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View Full Version : What makes a bad movie ?

07-20-2007, 06:58 PM
Hi Guys

My partner (gf) and I often sit down to watch a movie on tv and I find that after the first ten minutes I have decided if it will be a good movie, bad movie or average.

What in your mind makes a good movie, or a bad one.

Is it
The actors
The acting
The story
The filming
The soundtrack
The concept
The director
The tension / comedy / violence etc

I myself think it has a lot to do with the director.

Eg I recently saw Shall We Dance with Richard Gere, Susan Sarrandon and Jennifer Lopez.

Based on the concept, and the actors it should have been great but it was boring. There was no tension, the dance scenes were boring, the dance crowds were false (they clapped at nothing), there were no sexy bits (JLO).

I am sure that I could tweak-up the script, the costumes, the dancing, the acting and with those same actors do a much better job. So was it the director or the script ?

What do you think ?



07-20-2007, 09:29 PM
The Story ,actors and the filmin...for example: when the film always plays in the night... if u cant see anything...

07-20-2007, 09:56 PM
Probably poorly written for me, and if the trailer is showing the actual best bits of the movie. :P

07-21-2007, 12:57 AM
cheesy lines

07-21-2007, 04:53 AM
Lack of realism (mainly human injury), people who try to act but can't like J'Lo, and John Cena from "The Marine".

07-21-2007, 04:59 AM
doesn't have a meaning, too much special effects, trying to be realistic although it's fake (harry potter...)

07-21-2007, 10:03 AM
The story
The director

My opinion :)

07-21-2007, 10:32 AM
It's not the director, or the actors, or the producers, or the critics....

Its you, the Viewer. Your critical standards make up for what you think,
should (and should not) be a good movie. I mean, give you an example, I
thought the Academy Award winning movie 'Million Dollar Baby' was extremely
overrated. But at the same time, I feel that grindhouse type movies, like
The Monkey's movie, "Head" and Donald Camel's 'Performance," are absolute
classics. Maybe, we all just THINK about this shit, too much.


07-21-2007, 01:25 PM
Bad actors and a lack of funding

07-23-2007, 04:49 AM
all sequels...but the next are very very sucks...

American Pie 5
xXx 2

07-23-2007, 08:25 AM
Lots of things can make a movie bad:

Sequels (The first Batman films)
Remakes (The Ring)
Insulting your audience's intelligence (The Core)
Over-hyping (Snakes on a Plane)
Adding "National Lampoon's" to the title (National Lampoon's *)

Films with Stan Lee cameos.

Any film that has this old coot in is instantly bad in my book. It all started off innocently enough but now, Stan Lee in the background as a postman or somesuch. Innocent stuff for the fans to notice.

But now he's taking over the films. In the Silver Surfer he can't even be bothered to be a character in the supposed film. He just comes on and starts shouting "I'm Stan Lee, bitch!".

I can appreciate that the guy is a legend but enough is enough, I imagine when he is dead (which can't be far off as the guy is like 100 or something) they will CGI him in (and there will go the last peice of real footage in these type of movies).

My solution to this menace is to give him his own film, he obviously wants it. Stan Lee vs His Creations. A three hour opus during which Stan Lee lays the smackdown on all the comic book characters he has ever created, ending in a duel with Frank Miller.

07-30-2007, 05:55 PM
You know, in the past I was able to deal with the bad parts.. crappy actors, bad storyline, horrible soundtrack. But when I saw 28 weeks later I was really miffed about how it was made. It just didn't flow well and I was left with a "thats it?" feeling. It was a good movie, but I think the director could have spent more time with it =/