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01-05-2008, 06:43 PM
recently i have had some major problems with utorrent and my xp..

some days ago there was a virus in my comp wich cause my comp to restart every 5-10 mins aftr the start..and then there was an error msg sayin that windows suffered some serious problem and had to shutdown....
i ran a scan at esetnod32 but nuthin came...ultimately i had to format my comp..
yesterday again when i installed utorrent version 1.75 it started happening and i was shit scared....i uninstalled utorrent and the prob was gone...

frm the error msg that came i got to knw that the prob was in a file name WER????(? = i dont knw the name fully) and was contained in my 'temp' folder
if anyone of u can help...it will be really appreciated..
thanks a lot..

01-05-2008, 07:57 PM
I have never had problems with utorrent.
What firewall are you using?
empty your temp folder could be a start (use http://www.ccleaner.com/)
If possible post a hijackthis (http://www.majorgeeks.com/download5554.html)log

peat moss
01-07-2008, 04:00 AM
Nicole hope it was n't a file I sent you ? :naughty: I'v not had a problem with Utorrent of any version either . Sounds like a really old virus like the "Blaster Worm " or variant .

You formatted tho maybe a trojan in your XP copy ? What version of Nod32 are you using , one you can update ?

A new version of Nod32 Antivirus ver. 3.0.621.0 that is a trial is floating around the net that uses a certain Server to update , no name/pass required . :happy:

01-07-2008, 07:48 AM
i had thtbersion of antivirus full version but the prob was that i wasnt getting no ports open in utorrent even aftr port forwarding n stuff...so i thought it maybe cause eset had firewall n some added on features in the new edition ...so i changed back to the older one..lolz