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05-05-2007, 02:46 AM
:w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:
:D 2009 :D

jonmichaelspangler : I had my Spidey 4 plot on a couple of different boards but today thought of number 5. I really want straight feedback and comments. I think both plots would make great movies although I know I will get blasted for a reconn I did on a major character for number 5.

Spider-man 4

**Harry Osborne is dead. Oscorp. is in ruins with knowone to run it and investors bailing. It is bought cheap and renamed FiskCorp. The Kingpin uses the Goblin formula and creates THE SCORPION to kill Spider-man who he feels is his biggest threat.

The Kingpin bails Mac Gargan from jail, by convincing John J. that Max was wrongly sent to jail by Spider-man. JJ writes articles against Spider-man and for Mac, drumming up public support and getting him released. Mac was one of Kingpins biggest hitmen and a ruthless killer and Fisk puts him in a Scorpion suit and injects him with the Goblin formula.

JJ will realize his mistake when Mac tears up the city and Spider-man saves the day. His acceptence of Spider-man will be a arc in the following movies.**

After the events of Spider-man 3 Curt Conners is busy studing the small part of the symbiote that he collected. After finding that the symbiote is growing he puts it on ice and freezes it to prevent it from getting to full strength. However he learns enough about its cell structure to form a theory about replacing lost limbs by combining multible organisms. He tests the theory on himself using a lizard, achieving initial success but mutating and becoming THE LIZARD.

Spider-man must now defeat the Lizard but save Curt Conners while defeating the Scorpion

Sometime during the movie Spider-man and The Lizard will fight in Conners lab, destroying it and unknowingly releasing the symbiote back in the world. The effects of that being delt with in number 5.

For Peter Parker the progression of his character is him trying to save Curt Conners, with the guilt of being unable to save Harry and his death, as well as defeating The Scorpion who is the first villain he has faced that makes him think how far he might have to go to in order to save the city. Saving one at any cost while defeating the other at any cost. And what those costs could be. Mary Jane of course would be his life support, who he turns to with his guilt and fears.

Spider-man 5

**movie begins in the past 5 or so years**

Quentin Beck is a genius scientist working for the Kingpin on new technology involving holograms. He has no knowledge of the Kingpin's true power and goals. When Beck learns of the Kingpins underworld he takes his notes and leaves New York and dissapears.

**present day right after #4 Conners is safe (although not nessesarly cured) and the Scorpion is in jail, his suit broken and removed from him**

Quentin Beck has spent the past 5 years under a assumed name in Hollywood. He has made a name for himself in the field of special effects and stunts and is a master at his craft.

In New York filming a movie Beck witnesses the impossible, a man (Dmitri Smerdyakov) robbing a bank and seemingly transforms into a police officer using the disguise as an escape. Beck researches and finds out that the Kingpin pieced together his notes and is using his ideas and technology to finiance his underworld by robbing banks and commiting crimes. The Kingpin turned Dmitri Smerdyakov, The Kingpin's #2 man, into the Chamelion and uses Becks holographic technology.

Beck wants revenge and to expose the Kingpin so he uses his special effects knowledge and his improved holographics to become Mysterio and bring down the Kingpin.

Spider-man will be caught up in the middle of course. But how can he deny Mysterio when he himself is a masked crimefighter. And how can he stop the Chamelion, a master spy who learns of Spider-mans past and uses his powers to torment Peter Parker?

While all this is going on the symbiote released in number 4 is on the loose (although spider-man is not aware). Jumping from host to host, gaining power and killing whenever he jumps bodies. Eventually he jumps into a prison guard on his way home from work and learns of Mac Gargan. #5 ends with Mac's prison cell opening and the guard walking in.

**I will expand as I think of more**

**Yes I know using the Kingpin would cause legal trouble. However any Spider-man mob boss type villain (or a brand new character) would work.**

I would REALLY love feedback and comments on my plots

this guy has some great ideas, hes not a real fan tho, some of his ideas dont fit in with the history of Spiderman.


05-05-2007, 02:55 AM
way to not put that in a hide box

05-05-2007, 05:37 AM
I find Spiderman movies to be quite boring. :idunno:

Just isn't my kind of flic.

05-05-2007, 05:41 AM
I have yet to watch the first two, and I have no desire to do such.

Just not into Spiderman.

05-05-2007, 05:48 AM
I just seen Spider-man 3 in the theaters and it was well worth it. I was a great movre, but really I don't think they should do anymore because they're just not going to be able to top #3...

05-05-2007, 06:29 AM
thats correct. spiderman 3 was good, prob better than the first two. good plot for part 4 and 5, but it just seems long of a trilogy.

05-09-2007, 06:24 PM
i love spider man movies

05-10-2007, 06:35 PM
Bit Old news. If you know the comics you know it isn't over yet for a long time!

05-11-2007, 01:25 AM
Spiderman 3 is way too much "schmalz" ... hopefully the next one is better.

05-11-2007, 06:56 AM
thank you

05-11-2007, 08:08 AM
Spiderman --- not my kind of flic

05-11-2007, 01:56 PM
i love spider man movies

05-13-2007, 02:03 PM

05-13-2007, 03:30 PM
Spiderman 3 was an awesome film.

05-13-2007, 04:37 PM
good news, hope it would be better thatn the first two and even than the third

05-13-2007, 05:49 PM
This was an excellent movie they showed you details using different camera angles. Story wasnt bad either I cant wait for 4. :yup:

05-15-2007, 10:18 PM
When I go to BT Junkie I see a large number of Spiderman 3 releases. How do you know which one to select?

05-18-2007, 09:08 AM
great. thx

05-18-2007, 03:59 PM
very nice
spider man 4 and 5
oh my god

05-18-2007, 08:53 PM
i love spiderman movies so much

thank u

05-18-2007, 11:07 PM
spider man one wasnt that good. cool to see spidy's moves, finally, in a real live feature. but the green goblin was terrible and embarrassing. toby made a good peter but not so good spiderman. his arms and legs are a little short. in my humble opinion.

second movie was pretty awesome though. it was def slow in some parts...but overall spiderman two os the superior of the thre movies (as fara s movies go). i shivered when i saw doc oc in live action...and the action was cool..reminded me of the old 60's spiderman and doc oc. but this time toby wasnt really a good peter...at all... in f act it was ugly. harrry was ontop of his game...!

3rd...well...it was very loose. it showed the sandman's origin without explaining what the hell it was that transformed him.
and the symbiot came out of nowhere and by 'happenstance?" it stowawayed on peter parker's bike? where did that thing come from?

i think it was a mistake to add venom.

i did like the black suit tho i wish they would have stuck to the original look.
if they would have put another villain like 'morbius' the living vampire...or 'especially' the lizard! instead of venom...and had peter just keep the black suit all the way through the movie...battling the lizard and the sandman.
that would have been cool...
then...they could have opened up the fourth movie with peter struggling with the black suit...while having to chase dr connors...aka the lizard, into the sewers...where he encounters morbius the living vampire....we could make this movie all dark like the first batman.

we can end this movie with spidy seperating himself fom the symbiot.

5th movie should be devoted to venom. we can have some more cameos of the characters like the black cat...or kraven or something....but the sole of the story should be the classic story of spidy comics. the end of the movie would be spidy borrowing the weaopon that uses sound to seperate the suit from eddy brock...and eddy brock goes to prison.

6th movie should open with the symbiot breaking venom out of prison...and inadvertantly leaving a spawn behind...where cletus cassidy, the cell mate of the eddy, finds it and bonds with it...and the rest shoul be the 'Carnage' that ensues...where spiderman and venom have to team up to defeat 'Carnage.

that is what i say...

but when venom talks...it should be two voices....and he should use the words us instead of 'i'...and we instead of 'me'...since there are actually two.

nuff said.

05-19-2007, 12:57 PM
Spiderman's trilogy is nowadays the best of marvel movies imo.

05-20-2007, 11:35 AM
would be nice to have some more elements from the comics like bringing in black cat character

05-21-2007, 11:23 PM
Tobey Maguire is the man:)

05-22-2007, 01:25 AM
god forbid, they are screwing w/ the damned story line too much. three is enough.

05-22-2007, 03:39 AM
fuck all your mathers .....................

05-22-2007, 08:03 AM
They will re-consider making another one looking at the sales figures from teh third and see if its a viable concept on making extras i would think with SPM 3 not making as much as SPM 2

05-22-2007, 02:55 PM
I find Spiderman movies to be quite boring in my own opinion

05-22-2007, 07:10 PM
3 enuff, 4 & 5 will just fuck up the story more.