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06-25-2003, 02:40 AM
I was very disappointed on the way a certain character died in this book. It was a really stupid death. Does anyone agree with me? And also the whole book seemed like one big movie script.

The book was like this
then harry snarled, "bla bla"
then snape said, "lala"
Lupin stalks the bunny.
Hagrid jumps out and roars out, "how dare you stalk him"

Well i m still buy the sixth book but this book seemed rushed

06-25-2003, 04:07 AM
I would have to agree, about the sudden death, i expected a more grusome death. But oh well. And i was suprised about the dating situation for harry. It was barely touched on, and then she finds someone else like that. It was a very good book though :D the the

06-25-2003, 04:19 AM
I have to admit, that the 5th hp book did remind me of a movie script, but all and all, it was a good book. No one expect the sertain character to die, it sucks.

06-25-2003, 09:19 AM
i liked the book! Ginny has certainly come out of her shell... :D

I loved that character :( I did have to read over the death a few more times...just to convince myself...

I tell you what tho - Loony is gonna be on my list of fave characters! :lol:

06-25-2003, 11:39 AM
What about the rumour the book isn't written by Rowling at all. Just for marketing issues she's the writer??!

She seemed to suffer a severe writer's block! That's why this Potter is different as the other ones!?
Not that it matter's to me much didn't like the books anyway...
They are blown out of proportions big time, poor books just a big hype and a great marketing concept...

06-25-2003, 12:52 PM
me likes the books loads, but I know loadsa people have the same opinion as my lovely Jetje! :)

i like the books cos I feel they are evolving lots...the characters are growing up, so they're bound to be a little bit different, plus there was bound to be more darker stuff now that you-know-who's back!

I was a bit miffed that we didn&#39;t really learn loads about Lily Potter tho <_<

06-25-2003, 02:41 PM
I am a big fan of HP (now that&#39;s out of the way)

the 5th book sucked...

It appeared hastily written and incomplete

storylines hadn&#39;t evovled enough, then rushed to a dead end

the death was vvv badly written, almost like a throw away character that she couldn&#39;t bother to develop, which is a shame really as given the characters history it could have provided a good running storyline (hence the inclusion of the arch as an afterthought, i.e. a way to still comunicate with the dead person)

the whole book felt like a stop gap until the next REAL book comes out

there was a whole lot more that could have and should have happened, the whole mystery behind harry should have been delved into a little more deeply and not just skimmed over

I do agree that some of the characters introduced will be a benefit in coming stories, but feel that the existing characters could have been developed a hell of a lot more, snape has been given a very small role in this book when I felt after the 4th book he would have been far more prominent

In fact the book was basically a blueprint or map to the 6th book where I feel alot more information will be given, you will see a lot more of snapes dual-spy role and a lot more death-eater vs pheonix(or D.A) action and involvement

I have read the book 4 times i full and agree with a lot of people that JK was under pressurre to produce so just thrown this book to the wolves to appease their appetite until the REAL story is written

now... Does anyone think that given J.K&#39;s recent press report that the whole story will be turned on it&#39;s head by the time it is finished will lead to the following conclusion:-

I think that Lily & james Potter were in Voldemort&#39;s inner circle and this is what led to a bit of a break in the ranks and Voldemort&#39;s decision to kill them and their son, especially in light of the prophecy which is clearly being used to show that Harry would in fact be the next great wizard which would mean the end of voldemort

There are a number of subtle hints that point to where everything should meet and become one path, no more big bad wizard vs old good wizard, but one great wizard, all the houses should unite to become the greatest school of wizardry with the one great wizard to lead it

just my thought on the matter.

I also think that J.K is going to finish this whole lot in the next 2 books and with that finish the Harry potter series for good, she has basically come out and said she wants to end the affair sooner rather than later, so be prepared for 2 rushed out books to finish the matter

again just my opinion

I will be buying the next books until I have the full Harry set but am hoping that the next one is a more finished article rather than a thrown out appeasing money-spinner like the 5th book.... how anyone can go from the heights of the 4th book to the doldrums of the 5th without it being both unfinished and a sacrifice is beyond me

PLEASE J.K, return to the form of the FOURTH BOOK for the sake of your fans

06-28-2003, 05:14 PM
Well, I won&#39;t go quite as far as the last poster, but I definatly agree that this wasn&#39;t her best work. Strange, you&#39;d think it&#39;d have been less rushed as it took 3 times longer to write then HP4, but, well, I guess it happens. I did see the death coming, I didn&#39;t buy the popular theories on the net because it just didn&#39;t make sense, the death in my opinion was the one person who was not critical to the story but everyone liked, thus the one who&#39;d die.

06-28-2003, 05:34 PM
I just finished the book yesterday, and I actually liked it quite alot. I do agree that it wasnt as good as the third or fourth books, but it was better than the first two. I think most of the characters developed very well, especially Ginny, Fred and George, and Ron. Ginny is now very open (i was surprised to hear her swear when she got caught in the library with chocolate) and her talents are coming to the surface. if you have read it then I am sure you know about Fred and George. and Ron is becoming much more confident. I also liked the fact that Harry&#39;s relationship with Cho was not developed any more than it was. she is a very fickle character and i think that in the next book Harry will find someone that he likes, and has been there for him all along. *COUGH* *COUGH* i mean come on, kisses on the cheek are a bit of a hint.

06-28-2003, 06:51 PM
If kisses on the cheek are a hint, well, that puts in quite a few combinations. I&#39;m starting to think the Ron/Hermione theory is correct. As for Harry, well, there might just be home for him somewhere... I can&#39;t figure out who, but someone&#39;ll be there, I&#39;m sure.

06-28-2003, 09:56 PM
I think It should be Ginny........

I didn&#39;t see the death coming - I have to admit I thought that Sirius couls have become much more important to the story, but at the same time I&#39;m very glad it wasn&#39;t say, Hagrid, cos i would have cried and cried&#33;

06-28-2003, 11:55 PM
Originally posted by WeeMouse@28 June 2003 - 15:56
I think It should be Ginny........

I didn&#39;t see the death coming - I have to admit I thought that Sirius couls have become much more important to the story, but at the same time I&#39;m very glad it wasn&#39;t say, Hagrid, cos i would have cried and cried&#33;
I dont think it would have been ginny since there had been
so much stress on her in #2

I agree that this book was lacking and hastily written. I do hope
that the "real" books will show more promise.

Sirius was the only person that harry could relate to as a real
parental figure. Maybe Rowling didnt want this for something in
the future. Maybe she threw him away since he wasn&#39;t going
to fit into the storyline of #6&#7. Maybe she just used it to lead
to the prophecy??

I found it strange that the book talked a lot more about grawp
and Cho then about Sirius&#39;s death.

--Predictions-- (look away if you need to)

-Dumbledore dies in end while fighting voldemort
-Harry rises up and defeats voldemort with his strange "power"
-Harry becomes Headmaster of Hogwarts,
-Hermione becomes a teacher,
-Ron a quidditch player.
-No Harry&Cho, rather Harry&hermione.
-In one of the books, The Trio thinks that Snape is back with the Death Eaters. They find all this evidence that he is but later find they were wrong and he is still with Order.

Grawp will have to factor in there somewhere since the book put quite a bit of text
into him.

hmm thats all i can think of

06-29-2003, 04:26 AM
The Dias and the Viel had something important to do with Sirius&#39; death. Luna at the end had mentioned something about it. I am thinking that some how Sirius will still be a factor in Harry&#39;s life. Rowling just "offed" him it seems, which is an unlikely thing to happen.

06-29-2003, 05:57 AM
maybe grawp will convince SOME of the giants to join the cause

06-29-2003, 12:15 PM
i&#39;m on page 300 and it&#39;s better than the other 1&#39;s already :D

06-29-2003, 12:16 PM
The fifth book is definetaly worser than third and fourth books. :(
Written like a movie script... :ph34r:

06-29-2003, 06:11 PM
Interesting that it is written like a script when i hear they are going to stop making the moies after #3

06-29-2003, 06:18 PM
Do you honestly think they&#39;d stop entirely making movies that are selling that many tickets? They are only pausing momentarily, to resume probably sometime fairly soon.

06-29-2003, 06:22 PM
Yeah you are prolly right. I never liked the movies much though. Hopefully the third one will be better.

06-29-2003, 06:29 PM
Well, there&#39;s only so much they can do, the books are great, but to put the whole book into the movie would take far too much time. But as HP1 was second in the total box office ever after Titanic, also the second movie to ever break the billion dollar sum, they&#39;ll keep making movies I&#39;m certain of it.

06-29-2003, 07:05 PM
guyz, by the time the fifth movie would come out,
the actor who plays harry potter (and the others) would
be too old to play the characters.

I think the guyz who played dumbledore died and i&#39;m
not sure how they&#39;re going to fill him in.

06-29-2003, 08:25 PM
i think that they will make the rest of the movies, but will split Goblet of fire and OOTP into say, 2 movies - more money that way too&#33;

Cris Columbus is only directing the Prisoner of Azkaban - after that someone else will do it (if there is indeed more movies made), so there may be a cast change. I think tho, that most of the characters just couldn&#39;t be played by another actor now, y&#39;know?

06-29-2003, 09:00 PM
firstly, they have a dumbledoor replacement, and with the heavy make up that is used u cannot tell the difference.

Secondly, they are making a movie every year and they started when he was 11, so he will fit perfectly if they keep on track

Darth Sushi
06-29-2003, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by yyiryyib@29 June 2003 - 22:00
firstly, they have a dumbledoor replacement, and with the heavy make up that is used u cannot tell the difference.

Secondly, they are making a movie every year and they started when he was 11, so he will fit perfectly if they keep on track
http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:KKvnDf-BBnsC:djquaffle.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/dumbledore.jpg http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:mK6vA93_hOIC:www.screentalk.org/images/Next%2520Issue%2520Preview/Gandolf.jpg
I see a resemblance between Dumbledore and Gandolf ;)

06-29-2003, 10:47 PM
Well they were originally contracted to do only 3 movies
and now they are discussing doing 5

But thats what i&#39;ve heard...

06-29-2003, 11:44 PM
accually i&#39;ve thought i&#39;ve read somewhere that chris columbus was not directing this film that some other person that&#39;s not american was doing it. he was like spanish or something, but don&#39;t quote me on that. Personally i dont think the movies will ever be the same without richard harris although i wouldn&#39;t like it to much if they stopped the making the movies either.

06-30-2003, 04:18 AM
anyone knows the name of the file so i can download it?Here in Argentina i can&#39;t buy &#39;cause it&#39;s too expensive

06-30-2003, 04:27 AM
dart maul, i read the entire book off the website html link someone posted here, look around for it.

But about the book, does anyone else see something perhaps happening between luna and harry, the rowling seemed to be toying with the idea in the last chapters, while they were talking to eachother about how she could hear the sounds behind the veil as well.....

06-30-2003, 05:02 AM
I kinda saw that too with Luna, but i do not think it will become anything. I do however think Luna is a key character in the rest of the series. Remember how she was the only one besides Harry to not be injured in some way? i think she is a powerful wizard, but people underestimate her.

06-30-2003, 05:34 AM
Yep, Luna&#39;s going to be quite the major character, I&#39;m sure, I&#39;m getting the sneaky suspicion that Harry&#39;ll end up dating her at some point in time... Hmmm. I actually suspected it from the first time they met, oddly enough. GoF will almost certainly be 2 movies, if they can find a nice spot to divide it up, OotP likely too. Any ideas where to break GoF up, just curious. Luna and Harry seem to have alot in common, they both have parents who died, both seem to be powerful wizards, etc.

06-30-2003, 01:41 PM
this may be a stupid question but how many pages is there in this book?

06-30-2003, 07:58 PM
Depends on British vrs. American, the American is I think 892, the english somewhere around 700, not sure why the difference... I could be wrong, but it&#39;s in that ballpark.

06-30-2003, 09:14 PM
THe American book has a bigger font-size


06-30-2003, 09:31 PM
1) --&#62; who ever wanted the link >> www.google.com/ <-- i uploaded it there....

2) umm how would they split it into two parts&#33;??&#33; weemouse :P

therez already gonna be like 7 books

Globet of Fire Part 1
Globet of Fire Part 2

Order of Phoenix Part 1
Order of Phoenix Part 2

then its going to be like part 1 - 3 since rowling seems to be making each book longer... lol... no ones going to want to watch split up movies

3) i think luna is like ginny.... she&#39;s starting to admire and like harry...

06-30-2003, 09:37 PM
I dunno - they could adapt the story a wee bit or just find a suitable bit to cut it in half - but it would be well worth their while&#33; 7 books, with Goblet of Fire and OOTP being split into two means at least 9 movies&#33;

Money Money Money....

07-04-2003, 01:10 AM
I liked it. Harry Potter has always been avarage too me (its in my favourite genre range - fantasy - but its a bit "kiddy" :P). A good couple of days reading. You know how the saga will end (harry dying) and you can see the books content "maturing and dealing with more complex issues" (death, girls) as JK said it would. Yeah Sirus&#39;s death was a bit lame but he wasn&#39;t a major character. There were funny bits (Hagid and Gawp) and the bit with the interfering ministry forcing text book learning and setting Hogwarts "rules" to follow (much like our governments rules for things like the NHS) was good. There was a bit of a feeling of the book being written as a script but overall it was a good and interesting read. Roll on the next book :)

And the UK book has about 766 pages

07-04-2003, 01:34 AM
I like the author. I just thought the story could&#39;ve been better.

07-06-2003, 07:13 PM

07-06-2003, 08:48 PM
They want money from GoF film so split it up just b4 first task.
As for OotP... after Umbridge stops Qudditch

07-06-2003, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by Ambush333@6 July 2003 - 19:13
what a spammer

i think the book was really good
and i think the veil is gonna be really important in the new book
becuase i think harry is gonna sneak bak to the mysteries place to see it
and i do think her and luna have something going on

also i cant beileive u read the book online
just buy it man only cost me 11 quid

07-06-2003, 11:15 PM
First off.. Luna has a thing for Ron, not Harry, if you can&#39;t tell. And she&#39;s stopping at the 7th book, so wtf would it show Harry as the headmaster and Hermione as a teacher and shit? It&#39;s quite obvious Harry is going to be an auror if he lives, however, I have a feeling that
A. Voldemort kills Harry, Dumbledore kills Voldemort.
B. Voldemort kills Dumbledore, and Harry kills Voldemort.

And, Luna does not seem to have that powerful of magic.. I think Neville is getting much better and will do something important though, such as kill the Lestranges for torturing his parents or something similiar. Luna will be an important part, as she was one of their new "friends" and stuff. Yea.

I also do not believe Sirius is "dead," as he was hit with a RED JET of sparks (Avada Kedavra is green), and he vanished behind the veil so they will not know if he died or not. Also, I think when another person dies who is close to Harry, they will become a ghost and stuff.. >.>

@Sek- True, Sirius was not a MAJOR character, but he was becoming one. I would have rather had Arthur Weasley die, but that&#39;s just me.

About Grawp, I don&#39;t think he is going to persuade other giants to join Dumbledore, as he&#39;s around 16 feet tall. I think Hagrid is going to find him a wife, and they are going to live in the Forbidden Forest and "breed" giants to fight for their cause, or take over the other Giant tribe, or something.. Yea, I don&#39;t remember all that was said so far, but I tried to reply to all the major things.

07-07-2003, 03:06 AM
Hi,guys. I just finish the Last book,I read it from the web.Thanks to the guy who put the links.

Sirius&#39;s death was very bad.I thought He will fight Lord Voldemort and die trying but killed by one of his Death Eater??mmmmmm... <_<

Cho suks,i like better Hermione.And luna it&#39;s a very good character,kind of strange but ok.

Nevile will kill the Lestrange or dye trying.Ginny,mm,I don&#39;t know,I prefered when she was in love of Harry,that was kind of funny.

Ron,i prefer Wood for the Keepeer.

I hope that the DA class continue but in an open way,all the school under the Harry&#39;s command.

Hagrid&#39;s brother,mmm, I think that is a very bad idea.Dumbledore will not die...and Is is true that Harry will die??i hope not.

Sorry if you don&#39;t understand me,my english sucks.

07-07-2003, 03:10 AM
Originally posted by McGee@6 July 2003 - 23:15
I also do not believe Sirius is "dead," as he was hit with a RED JET of sparks (Avada Kedavra is green), and he vanished behind the veil so they will not know if he died or not. Also, I think when another person dies who is close to Harry, they will become a ghost and stuff.. >.>

Don&#39;t forget that Voldemort knows how to make new spells...
But i hope he is not dead.

07-07-2003, 08:51 AM
I am on page 10 :D

07-07-2003, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by scribblec@6 July 2003 - 21:04
also i cant beileive u read the book online
just buy it man only cost me 11 quid
I read it online because here in Argentina,It&#39;s a very bad time.One dollar has the same value like 3 pesos.So if you come here, you will buy all kind of stuff...whit almost nothing.Like Phoebe Buffay said,you will buy human parts... <_<

and,Sirius chose not to be a ghost,like Nick.

see ya...

07-08-2003, 12:48 AM
Originally posted by McGee@7 July 2003 - 00:15

A. Voldemort kills Harry, Dumbledore kills Voldemort.
B. Voldemort kills Dumbledore, and Harry kills Voldemort.
it can&#39;t b A, b/c harry is the only one that has the power to eliminate voldemort for good, remember the prophecy? it prolly will b B, b/c Dumboredore is getting a bit outdated... (in term of age)

07-08-2003, 05:09 AM
Originally posted by 123+7 July 2003 - 18:48--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (123 @ 7 July 2003 - 18:48)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-McGee@7 July 2003 - 00:15

A. Voldemort kills Harry, Dumbledore kills Voldemort.
B. Voldemort kills Dumbledore, and Harry kills Voldemort.
it can&#39;t b A, b/c harry is the only one that has the power to eliminate voldemort for good, remember the prophecy? it prolly will b B, b/c Dumboredore is getting a bit outdated... (in term of age) [/b][/quote]
also, dumbledore dieing would be a great climactic point
in the end.

07-08-2003, 12:09 PM
Just finished Book 5 the other day. Dont bother reading this if you havent read the book yet or you&#39;ll find out things that might spoil your story.

I have to agree that I also saw Luna as taking a fancy to Ron rather than Harry. Perhaps Rawlings is developing this new character as a counter to the Ron/Hermione relationship. The popular belief is that Hermione should pair off with Harry so perhaps she (Rawlings) has brought Luna in to counterballance the relationship that Ron and Hermione are having so that either she CAN pair off Harry and Hermione or simply to muddy an obvious Ron and Hermione match up.

The death was rather dissapointing to me. I&#39;d seen news clips mentioning that a "main character" would die in this book and that Rawlings reported that she cried during the writing of it. As a result I noticed that there are quite a few suggested deaths in this book. First we see a dead Ron, then we see Mr. Weasly appears to have been the one, then theres the missing Hagrid to make us consider him, McGonigal getting blasted, then the sham with Sirius being kidnapped to lure in Harry, which in turn leads to the real "death" of his godfather.

But that portal/door/frame/archway/thingy is a bit unconvincing. No holler, no scream, no nothing - he&#39;s just gone. I&#39;m wondering if we wont being seeing Sirius again later on. I thought it awful funny that the true nature of the archway was never discussed. We dont know what it is or why its there. Seems to me that the first thing someone would ask is "What the hell is that?". Every other item they encountered in the Mysteries Dept got a description of what it was. There was no information to indicate if Sirius&#39;s body was destroyed, if he went to an alternate world, if he was transported to some level of hell - nothing. We hear some wisperings and Harry gets the feeling that someone is simply standing behind the viel. That&#39;s it. Were I in Harry&#39;s place I&#39;d be asking alot of questions and if the answers werent satisfying to me I&#39;d be launching an expedition to retrieve my godfather.

I must say, the development of the Fred and George has been quite pleasurabe - especially their marked exiting of Hogwart&#39;s :P

I was quite dissapointed with Cho. I wasnt keen on seeing Harry and Cho form a permanant relationship (I&#39;m in with the Harry n Hermione crowd), but for her to be such a jealous crybaby was a real suprise. The whole "jealous of Hermione" thing got old fast. Their relationship hadnt developed that far along and they were still sorting out their issues of Cedric. Cho comes off in this book as the psycho bitch from hell that Harry is well better off in doing without.

Grawp. Alot of things can stem from this - however, I wont put too much stock into it as yet. We had the episode with Aragon in the 2nd book and then nothing from that direction since. I can see some possibilities here tho - Grawp beginning a new tribe in the forbidden forrest (if Hagrid manages to lure in a mate for him) that would have the potential of being accepted by the wizarding community at some point in the future (beyond the scope of the series).

Perhaps Grawp will simply be a bit of muscle available in the fight against Voldemort? Or maybe he&#39;ll get pissed at Hagrid and thump him hard enough in the head to make Hagrid realize that not all creatures are cudly and cute. <_<

Neville. I wonder here - wouldnt it be a real hoot if Neville is the REAL hero and Harry is just the distraction? I mean c&#39;mon, Neville shows more restraint and maturity than Harry ever has. Both boys could fit into the role of the prophesy. Dumbledore has ruled out Neville because the prophesy mentions that Voldemort would scar the one that would bring him down (Thus harries lightning bolt scar), but isnt Neville still scarred in a sense? Both his parents driven mad by Voldemort (well, ok, by Sirius&#39;s cousin, but indirectly it was done by Voldey). So in my eyes both boys still fall under the descriptions of the prophecy.

My wife argued that if this were so then Harry wouldnt have been able to pick up the prophecy orb, but I have to point out that the prophecy was magicked into that orb by Dumbledor under the impression that Harry was to be the recipient - he could just as easily have done it for Neville. Anyway, just something to consider ;)

I guess my biggest dissapointment with this book is so many pages - but what really happened? Hogwart&#39;s was invaded by the ministry (but eventually recovers from this), Harry passed his O.W.L.s, Fred and George dropped out and started their own shop, We find out that "The Order of the Phoenix" exists to combat Voldemort, and Sirius dies. I guess you could say there are a few more character introduction/developments, but really - do we need all these pages to learn this stuff? It just felt like it was a whole lot of stuffing for very little meat.

07-08-2003, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by Passerby@8 July 2003 - 13:09
Neville. I wonder here - wouldnt it be a real hoot if Neville is the REAL hero and Harry is just the distraction?
i thought about that, too, b/c y would rowling put the fact that there were 2 ppl that can fit in w/ the prophecy

07-08-2003, 11:08 PM
Hmmmm....I think Neville will certainly help....dunno if he will be the real hero tho - I mean, he may die helping Harry or something....

@Passerby - WOW&#33;&#33;&#33; I finfished the book and said "cool - wonder when no.6 is coming out&#33;" :lol:

07-09-2003, 11:13 PM
i finished today....and cried. :&#39;(
didnt dare come in this end of the wood in case i found out who died. ;)

07-10-2003, 01:20 AM
Originally posted by lilmiss@10 July 2003 - 00:13
[color=blue]i finished today....and cried.
lolz, u CRIED??? it was good, but it wasn&#39;t THAT dramatic

07-10-2003, 01:39 AM
I just want to know who won the house cup.

It never said. They all just packed up and went back home&#33;

Oh and IMO, this is on the same level of Goblet of Fire...I think it&#39;s an excellent book.

Now I can&#39;t wait til the sixth book. How long will the wait be, another 3 years? Jeez&#33;

PS. Did anyone else laugh, when Hagrid said the witch he was searching for giants with was so mean and feisty because..."must be the French in her..."

I did

Gandalf on Crack
07-10-2003, 02:28 AM
Originally posted by AlucardXXVII@10 July 2003 - 02:39
I just want to know who won the house cup.

It never said. They all just packed up and went back home&#33;
Yah i was wondering the exact thing. *one sec gotta open book*
Yah, he talks to Luna and then she just leaves and goes to the Feast, but then it just suddenly skips to him back home on the train...Thats not nice, it is true Slytherin was way ahead thru out the year but...but Dumbledore could always make some changes and/or maybe due to the crazed events, and the next war starting, maybe he just called it off...

also about relationships, I see a homosexual relationship rising between Harry and Ron. It would make a wicked twist to the story...right?

07-10-2003, 05:56 AM
@ Weemouse - Don&#39;t get me wrong, I&#39;m still enraptured by the whole story and do look forward to seeing more (and contrary to popular opinion I&#39;m hoping for more movies&#33;). I just felt that out of the 5 books this one was my least favorite, and as someone suggested prior, book 5 seemed more like a filler book to me - almost as if Rowlings wants time to pass on a bit so that Harry grows up for the big climatic battle between him and Voldemort, but still wanted to maintain the pace of 1 book per schoolyear so added in a lot of fluff to stretch out the story.

I cant put my finger on any 1 thing really - just that after I was done reading I just didnt have that "what a cool book&#33;" feeling that i had with the others. I dunno. Maybe the book was overhyped? I often get that with movies that recieve much more hype then they should - like when a movie is overly hyped and when you finaly see it you find it a big dissapointment (cough, cough MATRIX II cough cough).

I read the book aloud to my wife, and will most likely read it again aloud to my eldest daughter (5 yrs old). I like doing the voices and seeing my little girl completely captivated. Her favorite is when i do Hagrid - but he&#39;s tough on my vocal cords heh. Read to my wife in 3 days, but my eldest girl will only get 1 chapter at a time lol.

07-10-2003, 01:23 PM
Well thinking that her life situation changed is maybe why the books are getting different&#33;&#33; I Mean she married now and its understandable that it takes longer for her to write the books&#33;&#33; the 5th i thought was one of the best very interesting i just couldn`t stop reading it&#33;&#33; As too the Movies Michael Gambon is going to play dumbledore

here a small pic: http://images.killermovies.com/h/harrypott..._dumbledore.jpg (http://images.killermovies.com/h/harrypotter3/michael_gambon_as_dumbledore.jpg)

07-10-2003, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by 123+10 July 2003 - 01:20--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (123 @ 10 July 2003 - 01:20)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-lilmiss@10 July 2003 - 00:13
[color=blue]i finished today....and cried.
lolz, u CRIED??? it was good, but it wasn&#39;t THAT dramatic [/b][/quote]
i think i cried more because i finished the book. :rolleyes:

no, i wasnt impressed with the death of sirius at all, and agree with passerby, there has to be more behind that story. he just vanished, but im sure the next book will tell us more about the arch....even if we do have to wait another couple of years. :(
i was hoping to see "the war" in this book, with all the build up at the end of "goblet of fire". i was a little disapointed with that, but everything else was fantastic&#33; i really enjoyed seeing Neville come into the story and mature a bit more, and i think Luna is my new fave character. im not sure about the direction Harry is going in, seems to be having a lot of tantrums. i was expecting more from Hermione with the OWLS and everything.

cant wait for Ron and Hermione to get it on. ;) soo much tension, its sweet.

07-10-2003, 10:55 PM
Hey comon guys&#33; One good thing about this book is the fact that there isn&#39;t a bunch of "reacquainting" like there was in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th books.

Remember how you would start reading them, and then notice that there was paragraph after paragraph of J.K. Rowling re-introducing each character?

ie. "Harry went to meet his friend Ron (who is blah blah blah) and then they went to meet Hermoine (and she is this person who does this and that and wow she studies a lot&#33;). Then Harry was walking down the hallway when Malfoy( Harry&#39;s nemesis) and Crabbe and Goyle (malfoy&#39;s buddies) picked a fight with Harry&#33; Then Dumbledore came (dumbledore is this one guy and he is also a big wizard BLAH BLAH BLAH)"


I was so happy not to see a bunch of that baloney in this book&#33;

THANKS J.K., Baby&#33;

Oh yeah, I would absolutely do J.K. Rowling

07-11-2003, 04:40 AM
damn, how can u guys remember anything from the previous books? (except the overall story) they came out a yr ago, and, well, i guess i&#39;ve just had a really busy yr since i read the 4th book, but wow, u guys remember a lot of stuff.

p.s. this might b a stupid question, but how do u know all these stuff about j.k. rowling and wut she said about her books?

07-12-2003, 03:14 AM
i&#39;ve read &#39;em all, except the last, one 3 times. notice something different each time. :D

what i&#39;d like to know is ;did anyone else interpret harrys dream in "goblet of fire" as sexual, or am i just imaging it? (where he was glad ron couldnt see him, etc...)

and didn&#39;t she do an interview with jonathon ross not long ago, where she explained "the world". :blink:

07-12-2003, 04:25 PM
can some1 plz ans my question in the last post i made on the forum??

07-12-2003, 04:50 PM
Well I&#39;ve read Sorcerer&#39;s Stone and Chamber of Secrets about three times a piece. I only read Prisoner of Azkaban and Goblet of Fire once.

Order of the Phoenix talks a lot about book 3 and book 4, so that&#39;s how I caught up on a lot of stuff from those books...

ie. In Order of the Phoenix, Hermione lectures Harry on taking too many risks, or something, and as an example, refers to Goblet of Fire, when Harry ate some seaweed to get gills, and he saved some chick from drowning during the TriWizard tournament.

See, I had forgotten all about that until I read that little snippet.

07-12-2003, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by 123@11 July 2003 - 05:40
damn, how can u guys remember anything from the previous books? (except the overall story) they came out a yr ago, and, well, i guess i&#39;ve just had a really busy yr since i read the 4th book, but wow, u guys remember a lot of stuff.

p.s. this might b a stupid question, but how do u know all these stuff about j.k. rowling and wut she said about her books?
We read newspapers and see reports on the net about JK Rowling...or I do anyway&#33; She&#39;s always in the newspapers cos she is a famous scottish person&#33;

I remember a lot of things...dunno how tho&#33; I guess it&#39;s cos I&#39;ve re-read the books so many times... :rolleyes:

07-12-2003, 07:45 PM
I predict two things (The second one isn&#39;t very likely):

A: JK will pause for 2 years or so and then will come out with some After-School series. I mean, think about it - &#036;40 Mil for 4 books, movies and merchindice. I think she will continue for in &#39;the quest for more money&#39; thery. (Another note: I think that the after school series will not be liked nearly as well)

--And possibly--

B: Harry dies

Anyway, just my thoughts on the issue...

07-12-2003, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by WeeMouse@12 July 2003 - 17:50
I remember a lot of things...dunno how tho&#33; I guess it&#39;s cos I&#39;ve re-read the books so many times... :rolleyes:
heh, i&#39;ve only read them once each, can&#39;t c myself reading a book more than once, especially now when i dun even have time to read some books i wanna read once

ok, except textbooks, i havta reread some info a lot of times to understand

07-13-2003, 07:26 PM
found that on yahoo 2day, about the movies:

Release Date Notes: (3/23/03) Because of the length of this fourth &#39;Harry Potter&#39; novel (734 pages), there have been reports that it may actually be produced as two separate films at the same time (like Lord of the Rings and the Matrix sequels) and then released in the same year. Warner Bros. has made no official annoucements yet about a year of release, but because the films are being made quickly while the kids are still kids, 2005 seems the most likely target. The third film, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, is scheduled for release in June, 2004. (7/5/03) In conjunction with the media hype for the fifth book, a Warner Bros. spokesperson recently announced that the target release for this movie is November, 2005.

07-14-2003, 06:36 PM

07-17-2003, 08:30 AM
Can i just say harry potter 1 + 2 did not pass the one billion dollar mark, its comes in 10th of the most money made from a film. the two of them put together did not beat titanic.
I like harry potter, but lord of thr rings kicks ass all over it.

07-17-2003, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by Got_brains?@12 July 2003 - 19:45
I predict two things (The second one isn&#39;t very likely):

A: JK will pause for 2 years or so and then will come out with some After-School series. I mean, think about it - &#036;40 Mil for 4 books, movies and merchindice. I think she will continue for in &#39;the quest for more money&#39; thery. (Another note: I think that the after school series will not be liked nearly as well)

--And possibly--

B: Harry dies

Anyway, just my thoughts on the issue...
&#036;40 million for 4 books, think again mate it was about close to 1 billion in euro&#39;s, now thats a shit load.

Get the facts straight before tring to convince people

07-20-2003, 09:22 PM
3 years about... the book was mediocre. She spends most of her time instead of writing the book, pushing merchandise and the movie. The movie was good but I&#39;d much rather a better book&#33;
JK that money grubbing woman... better write a better #6.

07-22-2003, 12:25 AM
yal didn&#39;t like book 5? hmm i actually thought it was pretty good

07-22-2003, 01:14 AM
i agree with majority. i think the 5th book really sucked. nothing big actually happened in it. instead u should read these sequels to the 4th book: http://www.schnoogle.com/authorLinks/Barb/

those were MUCH better than the real 5th book. for ppl who already read the real 5th book, keep in mind that this is the continuation of the fourth book, NOT fifth, so u mite be a little confused bout some parts.

describition of:
Harry Potter and the Psychic Serpent by Barb (33)
In Harry’s fifth year he gets a snake with the Sight. Hermione&#39;s torn between Ron and Harry, who’s torn between her and Ginny, who&#39;s torn between him and Draco Malfoy, who&#39;s torn between her and loyalty to his father. Plus: a Prophecy, Animagus training, a Dueling Club, Snape&#39;s Penseive, kilts, giants, house elf liberation and more&#33;

Harry Potter and the Time of Good Intentions by Barb (21)
During his fifth year, Trelawney did a Tarot reading for Harry. She told him he would have to make a choice that could "change the world as we know it." At the beginning of his sixth year, Harry chooses, and the world does change. Does it change for the better? If he wants, can Harry change it back? Or is giving Harry exactly what he wants Voldemort&#39;s ultimate revenge? The sequel to Harry Potter and the Psychic Serpent.

Harry Potter and the Triangle Prophecy by Barb (25) new
Harry&#39;s 7th and final year of school. In a time of uncertainty, the Muggle world has found a source of comfort and stability. Only Harry suspects that it isn&#39;t safe. Wizards are more concerned about themselves than Muggles since Voldemort&#39;s return, but are only Muggles at risk? Will anyone listen to Harry? He must decide whether to make a sacrifice that will change him--and the wizarding world-- forever.

WARNING: these books are extremely long (the first one is bout 300pages longer than the actual 5th book) and at times extremely hard to stop. dont say that i didn&#39;t warn u ;)

07-22-2003, 08:31 AM
Stop posting fake shit, this is book 5 discussion.

07-22-2003, 06:12 PM
I think that the reason each book is getting longer and deeper is that JK is growing as a writer. Remember, the first book was aimed exclusively at kids. In the 1st book the ideas came at you so fast that if you blinked you missed some. In OOTP it builds much more slowly. And you shouldn&#39;t be surprised that all the new storylines weren&#39;t rolled up in one go- NONE of the books have done that.

I enjoyed the last book, but it did have that &#39;second in the trilogy&#39; feel to it. As to the archway, I reckon it&#39;s a one way trip to the realm of the dead. Nearly Headless Nick never truly passed over, choosing to remain as a ghost instead, that&#39;s why he couldn&#39;t answer Harry&#39;s question. And I think that Sirius IS dead- no lucky escape for him, and no returning from death. I don&#39;t think Sirius could be taken any further as a character, especially as Dumbledore reveals his true paternal feelings about Harry at the end.

It&#39;s Ron and Hermione for sure- Ginny&#39;s had several boyfriends so far, but all Hermione&#39;s done is write to Viktor Krum. Ron&#39;s oblivious, but I&#39;ve noticed Hermione always gets what she wants; his days are numbered... ;)

Just a small point Kay2thejay- Lord of the Rings was 3 books, and the&#39;re doing a film for each. And they are very cool. (the films- the books are practically unreadable)

Roll on book 6- it should get VERY interesting.

p.s. I am not employed by J.K Rowling. :)

07-24-2003, 11:10 PM
this has probably been posted before, but i&#39;m just wondering y hagrid can see thestrals (i&#39;m assuming)...is it because his dad died or something?...yes, i have poor memorization skills :lol:

07-26-2003, 08:35 PM
Originally posted by UserX@22 July 2003 - 02:14
i agree with majority. i think the 5th book really sucked. nothing big actually happened in it. instead u should read these sequels to the 4th book: http://www.schnoogle.com/authorLinks/Barb/

those were MUCH better than the real 5th book.
they are NOT better than the real book, userx, although i can&#39;t argue that they aren&#39;t good

07-27-2003, 11:09 AM
I&#39;ve read all the books........Hype? No, its an entertaining saga - what most people fail to remember is that these are books for kids & not adults. :)

The last book was, I agree, not of the best stuff Rowling has written.....I prefer goblet of fire myself. Goblets slightly shorter yet more seems to happen in it??? The death of Sirus kinda peeved me off, as you&#39;e already stated, it seemed he was just thrown away - no explaination or anything. But, maybe thats for further explanation - whats that big doorway anyway - no real answers were given only that sirus is dead, why? Why can&#39;t he come back, were does it lead? What is the door doing in the MoM? Does Harry go through it in the next book? :blink:

07-27-2003, 11:13 AM
It&#39;s probably some weird passage 2 Voldemort&#39;s lair :unsure: I think this was the best book in the series because she put the most effort into this 1

07-27-2003, 11:15 AM
The fact when Umbridge had him, when he was attempting to contact Sirius in Umbridge&#39;s office, with a diversion provided by F & G Weasley and only to realise he could&#39;ve contacted Snape was kind of dumb, even I realised that was an option when he found out that McGonagall had been taken to St. Mungo&#39;s.

But a wonderful book though&#33;

07-28-2003, 01:11 AM
I thought this was a pretty good book overall, not the best though. One thing that kind of goes along with what Amarjit said is the mirror that Sirius gave him before he left for school. I kept wondering why he was taking such great risks, like breaking into Ubridge&#39;s office, when Sirius had instructed him to use it if necessary. It seemed somewhat pointless to even have written that bit in, since he didn&#39;t even remember it until sirius was dead(?).

07-28-2003, 01:14 AM
where can i see some exerpts from the real book?