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View Full Version : Sharing accounts good or bad? What do you think?

01-21-2009, 07:59 PM
As we all know torrent is about sharing, but does that reach the point of sharing your accounts with your friends?! and is that legal or illegal? Why? And what are your thoughts?

01-21-2009, 08:17 PM
lol its easy question:
first if there is any rule that dsnt allow u to share ur acct then nono

second i think accounts were imagine for 1 person werent they? so 1 acct per 1 person

but there are some aspects that arent easy to understand for example if i share the info for my friend from my pc, but if i dloaded it from the site that dsnt allow me to share it, that itll be illegal


01-21-2009, 08:20 PM
if he is from same country and maybe has same ISP i think it would be ok

don't forget to mention in the profile that you are sharing

01-21-2009, 08:20 PM
TTi clearly says you can share it.
i've shared only a couple of accounts ever, and it was not even truly sharing. i gave it to my RL friend to use it, and when he got an invite in my account i'd send him.
I remember we were taking coffee and i was pissing him to be more active hehe.

01-21-2009, 08:29 PM
I think noone would have thought about this 4 years ago. Now the BT world has evolved and we have to show off by our ultra buffered accounts. So let's share'em with a friend.

Tbh, I've never shared an account with a friend and I don't plan to. I don't have many RL friends that are into BT, though.

01-21-2009, 08:41 PM
it depends on the tracker's rules.

01-21-2009, 08:52 PM
I think it should be 1 acc per person per life.

It all depends of the tracker rules. KG allows up to 3 ips, I think that TT and SCT allows sharing as well. Usually if you trust a someone to share you acc with, you could at least try to get him/her an invite to the tracker.
One more thing: nowadays torrents is not only about sharing and community. it's about long "e-dicks" (how most of you love to call it), about levels, seedboxes and huge buffered account and not least about money...

01-21-2009, 08:55 PM
It's against most sites rules, but if it's opinion you want, then I really don't see the hurt in letting an IRL friend download stuff on your account (emphasis on IRL). I probably would not do this, because of the risk of getting banned, but that doesn't mean I agree with the rule.

Like mentioned above, not being allowed to share with a friend does kinda go against the whole idea of sharing.

01-21-2009, 09:01 PM
During new years I let my wife's cousin pick a few things to download on a few sites. I imagine as long as you are there with them you could share it.

01-22-2009, 01:41 AM
During new years I let my wife's cousin pick a few things to download on a few sites. I imagine as long as you are there with them you could share it.

yea id only share it if i was with them.

! and is that legal or illegal? ?

:noes: yea its totally legal lol,

01-22-2009, 03:29 AM
I think sharing an account with people you know in RL is ok because for the most part you're controlling what they are doing. I don't think it angers trackers as much as you seemingly inviting yourself.

01-22-2009, 06:59 AM
never shared my accounts with someone,couse my accounts are just for me+ i ve never find someone trusth worthy..

01-22-2009, 08:42 AM
OK scenario for you.

You share your account, give someone a torrent from that tracker that has a seedbox, to buffer the account for you.

they take a look at the announce, oh look your passkey.

any scene torrent uploaded anywhere (even TPB) they can put your announce in, and download from that private tracker, on your account, on that private tracker.

So is it worth it, hmm nope i dont think so.

and if they really wanted to be gits, they could put your passkey in a torrent, and upload it to Mininova/ISO Hunt etc, and get 1000 ppl downloading it, it puts what everyone does on your account, on that one torrent.

I have seen someone have 400gig+ downloaded and 25gig uploaded on 1 torrent, because he shared his account, so yes it can and does happen.

01-22-2009, 02:53 PM
OK scenario for you.

You share your account, give someone a torrent from that tracker that has a seedbox, to buffer the account for you.

they take a look at the announce, oh look your passkey.

any scene torrent uploaded anywhere (even TPB) they can put your announce in, and download from that private tracker, on your account, on that private tracker.

So is it worth it, hmm nope i dont think so.

and if they really wanted to be gits, they could put your passkey in a torrent, and upload it to Mininova/ISO Hunt etc, and get 1000 ppl downloading it, it puts what everyone does on your account, on that one torrent.

I have seen someone have 400gig+ downloaded and 25gig uploaded on 1 torrent, because he shared his account, so yes it can and does happen.
I saw same story for TL someone uploaded 3 files of tl(each ones 35gb) to mininova and nothing happened just wast of time...
Well if you ask me why he do this just want to sure TL is a bull$hit tracker with some idiot staff members(moderators)
this is why tl number 1 cheated tracker...(sarcasm to their script:shutup:)
btw tl was too hard to alive when i had my tl invite i would nearly banned for slot and low ratio, funny i had 2 X100mbit seedboxes at the time...
well want to say if you dont set on river it will continue to flow...
about topic already seedbox partners sharing accounts and if you are trusting someone and planing to share acc if he/she do something wrong this musnt be hurt you! cuz already you are guarantor of your friend...

01-23-2009, 12:01 PM
Should we share our accounts?

The question you should really ask is would you share your wife or girlfriend with the builders up the road.

Some things are made for sharing, like Callard and Bowser, like experiences, like music.

Some things are not for sharing, like partners, like your pride and joy (car), like your arse (unless your into homosexual bestiality).

The simple fact is that we have to draw the line somewhere. You may lend a mate your CD collection, but would you really give him half of your wages each week. Some things are personal, like you designer clothes, while other things can be shared.

You make your choice. Let's hope it is the right choice.

01-23-2009, 12:12 PM
This depends on the rules of the site
But i don't like sharing acc.

01-23-2009, 12:28 PM
good if you give it to real friends . bad if you give them to fst people :P

01-23-2009, 02:05 PM
A lot of people here like to go to extremes I think. I have trouble seeing the similarities between sharing some personal account on the Internet and sharing my wife/girlfriend with builders up the road.

Also I have trouble seeing why I would not want to lend my car to a friend if he needed it. If they don't have anything to wear and we are same size, well then why not let them borrow some clothes of mine. They now that if anything happens, then they need to replace or reimburse me for loss.

Maybe it because where I live, we actually keep the friends we trust, trust being the keyword here. I have lost track of the times where I have gone to the store with a friends/relative/girlfriends credit card using his/her personal PIN. Did they feel they had to change the PIN afterwards? No, because here we have this thing called trust.

I feel exactly that way about any account of mine, which only rules prevent me from sharing with friends if need be.

Also there is degree of friendship. Do you trust your friend with your car or credit card.. well then why not trust him with your account as well.

Again we are talking about friends in real life here. Not someone who can buffer your account or someone you have only talked to on the Internet, because that's not the same level of friendship.

01-23-2009, 02:10 PM
If somebody in my family, or one of my good real life friends, knew how to use bittorrent, then I may consider letting one of them use one of my accounts if they asked. But for strangers on the internet(no matter how well I "knew" them), no way. You never know what a person would do to your account.

01-23-2009, 03:25 PM
I honestly don't understand why you wouldn't just invite the person to the tracker if you trust them enough to share your account.

Honestly, its not hard to get invites to most places, and if the tracker you want to share is really hard to get invites to...you probably shouldn't be thinking about sharing it in the first place, as security is a top priority for them.

01-23-2009, 03:37 PM
I would not trust anyone I don't know in real life to share an account and if I know them in r/l and trusted them enough then I would try to invite them there anyway. I've never shared an account and never intend to.

01-23-2009, 04:40 PM
Let's take e.g. Waffles (or OiNK for that matter - RIP)

I have lots of friends that I have tried inviting to e.g. Waffles, but since the tracker is hard to seed on, they get in a hole, lose faith in themselves and just let the account die.

I on the other hand have a buffer there, have the option to seed lots of torrent almost 24/7 and know how to properly rip new content to add. Now lets say I'm somewhere with no access to my library, but a friend wants a proper copy of something. Why not just let that friend download a copy from there, get it to me on a memory stick or something later on. And when I get home, I add it for seeding. Or for that matter, I can just download the same thing later on and seed it, in case I for some reason can't get it from my friend, who downloaded it also.

What's wrong with that scenario?

01-23-2009, 05:55 PM
Let's take e.g. Waffles (or OiNK for that matter - RIP)

I have lots of friends that I have tried inviting to e.g. Waffles, but since the tracker is hard to seed on, they get in a hole, lose faith in themselves and just let the account die.

I on the other hand have a buffer there, have the option to seed lots of torrent almost 24/7 and know how to properly rip new content to add. Now lets say I'm somewhere with no access to my library, but a friend wants a proper copy of something. Why not just let that friend download a copy from there, get it to me on a memory stick or something later on. And when I get home, I add it for seeding. Or for that matter, I can just download the same thing later on and seed it, in case I for some reason can't get it from my friend, who downloaded it also.

What's wrong with that scenario?

Its completely understandable that you want to help your buddies out. I see no harm in that though the risks are still implied.

But why not get the music for them yourself? I mean are your buddies so seriously impatient that they can't wait to get some music from you when you have the time to download it?

Personally I would restrict access to my torrent sites to myself only, but in turn have some sort of ftp server running that all my buddies can download from. Makes sharing with your friends a lot easier, and likewise keeps your accounts safe from their eyes.

01-23-2009, 06:02 PM
Let's take e.g. Waffles (or OiNK for that matter - RIP)

I have lots of friends that I have tried inviting to e.g. Waffles, but since the tracker is hard to seed on, they get in a hole, lose faith in themselves and just let the account die.

I on the other hand have a buffer there, have the option to seed lots of torrent almost 24/7 and know how to properly rip new content to add. Now lets say I'm somewhere with no access to my library, but a friend wants a proper copy of something. Why not just let that friend download a copy from there, get it to me on a memory stick or something later on. And when I get home, I add it for seeding. Or for that matter, I can just download the same thing later on and seed it, in case I for some reason can't get it from my friend, who downloaded it also.

What's wrong with that scenario?

Its completely understandable that you want to help your buddies out. I see no harm in that though the risks are still implied.

But why not get the music for them yourself? I mean are your buddies so seriously impatient that they can't wait to get some music from you when you have the time to download it?

Personally I would restrict access to my torrent sites to myself only, but in turn have some sort of ftp server running that all my buddies can download from. Makes sharing with your friends a lot easier, and likewise keeps your accounts safe from their eyes.

What risks? Anyone I would let use any account of mine I fully trust. I don't need to keep my accounts safe from their eyes.

I know that they won't misuse the passkey.
I know that they won't upload anything elsewhere, without my permission.
I know they would not use the opportunity to check through posts etc. of mine.
I always would ensure that they have their client set up to not spread info (DHT etc.)

There are zero risks apart from staff seeing a minor IP change/2 different IPs and banning the account (which to me would seen quite paranoid)

01-23-2009, 06:52 PM
Blue_Skies (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../../members/blue-skies-161000) why wont you just respect the tracker rules and dont share your account with others. If the rules says "one account per life" why would you risk yours for nothing? If you are a good use I am 100% sure you will be able to find an invite for a friend who you can trust.
I ve done the same: I ve invited my best friend to iPlay just py requesting an invite in forums. I ve explaind them he is a good user and a good bloke and I had the invite in a few minutes. And we all know that iPlay invites are not that easy to find.
I am talking about tracker rules when we all disobey them by being here and risk by giving invites to ppl we barely know... But this is life: we just cant live by the rules or we will end up having nothing.

I wish you all a good weekend

01-23-2009, 07:38 PM
First of all I do respect tracker rules, but respecting something and agreeing with something are two very different things.

Let's take an oxymoron like alcohol being allowed but THC not.

Both have an intoxicating effect. Occasional use does not do any harm in any case. Excessive use hurts the person in both cases, but alcohol being used excessively is much more dangerous.

I respect that rule, but I sure as hell don't agree with it.

And BTW what does "one account per lifetime" have to do with anything? Since this hypothetical friend, who is using your account isn't a member, he is still using one account per lifetime. Only way he would break that rule is if he was using several account from several people.

Same goes for "one account per person per lifetime" depending on how it's read. This usually has a more detailed description of the rule with it.

The rule we are talking about here is "Do not share your account with anyone"

I really don't see how it would be better to invite the friend knowing he most likely will get killed ratiowise. That's just ridiculous.

And BTW several trackers do not have this severely restricting rule in place.

01-23-2009, 07:59 PM
I really don't see how it would be better to invite the friend knowing he most likely will get killed ratiowise. That's just ridiculous.

And BTW several trackers do not have this severely restricting rule in place.

We all had to start somewhere didn't we? :P

But yeah man, I get what you are saying. I was just pointing out that it seemed silly to ever put yourself in a potentially harmful situation like that. But they're your real life friends, and if they mess up your stuff, you'll go mess them up, right?

I'm actually on your side of the opinion here, btw. In those special circumstances where it is someone you know in real life and trust thoroughly, I see no harm done in giving them access to that one file they wanted. I let my dad use my demonoid and BS accounts to see what he wants, then I download them for him and send 'em to him. (He lives 500 miles away). It's all about sharing after all, isn't?

I would not, however, EVER condone sharing your account with an online acquaintence. There's just no telling what lies behind someones electronic words. But what kind of freak would I be if I refused my loved one access to the site? (albeit with supervision:pinch:)

01-23-2009, 08:05 PM
I once invited my sister somewhere to download one torrent and never look back (she needed something ASAP for work after hours). All because of traders. She was abroad and that would mean a country change on my account, which would be flagged probably as traded.

This is what this rule does in some cases. And funny thing is that that tracker allowed H&R, so for that matter she could download it on my account.

01-23-2009, 08:09 PM
See I still think if yuo PM'd a staff member as explained that your sister needed it they would understand and say OK this one time or something like that. Shit I used that Imageshack torrent thing and just PM'd someone saying I was trying it to see. They didn't mind, they just called me a Nub :D

01-23-2009, 08:56 PM
You missed the ASAP. I have on several occasions PM'd staff on various sites about some issue and while some reply very fast, others can use days if at all. I don't think it should be necessary to PM staff about something like that.

01-23-2009, 09:27 PM
During new years I let my wife's cousin pick a few things to download on a few sites. I imagine as long as you are there with them you could share it.

i agree

01-24-2009, 02:03 AM
I'm letting a friend using one specialized tracker from time to time.

We are in the same city so i don't see any problem, he knows that he has to seed what he d/l.

He wouldn't have the knowledge/patience to build a buffer on this site if I invited him, I'm sure of that.

So in this case sharing my account is more responsible than inviting him.