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View Full Version : Heartrending email

10-14-2007, 01:05 AM
I just got this email and it touched me deeply.
Knowing what a caring lot you all are I thought I'd share it with you in hopes of improving this brave little soul's lot.

Plus, I like NASA...

My name is Billy Evans. I am a very sick little boy. My mother is typing
this for me, because I can't. She is crying. The reason she is so sad is
because I'm so sick. I was born without a body. It doesn't hurt, except
when I try to breathe.

The doctors gave me an artificial body. It is a burlap bag filled with
leaves. The doctors said that was the best they could do on account of
us having no money or insurance. I would like to have a body transplant, but we need more money. Mommy doesn't work because she said nobody hires crying people. I said, "Don't cry, Mommy," and she hugged my burlap bag.
Mommy always gives me hugs, even though she's allergic to burlap and it makes her sneeze and chafes her real bad.

I hope you will help me. You can help me if you forward this email to
everyone you know. Forward it to people you don't know, too. Dr.
Johansen said that for every person you forward this email to, Bill
Gates will team up with AOL and send a nickel to NASA. With that
funding, NASA will collect prayers from school children all over America
and have the astronauts take them up into space so that the angels can
hear them better. Then they will come back to earth and go to the Pope, and he will take up a collection in church and send all the money to the doctors. The doctors could then help me get better.

Maybe one day I will be able to play baseball. Right now I can only be
third base. Every time you forward this letter, the astronauts can take
more prayers to the angels and my dream will be closer to coming true.
Please help me. Mommy is so sad, and I want a body. I don't want my
leaves to rot before I turn 10.

If you don't forward this email, that's okay. Mommy says you're a mean
and heartless bastard who doesn't care about a poor little boy with only
a head. She says that if you don't stew in the raw pit of your own
guilt-ridden stomach, she hopes you die a long slow, horrible death and
then burn forever in hell. What kind of cruel person are you that you
can't take five freakin' minutes to forward this to all your friends so
that they can feel guilt and shame about ignoring a poor, bodyless
nine-year-old boy?

Please help me. I try to be happy, but it's hard. I wish I had a kitty.
I wish I could hold a kitty. I wish I could hold a kitty that wouldn't
chew on me and try to bury its turds in the leaves of my burlap body. I
wish that very much.

Thank You,

Billy Evans
If we could all just take a little time out from correspondence with deposed Nigerian royalty and maybe help just a bit closer to home, the world would be a better place.

Mr JP Fugley
10-14-2007, 01:11 AM
Where does that pass for humour.

Seriously, it's crap.

10-14-2007, 01:16 AM
I just got this email and it touched me deeply.
Knowing what a caring lot you all are I thought I'd share it with you in hopes of improving this brave little soul's lot.

Plus, I like NASA...

My name is Billy Evans. I am a very sick little boy. My mother is typing
this for me, because I can't. She is crying. The reason she is so sad is
because I'm so sick. I was born without a body. It doesn't hurt, except
when I try to breathe.

The doctors gave me an artificial body. It is a burlap bag filled with
leaves. The doctors said that was the best they could do on account of
us having no money or insurance. I would like to have a body transplant, but we need more money. Mommy doesn't work because she said nobody hires crying people. I said, "Don't cry, Mommy," and she hugged my burlap bag.
Mommy always gives me hugs, even though she's allergic to burlap and it makes her sneeze and chafes her real bad.

I hope you will help me. You can help me if you forward this email to
everyone you know. Forward it to people you don't know, too. Dr.
Johansen said that for every person you forward this email to, Bill
Gates will team up with AOL and send a nickel to NASA. With that
funding, NASA will collect prayers from school children all over America
and have the astronauts take them up into space so that the angels can
hear them better. Then they will come back to earth and go to the Pope, and he will take up a collection in church and send all the money to the doctors. The doctors could then help me get better.

Maybe one day I will be able to play baseball. Right now I can only be
third base. Every time you forward this letter, the astronauts can take
more prayers to the angels and my dream will be closer to coming true.
Please help me. Mommy is so sad, and I want a body. I don't want my
leaves to rot before I turn 10.

If you don't forward this email, that's okay. Mommy says you're a mean
and heartless bastard who doesn't care about a poor little boy with only
a head. She says that if you don't stew in the raw pit of your own
guilt-ridden stomach, she hopes you die a long slow, horrible death and
then burn forever in hell. What kind of cruel person are you that you
can't take five freakin' minutes to forward this to all your friends so
that they can feel guilt and shame about ignoring a poor, bodyless
nine-year-old boy?

Please help me. I try to be happy, but it's hard. I wish I had a kitty.
I wish I could hold a kitty. I wish I could hold a kitty that wouldn't
chew on me and try to bury its turds in the leaves of my burlap body. I
wish that very much.

Thank You,

Billy Evans
If we could all just take a little time out from correspondence with deposed Nigerian royalty and maybe help just a bit closer to home, the world would be a better place.

Nigeria is probably a bit closer to home and I never heard of any of them dreaming of playing baseball. So nigeria > sack boy

10-14-2007, 01:18 AM
Where does that pass for humour.

Seriously, it's crap.
Says the man who links browser hijackers.

10-14-2007, 01:19 AM
I agree with JP, its not very funny :dabs:

10-14-2007, 01:23 AM
Where does that pass for humour.

Seriously, it's crap.
Says the man who links browser hijackers.

So we have you and lynx, two people, amongst the smartest on the board. Not one of you is able to use a half decent browser :cry:

10-14-2007, 01:42 AM
Says the man who links browser hijackers.

So we have you and lynx, two people, amongst the smartest on the board. Not one of you is able to use a half decent browser :cry:
I have no idea what you mean by that.

10-14-2007, 01:56 AM
Shame there was no email address to send funds too, I need to empty my paypal account to some worthy cause, I'm a sucker for a crap sob story

10-14-2007, 02:01 AM
LOL BURLAP-BOY rofl, his cat will shit on him. :)

Mr JP Fugley
10-14-2007, 11:29 AM
Where does that pass for humour.

Seriously, it's crap.
Says the man who links browser hijackers.

That was funny tho', the thing you posted was just sick.

I can go with sick if it's actually amusing, that wasn't.

Proper Bo
10-14-2007, 11:31 AM
I nevar got to experience that link's effect, I just got a video of rick astley:no:

Proper Bo
10-14-2007, 11:35 AM
Just tried it in IE and the window moved around for a bit then the song lyrics popped up, which was amusing. Didn't make it crash like some people said tho':unsure:

10-14-2007, 11:45 AM
It's not a problem if you know how to go a computer.

Proper Bo
10-14-2007, 11:46 AM
J'agree, cause if you know how to go a computer, you use opera for interwebage, obviousment.

10-14-2007, 07:47 PM


Something Else
10-14-2007, 07:58 PM


oh noes http://xs220.xs.to/xs220/07410/blowup.gif (http://xs.to)

10-14-2007, 11:04 PM
rofl I knew someone here would find it

10-14-2007, 11:23 PM
Says the man who links browser hijackers.

That was funny tho', the thing you posted was just sick.

I can go with sick if it's actually amusing, that wasn't.

I dunno I thought it was ok, it certainly raised a wry smile. It is not a million miles away from some truly dreadful chain letters that went around work not so long ago. When the ones purporting to be genuine are so clearly pish why are grown adults compelled to forward them to 10 people for luck?

Beating is too good for them imho. If that one was tidied up a little one suspects it would pass for real too :dry:

10-14-2007, 11:46 PM
Same with virus warnings or warnings from 'someone my mate knows who works with the Met Police'....usually against rapists as it happens. I don't know why people send me this bollocks. All they have to do is look it up on Google to see if it's genuine, and it never is.