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03-24-2009, 10:14 PM
Yesterday I fell off the sofa. Today I fell off my work chair, a wall, and down the stairs.

I was not drunk.

Why??? Where will it end?

03-24-2009, 10:16 PM
Maybe you have an ear infection.

Proper Bo
03-24-2009, 10:17 PM
i fell down the stairs earlier too, it's what all the cool people are doing these days.

*tho' mine was due to my legs dying from manflu

03-24-2009, 10:24 PM
Yesterday I fell off the sofa. Today I fell off my work chair, a wall, and down the stairs.

I was not drunk.

Why??? Where will it end?

The floor normally.

Proper Bo
03-24-2009, 10:25 PM
I serves her right for putting her chair ontop of a wall at the top of some stairs, like.

03-24-2009, 10:31 PM
I'm having a bad week. True story.

My daughter is a mentalist.

03-24-2009, 10:37 PM
What did you expect?

03-24-2009, 10:40 PM

03-24-2009, 10:44 PM
I got that, true story.

Parents night the other night, 3 minutes, I timed it.

Just them saying how amazing she was, then us saying great like, can we fuck off home and get drunk now.

03-24-2009, 10:54 PM
Least you chaps get to go to parents evenings.

03-24-2009, 10:54 PM
I got that, true story.

Parents night the other night, 3 minutes, I timed it.

Just them saying how amazing she was, then us saying great like, can we fuck off home and get drunk now.

Well lucky lucky youse.

The missus was met with the 8 year old's teacher yesterday to say that my daughter had sexually assaulted her female classmate. True story.

She pulled up said classmate's skirt in the queue for the dinners, like. Shock fucking horror probe. :O

This had to be logged and the respective parents had to be informed.

A fucking SWAT team was deployed and my daughter was taken down with elephant tranquillizers.

Fuck this PC fucked up world altogether.

03-25-2009, 09:28 PM
I thought that kind of behaviour was mandatory? I definitely remember flashing the minge when I was around that 8 and looking at some other pee pee makers.

03-26-2009, 08:39 AM
I thought that kind of behaviour was mandatory? I definitely remember flashing the minge when I was around that 8 and looking at some other pee pee makers.

Yep definatly. Kids that age are curious, and it's natural. The fact that his daughter did it in the school lunch queue in public shows there was nothing "sinister" going on, and it should have just been put down to child mischief and high spirits rather than anything else. That's an utter overreaction!

03-26-2009, 08:42 AM
I got that, true story.

Parents night the other night, 3 minutes, I timed it.

Just them saying how amazing she was, then us saying great like, can we fuck off home and get drunk now.

From my own parents evenings I remember standing around in queues a lot for my mum to then spend 2 mins with each teacher. "Yep, she's fine." Waste of time and they might as well have just sent a letter with all the personal contact my mum had with the teachers.

Great stuff that your lass is doing well!