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04-18-2009, 02:55 PM
Im really asking myself if someone respect the scene???

04-18-2009, 03:08 PM
in a sentence: of course i respect them. if it weren't for them, i wouldn't need such internet connection as the one i have now, and with such high traffic limits.
i also wouldn't need trackers either, and probably i wouldn't be at this forum.

and the list goes long.

04-18-2009, 03:09 PM
Honestly, what kind of answer do you expect in a TORRENT section of a filesharing board? Your post is baiting flaming the way you structured it, and the answer is self-evident based on the group you're asking it to.

From what I read, you make it sound like respect = not sharing scene releases which is bollocks. If sceners don't want to "risk their ass" they won't rip what they rip. /end of story

benchez' mum
04-18-2009, 03:19 PM
I'd be quite happy without any shoddy, rushed scene rips. :01:

04-18-2009, 03:21 PM
in a sentence: of course i respect them. if it weren't for them, i wouldn't need such internet connection as the one i have now, and with such high traffic limits.
i also wouldn't need trackers either, and probably i wouldn't be at this forum.

and the list goes long.
i understand the part regarding trackers, the internet connection you have et cetera. However, i dont understand why you wouldnt be here if scene wasnt there to begin with. This place is really a nice community, i personally enjoy it and this place is one of my favourites really.

Honestly, what kind of answer do you expect in a TORRENT section of a filesharing board? Your post is baiting flaming the way you structured it, and the answer is self-evident based on the group you're asking it to.

From what I read, you make it sound like respect = not sharing scene releases which is bollocks. If sceners don't want to "risk their ass" they won't rip what they rip. /end of story
+1 for this one

In addition to what he said, OP is right that most of us are leechers, using the stuff scene bring us to put on trackers et cetera. Yet there are certain people who actually rips their own staff and upload it on trackers or making movie packs et cetera. The point is that we are lucky to have scene and appreciate the work they are doing, yet there are also awesome uploaders who uploads their own stuff even if they are minority in bt communities.

04-18-2009, 03:49 PM
i understand the part regarding trackers, the internet connection you have et cetera. However, i dont understand why you wouldnt be here if scene wasnt there to begin with. This place is really a nice community, i personally enjoy it and this place is one of my favourites really.

Honestly, what kind of answer do you expect in a TORRENT section of a filesharing board? Your post is baiting flaming the way you structured it, and the answer is self-evident based on the group you're asking it to.

From what I read, you make it sound like respect = not sharing scene releases which is bollocks. If sceners don't want to "risk their ass" they won't rip what they rip. /end of story
+1 for this one

In addition to what he said, OP is right that most of us are leechers, using the stuff scene bring us to put on trackers et cetera. Yet there are certain people who actually rips their own staff and upload it on trackers or making movie packs et cetera. The point is that we are lucky to have scene and appreciate the work they are doing, yet there are also awesome uploaders who uploads their own stuff even if they are minority in bt communities.
because chronologically i discovered this community after being already on the trackers, and because of them. so, the association stands correct in my pov.

04-18-2009, 03:55 PM
Yes, I do!

04-18-2009, 04:10 PM
You either download scene stuff or not. When you do, that doesnt mean you disrespect them and vice versa. This topic would make more sense on some scene trakcer forums.

04-18-2009, 04:12 PM
Posts: 1 Aint this suspiciously enough ?:unsure:
I dont think they're against to sharing files just against to pay 2 leech? or this is what i see from news but scene always says we're doing this job only for fun if you like it buy it this is really true at this point cuz if no1 support the movie company how come new epp or movies or games come from them? I respect them at this point and find scene torrent trackers a little bit suck(cuz they're stealing scene's shit and behaving like their shit and when someone upload this file they're saying you stole our shit, wtf? :dabs:) but if there wont be any sharing between them how come i will watch prison breaks's new epp from the world's other side ?
but sometimes they are really doing something shit and i realy belive this is damaging both movie sector and to them as well
after such as shit release maybe affect my taste and maybe i would love this movie ? and would go to buy a BD disc of it , how come i will vote right now for this movie? watch it again ?:shutup:
maybe the movie was really weird maybe only the file i downloaded...
maybe some1 will say if you dont like dont download you're not paying anything for it! maybe they're right but than this will only damage the movie sector!

04-18-2009, 04:38 PM
From what I read, you make it sound like respect = not sharing scene releases which is bollocks. If sceners don't want to "risk their ass" they won't rip what they rip. /end of story

yes this is what I mean with respect.. abide by the scene rules..
(no spreading= uploading,no making profit of their releases etc)

well I think only uploaders and guys who broken this rules can tell me it if their respect the scene...

and a post cout tell nothing :shifty:

I respect them at this point and find scene torrent trackers a little bit suck(cuz they're stealing scene's shit and behaving like their shit and when someone upload this file they're saying you stole our shit, wtf? :dabs:)

haha yes thats really funny xD otherwise maybe they respect a litte bit the rules of spreading and want stop more spreading to other trackers... or they want be only the best -.-

04-18-2009, 04:55 PM
As a whole can't say I do, when it comes to movies or music. Inferior rips mostly. I do respect and appreciate some of the groups, who actually make an effort.

Edit: I do like the scene for TV series, which have just been broadcast.

04-18-2009, 05:02 PM
Everyone wants to stop spreading
from Hollywood over the scene to private trackers

But digital entertainment just wants to be free :P

04-18-2009, 05:10 PM
I've downloaded tons of scene stuff. Who hasnt? And ofcourse I respect them, although not so much when it comes to Hi-Def stuff.

04-18-2009, 05:12 PM
Yes I do respect the scene. :smilie4:

04-18-2009, 05:15 PM
Of course I respect the scene. It's sad that some people make profit off their stuff, though.

I have to say that most of the stuff I download has been released by them.

04-18-2009, 05:19 PM
Of course I respect the scene. It's sad that some people make profit off their stuff, though.

I have to say that most of the stuff I download has been released by them.

Thank you. This kind of reply is right.
Please check what I mean with respect.. some members wrote yes i respect them but mean it because their releases and quallity not because their rules against spreading and make profit etc ,)

04-18-2009, 05:29 PM
On a totally unrelated note, I don't (as I have said ad nauseam) respect anyone who hides behind a nom de plum to say something that he wouldn't say otherwise.
And for that matter why the hell as people allowed to register here with blatantly fake email addresses?

As for the scene ;never met him so I wouldn't know if he warrants my respect or not.

On another unrelated note -isn't darki(sic) a racist name for black people?

By the way sorry to not give appropriate responses.I hope my facetiousness goes unpunished. :dry:

04-18-2009, 05:31 PM
hi, mom!

04-18-2009, 05:40 PM
Of course I respect the scene. It's sad that some people make profit off their stuff, though.

I have to say that most of the stuff I download has been released by them.

Thank you. This kind of reply is right.
Please check what I mean with respect.. some members wrote yes i respect them but mean it because their releases and quallity not because their rules against spreading and make profit etc ,)

Tbh, I don't get their rule about not spreading it. Are they doing it just for themselves? I do know that the more people that get their stuff the more risky it becomes for them. Other than that I have no idea what that rule's for.

04-18-2009, 05:41 PM
We do not have another source except these trackers.I respect the work of the scene but we do not find this release elsewhere.

04-18-2009, 05:47 PM
On a totally unrelated note, I don't (as I have said ad nauseam) respect anyone who hides behind a nom de plum to say something that he wouldn't say otherwise.
And for that matter why the hell as people allowed to register here with blatantly fake email addresses?

As for the scene ;never met him so I wouldn't know if he warrants my respect or not.

On another unrelated note -isn't darki(sic) a racist name for black people?

By the way sorry to not give appropriate responses.I hope my facetiousness goes unpunished. :dry:The Scene is a she.:happy:

04-18-2009, 05:55 PM
scene have quality and specially for movies, you have to download popular scene releases for find a synchronized subtitle..

04-18-2009, 06:04 PM
I think what Darki is trying to imply implicitly is that Scene hates spreading cuz the Risks and the liabilities arent exactly balanced ..
Think of the scene as a society that operates on the barter system ..
You give some u get some is how it works .. This way each party is responsible for what they are sharing/giving with a transfer of liabilities ... But with th End user like ourselves we arnt providing anything back in this barter system so what they are angry about is y r we reaping the benefit of their work when it was not intended in that manner ..
Tell me would u like it if everyday somebody just kept askng you for money or some stuff without giving anything in return?

04-18-2009, 06:04 PM
On a totally unrelated note, I don't (as I have said ad nauseam) respect anyone who hides behind a nom de plum to say something that he wouldn't say otherwise.

maybe I'm wrong but it seems that you think I want respect from you? (edit :-)) and my nick isn't selected because racist..

04-18-2009, 06:16 PM
@ Darki

Members here do not have access to the scene for the most part, so I don't know what you are trying to get out of this thread. Also I think you're misguided, because abiding by scene rules does not go hand in hand with having respect for them. I do not have scene access, so I don't have the responsibility or burden of the rules that come with it. The connection you're making is very naive, or maybe you are just using the wrong word.

According to my definition of respect, I guess I respect them for the risks they take which let me watch tv easily and try out games. However my respect is not going to stop me from sharing and using the warez they release. I think 'appreciate' is a better word than respect.

04-18-2009, 06:22 PM
@ Darki

Members here do not have access to the scene for the most part, so I don't know what you are trying to get out of this thread.

mhm hm mhm...maybe you are right.. this thread should be on a scene tracker because they giving a fuck of the opinion of the scene and spreading their releases.. I don't think they respect them .. they want only earn money with it ...

04-18-2009, 06:24 PM
I think what Darki is trying to imply implicitly is that Scene hates spreading cuz the Risks and the liabilities arent exactly balanced ..
Think of the scene as a society that operates on the barter system ..
You give some u get some is how it works .. This way each party is responsible for what they are sharing/giving with a transfer of liabilities ... But with th End user like ourselves we arnt providing anything back in this barter system so what they are angry about is y r we reaping the benefit of their work when it was not intended in that manner ..
Tell me would u like it if everyday somebody just kept askng you for money or some stuff without giving anything in return?

The last question: Of course I wouldn't.

BUT, are you saying the scene would have been happy to share if each of us just payed for it?

I guess what I want to know is: what's the point of the scene? Who are they releasing the stuff for if not for p2p purposes? I'm a noob in this area, btw. I'm just curious, maybe some people here know more.

04-18-2009, 06:39 PM
I think what Darki is trying to imply implicitly is that Scene hates spreading cuz the Risks and the liabilities arent exactly balanced ..
Think of the scene as a society that operates on the barter system ..
You give some u get some is how it works .. This way each party is responsible for what they are sharing/giving with a transfer of liabilities ... But with th End user like ourselves we arnt providing anything back in this barter system so what they are angry about is y r we reaping the benefit of their work when it was not intended in that manner ..
Tell me would u like it if everyday somebody just kept askng you for money or some stuff without giving anything in return?

The last question: Of course I wouldn't.

BUT, are you saying the scene would have been happy to share if each of us just payed for it?

I guess what I want to know is: what's the point of the scene? Who are they releasing the stuff for if not for p2p purposes? I'm a noob in this area, btw. I'm just curious, maybe some people here know more.

Its barter system ... I release some stuff i get some credits so that i can get other peoples releases ... Its not about money with the scene ... Paying for their releases is not what their releases are intended for .. They want to share stuff within their group/circle cuz it safer for them that way

04-18-2009, 07:09 PM
Wrong place n00b

04-18-2009, 07:37 PM
On a totally unrelated note, I don't (as I have said ad nauseam) respect anyone who hides behind a nom de plum to say something that he wouldn't say otherwise.

maybe I'm wrong but it seems that you think I want respect from you?
Didn't say that you did .Just stating a fact .
Assumption is the mother of all fuckups isn't it.

The Scene is a she.:happy:

That would explain a lot.

Put me down for a no then.

04-18-2009, 07:54 PM
@ Darki

Members here do not have access to the scene for the most part, so I don't know what you are trying to get out of this thread. Also I think you're misguided, because abiding by scene rules does not go hand in hand with having respect for them. I do not have scene access, so I don't have the responsibility or burden of the rules that come with it. The connection you're making is very naive, or maybe you are just using the wrong word.

According to my definition of respect, I guess I respect them for the risks they take which let me watch tv easily and try out games. However my respect is not going to stop me from sharing and using the warez they release. I think 'appreciate' is a better word than respect.

Couldnt agree more with this, we are not scene members so their rules dont apply to us, and its not like they follow their rules anyway, if they did there would be no scene releases to the general public.

As for respect u got to respect some of the skill these people have to rip movies at relative small sizes, make cracks etc. The only thing i would say i think people should not take credit for stuff that they do. But apart from that why should people stop sharing their releases etc, its not like they follow the scene rules themselves.

04-18-2009, 08:52 PM
Sure I respect the scene, but thats it. I am not a member of scene so I definitely don't follow their rules.
If it was not for scene, we wouldn't be getting those tv and movies so fast. And more importantly, few groups who releases games and apps, you have to respect their cracking skills. Some of the protections today are no joke, but they do it better than everyone.
But thats the limit of my respect. I am not going to stop downloading their stuff because they say so. Although I wouldn't like to compromise their security.

04-18-2009, 09:16 PM
24/7 torrenting and hate scene.what i am downloading 5 percent maybe scene

forget uploading... never uploading scene.

sure i know that without scene bt would notbe big like that..

just personal...

04-18-2009, 09:39 PM
there is no point asking at a "scene" tracker, since they are uploading scene materials and thus spreading/leaking them they obviously do not respect the scene rules >< kinda defeats your question tbh.

04-18-2009, 09:46 PM
I respect them and I appreciate their releases. :)

04-18-2009, 10:01 PM

04-18-2009, 10:34 PM
I think this story goes to -> if you're respecting scene why you're downloading our shit! from torrent trackers ?

04-19-2009, 02:01 AM
i respect what the scene do alot, but there rules ? no because i dont have scene access so i have to torrent

04-19-2009, 02:30 AM
Sure, I guess I respect the scene for what they do and the risks they take.

04-19-2009, 02:31 AM
Huh isn't the scene doin' some kind of races n shit like already...
they just mostly lying a lot i think...
they makin' money believe me... how would they buy their shit ?
because they are rich ? fuck this shit and fuck the scene lol...
and fucka seeding too ! and fuck greedy trackers owners.

but tho i appreciate the releases :D ahahah

04-19-2009, 02:48 AM
Respect the scene? Sure i respect them, thats not sayin im going to follow their silly rules...

04-19-2009, 04:13 AM
I also do not believe respect is the right word. I am not a member of the scene so how can I 'respect' their rules I am not a Catholic either ? Another point, have you taken the time to read any scene notices regarding p2p? I find it hard to 'respect' anyone that is willing to release others private info in retaliation for someone sharing their stolen warez. The idiocy of some of these scene notices makes them barely understandable.
With the competition that goes on between the groups and how much they put each other down I find it hard to find respect for them there either. The spirit of sharing that came from the original scene is long gone now it is just groups trying to outdo each other and gain brag rights, even if the releases themselves are very poor quality at least they were first, what kind of thinking is that ?
Once the release is pre'd the race is over, unless the group screwed up then the proper comes along etc but once the release has been pre'd to the afil sites then p2p uploaders with scene axx (that they PAY for) race the releases to the various torrent sites. Then the very groups that pre'd the release get upset that afil sites sell access ?
If they truly wanted to have their private little race to see who got there first they could without spreading the releases to afil sites, but what is the point without an audience ? Yet once the release has been pre'd we are supposed to go oooh aaaah that was quick.......... But do not download scene releases if you are not affiliated to the scene ? Is it just me or does the idea of not sharing go against everything bt is about ? I would rather respect the rules of the sharing community I am in, from what I have read of scene notices these groups sound completely mental.

04-19-2009, 04:20 AM
I think this story goes to -> if you're respecting scene why you're downloading our shit! from torrent trackers ?
Most people on the trackers usually dont know much about ,,the scene''...

04-19-2009, 09:17 AM
I think this story goes to -> if you're respecting scene why you're downloading our shit! from torrent trackers ?
Most people on non-scene trackers usually dont know much about ,,the scene''...
yes true if you are on demonoid and mininova...
but if you are talking about like sct,scc,scenehd all content include scene releases ?:huh:

04-19-2009, 09:49 AM
Oh give me a break, all this wank about "the scene" not wanting their shit to be spread.

If people didn't want their files spread worldwide through FTP and straight onto the main 0day trackers in 3 minutes flat, they wouldn't pre them in the first place. It might have been a tightly run ship in the past, but it's too huge now.

Do i respect the loosely organised network of irc bots and fast pipes from which most of our files of originate?

Well, duh. But that's all there is to it. There is no politics, just the files.

04-19-2009, 04:28 PM
they dont care
and neither do i

04-19-2009, 04:52 PM
Yes, I do respect the scene, though I personally don't agree with some of their limits imposed on high def releases.

04-20-2009, 12:17 PM
I respect them but I usually get pissed when you have shitty rips which result in Repacks.

Like the Pink Panther 2 DVDRip (by HLS), How the FUCK can you make the mistake of ripping the first movie?

The scene needs to really think about the whole idea. I mean if it's all about quality, you shouldn't just rush releases.

Same goes for AC3 instead of DTS in HD Rips.

04-20-2009, 03:39 PM
The scene needs to really think about the whole idea. I mean if it's all about quality, you shouldn't just rush releases.

What I find amusing is people thinking of "the scene" as some kind of single entity or place.


Every individual involved in the FTP scene has different ideas about what "the scene" is, what it stands for etc.

It's viewed by the general public (i.e us) as some kind of super elite co-ordinated entity, unattainable and elusive.

The reason for this is pretty obvious - to be a "member" of the FTP scene you actually have to be able to contribute something. It could be fast access to files, storage space, bandwidth, hardware, and of course even just money, (which is the way most people first get involved).

The general perception of "the scene" as some kind of elite place or club with exclusive membership is as much ludicrous as it is understandable; 99% of people have nothing they could contribute to the scene and wouldn't even know who to talk to if they did.

As i've tried to state, the scene is primarily an efficient, well established and regulated files distribution system. This much is fact, the rest consists of the individual opinions of the individuals involved.

The scene is everywhere, sceners use torrents and vice versa, unlike the torrent scene, it's not some high-level site that you can chat your way into, it's a system, one with a purpose, and one that requires a bit more than just a web browser and an inflated ego to be a part of.

You do not find the scene, the scene finds you when it needs you. Just try it. Get your hands on a not-yet-leaked album, rip it and upload it to what.cd or waffles.fm. I guarantee that numerous scene members will contact you for proof and permission to put it out on global pre.

Even the scene rules themselves are subjective. How many releases have you seen that are crappy quality and against "scene rules", but are pre'd, raced and spread anyway, only to be nuked later?

What I'm trying to say is that the scene operates with a purpose, it's not like torrents at all, and trying to speak of it in terms of torrent politics or standards will always be pointless.

It's there, it's not going anywhere any time soon, deal with it, recognise it for what it is and respect it.

04-20-2009, 03:56 PM
You do not find the scene, the scene finds you when it needs you.

Kind of like an ultra secret government agency but without the sunglasses and spiffy clothes .:cool:

What I'm trying to say is that the scene operates with a purpose, it's not like torrents at all, and trying to speak of it in terms of torrent politics or standards will always be pointless.

You are affording way too much significance to what is in effect some reasonably(OK quite) intelligent people stealing things.

It's there, it's not going anywhere any time soon, deal with it, recognise it for what it is and respect it.

What leads to the unanswered question..... Why?

04-20-2009, 04:01 PM
It's there, it's not going anywhere any time soon, deal with it, recognise it for what it is and respect it.

What leads to the unanswered question..... Why?

Why does anybody do anything?

Respect, gratification, reward, y'know, the usual pursuits of ordinary individuals.

04-21-2009, 07:54 AM
What I find amusing is people thinking of "the scene" as some kind of single entity or place.

I think the people who've been here long enough know that it's not just a single entity or place :P

I was referring to the members who 'rush' releases. I also believe the scene standards need to be updated for FLAC :whistling


04-21-2009, 09:18 AM
There are in fact rules for FLAC.

04-21-2009, 11:49 AM
There are in fact rules for FLAC.

Scene standards? Where?

04-21-2009, 01:44 PM
For example http://www.paster.cz/scene-rules-for-flac-rips

04-21-2009, 01:58 PM
I have mixed views about the scene.

If you have the contacts, or just work in a warehouse which stocks the media, then nearly everyone can release what the scene releases, albeit, probably a bit later. but then you have PC games that need cracking, now i am pretty sure that if the scene did not do this for us, we would have some bright sparks in the P2P community that would/could do this.

But on the other hand, just look at Oink, Pre Release music uploaded to oink by normal members, Uploaders get arrested, Oink Goes down, Owner gets arrested.

But yet trackers have countless numbers of Scene release pre-released material, and nothing much happens, because they tend to go for the scene that release it, rather than 1000 trackers that have it.

So yes they do put their ass on the line, but this dont spread our stuff onto P2P is bollocks, its the scene thats leaking it in the first place, if they did not, then we could not get it, its pretty much that simple, so if they dont like it, then instead of going after trackers that do 0 day stuff, take down the sceners that are releasing it to the trackers (probably for cash, but dont hold me to that. as i cant say 100% if it is or not.)

04-21-2009, 02:43 PM
i respect their work but not their egoistic way of sharing.
they'd like to share only with their privileged circle of nerds while millions internets users have a hard time to find films & music.
no seriously, if they don't want to risk their ass, they just have to stop ripping and spreading their releases, end of the story.

04-21-2009, 05:10 PM
What leads to the unanswered question..... Why?

Why does anybody do anything?

Respect, gratification, reward, y'know, the usual pursuits of ordinary individuals.

Not why do they do it ?Why should I respect them for thievery?
By that twisted logic I should respect anyone that breaks the law as well. . because I'm sure that they do it with just as much altruism as is involved with the scene.

And the bit about for respecting for the inherent risk:poppycock, see above.

Have the OP change the wording to appreciate instead of respect and I might agree though.:whistling

04-22-2009, 01:35 AM
For example http://www.paster.cz/scene-rules-for-flac-rips


04-22-2009, 01:51 AM
Yes, I do respect the scene.

04-22-2009, 09:14 AM
Why does anybody do anything?

Respect, gratification, reward, y'know, the usual pursuits of ordinary individuals.

Not why do they do it ?Why should I respect them for thievery?
By that twisted logic I should respect anyone that breaks the law as well. . because I'm sure that they do it with just as much altruism as is involved with the scene.

And the bit about for respecting for the inherent risk:poppycock, see above.

Have the OP change the wording to appreciate instead of respect and I might agree though.:whistling

Well, the scene is arguably the fastest and most efficient files distribution network in the world, and I respect it just for that.

Whether you respect "them" is neither here nor there, but you have to respect "it", in my view anyway.

What I find amusing is people thinking of "the scene" as some kind of single entity or place.

I think the people who've been here long enough know that it's not just a single entity or place :P

Hah, where do you mean by here? FileSharingTalk? :rofl:

04-22-2009, 09:56 AM
I wouldn't say I respect them per sé ... I know they are the ones that make it possible for me to get the files I want. Am I gratefull for that? Yes ... Do i respect them for that? No, since I don't know 'the scene' ins and outs. All I know I have from hearsay and I can't base a sound judgement on that.

04-22-2009, 12:11 PM
Well, the scene is arguably the fastest and most efficient files distribution network in the world, and I respect it just for that.

Whether you respect "them" is neither here nor there, but you have to respect "it", in my view anyway.

I see that point that you are trying to make .A person can be a fan of say the Premier League and still not admire a majority of players therein.
However as I am not necessarily an acolyte of computer technology in the first place(or for that matter an admirer of artifice over individual), although your point is valid ,in my case it doesn't apply.

04-23-2009, 01:49 AM
Hah, where do you mean by here? FileSharingTalk? :rofl:

Yes :)

04-28-2009, 03:18 PM
what kind fo question is this?
most ppl would answer this question if they knew the sceners. (which i doubt)
You just cant respect something that you dont know shizz about.
As radiance already said, it more apt to ask, whether you download scene stuff or not.
As far as i am concerned, yeah i download the scene releases, but respecting it is a different matter altogether.
I do appreciate the effort they put in to share the stuff in an efficient manner though.