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View Full Version : Guide Me To The Light

07-18-2003, 02:04 AM
I was wondering if anyone knows where i can get a guide on how to install a new Motherboard? i dont want to reformat either i have to much crap to save and stuff also my computer came with XP and i heard that u have to reinstall windows how would i do that if i dont have the windows XP CD? thanks

07-18-2003, 04:21 AM
You shouldn't have to reinstall your O/S.

Otherwise just do a Google search (http://www.google.com). Should be an easy find.

07-18-2003, 07:29 AM
Did the motherboard not come with a manual? If not then ur probably best searching the net for its manual as u will need to know motherboard specific wiring and jumper stuff.
If ur computer came with xp u should probably have got the cd for xp, r u sure u haven't? If u don't have it u'll have to get a copy, i'm sure one of your mates or someone u know has a pirated copy u can borrow.
After the motherboard change I think u might have to reinstall XP, otherwise it may be quite unstable. Also it would be best to do a clean reinstall (ie after a format), maybe once ur computer is running ok u can make a backup partition with partition manager, copy your data across and then wipe and install cleanly on the original partition.