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10-05-2007, 06:48 PM
1 - i have a frequent diconnection on internet after 2,3 min in ubuntu when i use the inbuilt pppoe dial this i very frustrating

2 - how do make shortcut on the desktop for the dialer like the rasdial in windows i have to type commands in the terminal

01-22-2008, 11:10 AM
The question is do you want to attack the problem with the reconnecting tool or do you wish to attack it head on and figure out why it's dropping every 3 minutes.

You can use a cronjob to check for a dropped connection, but if you loose it every 3 minutes, that might not be a great solution.

You could try to implement this method: click (http://jadmadi.net/blog/2005/01/23/linux-ppp0-auto-reconnect/)
And set the crontime to 1 minute, but it will remain shaky.

So if I were you, I would try to figure out what's wrong with my connection. Is it wireless?

Questions, Questions...

04-06-2008, 06:31 PM
for 1 - try disabling ipv6 on ubuntu
for 2 - first right click and "create shortcut" , then move shortcut to desktop

hope helps