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View Full Version : Serendipity

06-05-2003, 08:33 AM
The phenomenon of pleasant things occurring by chance.

Here's one...
On my fifteenth birthday, many moons ago it must be said, I was walking home from school with my friend. We passed a post office and by chance I happened to spy a letter which had accidently become lodged in a postbox. Being 15 and a bit of a brat, I promptly retrieved the letter. I understand my morality is at issue here but I've had 15 years to deal with it lol.
Further down the road, I opened the letter. It was a birthday card. It said Happy Birthday Chalice (obviously it was my real name. It had a five pound note in it. I was drunk that night I can tell ya.

Anyone had similar experiences?

06-05-2003, 08:39 AM
once i found a fiver (5 english pounds!)on my birthday, but it actually blew in the wind literally to my feet...

also a pleasant occurance by chance was meeting my gf in a chat room on the internet that i had never gone to before, and chose to go to that day, for no particular reason. what resulted from that pleasant occurence.....well, many things resulted :D

the main one being it gives me the chance to get away from a place i hate living in, so its the best thing that has happened by chance to me.