View Full Version : Heads UP on KLONE Postings

04-12-2008, 04:43 AM
Kind of a 'general notice' on these 'KLONE' DVD9 rips/posts; I've d/l'ed several in the last couple of weeks that were a bit 'light', as in several pieces of the rips were 'missing in action', so to speak. :w00t:

To wit, it appears that in some cases, the 'extras' were split out from the posting (why is a complete unknown), but it made the post 'light' as compared to the actual original disc. I wouldn't have noticed except in a couple of cases I thought something was 'amiss' and I checked a couple others with discs I own.:cool:

I don't know if these are all from one guy, but the posting speed is VERY high (fios?), and maybe he/she/it (?) hasn't taken a 'whole lotta care' in what they are doing. They are NOT ISO's, but Video_TS rips, so it might have been 'easy' to 'skip' a whole lotta parts (which would be hard but not impossible with an ISO).

Anyway, I guess 'you have been warned'; I'll definately keep away from the postings unless/until I know for sure the post is 'complete' (like, the listing is posted here with a thumbs up). Those who have followed my listings in this forum/board know that I always try and say 'up front' that the posting has been 'fully verified and tested'.


I looked back on some of the messages posted in the newsgroups concerning 'KLONE', and noted that several folks had 'major' problems using the posted pars in fixing the d/l'ed parts. Several noted that the pars appeared to have been posted several days AFTER the actual original posting, and sometimes from a different server (some 'interloper' having thought they had d/l'ed a 'good' set and then posted a par set off those 'good' set?). The speed and again, the posted server was different from the original posting. Hmmm.

Something a bit strange in the goings-on. Anyway, it adds to a bit of the mystery surrounding these posts.