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View Full Version : MYSpeed PC

06-09-2007, 12:16 PM
My internet connection is hell. I have a ADSL connection from Aliant, which is supposed to give me around 2528 down and 640 up.
I test using MySpeed PC (http://www.myspeed.com/pe/index.html) and my results vary extremely. I get anywhere between 200kbps and 1.5mbps down, usually around 800-900kbps down. My upload stays consistent around 550kbps.
I have contacted Aliant numerous times and they have come to the conclusion that everything they can do has been done (bs, and what great customer service)
I even experience some intermitency where the DSL light on my modem will go out for a second or two and then come back on.

I there anything you guys can recommend, maybe a better program to test or optimise my settings, I really have no clue what else could be the problem.

Thanks for any help

06-09-2007, 08:10 PM
TCP Optimizer http://www.speedguide.net/downloads.php