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View Full Version : Seedbox setup

07-10-2007, 10:29 AM
(I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but here goes)

Im been thinking of setting up a seedbox, and i think im going to get it from Leaseweb, however i have absolutly no idea how to set one up, i guess i am going to use Torrentflux.

How do i install stuff through SS* (atm i dont remember that last letter :wacko: )

If i set up Torrentflux do i have to set up a FTP server speratly to actually get the files to my computer?

Is torrentflux just a WEBUI for Bittornado?

Is the RSS support desent?

Thanks in advance, i might just ask a few more questions

07-10-2007, 03:03 PM

Well I don't know about Torrentflux, but I set up uTorrent on Leaseweb yesterday, using this guide (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/f-guides-and-tutorials-65/t-installing-utorrent-leeware-walkthrough-169620). However thats because I installed Fedora, which is what Leeware uses.
If you're a Linux n00b and have the money go ahead and purchase a Windows license and save yourself a lot of troubles.
You then have to set up a FTP server to download the files, or you can get Apache running and download through HTTP. (FTP better idea).

Good luck! ;)

07-10-2007, 08:22 PM
im not totally new to linux but i dotn prefer the command line without some referance, i know that if i rent a "Linux/BSD" server i will get the choise of CentOS, Debian, Fedora and FreeBSD,

i might just as well get Fedora installed then

07-10-2007, 09:54 PM
Well i have a leaseweb dedicated server freeBSD installed on unix system and i have torrentflux installed on it and to be tottaly honist torrentflux is complete chit
my secound server i have a leeware with utorrent installed on it and webui is sexy:-) it is much much better than that torrentflux chit but using buggyme guide i just cannot seem to install utorrent on my leaseweb server but on the leeware i installed it with no problems thanks to buggyme guide

07-10-2007, 11:28 PM
Yeh if you go with Fedora buggymes guide will work.
However I can't get the ftp server to work for some reason. I'm surely doing something wrong, but oh well, I'll figure it out!

07-11-2007, 11:51 AM
i set up Fedora on my "test box" to try and figure this out
i installed Fedora 7 and disabled loads of stuff (un checked things in installation) and connected through putty and installed vnc, wine and all that stuff.

i had set up everything perfectly except the ftp server, i didnt know how to configure it (vsFTPD) so im stop atm

gonna play with it a little after work

07-11-2007, 03:30 PM
If you get the ftp server up and running, please tell me how you did it because, I've had no luck yet. I know it's because I have missing dependencies but, it's a bitch trying to get it together.

07-11-2007, 03:51 PM
Why don't we just get a dedicated server with Windows OS?

I am planning to take a seed box from vectoral or maybe leaseweb, can i get one with Windows OS & uTorrent installed?, coz i've know idea how to deal with Linux commands.

07-11-2007, 04:05 PM
setting up the FTP server not not that big of a deal, i just dont know how to configure it, i set up vsFTPD, (yum install vsftpd) but some guy on athother forum told me to follow this guide :http://www.bit-tech.net/bits/2007/06/05/build_your_own_server/5
i've just yet to try it out, having a 2 box setup for this kindof thing is great

well for one windows isint free, and if you plan to get a server from Leaseweb you will have to pay 20€ extra for that per month, and i for one am not ready to pay more for windows

07-11-2007, 06:45 PM
only thing is freeBSD is meant to be realy good and simple to work with but installing vnc, wine is a bitch