloaded from KaZaA and the like by the ringleaders of this petty gang. Moreover, the investigation began last September, before new copyright laws came into force in Italy, so the EUCD has nothing to do with the whole mess. But why let mere facts get in the way of an interesting story?"

Gandalf on Crack wrote:

My internet company just called me and told me to stop sharing movie files
this blows ass, I was gonna get TMD Distro Access tomrorrow

Does your local broadband company have competitors? Time to shop around, if so.

06-05-2003, 08:52 PM
What the italian people say (from the imesh italian forum)

Posted: Your Jun 03, 2003 4:05 pm Post subject: we are safe? from understood how much or one does not know if we are outside law or but if eventually it we were not, exists at the moment the real danger to look at itself to dull in house two financiers? we are rintracciabili on imash and as? we are million in the world to use this system in order to have film and music like is behaved in the other states? Back to top edfex User Joined: 21 Jan 2003 Posts: 23 Location: Florence Posted: Your Jun 03, 2003 7:31 pm Post subject: Sure never!! As all know Italy is a country where the certainties are bread for little. Unfortunately as many times happen the first months from the escape of one new read the police enforcements use the hard fist, there would be million examples. True E' the one which you say that there are million customers, but is also true who we are all rintracciabili. As you know when you connects you to Internet comes then assigned an IP navigating lasci traces of your situated every passage in that visits. There is a riportabile example for the peer to peer(da verificare), I have read that in Holland there are persons who have looked at themselves to only recapitare demanded of payment for the fact to have unloaded material subordinate to copyright.(se then are a metropolitan legend would not know!!) We do not forget that new the decree legislative other does not make that to recepire a communitarian directive, than other it is not that it reads for all the European states. I hope that this attempt to punish indiscriminately every download finds persto a point. First why an excessive law therefore does not help the Major that they want to fight the phenomenon of the pirateria indeed. Begun to lower the prices and people will not unload more!!!!!!!!!!!

06-05-2003, 08:54 PM
Another one from imesh

To continuation of last new RAI, it seems that also this practical one is illegal. In practical we are all of the outlaw? It seems that the GDF is inquiring on that they practice the exchange of files in net and quite it is spoken about receiving. Someone sà other preciser information in merit? Back to top edfex User Joined: 21 Jan 2003 Posts: 23 Location: Florence Posted: Sat May 31, 2003 7:29 pm Post subject: The violation of the copyright is from always one truth. When still the cd they did not exist and you copied a cassette, what you made? Today the speech various and more is perhaps complicated. The new law entered in vigor from little, punishes who illegally acquires copied software. Therefore not more solo who work to the aim of lucro, distributing illegal copies, but also the purchaser. For pear to pear the issue still it is discussed. For hour it would not have to be incurred in the danger of a fine, in how much as already said the law it is taken care specifically of the virtual physical copies and not of those contained ones on the hard disk. You always remember yourselves that to unload from Internet to the aim of visionare the software and lawyer. Purchè the copy comes destroyed endured after the appraisal. If to the contrary we possess the software legalmete acquired then the copy to the ends of backup is always lawful. Never not used that that unloaded in order to make moneies, why only then you could incur in penal endorsements. In future, goodness knows, thoughts to plan napster 2, than through the payment of little dollars allow you to legal unload the contained songs in the archives. Sure considering that that today is possible to unload, (that is all!!!) you do not believe that it would be right to reward the effort of the artist? Not the Major or the multinationals (that they would go razed to the ground!!!!) but who intellectually creates for the others!! Hello to all!!! Eddy Back to top edfex User Joined: 21 Jan 2003 Posts: 23 Location: Florence Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2003 2:15 pm Post subject: corrections Just E' to be precise, to the aim to avoid heavy penal and administrative consequences. My previous answer was imprecisa. For correctness I replace You the indicted article that is D.Lgs. n. 68/2003. Art. 26 To the article 171-ter, first codicil, of law 22 you open them 1941, n. 633, the letter d), is replaced from following: "d) it stops for the sale or the distribution, places in commerce, sells, rents, yields to whichever title it, projects in public, transmits to means of the radio or the television with whichever procedure, video cassettes, musicassette, whichever containing support phonograms or videogrammi of musical, cinematographic or audiovisional works or sequences of images in motion, or other support for which it is prescribed, to the senses of the present law, the affixing of mark from part of the Italian Authors and Publishers Association (S.I.A.E.), you deprive of the same mark or equips you of counterfeit or altered mark;". Art. 28 the article 174-ter of law 22 you open them 1941, n.633, is substitute from following: "Art. 174-ter Anyone illicit uses, also via ether or cable, it duplicates, it reproduces, in all or part, with whichever procedure, also taking advantage of instruments actions to elude the technological measures of protection, protect works or materials, or it acquires or it rents supports audiovisual aids, phonographic, informed or not consistent multimediali to us to the prescription of the present law, that is equipments, products or members actions to elude technological measures of protection it is punished, provided that the fact does not concur with the crimes of which to articles 171, 171-bis, 171-ter, 171quater, 171-quinquies, 171-septies and 171-octies, with the pecuniaria administrative endorsement of euro 154 and with the endorsements accessory of the seizure of the material and the publication of provision on a daily newspaper to national spread. In case of recidiva or serious fact for the amount of the violations or the copies acquired or rented, the administrative endorsement is increased until to euro 1032,00 and the fact is punished with the seizure of the instruments and of the material, with the publication of the provision on two or more daily newspapers to national spread or on or more periodicals it specializes to you in the field of the show and, if draft of entrepreneurial activity, with revoca it of the concession or the authorization of radiotelevisiva spread or the authorization for the exercise of the productive activity or trades them.". Hour as many know sure legisaltive dispositions they are not free from necessary interpretations. E' still too much soon in order to expect intepretative sentences of the Cassation. We to us can then try. With reference to previous the my answer if the unloaded material is not used to the aim of the art.26 that is the aim of lucro, us they would not have to be problems. Unfortunately the speech changes for the art.28 that it punishes every download that viola the copyright. What I invite to observe are not the administrative endorsements, penitentiaries and, but that increase that takes the name of pubbicazione on a daily paper of national spread. As very sapete the fines and the fines can be always paid but the exposure to national level of just name does not have compensation!!! I hope that others want to participate to the analysis of this mine reply. Unfortunately what many feared stà revealing itself one truth. Hello to all!!!

06-05-2003, 09:01 PM
The Italian iMesh posts are a bit hard to read ... but, I think the Register article is accurate. Police were not busting file-sharers, per se (and certainly not 3,000 as the topic header suggests). They busted 200 people who downloaded copyrighted stuff and then attempted to sell what they downloaded. Over here, the law doesn't see much difference. In Italy, the law does see a difference ... at least, according to the article in The Register.

06-05-2003, 09:03 PM
The Italian iMesh posts are a bit hard to read I'm sorry ,i make the translation with altavista .

06-05-2003, 09:07 PM
No need to apologize. I wasn't meaning my comment as "criticism," just as an observation. But, the Register reporter spoke directly with the cop mentioned in the Italian article that started this urban legend ... and the cop himself (the Register's words) vehemently denied P2P involvement -- other than the fact that the material being sold on CDs came from online sources.