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View Full Version : xbox360-lifespan

04-22-2008, 06:08 PM
so people, tell me, what is the lifespan of xbox360?are there any news about a new console from microsoft.or when will we get bored of xbox's graphics, i mean when will they lok older compared to an average pc???

04-24-2008, 01:10 AM
so people, tell me, what is the lifespan of xbox360?are there any news about a new console from microsoft.or when will we get bored of xbox's graphics, i mean when will they lok older compared to an average pc???

My 360 lasted since launch till about 2 about weeks ago (RROD). Keep in mind each xbox is diff. and it depends on various factors such as the climate, temperature in the room, ventilation, etc etc

04-24-2008, 02:40 AM
Nothing on the immediate horizon.There has been hints of something in 2011 but that's just speculation.
Don't expect anything soon though Microsoft still needs to to recoup the $1.26 billion it spent developing the 360.

04-24-2008, 08:12 AM
I wouldn't be surprised if they released a new console really in the new few years.
They may have lost money, but they certainly can afford to, assuming they plan to make more on the next console, which would hopefully be better designed and more reliable.

I can definitely see the PS3 taking off during this time, and MS would need to release something to better compete - since PS3 have proven to be more than just a console.

04-25-2008, 12:42 AM
I wouldn't be surprised if they released a new console really in the new few years.
They may have lost money, but they certainly can afford to, assuming they plan to make more on the next console, which would hopefully be better designed and more reliable.

I can definitely see the PS3 taking off during this time, and MS would need to release something to better compete - since PS3 have proven to be more than just a console.

Yea, if MS does release another console I bet you any thign it'll have a Blu-Ray player either in it or sold as a separate attachment for the new console. They lost the media war that's for sure, but really, I don't see why a new console will come out this fast. 2010+ is a good bet.

04-25-2008, 07:02 AM
yeah, i also think it won' be before 2010, but it is a sure thing that new xbox will come out 1 year earlier than ps4

04-26-2008, 02:16 AM
I just bought my 360 two months ago.
I've heard of people on their fifth one. That's ridiculous
I hope this one last me until the third xbox comes out in 2 or 3 years.

04-26-2008, 05:35 AM
Nothing on the immediate horizon.There has been hints of something in 2011 but that's just speculation.
Don't expect anything soon though Microsoft still needs to to recoup the $1.26 billion it spent developing the 360.

They recoup the losses through deals with game companies/selling games.