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View Full Version : It's just gone over the top

05-03-2007, 05:07 PM
I don't know if I'm alone with this thought, though I highly doubt it. For the past half-year or so, through the BT section, I have come across literally sh!tloads of completely useless posts consisting of no more than 1 sentence at most (which is comprised of maybe 1-5 words), with no content whatsoever.

It seems people post these "good luck", "nice giveaway", "sweet", "w00t" posts just to bump their post count... Honestly.. What was the Lounge ever created for...? :rolleyes:
One more reason for getting pissed off with these thousands of posts is that say someone is offering some w00tingly high rated tracker trade, and is eagerly waiting for a reply from the one with the million-dollar-worth-tracker that he has been waiting for, for years... He goes into the BT-trading forum, sees a new post.. YAY!! Oh.. but wait.. poor guy enters his thread, only to see that the 20 replies he got are all "good luck" and "awesome trade" posts (at the least), or "crap trade", "no way you'll get that" types of replies.

PEOPLE DON'T GIVE A TOSS about your opinion on the trade.. post constructive, or go fish in the Lounge... it's annoying (especially as I am one who roams the BT section often)...

Just to see whether I am alone with my thoughts or not.

05-03-2007, 06:13 PM
Its definitely annoying but ive long stopped fretting about as theres nothing that can be done about it. Unless management actually starts forbidding these useless one word posts, I doubt it will stop. FFS, we shouldnt need 20 people to tell us how good/crappy our trade offer is, thanking us for a review of a tracker or wishing us these countless good lucks. I need people wishing me good luck as much as i need phlegm in my throat.

05-03-2007, 06:23 PM
The Invites section has somewhat of a Lounge atmosphere. To delete all those post might be a bit much to sort through. As for bumping post count dont get the point since they already have access. Also bumping their count like that makes it easily know to others that theyre fluff posters and are as trustable as a n00b in a giveaway or a trade. Think most of this is a bit of chit chat though gets thin at times...

05-03-2007, 06:53 PM
Nah, I still think it's out of order, and there is a very simple way to stop it... Make a sticky, announcement, whatever.. mod the BT invites section heavily for a short while like a month or so, and people will start thinking twice before making a stupid 2 word post.

I for one would feel great deleting stupid post after stupid post and sending out warnings of such.. I even sent a PM to someone who was a repetitive beggar.. stopped hom from begging again. It's useless, strains the already strained servers, and are just plain annoying.

Colt Seevers
05-03-2007, 06:53 PM
Use the report button for the fluff posting freaks.

Thats what it's there for.

Also /addignore BT invites section works wonders, for me, since I no longer need, want or care for that section.

But it's when the spammers/fluff posters or general arsebandits cross the line you should definitely report them. I can't think of any specific examples but random "thankssssss" posts in a thread in hardware world, just gets annoying and to be fair the mods are generally pretty quick to deal with it once alerted to these kinda things!

They won't spam the lounge, generally cos they probably have enough intelligence to realise that they will get bum raped. But, on the other hand most of em stop scrolling down after they see the BT section anyway. and never make it down t'lounge world (unfortunately) mores the pity.

05-03-2007, 06:58 PM
The ignore function would work wonders if you didn't use the BT section. For people that do regularly, these arse-posters can get extremely annoying, therefor driving them away from the board for whatever reason...

Ratzy Rox
05-03-2007, 07:39 PM
It does get annoying and I have no idea why most of my lot do it but you learn to ignore it after a while :P Maybe I should migrate to the lounge....

05-03-2007, 07:43 PM
It's not a matter of getting used to it. It's like walking down the street, while the pavement is packed with dog-shit, without anyone willing to clean it up.. So, you just get used to it? Don't think so. It's annoying, and extremely unnecessary.

Colt Seevers
05-03-2007, 07:48 PM
It's not a matter of getting used to it. It's like walking down the street, while the pavement is packed with dog-shit, without anyone willing to clean it up.. So, you just get used to it? Don't think so. It's annoying, and extremely unnecessary.#

lol I see you have visited the UK then? :O

05-03-2007, 07:56 PM
I was born there my dear amigo.. ;)

peat moss
05-04-2007, 03:04 AM
The ignore function would work wonders if you didn't use the BT section. For people that do regularly, these arse-posters can get extremely annoying, therefor driving them away from the board for whatever reason...

I know what you mean , but how many Bit users stay and contribute ? We'll never know but its not a bad thing to gain new members . Example tonight :

836 (130 members and 706 guests)

I just have a problem with ass kissers looking for rep points for helping a member in Hardware World or the Software forum . Ah what do you do ? Can't win so join em ? ;)

05-04-2007, 07:26 AM
No reason to join them.. What do mods and admins have the "delete post", "ban", or "PM a threat" functions for? :P
You'll never know, but maybe.. just maybe, if you kicked the ass-kissers and the fluff-posters and the flamers/spammers/good-luckers from the BT section, you might just get some more good peeps to contribute there, instead of being driven off because of all the shit on the pavement.. :lol:
Why do you think not many NEW people ever visit the Lounge any more? :P

05-04-2007, 08:28 AM
I'm in agreement with you tralalala.

When people have reported it in the past, I've deleted it as spam.

05-04-2007, 08:36 AM
Obviously though it is not enough, and something a little more drastic is needed? I don't know what, but it's actually starting to affect me.. And I don't like the fact that a few n00bs posting crap is driving me, a 4 year member here at KLF/FST, absolutely nuts.

05-04-2007, 01:55 PM
What was the Lounge ever created for...? :rolleyes:
For people to discuss off-topic stuff, and have a laugh :huh:

Idiots tend to think it's a place where they can post all the mindless nonsense they want without any aggravation, but it isn't.
It's not for boosting your post count either, IMO.

05-04-2007, 03:09 PM
Well, to be honest.. I have seen hundreds, if not thousands of mindless off-topic useless silly posts in the Lounge.. more than any other section (apart from the BT section as I stated originally..).
I also visit the Lounge occasionally, I aint saying it's a crap place, it's brilliant for people wanting to have a chit-chat about nothing, but that's the only section in FST for that, BT section is NOT.

05-04-2007, 03:27 PM
What was the Lounge ever created for...? :rolleyes:
For people to discuss off-topic stuff, and have a laugh :huh:

Idiots tend to think it's a place where they can post all the mindless nonsense they want without any aggravation, but it isn't.
It's not for boosting your post count either, IMO.

Are you referring to me? :)

edit: This is a fact. In fact, they sent me packing from The Lounge, to the bittorrent forum after my Daily Lie Thread..and now, they don't want me there either.

05-04-2007, 05:47 PM
For people to discuss off-topic stuff, and have a laugh :huh:

Idiots tend to think it's a place where they can post all the mindless nonsense they want without any aggravation, but it isn't.
It's not for boosting your post count either, IMO.

Are you referring to me? :)

I said mindless, didn't I?

I think that you usually have a point in there somewhere when you post the weirder stuff, just not one that's in tune with with the world outside your head, like. Or something.

At any rate, it has some sort of content, it's mostly that you try too hard in strange directions that puts some people off :dabs:

So I think you are posting in the right place and all, no worries there.

Really crap posts have no real content at all, and they relate to nothing, and they won't make anyone popular for making them. Some people just never get it, either because they are a bit thick, or because they are hardly ever here, and they see it all as nonsense.

05-04-2007, 06:02 PM
Are you referring to me? :)

I said mindless, didn't I?

I think that you usually have a point in there somewhere when you post the weirder stuff, just not one that's in tune with with the world outside your head, like. Or something.

At any rate, it has some sort of content, it's mostly that you try too hard in strange directions that puts some people off :dabs:

So I think you are posting in the right place and all, no worries there.

Really crap posts have no real content at all, and they relate to nothing, and they won't make anyone popular for making them. Some people just never get it, either because they are a bit thick, or because they are hardly ever here, and they see it all as nonsense.

You did indeed :yup:

Still thanks for that evaluation, that sort of feedback I really appreciate, especially coming from you, whose opinion, over the years, I have grown to respect. Not to mention your complete grasp of my mother language whose nuances you know to apply in surprising ways...a rising star IMHO

05-04-2007, 09:23 PM
Please stop the spam "Good trade" posts in this forum. Anyone caught doing more will be put on moderation.

05-05-2007, 07:37 AM
Thanks rossco :D

My point exactly...

Read first post, then you'll get it.

See what I mean??

05-05-2007, 12:36 PM
it's all spam... :wacko:

05-05-2007, 01:34 PM
It will probably get worse before it gets better. How many posts do I need to be able to use my pm system?

05-05-2007, 01:54 PM
It will probably get worse before it gets better. How many posts do I need to be able to use my pm system?You should already be able to use it...

05-05-2007, 02:20 PM
Wow thank you, you make me feel important and I feel embarrassed, don't really know what to say, and not wanting to waste this valuable moment either that might never present itself to me again, I would like to ask you a favour, rossco :)

05-05-2007, 02:21 PM
:unsure: what's that?

05-05-2007, 02:34 PM
Erm..still embarrassed ....would you allow me some "poetic" license here for the coming 24/48 hours? I also can't seem to "reach" every forum that I might need neither. :)

05-05-2007, 02:40 PM
Erm..still embarrassed ....would you allow me some "poetic" license here for the coming 24/48 hours? I also can't seem to "reach" every forum that I might need neither. :)

I think he's asking for a weekend furlough to the Invites section. :lol:

Perhaps thewizeard will give him one as they are such pals? :unsure:

@ross - I like the new jump boxes too. :w00t:

EDIT: No I don't. :(

EDIT: Yes I do. Getting used to them now. ;)

05-05-2007, 02:48 PM
Subliem..this skizo..do we know him?:O He seems a bright rising star, thewizeard, he can't hep me. He is not allowed in that, how did skizo call it, Invite sector, this weekend.. ?

05-05-2007, 03:00 PM
Subliem..this skizo..do we know him?:O He seems a bright rising star, thewizeard, he can't hep me. He is not allowed in that, how did skizo call it, Invite sector, this weekend.. ?

I'm sorry Solo, I have disappointing news for you,I cannot help you as skizo optimistically, suggested. You see, poetic licence is confined to the Lounge. ( Which I find a sensible policy)

but until that all changes, we find the jump boxes, crap,:) too.

peat moss
05-05-2007, 03:37 PM
Please stop the spam "Good trade" posts in this forum. Anyone caught doing more will be put on moderation.

oOOH Roscco2006 ,I like it when you get angry ! :D Off with their heads or something like that . :happy: