View Full Version : Emscer 0.6.3b released

05-31-2008, 08:39 AM
Emscher P2P is an new filesharing client for anonymous file sharing. It uses a new protocol featuring data encryption and indirect routing(The data will not be transfered directly between two clients, it will be redirected through several Emscher-Hubs)

It uses a protocoll similar to Gnutella. The communication between two Clients is AES(Rijndael) encrypted. While exchanging the AES-Key between two Clients the connection will be RSA-Encrypted.


Emscher v0.6.3b
CHANGE: Emschercache-Response format
BUGFIX: Problems with webservers sending chuncked responses and those adding ads to the response

Emscher v0.6.2b
BUGFIX: Trayicon-menu has not been shown on click
BUGFIX: Hubs were not added to Hublist after asking a WebCache

Emscher v0.6.1b
BUGFIX: Error while loading Webcaches
BUGFIX: Webcache-List has not been cleared before showing Webcaches

Emscher v0.6b (Protocol Version: v0.13)
ADD: Settings-Form replacing the Settings-Tab(Now the settings will only be overwritten
if an user has clicked on "OK")
ADD: Network-Thread(In charge of sending/receiving, en-/decrypting and other
ADD: Linkchecker-Thread(Checks in a defined interval if a user has clicked on
an emscher-link)
ADD: Emscher-Corethread(To seperate the GUI from the Core-parts)
ADD: User can seed all files in a certain directory and its subdirectoies
ADD: Openfile-Menuitem in Filemenu
ADD: A double klick on a file opens it
ADD: Now it is possible to select multiple files and to start,stop,recheck or delete them
CHANGE: Webcache- and Chkversion-thread rewritten. They do not need the indy-
component TIDHttp anymore
CHANGE: main.pas rewritten
CHANGE: ID-Generator rewritten(Using less information to generate id)
CHANGE: Waiting time between sent signals is 10ms now because of the id-generator
(because fast calling in a row returns the same id)
CHANGE: Because of the new socket-library the chunk length is 64KB and the Block-length
1KB(1024 Bytes) now
CHANGE: HTL-Maximum is 255 now
CHANGE: Get sources(doing hash-search) if file is not complete
BUGFIX: You could not open a downloaded file for reading only, but writing only
BUGFIX: Everytime you recheck a file it will be copied to the incoming dir
REMOVE: Settings-Tab
REMOVE: All kinds of 8-Byte-IDs

