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View Full Version : Secure in the USA

05-11-2008, 12:47 PM
Hi everyone,

I'm going to the USA soon for 6 months and will have a internet connection provided by Cox Communications. Location will be Arizona.

I was wondering if it's safe to download in the USA using these methods:

- Torrent using RC4
- Usenet without encryption
- Usenet with SSL 256bit
- HTTP downloads (rapidshare etc)
- FTP downloads

I would be grateful if you could tell me which of these are safe to use and don't get throttled by the ISP.
I cannot choose another ISP.

And if I get caught downloading can they sue(or fine me or punish me in any way) me since I'm not an American citizen? I'm from Europe

Thanks in advance

05-11-2008, 01:49 PM
I have Cox for an ISP and have had NO issues at all (knock on wood)..Cox even offers usenet too..