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View Full Version : K-sig Released

09-05-2003, 12:10 PM
* K-Sig now uses the link settings while pasting hashes from clipboard. It will send links to Kazaa, or create .dat file, depending on the settings in registry.
* Changed: Copying ed2k hashes as "Simple: On Separate Lines" copies like in sig2dat hashes
* Now K-Sig uses fixed 8 pt Tahoma font, for people experiencing problems with large fonts in Windows
* Changed homepage URL in about box.

Download (http://www.rpgo.net/hasnain/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=getit&lid=7) - Homepage (http://hsaleem.tk/) - Source Code (http://www.rpgo.net/hasnain/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=getit&lid=8)

09-05-2003, 12:50 PM
It says 1.2.3 in the About box.

09-05-2003, 06:39 PM
There's also something missing under "Tools". And no text is displayed in the Status Bar for the 2 menu items, the one missing, and the other... "Create MP3 Listing".

09-05-2003, 10:59 PM
Originally posted by Paul@5 September 2003 - 05:50
It says 1.2.3 in the About box.

hmm i think its just mistake.

There's also something missing under "Tools". And no text is displayed in the Status Bar for the 2 menu items, the one missing, and the other... "Create MP3 Listing".

There's nothing else thats suppose to be there i have the same thing.

09-06-2003, 04:00 AM
What I'm saying, is there is an empty spot.

object TBSubmenuItem4: TTBSubmenuItem
Caption = 'Tools'
object TBItem10: TTBItem
object TBItem9: TTBItem
Caption = 'Create MP3 Listing'
OnClick = TBItem9Click

The following...

object TBItem10: TTBItem

...should not be there.

09-06-2003, 05:15 AM
I know what you are saying i have the same thing i am trying to get ahold of hasnain to try to fix it. Theres nothing there, what i mean is there isnt suppose to be anything at all. beside the Mp3 thing. I just redid my comp and i forgot to put delphi on disc so i cant fix it my self.

EDIT: if its that bad f a deal just fix it youself. (i am not meaning that in a mean way)

09-06-2003, 05:54 AM
Oh, I see what ya mean now.
Is delphi needed to edit the code? Cuz I tried and I wasn't able to. First program I've come across where I couldn't edit it. Weird. I couldn't even delete the entry, (using PE Explorer). Never bothered using Visual Studio yet though, as I just thought I'd take a quick look and see if I could fix it myself, but I can wait, lol.

09-06-2003, 06:45 AM
Yous need to download the source code and edit and complie it with delphi.

Source Code (http://www.rpgo.net/hasnain/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=getit&lid=8)

09-19-2003, 02:38 PM
i use a modified version of K-Sig, and it use crc calculations

09-20-2003, 07:30 AM
Yes, it does CRC checks cos Kazaa requires that it should.