View Full Version : (Request) RevTT invite

03-10-2008, 04:13 PM
Gosh! I don't know whats happening on RevolutionTT. I won some time ago one invite via "givaway". But i never recieved this invite to my mailbox :cry: The person who gave it away showd me proof also that he sent this invite and he lost that. I heard a lot that there is something strange going on with invite system on RevTT. I even checked my SPAM section of my mailbox, but there was no invites. Well, i don'tknow was it true or not. It is not so important wright now. I am still looking for one invite.

Please! I really need it. I don't want to use somebody elses account. I want to create my own account via invite.

Thank you!

N.B. I recieved the invite via other threads now and will close this thread of mine.