View Full Version : Halo 3 USENET Video Partition NTSC is REAL!

09-19-2007, 02:04 PM
For those of you that are getting the Ass Clown release, will you please post your results when you finish? From what I have heard on irc, the Video Partition NTSC release is the real deal. :wacko: If anyone can shed some more light on this (Im at work:angry:) it would be greatly appreciated. I started getting Video Partition release this morning since there was 24 rar files up already. :01:


09-19-2007, 03:15 PM
heard so much about this game about whats fake an whats real. friend of mine who works down in london phoned me this morn to say he got his hands on a retail pal version. a;; i can say if its in peoples hands it'll be uploaded soon. i only trust posts off this site so just wait till the nzb gets poster here. if ull 100% get ur hand on it on 26/9/07 lol

09-19-2007, 03:39 PM

09-19-2007, 03:40 PM

[email protected] ???!!:ph34r:

09-19-2007, 04:06 PM

[email protected] ???!!:ph34r:

How did you see that?

09-19-2007, 04:12 PM
its just the uploader name/email, it's ust made up, mine is [email protected] lol you can choose whatever you want

09-19-2007, 04:21 PM

Phew...was thinking we had another fake...

09-19-2007, 04:23 PM
From what I understand this is the real one. Its still being upped, but hopefully we will be able to play it with this new news of a ban. That would suck!

09-19-2007, 04:25 PM
so do I understand this correctly, we have this version, assclowns and blackholes? or is this version assclowns version? and I know they write NTSC in mostly all games that are region free anyway, so hoping this is region free or I really will just burst into tears.

09-19-2007, 04:26 PM
my dad a member of privite site were nzbs get posted there were too halo3 post on there Halo 3 USENET Video Partition NTSC was removed 10 mins ago?????

09-19-2007, 04:27 PM
And it's region free, right?


09-19-2007, 04:32 PM
are you asking or telling? lol! is this version we are talking about assclowns version? that's what I want to know.

09-19-2007, 04:45 PM
First post on XS:

When contacted by Pro-G a Microsoft rep confirmed rumours that gamers who play Halo 3 early will have their LIVE accounts banned. Simply not connecting to the internet doesn't appear to be a solution either. The rep also confirmed that Microsoft is able to ban accounts based on information collected by the console which shows when the game was played. This news is sure to come as a shock to some gamers who have already started playing the final chapter in the blockbuster Halo trilogy.

Note: Let's wait for an official answer from MS about this ... would be really strange that MS assumes all their end-users must be aware of the official release date of their games and would punish them because some shops sell games early. If true ... MS will get some real bad PR again in the next few days.

09-19-2007, 04:47 PM
And it's region free, right?


Can you do this for the Video Partition release please? I am getting that one now as its upping faster than the ass clown release.

09-19-2007, 04:59 PM
yeah hope Video Partition release is region free. last i seen there were 45/96 files uploaded!

09-19-2007, 05:06 PM
Ive downloaded 3 rars of this rls but when i put 2 of them in a single rar the file size its only of 1.8 megs.
its this supposed to happen or i did something wrong?

09-19-2007, 05:13 PM
sorry hector, could you say that again? not quite sure I understand.

And it's region free, right?


Can you do this for the Video Partition release please? I am getting that one now as its upping faster than the ass clown release.

x2 please you mad dog

09-19-2007, 05:15 PM
why would u put them in a single rar? download all the rars in ur prefix folder then when all rars are down extract ti ur .iso then burn? im getting what rars are there an thay look ok in terms of size to me.

09-19-2007, 05:20 PM
I have it under good authority that this version is region free, I hope the guy ain't bullshiting me, but he normally knows his stuff.

09-19-2007, 05:22 PM
As long as the source is good for this, it should be region free as all Microsoft Game Studios are supposed to be region free anyways. I hope this is not a fake!

09-19-2007, 05:23 PM
nice1 was just gona ask if any1 gets wind this is region free to let me know! lol fingers crossed :)

09-19-2007, 05:25 PM
As long as the source is good for this, it should be region free as all Microsoft Game Studios are supposed to be region free anyways. I hope this is not a fake!

I did not know that, thanks for future reference mate

09-19-2007, 05:40 PM
so if its on usenet now, how long will it take to get onto torrents?

09-19-2007, 05:46 PM
Chances are that it will still be a while before its fully upped to newsgroups. They are on rar 46/90 (or so). It has been being upped for 9 hours already. So I figure it will take at least another 9 hours before its full uppped to newsgroups. Then someone will have to turn around and share with torrent folks. So probably tomorrow is my best guess. Dont quote me on that ;)

09-19-2007, 05:51 PM
yea sounds about right, i just hope it gets onto torrents asap after its been upped to the news groups

09-19-2007, 05:58 PM
you should invest in the newsgroups man, some even offer free trials. I'm sure everyone on this part of the forum will tell you the same, it's deffinately the way to go.
Hopefully it's not 9 hours lol but if it's real I'll be happy. Going to have to make due with come COD4 beta in the mean time

09-19-2007, 06:00 PM
i only would use it for halo 3 though, so if i can pay for one month then unsubscribe using paypal i would, but on the sites that offer paypal, it just says visa or mastercard, so i think ill wait

09-19-2007, 06:13 PM
try www.n-groups.net (http://www.n-groups.net) uses paypal no cards involved 7.99 per month unresricted download an cancel wheneva u want

09-19-2007, 06:16 PM
thanks and just to let everyone know, theres quite a few on ebay for like £150 because of the argos error, gotta love them for it :)

And where do i go on that site to sign up? :\ confused

09-19-2007, 06:24 PM
http://www.ngroups.net/ sorry my bad try this lol

09-19-2007, 06:28 PM
so then if i bought that, id get that grabit program, and insert the name into the prefs then use the batch thing to download the game?

09-19-2007, 06:34 PM
yeah thats the 1 m8 they send ya username an password put that in grabit when adding a new server download ur nzbs away u go! hope that helps

09-19-2007, 06:36 PM
cheers mate are you getting it now?

it its not region free ill be annoyed

09-19-2007, 06:41 PM
yeah but it hasnt been 100% cofirmed as region free so ill be gutted myself! if u dont wana risk it wait. or go on e-bay argos started selling pal copys of the game today so there up on e bay lol

09-19-2007, 06:52 PM
As far as the region free goes... on the ass clown pic from DVD Mulleter, it says it is region free... Unless he has some weird copy that is the only one that is region free, They should all be...

09-19-2007, 07:26 PM
Anyone else having troubles with .rar's 49-52 ? I'm on news feeds and their coming up as "Article Not Found"

09-19-2007, 07:34 PM
let you know when I get there

09-19-2007, 07:38 PM
me too not long till i get there

09-19-2007, 07:38 PM

09-19-2007, 07:44 PM
just moved 49 up an sorry to say mines comin down.remove them files from batch an get them parts down again

09-19-2007, 07:54 PM
oo yea, you might need to update that adobes, they may not be found because they were incomplete when you downloaded the nzb or whatever. I'm using newsbin pro and updating automatically every 10mins, then just right click and choose add to download list, it updates the files that are (more) complete.

09-19-2007, 08:01 PM
assclown is on xbox sky (torrent) but nowhere else :\

09-19-2007, 08:07 PM
my average speed on torrents was about 50 kb/s and on occasion I would get over 100, rarely much more though. When I started using newsgroups I almost had a shit attack, 600kb/s + at constant speed, no need to upload also, hard to beat that lol! My ISP must be giving me a helping hand tonight, downloading at close to 700kb/s :)

09-19-2007, 08:10 PM
im gutted i usely get a stedy 800kb ps but an hour ago i droped too 480kb an its stayin there lucky were waitin for the uploads as we go ehh!!

09-19-2007, 08:11 PM
gutted? im on 2mb! even when its released ill have to wait 6 hours to download providing its on full speed.

When one of you gets it can you upload it to torrents :| im sick of waiting now and i cant afford to be on a newsgroup atm which the timeing sucks as usual.

09-19-2007, 08:22 PM
I was on 4mb until I changed my router over to the main socket for the phone line, now I'm at about 6mb, which I'm quite happy with considering I signed up for broadband when it was first available in my area and it was 512k lol!

09-19-2007, 08:26 PM
oo yea, you might need to update that adobes, they may not be found because they were incomplete when you downloaded the nzb or whatever. I'm using newsbin pro and updating automatically every 10mins, then just right click and choose add to download list, it updates the files that are (more) complete.

ya i updated my binary. still the same result. those .rar's are working for you ?

09-19-2007, 08:32 PM
yea, I've even extracted the ISO up until part 60 so far. What program you using?

09-19-2007, 08:35 PM
mines working adobes

09-19-2007, 08:37 PM
try the files that aren't working from here:


just click 1 the 1s that aren't working and click creat NZB, then open it with what ever your using and let us know then.

09-19-2007, 08:39 PM
parts 61/64 taking time uploading?

09-19-2007, 08:44 PM
I've 64 fully downloaded :S

81% of the ISO extracted at part 64, not many parts left now :)

09-19-2007, 08:48 PM
try the files that aren't working from here:


just click 1 the 1s that aren't working and click creat NZB, then open it with what ever your using and let us know then.

still not working. its only 49-52 that im getting errors on. I tryed both Grabit and Newbin pro, updated my binarys, 53 and above have no problems, their downloading fine. :dry:

09-19-2007, 08:50 PM
weird, if anyone has a good upload speed on here, they could upload it somewhere I'm sure, I'll start with 49 now for you, it will take a LONG time though lol my upload speed is crap.

09-19-2007, 08:54 PM
weird, if anyone has a good upload speed on here, they could upload it somewhere I'm sure, I'll start with 49 now for you, it will take a LONG time though lol my upload speed is crap.

thanks, im sure ill get this sorted out sooner or later

09-19-2007, 09:04 PM
newsleacher has stoped the upload at rar 61. had to use ur link to binsearch mr pirate

09-19-2007, 09:10 PM
newsleacher has stoped the upload at rar 61. had to use ur link to binsearch mr pirate

I had to do the same thing and worked prefectly!! THANKS MRPIRATE....

09-19-2007, 09:13 PM
no problemo folks, just 1 pirate helping out another lol! By the way, happy talk like a pirate day :) (I shit you not, it's talk like a pirate day lol)

09-19-2007, 09:31 PM
have u guys looked at the guy posting this on binsearch [email protected] whats that all about with the bungie.net?

09-19-2007, 09:37 PM
I'm sure he just thought that would be funny to add @bungie.net to his name. It did give me a laugh, but sadly I am easily amused..LOL

09-19-2007, 09:39 PM
Its just some guy poking fun at Bungie!! Its not Anyone from bungie... You can actually put anything you want while uploading!!!

From what I am seeing, the assclown release is real!!!! FINALLY!!!!

09-19-2007, 10:35 PM
last 2 files on the upload, nearly complete! wooohooooo!

09-19-2007, 10:44 PM
it says 78/92 files? thats on binsearch? is that rite

09-19-2007, 10:44 PM

09-19-2007, 10:51 PM
yea the rest are pars probably, 79 rars as towerblocks shows. Towerblocks, is that the 1 we are downloading? hopefully :-/

09-19-2007, 10:56 PM
yea the rest are pars probably, 79 rars as towerblocks shows. Towerblocks, is that the 1 we are downloading? hopefully :-/

Yes its the same one :)

09-19-2007, 11:01 PM
yea the rest are pars probably, 79 rars as towerblocks shows. Towerblocks, is that the 1 we are downloading? hopefully :-/

Yes its the same one :)

just realised how stupid I was there, should have just checked out the nzb lol! thanks for helping the idiot (me) out anyways :D

was kind of iffy there, the last 2 files wouldn't update until a few seconds ago, woohooo, in half an hour I'll hopefully be playing :w00t:

09-19-2007, 11:17 PM
Can someone please upload parts 49-52, my provider somehow managed to delete them from their server.

09-19-2007, 11:20 PM
try the torrent mate, might be of some use?

09-19-2007, 11:27 PM
try the torrent mate, might be of some use?

Im only seeing the assclown release, and that has like 150 rars.

09-19-2007, 11:39 PM
Yes its the same one :)

just realised how stupid I was there, should have just checked out the nzb lol! thanks for helping the idiot (me) out anyways :D

was kind of iffy there, the last 2 files wouldn't update until a few seconds ago, woohooo, in half an hour I'll hopefully be playing :w00t:
Did it work?

09-19-2007, 11:40 PM
balls well I'd help you out mate but my upload only goes at 15kb/s or so, so you'd be waiting for hours. wait for the pars maybe? shouldnt be long till they're up, I'm burning at the minute.

just realised how stupid I was there, should have just checked out the nzb lol! thanks for helping the idiot (me) out anyways :D

was kind of iffy there, the last 2 files wouldn't update until a few seconds ago, woohooo, in half an hour I'll hopefully be playing :w00t:
Did it work?

burning at the minute, external hdd decided to crap itself a the worst possible time, had to copy the files over AGAIN, should be done in 15-20mins :D

09-19-2007, 11:47 PM
Okay good, cause I'd rather wait til someone says it's working to burn it. Just too cheap to waste a dual layer..LOL

09-19-2007, 11:52 PM
I'm using Aones so I hope the damn things work, a whole batch (10) fucked up on me a few weeks back. Going to make some food or something now, a watched pot never boils, comes to mind lol

OMG OMG OMG I'm playing Halo 3 :D

09-20-2007, 12:05 AM
I'm using Aones so I hope the damn things work, a whole batch (10) fucked up on me a few weeks back. Going to make some food or something now, a watched pot never boils, comes to mind lol

OMG OMG OMG I'm playing Halo 3 :D

09-20-2007, 12:43 AM
MrPirate you didnt have troubles with rars 77 78 and 79 ?

09-20-2007, 01:15 AM
none at all although 77 and 78 took a while to update, i had to delete and I redownload them

Dark Ansi
09-20-2007, 01:29 AM
I have been watching this forum for a while and not posting. But I wanted to let you guys know that my download is done and its extracting and at 30%.

I took a peek at it and inside I found an iso that says "halo3.iso". So hopefully it's real.

Once done i will burn it and let you guys know if its real or not.
Give me
about 45 minutes to finish the extracting and burning.

09-20-2007, 01:44 AM
most of my .rar's were corrupted. waiting for the par's now.

Dark Ansi
09-20-2007, 01:53 AM
Yeah rar 54 was missing but everything else is fine. I just now noticed that some of the par's are up.

The files work... But the repair looks like it is going to take forever.

09-20-2007, 02:48 AM
depending on your speed it might be faster just redownloading the necessary files, I know it is for me anyway. Also jsut thought I'd let you all know, matchmaking seems to be offline, possibly to next week?

Dark Ansi
09-20-2007, 03:27 AM
Yeah i did it and it's done . It seems cool. Ill play it now.

09-20-2007, 06:36 AM
I don't know if he said anything about it, but it works. And Halo 3 is seriously the S*#T lol.

I still have yet to hook it up to my HDTV to see how good it looks. I'm stuck in my room right now because my fam is watching a movie. :-p

Anyone else got this copy? and playing it?

09-20-2007, 08:02 AM
can anyone confirm it is region free?

09-20-2007, 01:18 PM
finally ! this game rocks. anyone else here remove their hard drive and unpulg the Ethernet cable ?

09-20-2007, 04:52 PM
Just wanted to confirm "Halo 3 NTSC Stealth Patched Video Partition Present" did work for me too. Damn it's great too, and even better before release date so I can brag to all my friends and then beat their ass split-screen...LOL!! Thanks to whoever upped this one, you are a GOD!!

09-20-2007, 07:29 PM
yes it is region free. I don't have a SS to prove it, as I already deleted the files, but with mulleter everyregion is checked, including region free. compatible with ixtreme, all the others, w/e.

how far is everyone? i'm at the point where the flood crash lands on earth. i've only had an hour of play time.

09-20-2007, 07:44 PM
I am at the part right after he flees after detonating. So I'm on the third mission now. And I must say the campaign kicks ass. Can't wait to play on really hard mode, I'm trying to beat normal first, and snatch all the achievements for it.

09-21-2007, 09:57 AM
can someone explain to me how to download these files and tell me what i have to do to my 360 in order to play it? PLEASE! Because no one is telling me when i ask them... This would be greatly appreciated thanks.


09-21-2007, 11:52 AM
can someone explain to me how to download these files and tell me what i have to do to my 360 in order to play it? PLEASE! Because no one is telling me when i ask them... This would be greatly appreciated thanks.


If i was to say to you you need to open your 360 up and reflash the firmware in your DVD drive, do you think you could do that?

Oh yeah, this game works fine...and meh...it's alright.

09-21-2007, 12:26 PM
Just FYI everyone, bungie servers online as of last night :)

09-21-2007, 04:08 PM
Just FYI everyone, bungie servers online as of last night :)

so there are people playing halo 3 live as we speak? without getting banned ?

09-21-2007, 04:26 PM
Just FYI everyone, bungie servers online as of last night :)

Is this true:ermm:

09-21-2007, 07:04 PM
i beat it last night.

on heroic. lol now its time for legendary.

its so short! i've only been playing like 6 or 7 hours, maybe less.

its good though.

has anyone else beat it yet

AND THIS BLOWS. i can't play on live damnit, because its modded and my console is banned anyway, some dumbass connected it when i wasn't home and got me banned lol. its not like it WASNT going to happen sooner or later :-p