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04-22-2009, 06:04 PM
In this thread, I attempt to convert you to usenet users.

With all the trouble happening in the bt world, now is the time to jump on a secure and easy way to get your files.

Here are some brief benefits to usenet:

1) Privacy and security. Your IP is not publicly/privately available.
2) Download files up to your retention at full speed, without worrying about seeders or anything.
3) No ratios! Download all you want with an unlimited package.
4) If you want to share, you can upload releases to usenet, upload nzbs to various sites (including FST) or you can spot posts on various forums.
5) Reposts of files are very common, so you can catch up on releases you missed years ago.

To address the biggest con, cost, I will make a few brief points:
1) Many of you folks spend more money on seedboxes.
2) If you really want to share things freely, you can still share, in fact, you'd be sharing with millions of people rather than just a few hundred or thousand on a torrent site.
3) Most of these users are paying the nominal fees too, but it's like paying a small subscription to a massive community.

So, why not switch to Usenet?

Edit in response to first reply:

I must acknowledge that some of you just cannot afford $11/month or may not be able to pay using a credit card or from your country. (Astraweb is the cheapest unlimited provider so I used their current rates.) I'm not directing this at you, but at those who could go with usenet, but choose torrents.

04-22-2009, 06:22 PM
Well I know you tried to say that money shouldn't be an issue but it still is. When I got my seedbox I got such a huge amount uploaded that I would probably say that I am set for life on a few sites. That one small investment just bought me years of free stuff without the need for worrying about my ratio.

04-22-2009, 06:26 PM
Is there any system to get free access to usenet?

04-22-2009, 06:27 PM
In this thread, I attempt to convert you to usenet users.

With all the trouble happening in the bt world, now is the time to jump on a secure and easy way to get your files.

Here are some brief benefits to usenet:

1) Privacy and security. Your IP is not publicly/privately available.
2) Download files up to your retention at full speed, without worrying about seeders or anything.
3) No ratios! Download all you want with an unlimited package.
4) If you want to share, you can upload releases to usenet, upload nzbs to various sites (including FST) or you can spot posts on various forums.
5) Reposts of files are very common, so you can catch up on releases you missed years ago.

To address the biggest con, cost, I will make a few brief points:
1) Many of you folks spend more money on seedboxes.
2) If you really want to share things freely, you can still share, in fact, you'd be sharing with millions of people rather than just a few hundred or thousand on a torrent site.
3) Most of these users are paying the nominal fees too, but it's like paying a small subscription to a massive community.

So, why not switch to Usenet?
I tried using usenet, and it SUCKS. I havent even used my all download quota. Maybe i am noob, yet i didnt like it at all.Better use rapidshare, at least you have a way of checking whether the games actually work or not. Beside BT, Rapidshare is the best.

04-22-2009, 06:29 PM
usenet is fine for 0day, but for older files... good luck

04-22-2009, 06:34 PM
@ BilkEnter

If you use an indexing site, you can surely find out in the comments if a game is working.

@ DouglasQuaid
You clearly have no idea about how often files are reposted. Just skim through a.b.boneless (one of many newsgroups that would prove my point) to find releases that are years old. Tons of usenet users archive the releases and repost once classic files either on their own volition or by request.

04-22-2009, 06:39 PM
usenet is fine for 0day, but for older files... good luck
most of the users here are little kids usenet is too complicated for them

04-22-2009, 06:48 PM
@ BilkEnter

If you use an indexing site, you can surely find out in the comments if a game is working.

@ DouglasQuaid
You clearly have no idea about how often files are reposted. Just skim through a.b.boneless (one of many newsgroups that would prove my point) to find releases that are years old. Tons of usenet users archive the releases and repost once classic files either on their own volition or by request.
Comments were in german. If you mean the comments on an index site, that is another issue though, never used an index site. Still rapid is way better compared to usenet in my opinion.

04-22-2009, 06:53 PM
If you've ever just taken a shot at Usenet without using an nzb indexing site, either FST's own index or sites like Nzbsrus or NZBMatrix which are open signup, then I'm not surprised you find it complex.

Using an indexing site is just as easy as using a torrent site. Except there are fewer rules and no ratios. And they usually cost a bit of money for full access.

04-22-2009, 06:55 PM
Kids, I tell ya kids.

No comparison between Usenet and RS or MU. Usenet pwns both of them.

04-22-2009, 06:57 PM
I tried using usenet, and it SUCKS. I havent even used my all download quota. Maybe i am noob, yet i didnt like it at all.Better use rapidshare, at least you have a way of checking whether the games actually work or not. Beside BT, Rapidshare is the best.

It doesn't "suck"; you may be too dim to comprehend the basic concepts, but it most certainly does not suck. It isn't like Bittorrent where you can learn everything you need to know in an hour and you're off and running. It does take some work and it does take longer to learn and experience everything there is to know, but it's well worth it.

Usenet was around way before private BT trackers. It predates them by some twenty years and releases of apps, TV programs, and the latest films traditionally go to Usenet first. It's always been that way. Usenet and its numerous groups, has many, many more uploaders than any private torrent site.

Now I'm not saying that some BT trackers don't have uploaders that cap TV shows or crack programs and release them exclusively to the site but Usenet is the place for getting releases first. You have to know the right groups, of course, but once you've got your favorite groups entrenched in your newsreader of choice, you'll find everything you need and will be able to download it sooner and faster than if you relied on your private tracker.

Using Giganews and Alt.Binz I have 365+ days of content to download* at max speeds which downloads, fixes, and extracts itself.

* As an example, Newzbin can provide me with approximately 120,000 posts of content** whilst the average on my private trackers is maybe 10,000. Usenet search engines reveal literally hundreds of thousands of files available.

** That's new and old content. At max speed. All the time. With no need to upload.

There really is no comparison.

The existence of so many users shilling out much more cash than a news server would cost, for seedboxes is just plain foolish and a waste of money. I'll never understand it.

04-22-2009, 06:57 PM
lol @ someone saying rapidshare is better than usenet

04-22-2009, 07:43 PM
I tried using usenet, and it SUCKS. I havent even used my all download quota. Maybe i am noob, yet i didnt like it at all.

You obviously didn't understand the concept at all if you think it sucks.

I'm getting 90% of my junk on usenet now and it quite easy to find what you are looking for. Sites like nzbmatrix, merlin portal and binsearch are all you need. There are plenty of nzb files available here also.

I even often find old releases on usenet and I'm getting it in one hour instead of 2 days with 1 slow seeder on bt sites. That's a major pro.

Finally, it's more affordable that ever. I'm paying a small 11$ a month for Astraweb.

04-22-2009, 07:50 PM
I have a GigaNews subscription and use it regularly, I've leeched TBs from their service. (Older, hard to find DVDRs or Wii / 360 games, hell even all the SunFly shit via United Forums.)

However, for instant and reliable access to warez, i still turn to FTPs and sites like ScT and SCC for my shit.

Usenet imo is something people would do well to add to their downloading inventories rather than depend on altogether. Despite the awesome speed and content on offer, usenet remains a public service, and comes with all the usual risks and bullshit that public networks carry with them.

Need the latest shit? Torrents / FTP.
Need anything else? Check out the Newsgroups.

Just my 5 cents.

04-22-2009, 07:55 PM
Never tought about this usenet before. But maybe in the near future I will at least use warez forums

04-22-2009, 08:06 PM
I used usenext for usenet services, i heard that giganews was a good one yet never tried it because my first experience with usenet sucked. As i said, i didnt use any index site at all, i will give it another shot at least to giganews, then i will see whether it is worth or not. Thanks for the info though. Anyway i downloaded three files from usenext, 2 games and one documentary about hitler. None of them actually worked. There was problem with both games, and There was an extraction problem regarding documentary. Therefore i didnt like it and never used the 9 gb quota of mine there. Anyway i will give giganews a shot and see what happens. Thank you all.

04-22-2009, 08:12 PM
You sometimes have to repair rars on older newsgroup releases, that's probably the reason. If you have the par files and enough data blocks, an app like quick par will repair it in a couple minutes. I rarely have to.

And you should consider Astraweb instead of Giganews, they have the same retention and it's like 10$ cheaper a month.

04-22-2009, 08:24 PM
OP is probably right but i doubt usenet could replace a tracker like Karagarga.
ok, i know usenet is full of classics and 'old films' but i don't think you can find as much rarities (experimental, independant productions, rare vhsrips) as on KG.

anyway, it's certainly the best alternative.

04-22-2009, 08:25 PM
I dont know i just think its a a matter of time before the authorities come after usenet. Also it does not sit right with me the fact u have to pay for a service to get illegal stuff, means someone is profiting from this which makes it even more dodgy for me.

04-22-2009, 08:27 PM
Should the situation with BT continue to worsen, I will move to usenet.

04-22-2009, 08:29 PM
Well I have tried usenet and it is nothing wrong with it. But I have to say that I understand those who like bittorrent more.

I personally like p2p, if I'm sharing with ppl I like (like a trusted tracker with nice ppl). And the BIG con with usenet is the cost. It hurts the old wallet lol:P and I think it feels wrong to pay for something like that, if I wanted to pay I'd rather it go to the right ppl like artists and shit:P It is so comersial and feels wrong. If you are willing to pay, why not buy? And it was hard to find old, rare files which I found on bittorrent trackers.

04-22-2009, 08:31 PM
I must acknowledge that some of you just cannot afford $11/month [...]. I'm not directing this at you, but at those who could go with usenet, but choose torrents.
So why not pay for teh fucking media you consume :closedeye

04-22-2009, 08:33 PM
You sometimes have to repair rars on older newsgroup releases, that's probably the reason. If you have the par files and enough data blocks, an app like quick par will repair it in a couple minutes. I rarely have to.

And you should consider Astraweb instead of Giganews, they have the same retention and it's like 10$ cheaper a month.
I wonder one thing, do files differ on usenet based on the site you subscribe to? I wonder whether there are different files on each usenet provider or not. Or they all provide the same files but just another provider. Just curious. Thank you btw.

04-22-2009, 08:34 PM
I dont know i just think its a a matter of time before the authorities come after usenet. Also it does not sit right with me the fact u have to pay for a service to get illegal stuff, means someone is profiting from this which makes it even more dodgy for me.

The profit component is more direct and widespread with usenet, but I'm sure that most mainstream torrent sites are filled with seedboxes, at the very least those of the original uploaders, so a hosting company is still profiting from the sharing of those illegal files you're downloading. Likewise, the servers the site is actually hosted on is profiting and so are the ISPs of the users who just sold you that high bandwidth cable. I concede that the corporate atmosphere in usenet is more prevalent and may leave a worse taste in your mouth, but thought I'd point this out for what it's worth.

I don't pay for all the media I consume because I can't afford all of it and I don't keep anything, since I watch it once. My plans for the future, well after school and student loans and a house is all sorted, is to buy a nice collection of bluray films. The difference in paying $10-30 a month to download all you want and paying for all the media is obvious and your argument's implication, that one who is willing to pay something for media ought to pay for all their media at full retail presumes too much.

04-22-2009, 08:46 PM
I dont know i just think its a a matter of time before the authorities come after usenet. Also it does not sit right with me the fact u have to pay for a service to get illegal stuff, means someone is profiting from this which makes it even more dodgy for me.

As long as their are two servers sharing files, Usenet will exist.

And how is it "dodgy" that someone makes money from it? It's an incredibly expensive service to provide if done properly and the cost is minimal to the end user.

You pay for your internet, don't you?

I used usenext for usenet services, i heard that giganews was a good one yet never tried it because my first experience with usenet sucked. Anyway i downloaded three files from usenext, 2 games and one documentary about hitler. None of them actually worked. There was problem with both games, and There was an extraction problem regarding documentary.

I heard that Usenext was just a scam site. :unsure:

Anyhow, we have ads for the reputable services right here on the site. Just click one of those and use it. Some will give you a discount if you put FST as the referral as well. :fst:

04-22-2009, 08:48 PM
I wonder one thing, do files differ on usenet based on the site you subscribe to? I wonder whether there are different files on each usenet provider or not. Or they all provide the same files but just another provider. Just curious. Thank you btw.

Files are the same on any newsgroups server with binaries. What changes is retention time, files can be hosted from 7 days to 365 days. That's a huge difference in term of content available. I often download releases that are more than 150 days old, so I would probably not be that satisfied with a news server with short retention time.

Giganews and Astraweb have 365 days retention now. That's your best bet.

04-22-2009, 09:13 PM
I tried usenet once but with a "free test account"... it was like 10gb of download... I used only 2gb to download what I wanted and forgot about it =/

Someone here knows where I could find something like this? I would test and in case of finding something new that I can't find with torrents, I would pay for it =/

04-22-2009, 09:17 PM
read this news two weeks ago, let's see how this goes.
MPA Set to Challenge Newzbin Usenet Indexer in Court


04-23-2009, 01:48 AM
read this news two weeks ago, let's see how this goes.
MPA Set to Challenge Newzbin Usenet Indexer in Court


I've been paying attention to that, but surely Newzbin will win. They run a site, which hosts files, which are links, to other files, which hosted on another server. :mellow:

I tried usenet once but with a "free test account"... it was like 10gb of download... I used only 2gb to download what I wanted and forgot about it =/

Someone here knows where I could find something like this? I would test and in case of finding something new that I can't find with torrents, I would pay for it =/

Giganews 2 week free trial (http://www.giganews.com/?a=fst) ;)

04-23-2009, 02:21 AM
Thanks Skizo. I'll take a look when I have the time cause I also need to ckeck some tutorials to remember how things are done!


04-23-2009, 02:36 AM
If you have a slow upload then Usenet is still the best medium for downloading and very possibly the best method regardless. There are many reasonably priced Usenet providers out there such as Astraweb (http://www.news.astraweb.com/)who offer unlimited or pay as you go plans. Using Newzbin (http://www.newzbin.com/) (by far the best) with an app like Newsleecher is just like using a torrent site once you have download credit.

With the amount of time spent uploading to maintain a decent ratio and the electricity costs involved it can often work out cheaper to use Usenet, sometimes it's a false economy to use trackers, it's a much safer method, with almost guaranteed top download speeds and no tying the connection up for uploading.

04-23-2009, 02:50 AM
OP is probably right but i doubt usenet could replace a tracker like Karagarga.
ok, i know usenet is full of classics and 'old films' but i don't think you can find as much rarities (experimental, independant productions, rare vhsrips) as on KG.

anyway, it's certainly the best alternative.

Check it out, I don't know what karagarga is, but they've got it in a.b.karagarga.


04-23-2009, 02:59 AM
well, karagarga (KG) is more than a simple tracker, it's also a community of cinephiles focused on non-mainstream films: independent flicks, arthouse, experimental, documentaries, shorts films etc...
even if usenet has many rarities, i doubt it will eve reach the ~60.000 torrents collected by karagarga in 3 years.

that said, i'm pretty sure usenet can be suitable for most torrent users.

04-23-2009, 03:51 AM
In this thread, ...

In this post, I will tell you the first rule of usenet:
You do not talk about usenet.

Do you want heat on usenet or torrents?

04-23-2009, 05:22 AM
Wow someone finally posted about not talking about usenet. That took longer than I expected. :lol:

04-23-2009, 05:25 AM
Maybe its just me but edonkey works as well for me as usenet and i dont have to pay for it . for rest of the stuff bittorrent is great

04-23-2009, 05:40 AM
I would try it but I don't know how to use it and don't want to waste any money if i can't figure it out. Maybe if I find a tutorial somewhere

04-23-2009, 05:42 AM
You can get a free trial deal on Giganews or another provider. It's actually very easy to use, and I'm sure there are many tutorials in this forum.

04-23-2009, 05:44 AM
I probably should not say this as i am a tracker owner lol

but i have been using usenet for the best part of 5 years, the only tracker i am actually on is mine, and if i had found usenet 6 months sooner, i would not have even started BCG.

so i think that says it all, from my POV.

04-23-2009, 06:09 AM
Ever since I tried Usenet I've been pretty hooked on it. I can see how a lot of people can be put off on it though. If they don't understand retention, then they can try to grab something that is out of that retention and the files not work for them. Which I think may have happened in bikenters case. I think if he tries a reputable provider instead of Usenext then he would have a different outlook.

But then as cinephillia mentioned, there are some dedicated trackers that I think are better than Usenet. For him it's KG(and all those rare, older movies). For me it's the lossless trackers. But for games, most movies, tv, I definitely think Usenet is the better way to go.

04-23-2009, 07:27 AM
I use both and Usenet is obviously easier to use and has the retention, but Torrents seem to have the advantage is getting stuff quicker. Anyone that is intimidated by newsgroup readers and whatnot, try out Easynews, they have a web interface that rules and is like RS in a way. Anyway, having the combination of both seems to work for me.

04-23-2009, 07:30 AM
Ever since I tried Usenet I've been pretty hooked on it. I can see how a lot of people can be put off on it though. If they don't understand retention, then they can try to grab something that is out of that retention and the files not work for them. Which I think may have happened in bikenters case. I think if he tries a reputable provider instead of Usenext then he would have a different outlook.

But then as cinephillia mentioned, there are some dedicated trackers that I think are better than Usenet. For him it's KG(and all those rare, older movies). For me it's the lossless trackers. But for games, most movies, tv, I definitely think Usenet is the better way to go.

I agree with your point, but not your wording.

As I summarized in my initial post, Usenet is the best method from which to obtain files which are in circulation, but there are absolutely trackers such as Karagarga which are valuable specialty sites to some and have users which upload content directly to that site and only that site. For that use, yes, Bittorrent absolutely maintains a semi-faithful Usenet audience such as myself. I still maintain accounts at Demonoid, E**** (where I still enjoy uploading), FTN, SCT, Waffles, and What. The later two have such a vast repertoire that even Usenet cannot begin to encompass it. But, they are backups. My first resource is Usenet. 95% of everything I download and/or look to download is available there.

Bittorrent has a loud presence, but Usenet has a huge silent mass of users.

Soulseek is another very undervalued resource.

Using Newzbin (http://www.newzbin.com/) (by far the best) with an app like Newsleecher is just like using a torrent site once you have download credit.

How do you find Newzbin to be "by far the best"? :blink:

I find it to be complete pish and unecessary. :huh:

04-23-2009, 08:03 AM
Bittorrent has a loud presence, but Usenet has a huge silent mass of users.

It's a bit ironic that you say this. what's the point of being so open about usenet? what is to be proven or gained by spreading the word? can't you guys just leech in peace

yeah, it's been around for a long time, but that doesn't necessarily mean it'll be here forever.

04-23-2009, 09:15 AM
4) If you want to share, you can upload releases to usenet, upload nzbs to various sites (including FST) or you can spot posts on various forums.Is it really safe to upload? If the provider doesn't have logs (like Astraweb) are you safe? I don't really know much about Usenet.
Sure I know you don't _have to_ upload but without people uploading stuff there wouldn't be anything to download.

If you aren't tracable by logs or something couldn't Astraweb still be forced to give up my name? If I subscribe with my credit card they have my real name and address.

I read this at Astraweb's site:

We may disclose personal information without your consent under the following circumstances:
If we are required by law or by an order or requirement of a court, administrative agency, or other government entity, or by court rules concerning the production of records;
If we have reasonable grounds to believe that the information relates to breach of an agreement or violation of the law that has been, is being, or is about to be committed;
If it is necessary for the establishment or collection of funds owed to us;
If it is necessary to enforce or apply our Terms of Use and other agreements, to pursue remedies, or to limit damages to Astraweb;
For other reasons allowed or required by law.

04-23-2009, 10:01 AM
I would be tempted,but just not enough to actually part with as much as $11 for stuff that is freely available from RS and yes XDCCs.
another thing,its not actually us BT users who are being faced with these lawsuits.Its site owners who unfortunately didn't have anonymity in mind while setting up.Also if you look at RIAAs fail rate at convicting BT users u would yourself be very much convinced that its not all as bad as it seems.most successful convictions have been on kazaa users..
I kinda believe that you guys on usenet are piracy ex-cons with restraining orders not to use bittorrent ever again otherwise risk jail time.

04-23-2009, 11:47 AM
How do you find Newzbin to be "by far the best"? :blink:

I find it to be complete pish and unecessary. :huh:

Why is indexing files in a well run and organised site pish and unecessary? :rolleyes: There's a hell of a lot of people who'd disagree with you on that. I know that he site is highly structured, organised and well run as I used to edit for them at one point.

So your telling me that a raw search for something that is nine months old is easier than using an indexing site? I've yet to see a better Usenet indexing site on the net in the years that I've been using the service. Any comments are grouped together so if there is a problem with the image then often you'll know before downloading, also it's very possible that somethimg that was posted would be missed on a raw search, but picked up in Newzbin.

Pish and unecessary? I don't think so!

04-23-2009, 12:39 PM
Re: specialty trackers: I'm sure you guys are right. I don't really have diverse tastes. I can't watch xvids due to the quality and I never liked artsy movies. I don't listen to music except in the car listening to my local classical and jazz stations (both public radio stations btw) so the only music I get is for the wife, who likes dancy poppy music that I get on iTunes or Usenet.

But when I've looked, Usenet does seem to have a solid base in classic rock, classical, jazz, blues, etc. perhaps due to the older userbase. It is probably harder to find than on what and if you're already spoiled by the ease of using Pedros/E****, then I understand why you wouldn't want to give them up.

Re: Uploading to usenet

Nothing is entirely safe, and the less they log, the better. Most heavy uploaders of the big scene releases use servers and post under generic names like "Yenc Power Post" using separate accounts just for posting. Just like most torrent uploaders will remain untouched, most Usenet folks will as well.

Re: Newzbin
I think Skizo and many others are just capable without using an index service, or at least one they'd have to pay for, so they don't do it.

All in all, I just find being a leech easier. I've grabbed over 500GB in the past 2 weeks, partly refilling a hard drive of 720p films I had to reformat, which would have been a real difficulty using torrents (taking longer to download, taking much longer overall due to seeding back, keeping them on the hard drive, etc.).

04-23-2009, 01:03 PM
Re: Newzbin
I think Skizo and many others are just capable without using an index service, or at least one they'd have to pay for, so they don't do it.

I'm quite capable of not using Newzbin myslef, but it's much easier using an indexer. Most folks just want to do a quick search, get the NZB and away to go. There's no need to make it unnecessarily difficult especially for Usenet beginners (which I'm not)

Part of the reason some people don't use Usenet is because they think it's complex and they don't know how to use it.

1. Astraweb or similar
2. Newsleecher (with quickpar intergrated) or similar
3. Newzbin, Binnews or similar

Then you're ready to go, it couldn't be easier really.

Yenc is just a tool for uploading and posting binary files to Usenet.

If anyone needs help in setting up PM me.

04-23-2009, 02:02 PM
Soulseek is another very undervalued resource.
i second that.

04-23-2009, 02:40 PM
I have tried usenet while ago, it havent make such a good impression to me. I am willing to give it another shot, but the method of getting the files from usenet and the way it is presented, I just couldnt find a reason why use usenet over p2p sources at the time. There is an advantage, that you dont have to keep ratio and the speeds are generally fast, but usually advanced BT users hardly have to worry about those. Same thing about content variety (when it comes to my needs and stealing taste :P), altho I'm sure there are some exceptions.

04-23-2009, 02:52 PM
What difficulties did you experience in getting the files?
Use a site like NewzLeech (http://www.newzleech.com/) or Binsearch (http://binsearch.info/) to search for stuff, download an .nzb and then open it with your preferred client. You don't need to go through the trouble of fetching headers for groups you're interested in if you can find your files on the different Usenet search engines-although that's kind of fun.

04-23-2009, 03:01 PM
Loved usenet for years!! It rocks.. Mother f***ing ISP dropped and now I have to pay to get it. Sucks that it was bundled and they use some excuse of pedo-porn blocking to drop a service that had been included since 92. :-| Tangent: Who currently has best feeds/options for fair cost in the usenet service world?

04-23-2009, 03:49 PM
I pay fuck all for use of the bittorrent protocol.

Plus, what kind of community is there in usenet?

04-23-2009, 04:06 PM
For those saying usenet doesn't have a community, you're actually quite wrong. Usenet contains normal text-only groups and binary groups (alt.binaries) which is where the files are. Usenet has many text groups where people post messages, it's like a forum only far bigger and with a wider range of topics. So saying there is no community is just stupid, before making judgements you might want to get your info straight.

Plus, if you still don't think that is good enough, what need is there for a community anyway? You are on BT trackers to download stuff, that is all, if you want a nice community then you can come to a forum like this.

And honestly, why would you buy a seedbox? It doesn't magically make your home internet connection any faster. Yes, you may be able to download from torrents at 10MB/s using a server but you still have to download the files from the server using your home connection! Save yourself the hassle and just pay for usenet access (which is probably cheaper than a seedbox in most cases).

Most of the people here just buy a fast server, stick it onto a torrent tracker and set it to grab every new torrent uploaded. Why? to brag that you have it first? increase your ratio? No, it is because you're retarded. Just download what you are going to use when you want it, you don't have to have everything first. That is the type of thinking you see from kids.

04-23-2009, 04:09 PM
It depends on your upload speed, leaving the PC running 24/7 just to maintain a decent share ratio can work out more expensive than buying Usenet download credits.

I've not been on the Newzbin IRC channel for years, but it's there and I'm sure many others are available in addition to the many text groups available.

Usenet seems to be the popular choice amongst members of NFOHump (http://www.nfohump.com/forum/index.php) which has a friendly, knowledgeable and helpful community.

There's a list of free Usenet trials here (http://www.newsgroupreviews.com/free-newsgroups.html)

If you're struggling for a good copy of leeching software I'm sure I can arrange something ;)

04-23-2009, 04:24 PM
Most of the people here just buy a fast server, stick it onto a torrent tracker and set it to grab every new torrent uploaded. Why? to brag that you have it first? increase your ratio? No, it is because you're retarded. Just download what you are going to use when you want it, you don't have to have everything first. That is the type of thinking you see from kids.
+1 you may have a point here :yup:

unfortunalety, private torrenting is full of retarded kids who thinks that buffering ratios as hell and reaching the highest users classes make them special.

04-23-2009, 04:28 PM
Are you saying that having a gigantic buffer doesn't really make me special? :cry:

04-23-2009, 04:36 PM

04-23-2009, 04:38 PM
Are you saying that having a gigantic buffer doesn't really make me special? :cry:

If you mean 'special' in the short bus kind of way, I think that's exactly what he meant.


04-23-2009, 04:49 PM
Ah so I'll have to display my e-penis through extensive speedtests and being an internet tough guy instead.

You need to have usenet in there somewhere. And Soulseek, etc. The more resources the better.

I agree with pretty much everything UsenetGuy said. Usenet has a huge community, it's just not as easy to see as a forum like this.

Seriously if you haven't tried usenet try it because it owns. That's been said in this thread how many times?

04-23-2009, 05:39 PM
I have Giganews and still use torrents with a SB. Hell I even use limewire on the rare occasion. I think the discussion should be more of what is your first pick of the lot. Mine is Usenet then torrents and then, and only then, will I go to LW.

As in life we pay for conveniences so if you want to get what you want when you want it with no BT bullshit or having to worry if you can seed back. Obviously Usenet is the way. Rapidshare is simply no comparison at all.

TBH why doesn't everyone try it? Theres a snappy banner at the top right of every page for the Giganews free trial. Shit its free people! Get Alt.Binz (http://www.altbinz.net/) and quickpar (http://www.quickpar.org.uk/Download.htm) and skim through a few short tuts here (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/f-guides-and-tutorials-65/?prefixid=newsgroups) if you get stuck. Simple really dont take anyone's advice just go see for yourself. :)

04-23-2009, 06:26 PM
I have Giganews and still use torrents with a SB. Hell I even use limewire on the rare occasion. I think the discussion should be more of what is your first pick of the lot. Mine is Usenet then torrents and then, and only then, will I go to LW.

As in life we pay for conveniences so if you want to get what you want when you want it with no BT bullshit or having to worry if you can seed back. Obviously Usenet is the way. Rapidshare is simply no comparison at all.

TBH why doesn't everyone try it? Theres a snappy banner at the top right of every page for the Giganews free trial. Shit its free people! Get Alt.Binz (http://www.altbinz.net/) and quickpar (http://www.quickpar.org.uk/Download.htm) and skim through a few short tuts here (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/f-guides-and-tutorials-65/?prefixid=newsgroups) if you get stuck. Simple really dont take anyone's advice just go see for yourself. :)
Absolutely have to agree (with the exception of EVER using LimeWire of course). :P But solid advice nonetheless on the rest.

04-23-2009, 08:35 PM
I acknowledge that usenet is great, but the thing is, I really love bit torrent. That's the bottom line, I really like being a part of all the different trackers I'm on. I don't know why, but BT rocks my world.

I'm not sure I would get the same buzz from usenet.

04-23-2009, 09:45 PM
For those saying usenet doesn't have a community, you're actually quite wrong. Usenet contains normal text-only groups and binary groups (alt.binaries) which is where the files are. Usenet has many text groups where people post messages, it's like a forum only far bigger and with a wider range of topics. So saying there is no community is just stupid, before making judgements you might want to get your info straight.

Plus, if you still don't think that is good enough, what need is there for a community anyway? You are on BT trackers to download stuff, that is all, if you want a nice community then you can come to a forum like this.

And honestly, why would you buy a seedbox? It doesn't magically make your home internet connection any faster. Yes, you may be able to download from torrents at 10MB/s using a server but you still have to download the files from the server using your home connection! Save yourself the hassle and just pay for usenet access (which is probably cheaper than a seedbox in most cases).

Most of the people here just buy a fast server, stick it onto a torrent tracker and set it to grab every new torrent uploaded. Why? to brag that you have it first? increase your ratio? No, it is because you're retarded. Just download what you are going to use when you want it, you don't have to have everything first. That is the type of thinking you see from kids.
Again, I don't pay for bittorrent, and I can also upload stuff as well, share a few files with mates.

04-23-2009, 09:53 PM
I tried newsdemon for a few months just over a year ago, and wasn't impressed...

For a start it cost me about £12 a month, whereas my ovh box costs £6 (shared with 3 mates).

My ISP seemed to throttle usenet traffic almost all the time, and I could only connect for about 6 hours a day, the rest of the time it was totally blocked. FTP runs at full speed 24 hours a day and I can easily download 20GB a day (even more if I'm really going for it!).

Despite retention, parts seemed to be missing from almost everything I downloaded, so couldn't even extract them. Never a problem with bittorrent, as it always reaches 100% eventually.

Finally, bittorrent is more fun. :)

04-23-2009, 10:11 PM
ever since ive changed to another isp who offers 2 usenet servers with a +200day retention for free ive been using it more and more!

also when i started downloading all my tv shows in 720p i just set up an rss feed in SABnzbd instead of seeding it all back at 40kb/s on torrenttrackers...

now 95% off what i download is from usenet.

04-23-2009, 10:21 PM
Despite retention, parts seemed to be missing from almost everything I downloaded, so couldn't even extract them.

You need to use .par2 files to repair some things you download. Repairs usually only need to be made for older stuff, but it's good to verify everything.

Try one of the trials that Giganews or Astraweb offer and use a good indexing site. I doubt you'd be disappointed again.

04-23-2009, 11:25 PM
I used to torrent (Will complete Five years this week)
I will never change as long as it's working

04-23-2009, 11:34 PM
I don't know why I came here to convert you folks. Ignorance seeps through the threads in this subsection of the forum and I'm done trying to deal with it.

I hope that a handful of you make the switch to Usenet after reading this, or at least give it a fair shot.

Good luck, bittorrent community.

04-23-2009, 11:47 PM
MikeHD is a troll... nuff said.

In all areas I'm concerned about... torrents are 100% better.
HD: The best encodes are from HDBits. (Plus most uploaders get their shit from there)
Games: BCG is light years ahead of what the usenet community can offer in terms of older (ps2 / DC etc) games and help.

MikeHD go back to your soulless usenet and burn another $15 for this months service. Bye.

04-24-2009, 12:00 AM
I don't know why I came here to convert you folks. Ignorance seeps through the threads in this subsection of the forum and I'm done trying to deal with it.

I hope that a handful of you make the switch to Usenet after reading this, or at least give it a fair shot.

Good luck, bittorrent community.
Good luck, usenet community :ermm:

(lol, 'convert' :D)

04-24-2009, 12:09 AM
MikeHD is a troll... nuff said.

In all areas I'm concerned about... torrents are 100% better.
HD: The best encodes are from HDBits. (Plus most uploaders get their shit from there)
Games: BCG is light years ahead of what the usenet community can offer in terms of older (ps2 / DC etc) games and help.

MikeHD go back to your soulless usenet and burn another $15 for this months service. Bye.

Thats not really a fair statement. Most HD encodes found on HDBits are on usenet. As far as games, I dont know much, but a quick usenet browse in the xbox360 groups, I see assloads (yes, a technical term) of games.

Im not saying one is better than the other, but I am also saying that NOTHING is 100% better than anything else.

04-24-2009, 12:37 AM
Normally I check torrents first then if the torrent is in bad shape or such I'll check newsgroups.

04-24-2009, 12:44 AM
I don't know why I came here to convert you folks. Ignorance seeps through the threads in this subsection of the forum and I'm done trying to deal with it.

I hope that a handful of you make the switch to Usenet after reading this, or at least give it a fair shot.

Good luck, bittorrent community.
your posts are quite interesting comparing the crap we can see everyday in this section.
unfortunately, you came here in order to convince people instead of simply discussing with them.

04-24-2009, 01:03 AM
I don't know why I came here to convert you folks. Ignorance seeps through the threads in this subsection of the forum and I'm done trying to deal with it.

I hope that a handful of you make the switch to Usenet after reading this, or at least give it a fair shot.

Good luck, bittorrent community.
your posts are quite interesting comparing the crap we can see everyday in this section.
unfortunately, you came here in order to convince people instead of simply discussing with them.

And that is precisely why he failed.

I have to say MikeHD, that from reading your posts, you are not 'In The Scene' nor have access to the true beauty of what is 'Bittorrent'. Yes, I am an elite Usenet user and the only advantage Usenet has over P2P, is the blazing fast speeds and retention of files...but it lacks on content where DEDICATED PEOPLE OF THE BITTORRENT COMMUNITY contribute.

04-24-2009, 06:58 AM
MikeHD is a troll... nuff said.

In all areas I'm concerned about... torrents are 100% better.
HD: The best encodes are from HDBits. (Plus most uploaders get their shit from there)
Games: BCG is light years ahead of what the usenet community can offer in terms of older (ps2 / DC etc) games and help.

MikeHD go back to your soulless usenet and burn another $15 for this months service. Bye.

I felt like I was being bukkaked with stupid while reading that. Are you serious? :ermm:

It's posts like yours that keep users thoroughly confused and completely misinformed. You're talking right from your arse with that post.

Most uploaders do not get their content from HDBits. FFS, what are you on?

Torrents are "100% better"? Get real. Better at what exactly?

"BCG is light years ahead"? I've only one thing to say to that: Post #39 (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/p-why-not-switch-usenet-post3194512/postcount39) :lol:

Sheesh, get a clue bro.

EDIT: OK, just out of curiosity I went and looked at the amount of files posted in a couple of popular groups. I found that in just a.b.warez and a.b.cd.images.games there have been 9,347 postings just since April 1st, 2009 (23 days). Now consider that maybe 40% of those are par files and you're left with approximately 3,740 unique games posted in just 23 days. Going even further, consider that this was only 2 groups of the (at least) 30 groups dedicated to nothing but games and that Giganews offers 365+ days of retention. You still think that a single tracker can come anywhere even remotely close to that? :noes:

your posts are quite interesting comparing the crap we can see everyday in this section.
unfortunately, you came here in order to convince people instead of simply discussing with them.

And that is precisely why he failed.

I have to say MikeHD, that from reading your posts, you are not 'In The Scene' nor have access to the true beauty of what is 'Bittorrent'. Yes, I am an elite Usenet user and the only advantage Usenet has over P2P, is the blazing fast speeds and retention of files...but it lacks on content where DEDICATED PEOPLE OF THE BITTORRENT COMMUNITY contribute.

That made me :glag:

You people are just too much...

OP is probably right but i doubt usenet could replace a tracker like Karagarga.
ok, i know usenet is full of classics and 'old films' but i don't think you can find as much rarities (experimental, independant productions, rare vhsrips) as on KG.

anyway, it's certainly the best alternative.

I just found this (http://www.nzbindex.nl/search/?q=&age=&max=25&sort=agedesc&g[]=133&minsize=&maxsize=&poster=&nfo=&hidespam=0&hidespam=1&more=1). Never even knew it existed before.

1984 postings. :smilie4:

04-24-2009, 07:37 AM
Amazing find, Skizo. I didn't know about that group, either. :w00t: My harddrive will be completely full by noon!


04-24-2009, 08:11 AM
...but it lacks on content where DEDICATED PEOPLE OF THE BITTORRENT COMMUNITY contribute.
lacks of content? 5-6TB/day is lack of content?5.5TB X 365 days=2007.5TB
all 0-day trackers are a joke compared to this

04-24-2009, 08:54 AM
I probably should not say this as i am a tracker owner lol

but i have been using usenet for the best part of 5 years, the only tracker i am actually on is mine, and if i had found usenet 6 months sooner, i would not have even started BCG.

so i think that says it all, from my POV.

Stoi It's funny you say that cuz BCG is one of a few sites that actually do have alot of content not found on newsgroups.
I use both but I prefer BT. Whatcd Ptp and BCG are examples of bt sites I have to go to, to find files for newsgroup friends.

Another thing is when I am browsing a tracker I often end up finding other stuff I didn't even think of until I saw it.

With SCC Speeds are as fast as Newsgroups for newer stuff so I tend to use it a lot.

If you want to get free usenet you can alway get yourself a prepaid visa and sign up for a trial account. After the free trial is used up cancel and grab another trial from a diff provider, repeat that till you run out of good services to try.
After that grab another visa and start again.

Works for me and I have been using my current prepaid for 3 months without having to actually spend a dime.

The cards to use are the un-reloadable green dot. They allow you to register them to any address without having to provide real info about yourself.

04-24-2009, 10:24 AM
I feel cool having all of these hard to get trackers. If I used usenet, I wouldn't feel cool no more.

04-24-2009, 11:07 AM
EDIT: OK, just out of curiosity I went and looked at the amount of files posted in a couple of popular groups. I found that in just a.b.warez and a.b.cd.images.games there have been 9,347 postings just since April 1st, 2009 (23 days). Now consider that maybe 40% of those are par files and you're left with approximately 3,740 unique games posted in just 23 days. Going even further, consider that this was only 2 groups of the (at least) 30 groups dedicated to nothing but games and that Giganews offers 365+ days of retention. You still think that a single tracker can come anywhere even remotely close to that?

ok, now this is where you are confusing the members.

if there are 9347 postings, and 40% are par files, then you are looking at the files surely, not the games, so of those 3,740 files (multi rars) there will be a lot less games uploaded in there, some games will be 50-200 files.

I am not saying Newsgroups are bad, hell just see my post earlier, i am just trying to point out that files in a group are not the same as unique content.

I would definately say we have more game content than usenet, difference is the speed, with usenet you max your connection, on BCG you dont on every game.

I have no idea how many "files" are on BCG, but this is what we have in games.

PS2 2113 games
PC 2851 games
PSP 937 but 4 torrents have the first 400 psp games in.
Wii 1699
NDS all the games you can get.

and some have been on the tracker since we opened, 22/12/06 so our retention is extroardinary as well.

Scrap that last bit i editd out, having a new baby knackers you out lol

04-24-2009, 12:39 PM
I prefer torrents becouse I hate leechers.

I want to exchange files only with other active ppl... that actively uploads something... I do not want to be part of a system where you have just to pay something and download whatever you want without contributing.

04-24-2009, 02:02 PM
I just found this (http://www.nzbindex.nl/search/?q=&age=&max=25&sort=agedesc&g%5B%5D=133&minsize=&maxsize=&poster=&nfo=&hidespam=0&hidespam=1&more=1). Never even knew it existed before.

1984 postings. :smilie4:

You own the internet for the day sir.

04-24-2009, 02:11 PM
OP is probably right but i doubt usenet could replace a tracker like Karagarga.
ok, i know usenet is full of classics and 'old films' but i don't think you can find as much rarities (experimental, independant productions, rare vhsrips) as on KG.

anyway, it's certainly the best alternative.

I just found this (http://www.nzbindex.nl/search/?q=&age=&max=25&sort=agedesc&g%5B%5D=133&minsize=&maxsize=&poster=&nfo=&hidespam=0&hidespam=1&more=1). Never even knew it existed before.

1984 postings. :smilie4:
nice but not comparable with the ~60.000 torrents uploaded until now at KG.

04-24-2009, 02:25 PM
kg has 36 000 active torrents mainly 1-2 seeders i try to download a movie and my speed is 1KB

04-24-2009, 02:38 PM
I just found this (http://www.nzbindex.nl/search/?q=&age=&max=25&sort=agedesc&g%5B%5D=133&minsize=&maxsize=&poster=&nfo=&hidespam=0&hidespam=1&more=1). Never even knew it existed before.

1984 postings. :smilie4:
nice but not comparable with the ~60.000 torrents uploaded until now at KG.

Indeed, and it is not linked to KG website in any way. It's mentioned in their forum.

Some specialized trackers can't be replace by Usenet, KG is one of them.

I just don't see the need to use any 0-day tracker when you are using Usenet. I also get a lot of older releases with it much faster and with less effort.

04-24-2009, 02:45 PM
kg has 36 000 active torrents mainly 1-2 seeders i try to download a movie and my speed is 1KB
who cares about speeds ? KG is not a 0day tracker and its goal is to create a comprehensive library of non-mainstream material.
check again and you'll see that most of the torrents have a bunch of seeders.
oh and for inactive torrents, reseeding works very well, trust me. every single torrents without seeder i've wanted grab in the past 100 weeks have been all reseeded within 3 days.

04-24-2009, 03:30 PM
I prefer torrents becouse I hate leechers.

I want to exchange files only with other active ppl... that actively uploads something... I do not want to be part of a system where you have just to pay something and download whatever you want without contributing.And why do you care so much about this? You are in the p2p community for downloading files above everything else. That should be your importance. You have many other ways to contribute.

04-24-2009, 03:54 PM
To keep in line with the number of active torrents being posted.
On just One Usenet indexing site - 130,451 NZBs.. that are new in the last 110 days... (so.. for those that have over 200 days of retention.. double that number)

Files for nzb #1 and file for nzb # 130451 will all have the exact same speed - which is typically maximum your ISP can offer.

the only knock i have against usenet - is that there is no file quality controls - you don't see crappy or fake stuff on good private trackers

04-24-2009, 05:09 PM
Again, I don't pay for bittorrent, and I can also upload stuff as well, share a few files with mates.

Fair enough you dont pay, but you can upload to usenet also you know.

ever since ive changed to another isp who offers 2 usenet servers with a +200day retention for free ive been using it more and more!

also when i started downloading all my tv shows in 720p i just set up an rss feed in SABnzbd instead of seeding it all back at 40kb/s on torrenttrackers...

now 95% off what i download is from usenet.

What ISP is this?? In the USA they removed many of the free servers that cable service provided to "combat child porn" yeah SUUUUUUUURE :dabs:

I don't know why I came here to convert you folks. Ignorance seeps through the threads in this subsection of the forum and I'm done trying to deal with it.

I hope that a handful of you make the switch to Usenet after reading this, or at least give it a fair shot.

Good luck, bittorrent community.

Welcome to the BT section man. Don't go getting all pissy dude thats just how they are.

@Skizo-GREAT find there man, THANKS!

04-24-2009, 05:14 PM
and what do you think? that after everyone joins usenet they wont pull the plug on newsgroups?? They were already about to pull the plug a few times in the past. Personally I think the less people on it the better. Love the old days when the wares came from the WHQ of the release groups site and few elite users had access. All this open piracy has ruined it all and the industry.

04-24-2009, 06:48 PM
For me bt is much easier to use, its also free.

04-24-2009, 06:54 PM
why should i use usenet, i got an rss list on my tv tracker and i turn utorrent on it checks the rss and downloads automaticly and almost everytime with full speed so why the fuck should i use usenet?
it wont get anymore comfortable or faster... i am using utorrent for a year before that i used ed2k, ftp, rapidhsare etc.. but this is the most comfortable way of downloading for me..

04-24-2009, 07:27 PM
it wont get anymore comfortable or faster...
Actually it might just be faster for you unless your connection is already maxed out when you download torrents.

04-24-2009, 09:05 PM
it wont get anymore comfortable or faster...
Actually it might just be faster for you unless your connection is already maxed out when you download torrents.

You think he's sitting on home 100mbit line? :)

04-24-2009, 09:26 PM
Maxing out a 50Mbps (and more) line (home, seedbox, whatever) is no problem whatsoever on some of the faster trackers. Speed really can't be an argument IMHO.

04-24-2009, 09:35 PM
nice but not comparable with the ~60.000 torrents uploaded until now at KG.

Indeed, and it is not linked to KG website in any way. It's mentioned in their forum.

Some specialized trackers can't be replace by Usenet, KG is one of them.

I just don't see the need to use any 0-day tracker when you are using Usenet. I also get a lot of older releases with it much faster and with less effort.

It was in no way an attempt to suggest that that group can/will/could replace the entire tracker. I was just surprised to find it, and with so many movies. :)

On the other hand, I never saw the attraction of KG. I've had accounts there twice and don't think I ever downloaded a single flick. :unsure:

and what do you think? that after everyone joins usenet they wont pull the plug on newsgroups?? They were already about to pull the plug a few times in the past. Personally I think the less people on it the better. Love the old days when the wares came from the WHQ of the release groups site and few elite users had access. All this open piracy has ruined it all and the industry.

You can't "pull the plug" on newsgroups. Not in the literal sense or the proverbial.

So long as two servers or computers are sharing files, Usenet will always exist.

EDIT: OK, just out of curiosity I went and looked at the amount of files posted in a couple of popular groups. I found that in just a.b.warez and a.b.cd.images.games there have been 9,347 postings just since April 1st, 2009 (23 days). Now consider that maybe 40% of those are par files and you're left with approximately 3,740 unique games posted in just 23 days. Going even further, consider that this was only 2 groups of the (at least) 30 groups dedicated to nothing but games and that Giganews offers 365+ days of retention. You still think that a single tracker can come anywhere even remotely close to that?

ok, now this is where you are confusing the members.

if there are 9347 postings, and 40% are par files, then you are looking at the files surely, not the games, so of those 3,740 files (multi rars) there will be a lot less games uploaded in there, some games will be 50-200 files.

I am not saying Newsgroups are bad, hell just see my post earlier, i am just trying to point out that files in a group are not the same as unique content.

I would definately say we have more game content than usenet, difference is the speed, with usenet you max your connection, on BCG you dont on every game.

I have no idea how many "files" are on BCG, but this is what we have in games.

PS2 2113 games
PC 2851 games
PSP 937 but 4 torrents have the first 400 psp games in.
Wii 1699
NDS all the games you can get.

and some have been on the tracker since we opened, 22/12/06 so our retention is extroardinary as well.

That's what the 40% is for. Many don't have pars or they are incoporated into the NZB, like so - http://binsearch.info/browse.php?bg=alt.binaries.games&server=0

04-24-2009, 09:41 PM
probably cause you're not sensitive to cinema as an art.
most people watch film for entertainment, nothing more.

04-24-2009, 09:55 PM
and most of what you showed me in that link was garbage.


yes newsbin is good, but so is bittorrent, i am not totally dismissing torrents.

I very rarely download TV, but i just fancied West Wing and OZ the complete seasons, looked on usenet, no where to be seen, had to get them from TPB, yes they took 4 weeks to download, but at least i got them. that was when i wished i had a tv tracker lol

I know usenet, i have been using it for 5 years, you dont need to link me to anything, i know how to search, and i have astraweb, so i know how many games there are, and there is not as many as BCG.

04-24-2009, 10:00 PM
I subscribe to a small percentage of fairly well populated newsgroups - picking the large ones tends to make header downloads take hours - and I like to browse them for interesting stuff. I imagine many people browse torrent sites in the same way.

You can see from the attached screenie that there have been thousands of items posted since I last updated headers yesterday. These are not individual posts since NBP condenses the list so complete rar sets are counted as one article.
Sporge and discussion/request posts are filtered out, as are articles older than one day.

Newsgroups is always my first port of call when I'm after something in particular and if I can't find it there, I'll check torrent sites. If I still draw a blank I'll post a request to the relevant group and sit back and wait - only a couple of times have I failed to get what I wanted in the last 10 years.

BT and newsgroups are two different beasts entirely.
I prefer newsgroups because I'm not under pressure to seed back, downloads are at max connection speed and it's hella cheaper than the seedbox I'd need to keep up my ratio.

Yes, there are torrent sites with specialised content that's difficult to find elsewhere (especially user-upped stuff) but I'm not usually after that kind of thing so it doesn't bother me... and requests are usually filled within days on newsgroups, anyway.

The driving force behind most torrent sites (and tracker-chasers) is usually rarity or pre-times.
I'm not interested in either; I grew out of that sort of competitiveness before puberty.

04-24-2009, 10:41 PM
and it's hella cheaper than the seedbox I'd need to keep up my ratio.
no, it is not.
sharing a kimsufi for one month with another guy (15€ per person) would allow you to buffer your accounts enough not to bother with ratios until the end of your days.

04-24-2009, 11:38 PM
But in my eyes, that is just totally wrong.

What gives you the right, to seed uploader A`s torrents for a huge buffer, but then proceed to hit and run on all of user B`s torrents. and even more so, if user A has got a seedbox, so does not really need help, but User B is on 100KBs upload and needs all the help he can get.

If that is the only reason you get a seedbox, then its just fucked up i am afraid.

but back on topic.

04-25-2009, 12:42 AM
well, i think building ratios with a box during one month (in order to help a slow connection) is not so unfair as long as you keep your torrents seeding and possibly cap your upload speed after 2 or 3 days to let other slow connections seed as well.
of course, that doesn't mean you can hit & run once you're back with your home connection, that's just a "push" in case you couldn't afford to maintain your ratios in spite of your good will.
in my case, i'm seeding torrents for more than a year and having used a box doesn't stop me in any way from uploading stuff/seeding for a long time.

ok, back to the thread.

04-25-2009, 01:17 AM
Both formats obviously have their positives and negatives, just like everything else in life there is always another side to the coin. One thing that everyone keeps talking about is ratio and server usage on the BT sites, vs paying for usenet. In today's BT world there are quite a few no ratio sites, enough in fact that nobody ever be left without a no ratio ratio tracker or three. I use a server not for speed but for privacy issues in light of todays hostile environment towards honest pirates. Comcast is especially brutal towards the hard working pirates and they dropped their free Usenet so I don't know their attitude towards it now.

I have tried one of those free Usenet accounts last year and I found the whole experience rather frustrating compared to BT. Granted, that when I tried it and found that it was not point and click and simple to use right away I pretty much said the hell with this, BT is easier. I know that once I get a grip on what I need to do I would not mind it at all. I also would not go on about the speed difference between the two options. On the better BT sites you can max out your connection easily, I share a gigaserver that just gets amazing speeds with BT which also shows that a home user can get more than enough speed.

The users of the two formats are looking for different things. Each group of faithful users/defenders have different criteria on what they want. I don't really don't give a rats ass about retention times that Usenet people are so proud of, or how long a torrent lives for about 98% of the stuff I download. I'm a 0-day type a guy, so I don't care about older stuff for the most part except for music.

I might give Usenet another try and hopefully I can find a decent guide that can walk me through what I need to know. After all I can PM all you Usenet gurus here on FST and beg for salvation. Once I am done here I will go through the links posted and find one to try. I think in the end that both forms have their followers and we should be thankful that we live in an age that allows these forms of information sharing, which in the end is what both forms are all about. We can go back and forth until the cows come home and it won't matter, people have their favorite ways of doing things and thats what they will do.

04-25-2009, 04:12 AM
Yikes 11 pages to read.

Well I preffer Usenet beacuse I will get the best speed on anything. That's right. No need to worry about seeds and hit and runners, no need to worry about trying to seed on a tracker that has mainly guys with insane connections and where it gets stupid seeding back what you downloaded.

And because Usenet will eventually have 1 year of retention on everything and later 2-3 years etc...

Good luck finding old stuff on trackers unless you go to Demonoid or TPB and even if you do, you'll get crappy speeds.

I do like some torrents sites that especialize on specific content. Like Underground-Gamer or Pleasuredome or What.cd and HDTV trackers although I much rather get High Def movies off usenet. I really do think there are too many general content trackers that have the same thing and are good basically for 0-day stuff only.

The bottom line is this. if I can't find something on Usenet because it is really old. It most likely will be on warez boards but rarely it will be on torrent sites. That's why BT is my last choice. But in the end you kind of need them all to make sure you get what you want.

04-25-2009, 04:31 AM
Good luck finding old stuff on trackers unless you go to Demonoid or TPB and even if you do, you'll get crappy speeds.
you're wrong.
one more time, Karagarga has ~60.000 torrents of non-mainstream/old material.

04-25-2009, 04:49 AM
^^ add cinemageddon to that too
22,283 torrents of old/some extremely rare movies

04-25-2009, 04:56 AM
Good luck finding old stuff on trackers unless you go to Demonoid or TPB and even if you do, you'll get crappy speeds.
you're wrong.
one more time, Karagarga has ~60.000 torrents of non-mainstream/old material.

Isn't Karagarga just a weird movies tracker? What if I'm looking for applications or some non weird movie. Will it have it?

Like I said. Trackers that specialize on something in specific have good hard to find content but there is no tracker that will have the content that Usenet has.

04-25-2009, 05:53 AM
A single tracker wont , but a multitude of trackers will
Movies - Karagarga/Cinemageddon
Music - What/Waffles/Pedro
TV - thebox.bz - Anything on british TV
Elearning - thevault/bitme/bitspyder

I found Usenet better only for HD Movies and games

04-25-2009, 06:59 AM
and most of what you showed me in that link was garbage.


yes newsbin is good, but so is bittorrent, i am not totally dismissing torrents.

I very rarely download TV, but i just fancied West Wing and OZ the complete seasons, looked on usenet, no where to be seen, had to get them from TPB, yes they took 4 weeks to download, but at least i got them. that was when i wished i had a tv tracker lol

I know usenet, i have been using it for 5 years, you dont need to link me to anything, i know how to search, and i have astraweb, so i know how many games there are, and there is not as many as BCG.

OZ was an awesome series one of my favorites i got mine from TL

oh back to topic just really getting back in to news servers
all i know is i miss newzleech posts --->disabled (temp):huh:

04-25-2009, 08:36 AM
I haven't read the discussion, sorry.

I'm just gonna answer the OP's question (the thread title).

Because filesharing should be free imo. I could live without seedboxes. I rarely download HD stuff and I don't mind downloading an SD movie/episode for a few hours. It's not like I have time to watch a movie every day.

04-25-2009, 10:11 AM
you're wrong.
one more time, Karagarga has ~60.000 torrents of non-mainstream/old material.

Isn't Karagarga just a weird movies tracker? What if I'm looking for applications or some non weird movie. Will it have it?

Like I said. Trackers that specialize on something in specific have good hard to find content but there is no tracker that will have the content that Usenet has.

Non-weird old movie like what? Commando, Predator, etc.? :P You will probably find those on TL.

04-25-2009, 11:30 AM
I have a server but I enjoy the ease and flexibility and convience that bt provides over usenet.

04-25-2009, 12:38 PM
OK Usenet is not this great bastian of all things ever created, like some ppl are mentioning on here.

Truth is, when i first started BCG, i used to get all my uploads for BCG there, and be the 1st to upload onto suprnova.

Now i am far to slow for new releases, its on BCG usually, 2-3 hours before its on Usenet, or at least before its complete on usenet anyway.

If i think, i just fancy uploading something, I have seen me go through a whole room on Usenet, check every game in that room with what is on BCG, and BCG has it.

But on the other hand, i have seen me think, hmm i might dl that off BCG, but hold on will check Usenet, low and behold its not on usenet.

I also would not touch a non scene release on usenet, On BCG i would. On Usenet i have seen me download something, and it was in German, not one mention of bloody german anywhere in the post though, on BCG they say what the languages are.

To me both have their avantages and disadvantages.



No ratio/No Upload


Not free
You dont know what you are downloading sometimes (and its getting worse)
Things sometimes cant complete, even with the pars, so you have downloaded 7 gig of crap.
In 5 years i have been to a text room once, to much like hard work, give me a forum or IRC anyday, community is there, but pointless if you ask me.



Free (you dont have to pay a penny, if you dont want to)
Community even if its just the description and the torrent comments.
Retention If someone seeds it, it can last for eternity
Speed, if there are seedboxes, even on older torrents.
Ratio = Epenis to make ppl seed like mad or for a long time
Centralised tracker, but there are lots of them, 1 goes down, 2 come up.


Speed = Things can go slow, but to me, if you want it you will wait to get it, if you cant, then you did not want it that much anyway.
Ratio = can be a killer for new members with little upload bw
Centralised tracker, run by a few people, if it goes down and thats your only tracker, you are bummed, if not you dont care.

If you have 10 trackers, some specialised, some 0 day, you will have more content than Usenet.

If you have 2 trackers, you wont.

BCG has more games than Usenet, but if you want movies and just have BCG then obviously Usenet is better. But usenet is not the be all and end all of filesharing, actually its not even filesharing, which is another drawback, I love sharing, but on usenet, its not, even if you do upload (which i have done in the past) it does not feel like sharing, as you upload and forget, and cant see how many people downloaded it.

04-25-2009, 02:15 PM
you're wrong.
one more time, Karagarga has ~60.000 torrents of non-mainstream/old material.

Isn't Karagarga just a weird movies tracker? What if I'm looking for applications or some non weird movie. Will it have it?

Like I said. Trackers that specialize on something in specific have good hard to find content but there is no tracker that will have the content that Usenet has.
of course one tracker can't have all usenet content.... :frusty:
like stoi said, if you have 10 trackers, some specialised, some 0 day, you will have more content than Usenet.
for old stuff, i don't think Usenet has more than karagarga, cinemaggedon, cinematik and Demonoid.

ps: no, KG is not a 'weird movie tracker' lol.

04-25-2009, 02:33 PM
Isn't Karagarga just a weird movies tracker? What if I'm looking for applications or some non weird movie. Will it have it?

Like I said. Trackers that specialize on something in specific have good hard to find content but there is no tracker that will have the content that Usenet has.
of course one tracker can't have all usenet content.... :frusty:
like stoi said, if you have 10 trackers, some specialised, some 0 day, you will have more content than Usenet.
for old stuff, i don't think Usenet has more than karagarga, cinemaggedon, cinematik and Demonoid.

ps: no, KG is not a 'weird movie tracker' lol.

When I checked Karagarga's content like 8 months ago there was not a movie I recognized. It made me wonder who really needs this tracker.

Anywways of course there is not 1 tracker that can't compete with Usenet and yes you need many trackers to be able to match Usenet's content. And yes Usenet does not have the fastest pre times what I really like is the fact that I can download stuff that is over 250 days old and I know it will be there where if you are looking for stuff that is 250 days old on trackers you have to look hard. Also if you do find it most likely it will not have many seeders at all or even no seeders period. Speed is always the same for all files on Usenet.

Torrents may be free but to find stuff sometimes you have to check on 10-20 different trackers. On the other hand. Usually if it ain't on Usenet it most likely will be on warez forums and there are very nice search engines to search warez forums too.

So get what you pay for. If you decide not to pay well deal with torrents and seeding back and slow downloads etc.. because you can say whatever you want but torrents depend on seeders and the connection of the uploader(s) and not all uploaded torrents are still alive. A lot of them die within a month.

Of course one big advantage of BT is the specialty trackers. Then again they are good for what they carry only and even then you can't say you will find all your music on one spot or even all your games on one spot.

As far as completion rate on usenet I find it to be well as advertised. I very rarely need to repair anything and if something is not complete it will be missing a couple of megs at the most so you just need a par file taht is like 5 megs. Now Stoi said that sometimes you don't know what you are getting. What I do is just search for the scene file name and the download shows up for what I want. Of course for old movies that were released years ago they may not be tagged properly and you wonder if it's NTSC or PAL, if it has sub titles etc... but pretty much anything that has been released by the secene can be foun by the exact file name it was released under.

04-25-2009, 02:44 PM
Exactly what i said virtually, for scene stuff its great, for user rips, not so good, unless its music, the worst part of music on usenet is though, you will get them uploading the songs, but no pars, and you wont know if its currupt till you listen to the thing.

I have had quite a few songs skip and just stop half way through from usenet.

Pars are great though, but if they dont include them, its pot luck.

04-25-2009, 02:57 PM
When I checked Karagarga's content like 8 months ago there was not a movie I recognized. It made me wonder who really needs this tracker.
damn, you have absolutely no culture of cinema... it's serious.

Anywways of course there is not 1 tracker that can't compete with Usenet and yes you need many trackers to be able to match Usenet's content.
10 trackers is not a lot and it's generally easier and faster to make a sucessfull search on trackers than usenet.

that is 250 days old on trackers you have to look hard. Also if you do find it most likely it will not have many seeders at all or even no seeders period. Speed is always the same for all files on Usenet.
i agree with the speed issuee but trust me, 250 days old films are not hard to find as long as you have the good trackers.

anyway, i don't know why i'm still replying, all have been said by stoi and Snarkyone, i invite you to read their post carefully.

04-25-2009, 03:41 PM
I said what I had to say and even Stoi agress with me. Like I said before. You need them all to cover everything but people can leave witout torrents if they have Usenet and Warez forums like I do. It's not easier to find stuff on torrents when you have to check on 10 different trackers. Have you even used usenet cinephilia? I just found a file for someone on another therad in like 15 seconds. And it gets even easier because Alt.Binz has that Usenet index site built in.

You get what you pay for and Usnet is better and that's why you have to pay for it, then again $11 a month is nothing since a lot of BT users pay like what $20 for a seedbox to be able to maintain ratios on sites like ScT?

Look at it this way. Would you rather go shopping to 10 different stores to find what you need or would you rather just make one stop and buy what you need?

Of course I'm not saying usenet has all the content of all torrent sites but it has more content than any single tracker which makes it easy to find stuff quick and well you get max speeds always. Plus let's not forget that you are paying for it so no need to worry about wether you can afford to get something without destroying your ratio. Or wether it will take 2 hours or a whole day to get that movie you want.

Yes I think everything has been covered. If you want to be cheap and have time to waste BT might be the way to go. Either way even people that use mainly BT also use Usenet to find things they can't find on torrents, or they simply have to check warez boards and look for MU or RS links. I use them all but BT is what I use very rarely because I seem to find everything I want somewhere else :)

It's all about knowing how to find stuff :D

04-25-2009, 04:16 PM
well, i'm not trying to convince you and i completely agree that usenet and warez forums can be suitable for 90% of regular torrentusers.
that said, you have to pay $11 monthly (while you can afford a seedbox for 1 month and be settled for life with ratios) and the method of getting files needs a bit more experience than for bittorrent trackers.
anyway, i'm not a 0day guy (and even if i was, a 0day tracker like ScT would fit my needs in terms of content/speeds) and i mainly use dedicated trackers that have some stuff you wouldn't find on usenet.

but yes, usenet is a good alternative and if one day torrenting would 'die', i'd switch to usenet for sure.

04-25-2009, 09:53 PM
Just as you say torrent users could live without torrents if they were to switch to usenet, usenet users could just as easily live without usenet if they were to switch to torrents.

As for usenet having more content available, I suppose so if you also count the unknown numbers of just plain garbage that is there as well. I have never had to search through more than a few torrent sites to find ANYTHING I want, ever. If you go the torrent route you don't just use one or two sites, you have a handful of them according to your needs, so your not searching hundreds of trackers or even a dozen. I always get what I want within minutes. In the last year alone I have downloaded and shared over 15 TB of good files not garbage, on just 2 sites, so others have also benefited from my use of torrents. I would not call that a waste of time, and I doubt the people that got the files from me didn't think so either. I doubt that most usenet users have come within spitting distance of that much traffic.

Like I said before, both have their advantages it's all relative and I don't draw the distinction between the two really when one word covers both users: Pirates. The internet is a pretty damn big sea, certainly big enough for us all to dip our beaks and enjoy it no matter how we do it. Saying one is better than the other is like saying that Baptist is better than Catholic.

04-25-2009, 11:47 PM
Just as you say torrent users could live without torrents if they were to switch to usenet, usenet users could just as easily live without usenet if they were to switch to torrents.

As for usenet having more content available, I suppose so if you also count the unknown numbers of just plain garbage that is there as well. I have never had to search through more than a few torrent sites to find ANYTHING I want, ever. If you go the torrent route you don't just use one or two sites, you have a handful of them according to your needs, so your not searching hundreds of trackers or even a dozen. I always get what I want within minutes. In the last year alone I have downloaded and shared over 15 TB of good files not garbage, on just 2 sites, so others have also benefited from my use of torrents. I would not call that a waste of time, and I doubt the people that got the files from me didn't think so either. I doubt that most usenet users have come within spitting distance of that much traffic.

Like I said before, both have their advantages it's all relative and I don't draw the distinction between the two really when one word covers both users: Pirates. The internet is a pretty damn big sea, certainly big enough for us all to dip our beaks and enjoy it no matter how we do it. Saying one is better than the other is like saying that Baptist is better than Catholic.

Do you even know what you are talking about? Let's just talk regular scene releases which most trackers have. Now imagine having access to 250 days of those releases. And you are talking about usenet traffic? lol Usenet gets the most traffic. Just think about everything that gets uploaded to usenet daily. if you can't find stuff on usenet well then you really don't know what you are doing because like I said. It's very simple.

I have had to go through mmmm 20 torrent sites looking for a movie for example and I have had to get it, either on Usenet or a warez forum. That's why I switched because I found that BT was a waste of my time. Now I really don't use torrent sites. Unless I'm looking for something that I know it would only be in a tracker like Underground-Gamer or Pleasuredome etc...

Not only that. You must leave your client seeding, you have to use your bandwidth till you have met the seeding requierements for that tracker. Where you could have been using your bandwidth for gaming or using your system resources for something else. Seriously, you are not done with your download till you have seeded back what you need to.

Oh yeah by your post I can tell that you really have no idea of the amount of content that usenet has lol. Just think about this. A music tracker has what mmmm like 160,000 torrents. A General tracker may have over 20,000 torrents and remember that tracker's really won't have everything that was uploaded months ago. Basically just the newer stuff and the really popular stuff that still gets hits. On the other hand usenet gets everything released on the scene and it stays there a really long time. That's not counting what a ot of forums release on usenet with non scene names.

04-26-2009, 01:59 AM
When I checked Karagarga's content like 8 months ago there was not a movie I recognized. It made me wonder who really needs this tracker.

Really? Just because a movie doesnt star Russel Crowe or Will Smith and isnt whored out by Hollywood doesn't mean its not a good film.

Holy shit I never cease to be amazed.

04-26-2009, 02:52 AM
Do you bother to read the thread and you ask me if I know what I am talking about? I have already stated many of these things earlier. You missed the fact that with the proliferation of no ratio sites your argument concerning maintaining ratio is just not a very strong one, anyone can become members at a few different no ratio sites. I have already stated this. I don't need access to a zillion different files, I am only interested in 0-day and BT fits my needs. I also stated in an earlier post, I have no need for a file that has been out a year either so retention time is just not of any value to me personally, just as I don't care about how long they stay on trackers either.

As for the amount of traffic, not that it really matters but when I spoke of that I spoke of personal numbers not BT or Usenet as whole. If you have to search 20 trackers and you can't find what your looking for that is current then you must have the sorriest trackers known to man. I don't really frequent warez sites for stuff so I can't really say much about those. As for usenet content no I don't know exactly whats on there but I have a real good idea that it's the same thing thats available on torrents. If it has any value to people and if it is on usenet then it will be on one of my trackers of that I have no doubt. Bottom line to the total traffic question between usenet and torrents as a whole is who gives a rats ass?

At least do people the courtesy of reading the thread and all their thoughts and post before you decide to comment. You could have saved yourself a few minutes had you known that the items you addressed have already been talked about. I have also already stated that both forms have their good sides, and that it is just a matter of personal choice and really no need to go back and forth over which is better? Some people dig the usenet and thats fine with me, I don't care how you get your loot as long as your getting it and your not snitching on me. I don't want to beat a dead horse, so I am not going to go through point by point here, it's a matter of personal preference, they both serve a function to those that use them. No one way is the ultimate solution, they both have trade offs, it's just a matter of choice. There is no evil side to the argument and there is no war.

04-26-2009, 03:21 AM
It's simply a matter of how do you want to get your files. Usenet is convenient and fast. Less trouble. That's whay you pay for it. BT is for those that don't mind looking at different sources or waiting longer to get the files and I don't mean pre times here. I mean wether what you want will be available and whether you will get good download speeds. If you haven't noticed there are a few people that switch to usenet because it's simply easier and faster when it comes to grabbing stuff. Oh yeah you may not care about tracking down old releases but many people do. That's one of Usenet's strengths. Astraweb is at 250 days of retention and Giganews it's at 260.

I do agree with you and I said it since my first post. Both sources are good and the truth is that if you want to be sure that you can get everything you can, then you need both sources and also warez forums because when usenet and BT fail, usually you can find what you want on some warez forum or site.

Oh about me searching through 20 BT sites. That's not joke and that included ScT, TL, RevTT, SCC, Demonoid etc... You can have all the trackers you want but not even all of them put together will have everything you may want. The same goes for usenet. It has a lot of content but obviously not everything. Oh yeah I guess you also should read all my posts on this subject :). Obviously I preffer usenet and I have my good reasons, I also have my good reasons about why I don't like to use BT much and I have explained them.

04-26-2009, 03:38 AM
For the record I have read the whole thread, a couple of times in fact looking for some usenet info as I said I am going to give it another look. I think the file you must have had such trouble finding was no doubt a older file and not a fresh one which is as we both know usenet will absolutely have the advantage in terms of life and speed since it is so old on a torrent site it is unlikely to have more than a couple of seeders by then.

It seems we have reached a consensus then, usenet and torrents both have their supporters and both have great content and allow for people to communicate and share, taking a break from the everyday bullshit that is so prevalent in the world. While the suckers continue to bow to the man, there are still people in the world willing to buck the system.

It's also good to see someone respond with intelligence rather than flaming, should not have to say this but it is nice to see and appreciated. See? We can get along despite the fact that you prefer to pay for your pirated material! Just kidding, peace.

04-26-2009, 03:43 AM
it also seems that saulin doesn't know how torrenting works.
saulin, give me the title of "the film you didn't find anywhere", i'm pretty sure i can do something for you :yup:

04-26-2009, 03:54 AM
I think he finally found it on usenet that was his point.

04-26-2009, 04:40 AM
But if he uses Usenet, then warez forums, then Bittorrent, how come it took him so long to find it, and why did he look at torrents first for it, when his whole argument is based on he prefers usenet and he looks there first for everything.

I may be being pedantic, been up all night with the baby, but i think i bring up a pretty good point, surely he would have looked at usenet first, found it, so never even bothered to look at torrents.

I have a feeling he is telling a little white lie here, just to make usenet sound great and torrents sound shite.

each to their own though.

04-26-2009, 05:17 AM
lol. If memory serves me right I think it was "Blood in, Blood Out" DVD9 and that was before I moved to Usenet. I started using BT heavy since 2007 but I really found hard finding some stuff. Especially when it comes to applications. You have to look in different trackers. It's much easier just doing a search on warez boards or usenet. I also had a hard time finding Alive 1993. I think SweDVDR had it but only 1 seed and it was going so slow. I can't remember where I ended up getting it from. That was before I moved to HD. Now I try to get only movies in 720p if they are available, then DVD9.

Since probably 8 months I mainly use usenet. I have had all those hard to find trackers and one thing that bugged me is how hard it is to seed on some trackers like ScT and BitmeTV and Bitme. So you can't just go crazy leeching what you want. That's one of the big cons of BT. And not all trackers that are free leech actually have great content. I do have to say that BCG probably has the best seeding system in the whole BT world.

04-26-2009, 09:12 AM

"Usenet is distributed among a large, constantly changing conglomeration of servers which store and forward messages to one another. These servers are loosely connected in a variable mesh (Think of it as a spider web. There are multiple ways to get to any point in the web, so if any of those ways is blocked for any reason, there is always another way to get there, allowing the information to reach its destination safely. In this manner, one can easily see that it would be hard indeed to prevent the spread of information across Usenet.) Individual users may read messages from and post messages to a local server operated by their ISP, university or employer. The servers then exchange the messages between one another, making the messages available to readers beyond the original server.

Removal of copyrighted content from the entire usenet network is a nearly impossible task, due to the rapid propagation between servers and the retention done by each server. Petitioning a usenet provider for removal only removes it from that one server's retention cache, but not any others. It is possible for a special post cancellation message to be distributed to remove it from all servers, but many providers ignore cancel messages by standard policy, because they can be easily falsified and submitted by anyone. For a takedown petition to be most effective across the whole network, it would have to be issued to the origin server to which the content has been posted, but has not yet been propagated to other servers. Removal of the content at this early stage would prevent further propagation, but with modern high speed links, content can be propagated as fast as it arrives, allowing no time for content review and takedown issuance by copyright holders.

Establishing the identity of the person posting illegal content is equally difficult due to the trust-based design of the network. Like SMTP email, servers generally assume the header and origin information in a post is true and accurate. However, as in SMTP email, Usenet post headers are easily falsified so as to obscure the true identity and location of the message source. In this manner, Usenet is significantly different from modern P2P services; most P2P users distributing content are typically immediately identifiable to all other users by their network address, but the origin information for a usenet posting can be completely obscured and unobtainable once it has propagated past the origin server.

Also unlike modern P2P services, the identity of the downloaders is hidden from view. On P2P services a downloader is identifiable to all others by their network address. On Usenet, the downloader connects directly to a server, and only the server knows the address of who is connecting to it."

04-27-2009, 02:46 AM
I should point out that the Simpons torrent hasn't been released yet, and your watching it via Usenet.

The Simpsons S20E18 PROPER HDTV XviD 0TV - has been posted to Usenet, expect one for the x264 to follow.

04-27-2009, 03:04 AM

You are on just crappy torrent sites.

Any of the high up torrent sites will get files literally seconds after pre.

The Simpsons S20E18 PROPER HDTV XviD 0TV
Uploaded 20s after pre.

Underworld Rise of the Lycans DVDR-MPTDVD
Uploaded 4m20s after pre.

To settle this, usenet will never get scene content faster then high up private torrent sites as usenet uses private torrent sites to get their files.


The filesharing Hierarchy

Scene Group
Private Torrent Sites
Public Torrent sites
rapid share

04-27-2009, 03:12 AM
The Simpsons S20E18 720p HDTV X264 DIMENSION

Added to Usenet - 01:28:31 AM GMT
Added to Torrential Tracker (private) - 03:10:22 AM GMT
Added to NZBMatrix - 05:02:53 AM GMT
Added to EZTV Tracker (public) - Arrival Pending

04-27-2009, 05:57 AM
The Simpsons S20E18 720p HDTV X264-DIMENSION
2009-04-27 01:03:02 GMT


I dont know wtf torrential tracker is

04-27-2009, 06:06 AM
To settle this, usenet will never get scene content faster then high up private torrent sites as usenet uses private torrent sites to get their files.


The filesharing Hierarchy

Scene Group
Private Torrent Sites
Public Torrent sites
rapid share

Surely you don't expect anyone with an ounce of sense to believe that do you?

@Snarkyone - Your problem has been moved here (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/f-newsgroups-79/t-problems-newsdemon-347603).

04-27-2009, 06:50 AM
Well gee Skizo, I don't know why you moved my post? I didn't start the thread, my participation in this was to go ahead and give the usenet a shot which was the point of that thread it was in. I was trying to show the difference between the two forms and some of the issues that I needed to hassle with that this thread started in regards to Usenet vs BT. I think it really should have been left here or just deleted my post since it was not intended to be a thread upon itself.

That said, whats done is done, and I am not going to cry about it. I just wanted to make it clear that it was not my thread and not so much a problem as an experiment to try and bring some facts to the table so that all can be informed with facts and experience not just some yahoo running his mouth. I don't care if it stays where you put it or if it is returned to here, thats up to you, at least now you are informed about the post and it's purpose, I was not looking for help with a problem, I was sharing the process I was going through over Usenet. Peace!

04-27-2009, 08:04 AM
The Simpsons S20E18 720p HDTV X264 DIMENSION

Added to Usenet - 01:28:31 AM GMT
Added to Torrential Tracker (private) - 03:10:22 AM GMT
Added to NZBMatrix - 05:02:53 AM GMT
Added to EZTV Tracker (public) - Arrival Pending

Hey, nice trackers :mellow:

04-27-2009, 09:25 AM
The Simpsons S20E18 720p HDTV X264 DIMENSION

Added to Usenet - 01:28:31 AM GMT
Added to Torrential Tracker (private) - 03:10:22 AM GMT
Added to NZBMatrix - 05:02:53 AM GMT
Added to EZTV Tracker (public) - Arrival Pending

You are trying to point out that Usenet has faster pre than private trackers? I mean, cmon, dont be silly. Not that i do give a shit about pretimes, but you are completly wrong on this one.

04-27-2009, 10:51 AM
The Simpsons S20E18 720p HDTV X264 DIMENSION

Added to Usenet - 01:28:31 AM GMT
Added to Torrential Tracker (private) - 03:10:22 AM GMT

04-27-2009, 11:14 AM
No wonder you like newsgroup so much. Your trackers are terrible!!
SCC pwns pretimes and usually gives me max download speeds.

Heres the stats for that release.
(07:06:17) (@PRE) [PRE SEARCH] [ The.Simpsons.S20E18.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION ] [ TV / Family_Animation ] [ Released 10h 10m 43s ago [4/26/2009] ] [ 585.0MB in 16F ](07:04:31) (@Tracers) [SEARCH] [ The.Simpsons.S20E18.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION ] [ Uploaded first @ SCC 4m 27s after pre, followed by [ThB, ScT, TGB, TL, TD, TV, TB, DH, ScR, HT] ]

04-27-2009, 02:35 PM
Another site not mentioned above that beats ScT roughly 98% of the time on pre-times, and posted is GFT. For that same Simpsons episode GFT dropped at 2009-04-27 01:01:16 with a pre-time of 4 min 34 sec. It took it a while longer to hit usenet for sure. If you have sites like GFT, or Sct, or a couple of others that have great pre times you just won't have a need for usenet. Once again it is all about personal choice really.

04-27-2009, 05:46 PM
More pre- racing shit. Honestly, as if a few hours makes any fucking difference.
Since I don't check usenet until I get home from work, I'm already about 16hrs behind the upload... but on usenet no-one else knows what I'm downloading unless they're already watching me and by then I'd be fucked whichever source I choose.

04-27-2009, 06:13 PM
More pre- racing shit. Honestly, as if a few hours makes any fucking difference.
Since I don't check usenet until I get home from work, I'm already about 16hrs behind the upload... but on usenet no-one else knows what I'm downloading unless they're already watching me and by then I'd be fucked whichever source I choose.
Well the reason the pre's were mentioned was because the guy tried to make the point that usenet gets stuff faster than trackers.

All peeps are doing is proving him wrong :)

04-28-2009, 08:56 AM
You really are a twat.

04-29-2009, 01:45 AM
Yet another chapter in that big ass book called "You Can't Please Every Fucking Body". This thread could go on and on until the end of time with no end in site. I can say that I did as I said I would and got a Usenet account with NewsDemon and I did get it at 35% off for the lifetime of the account by using that coupon. That made them drop quite a bit in price. So far though I have not been all that impressed but there is still plenty of time to get to a point I am comfortable doing Usenet if I really had to, I still can't see swapping torrents to usenet though.

04-29-2009, 01:54 AM
Yet another chapter in that big ass book called "You Can't Please Every Fucking Body". This thread could go on and on until the end of time with no end in site. I can say that I did as I said I would and got a Usenet account with NewsDemon and I did get it at 35% off for the lifetime of the account by using that coupon. That made them drop quite a bit in price. So far though I have not been all that impressed but there is still plenty of time to get to a point I am comfortable doing Usenet if I really had to, I still can't see swapping torrents to usenet though.

Funny cause I did. It's so much more convienient and I spend much less time tracking things down. The best of all is that you can leech whatever you want cause it's all paid for :)

You are still a rookie to usenet. You need to learn how to find things, what's the best way to grab stuff. The key is searching for stuff without relying on NZB sites. really the adavantage of BT is pre times and who gets a release minutes after it's release? I'm so busy with stuff that I get to the stuff I want days later and sometimes weeks and sometimes months lol.

04-29-2009, 04:11 AM
The Simpsons S20E18 720p HDTV X264 DIMENSION

Added to Usenet - 01:28:31 AM GMT
Added to Torrential Tracker (private) - 03:10:22 AM GMT
Added to NZBMatrix - 05:02:53 AM GMT
Added to EZTV Tracker (public) - Arrival Pending

You are trying to point out that Usenet has faster pre than private trackers? I mean, cmon, dont be silly. Not that i do give a shit about pretimes, but you are completly wrong on this one.

Yea, right.

Fringe S01E18 720p HDTV X264 DIMENSION
Added To Usenet - 04/29/2009 2:49:27 AM GMT
Added To NZBMatrix - 04/29/2009 6:23:08 AM GMT

04-29-2009, 04:24 AM
Added to Usenet at 6:06
Added to sct 6:34 (my local time is +3 GMT)
lol at your beloved trackers :lol:

04-29-2009, 04:37 AM
Added to Usenet at 6:06
Added to sct 6:34
lol at your beloved trackers :lol:

Now add-in a full bandwidth download (about 30 minutes on cable)... with no need to seed it back.

:fst: > Usenet

04-29-2009, 09:30 AM
pred: 3 minutes and 9 seconds (2009-04-29 02:18:23)

pred: 1 minutes and 16 seconds (2009-04-29 03:36:23)

- that is GFT, i believe sct/scc have similar pres, if not better.

So you got your shit on usenet 30 mins before PRE. Impressive. :lol:

04-29-2009, 09:42 AM
that's right usenet owns all 0-day trackers together in every aspect -speed,retention,pres,security,content..... yea keep your bt :ghey: community for you i prefer girlfriends

04-29-2009, 09:48 AM
lol ok if you say so, continue to live under the rock.. i wont argue with an idiot.

04-29-2009, 09:53 AM
anyone recommend fast usenet server from USA please :-D

04-29-2009, 10:10 AM
lol ok if you say so, continue to live under the rock.. i wont argue with an idiot.
neither do i ,but the truth is that you don't have arguments :lol:
even staff members at so called high level trackers are using newsgroups think why(if you can)

anyone recommend fast usenet server from USA please :-D
Astraweb -http://www.news.astraweb.com/specials/kleverig-11.html

04-29-2009, 12:29 PM
tnt, how old are you seriously ? can't you read previous posts and participate constructively instead of saying sh*t ? :pinch:

04-29-2009, 01:13 PM
that's right usenet owns all 0-day trackers together in every aspect -speed,retention,pres,security,content..... yea keep your bt :ghey: community for you i prefer girlfriends

typical fanboi nonsense

04-29-2009, 06:11 PM
that's right usenet owns all 0-day trackers together in every aspect -speed,retention,pres,security,content..... yea keep your bt :ghey: community for you i prefer girlfriends

why talk shit?

lets compare sct and usenet. Okey:

speed, no difference, i have 100/100 and I maxx it all the time.

retention, sct pwns usenet so motherfucking hard! sct's oldest torrent is from 2005-09-21 03:39:31. and brace yourself, it has 10 seeders ;) So speed wont be a problem there. Hmm, I wonder if your usenet provider has retention over 3 years...

pres, no way, usenet can go hide. their pres are worse than all rather good torrentsites.

Stop talking shit, you may like usenet, but get your facts straight before you talk

04-29-2009, 06:26 PM
that's right usenet owns all 0-day trackers together in every aspect -speed,retention,pres,security,content..... yea keep your bt :ghey: community for you i prefer girlfriends

why talk shit?

lets compare sct and usenet. Okey:

speed, no difference, i have 100/100 and I maxx it all the time.

retention, sct pwns usenet so motherfucking hard! sct's oldest torrent is from 2005-09-21 03:39:31. and brace yourself, it has 10 seeders ;) So speed wont be a problem there. Hmm, I wonder if your usenet provider has retention over 3 years...

pres, no way, usenet can go hide. their pres are worse than all rather good torrentsites.

Stop talking shit, you may like usenet, but get your facts straight before you talk

Sorry but no tracker can beat usenet on retention. I had to call you on that. Let's put it this way. Usenet has the same retention all the way. Torrents have good retention on some torrents. Most of them should be a few months old. And yes they may be old releases from years ago but they have not been up for years.

In fact one drawback of torrenting is that something could be uploaded but months later it has no seeds. Then the guy that has it starts seeding again and it shows up again. Then dies and this just continues. Where on Usenet all uploads are up always and well, we now have over 260 days of retention on usenet.

I'm sorry but there isn't a single tracker that could take on usnet. You are wrong. Get your facts straight.

Oh and BTW ScT having a torrent 3 years old is nothing to be proud of. On usenet you can find stuff that was released probably 10 years ago.

The only trackers that can have very long retention are public trackers and demonoid which is pretty much a public tracker. But again speeds are garbage and they are not safe.

04-29-2009, 06:34 PM
I'm sorry but there isn't a single tracker that could take on usnet. You are wrong. Get your facts straight.

I'd be interested to know what trackers you have actually used.

04-29-2009, 06:36 PM
I'm sorry but there isn't a single tracker that could take on usnet. You are wrong. Get your facts straight.

I'd be interested to know what trackers you have actually used.

From TPB to ScT

Let me give you another example. Maybe you guys that, haven't tried usenet have a hard time understanding retention. Ok if every uploaded torrent would stick around for a very long time. The best torrent sites would have what?? at least 250, 000 torrents? Like I said. Unless you want to count public trackers or music trackers. In reality most torrent trackers don't have retention that good. Music trackers have a lot of stuff because releases are rather small. But imagine how much music is out there on usenet as well. That should give you guys an idea of what I mean by retention and content.

04-29-2009, 06:43 PM
I'd be interested to know what trackers you have actually used.

From TPB to ScT

So I'm sure you'll agree, each to their own :huh:

I have no idea why there's even an argument here lol, it's the bittorrent section, ofc people are gonna prefer it :blink:

04-29-2009, 06:46 PM
It's not just SCT. The oldest torrent on TL was added in October 2005, and still has 62 seeders. So to claim that retention is generally better on Usenet is simply wrong.

I don't get this discussion anyway. Just use whatever you prefer. And unless you have other motives (e.g. financial), I don't see why you should try to 'convince' others to use your prefered file distribution network.

04-29-2009, 07:00 PM
One other thing. You can request files on trackers. On usenet you just have to hope someone uploads what you want. and rare shit doesn't even exist on usenet

04-29-2009, 07:10 PM

You can also request in newsgroups, in fact there are some ambitious uploaders which will likely respond.

04-29-2009, 07:11 PM
That's erroneous. You can make requests on Usenet too, and not just spamming posts in the newsgroup itself, but on ancillary sites, forums and irc channels.

For example, most of what is posted to a.b.hdtv.x264 is via a very organized request system with an irc chan on efnet.

04-29-2009, 07:12 PM
It's been said over and over, both groups of users are getting what they want, does it really matter how they get it?

04-29-2009, 07:16 PM
You can request on Usenet. So you you have an idea. Check www.abgx.net (http://www.abgx.net), it shows all uploaded games. All resquests and filled requests. Believe me anything rare that you want uploaded just request it and it will be uploaded lol.

abgx is just an example of how stuff gets to usenet. There are other sites and IRC channels where you can request shit as well.

Now if you talk about trackers like Pleasuredome that have huge packs of old console ISOs or all the emulation roms etc.. or trackers like Underground-Gamer that have the same content and a lot more. Like Old video games magazines etc.. Those trackers are gold and yes a lot of that stuff you can't just find anywhere. These are the types of trackers that I really value. But Not so much TL or ScT or any general tracker. That stuff can be found everywhere.

04-29-2009, 07:59 PM
It's been said over and over, both groups of users are getting what they want, does it really matter how they get it?

No other than one has to PAYfor usenet on top of the internet connection... My isp has usenet but the retention is horrible so not an option.. So for ME torrents are better because cheaper.....

04-29-2009, 08:11 PM
why talk shit?

lets compare sct and usenet. Okey:

speed, no difference, i have 100/100 and I maxx it all the time.

retention, sct pwns usenet so motherfucking hard! sct's oldest torrent is from 2005-09-21 03:39:31. and brace yourself, it has 10 seeders ;) So speed wont be a problem there. Hmm, I wonder if your usenet provider has retention over 3 years...

pres, no way, usenet can go hide. their pres are worse than all rather good torrentsites.

Stop talking shit, you may like usenet, but get your facts straight before you talk
you don't have an idea how to use/search newsgroups
do you really think that if a torrent is 3 years old then it is not on usenet because of the 1 year retention?lulululul of course that Kingdom.Of.Heaven.DVDRip.XViD-UNiT is available at usenet plus countless releases for this movie. don't forget it is really popular movie and this is the reason why it has 11 seeders otherwise it would die after a 2-3 months . usenet :hooray:

One other thing. You can request files on trackers. On usenet you just have to hope someone uploads what you want. and rare shit doesn't even exist on usenet

04-29-2009, 08:42 PM
This is getting a bit tiring to say at least. Somebody should start a similar thread about bittorrent in the Newsgroups section of this board, so we can have a full fledged WAR at least.

04-29-2009, 08:51 PM
Well people that have not used both should not be allowed to really comment in this topic lol. Yes it's getting absurd. It's obvious that a lot of people think usenet is complicated. Maybe they are thinking back in the days where you use Agent Newsreader and you had to download all headers and then search through the headers for stuff. Others think that everything should be given to them for free and they can't afford to pay $10-11 a month for stuff but have no problem paying I don't know $50 for internet and $20 for a seed box. I pay $53 a month for internet and $10 more is not a problem for me and it just makes things so much easier for me too. Of course this is just my opinion.

I think everything related to both sides should have been discussed already. I just found out that a lot of people don't really know how usenet works.

04-29-2009, 08:54 PM
Believe me anything rare that you want uploaded just request it and it will be uploaded lol.
really ?
ok, let's give it a try: i need the full DVD of My Father My Lord AKA Hofshat Kaits.
till now, i only found a xvid rip on KG & PTN (obviously nothing on usenet)


thanks in advance.

04-29-2009, 08:59 PM
you don't have an idea how to use/search newsgroups
do you really think that if a torrent is 3 years old then it is not on usenet because of the 1 year retention?lulululul of course that Kingdom.Of.Heaven.DVDRip.XViD-UNiT is available at usenet plus countless releases for this movie. don't forget it is really popular movie and this is the reason why it has 11 seeders otherwise it would die after a 2-3 months . usenet :hooray:

WTF :S Are you stupid? You brought up the argument of retention, and when it turns out that many torrentsites can have the same torrent for several years you disregard your preasous rentention and say: "it is on usenet anyways, someone uploaded it again". wtf man? Usenet might be good, but just admit that good torrentsites kick usenet's retention! If it was okey to upload the content again it is not about retention anymore, torrents can be uploaded again if they die as well...

04-29-2009, 09:32 PM
Believe me anything rare that you want uploaded just request it and it will be uploaded lol.
really ?
ok, let's give it a try: i need the full DVD of My Father My Lord AKA Hofshat Kaits.
till now, i only found a xvid rip on KG & PTN (obviously nothing on usenet)


thanks in advance.

It appears to be a israeli movie? you might friend might be SOL. I also would love to find divx of a Spanish show called "Bienvenidos" it was on Univision for a while and is made in Venezuela. Unfortunatelly it is no where to be found. If it was released on DVD you should be able to ask on some israeli forums for it though.

There are things that we just can't have I guess :(

04-29-2009, 09:46 PM
yeah, it has been released on DVD but i don't speak a single word of hebrew and i doubt israelis would take my request in consideration in a forum... so why not giving a try to usenet ?

04-29-2009, 10:14 PM
usenet seems great, but bittorrent is cheaper and it works for my needs

04-29-2009, 11:03 PM
Guys don't bother arguing with these usenet slaves. They think they're elitist because they have to do more things in order to get their files. They think just because they can use newsleecher and quickpar they're smarter than the entire bittorent community.

I used newsgroups for 2 years and 90% of the community are leechers. Like I said before good luck finding rare files on usenet. (Main reason I switched.)

04-29-2009, 11:59 PM
Guys don't bother arguing with these usenet slaves. They think they're elitist because they have to do more things in order to get their files. They think just because they can use newsleecher and quickpar they're smarter than the entire bittorent community.

I used newsgroups for 2 years and 90% of the community are leechers. Like I said before good luck finding rare files on usenet. (Main reason I switched.)

mmmm usenet is pay 2 leech unelss I missed something here?

Oh yeah I agree with you. If you like rare things and only rare things then use a tracker or a forum that has rare things only. Like what kind of things are you talking about and what trackers meet your needs?

For example I use retromags.com to find scans of old video games magazines because there is no other place that has such collection. Not usenet or torrents. U-G has some but not nearly as close to retromags.

04-30-2009, 01:54 AM
you don't have an idea how to use/search newsgroups
do you really think that if a torrent is 3 years old then it is not on usenet because of the 1 year retention?lulululul of course that Kingdom.Of.Heaven.DVDRip.XViD-UNiT is available at usenet plus countless releases for this movie. don't forget it is really popular movie and this is the reason why it has 11 seeders otherwise it would die after a 2-3 months . usenet :hooray:

WTF :S Are you stupid? You brought up the argument of retention, and when it turns out that many torrentsites can have the same torrent for several years you disregard your preasous rentention and say: "it is on usenet anyways, someone uploaded it again". wtf man? Usenet might be good, but just admit that good torrentsites kick usenet's retention! If it was okey to upload the content again it is not about retention anymore, torrents can be uploaded again if they die as well...

How can you possibly attempt to ask others if they are "stupid" when your post is as off base as any I've seen in this thread.

Seriously, your statements are completely skewed and cannot be backed up by any sort of rationale thought process whatsoever. :dabs:

04-30-2009, 02:30 AM
your posts are quite interesting comparing the crap we can see everyday in this section.
unfortunately, you came here in order to convince people instead of simply discussing with them.

And that is precisely why he failed.

I have to say MikeHD, that from reading your posts, you are not 'In The Scene' nor have access to the true beauty of what is 'Bittorrent'. Yes, I am an elite Usenet user and the only advantage Usenet has over P2P, is the blazing fast speeds and retention of files...but it lacks on content where DEDICATED PEOPLE OF THE BITTORRENT COMMUNITY contribute.

That made me :glag:

You people are just too much...

I'm sorry, 'You People' ?

I suppose I went a little overboard with the 'elite Usenet user' statement but I was just trying to emphasize that I have experience with both Usenet and Bittorrent to a high degree. That means I've been involved with them for over 5 years and I believe my opinion has some value to it.

The argument will never end, but you can have some factors to determine which 'Service' or "Protocol' (NNTP / BitTorrent) is better:


Usenet: As someone pointed out earlier, Usenet's RETENTION is quite limited in the sense that if you're not paying a high-cost usenet provider such as Giganews, you're not going to have access to files that have been on Usenet for a year.

BitTorrent: Files can remain seeded as long as a seeder remains active, which can be well over a year if the torrent is popular or sought for. What else is beneficial to a torrent user, is that one can ask the uploader or ANYBODY who snatched the file to seed for him and usually, on a serious tracker, someone will start seeding that file. This will never happen on Usenet as a file is deleted.

Both: Sure, on Usenet someone could just re-upload the file just as someone could do the same on BitTorrent. I see people arguing about 'Multiple Releases'. What is the point? The best release (If you're talking about Video then Audio / Picture Quality is a must, etc..) is the only one that should be shared, what's the point of using 'worse' releases?

Availability or Pre-Times

Usenet: Depending on the file, some things appear quicker on Usenet, some don't. The problem with Usenet is that if you don't have a lot of upload bandwith, uploading each piece (wich is usually the case [.rar parts]) will take a long time.

BitTorrent: Files can be seeded from multiple places at once so things can get moving pretty fast. I believe, IT IS A KNOWN FACT that you can't compare the appearance of a release with Usenet / BitTorrent because there's no true statistic comparing the two. It either appears on one faster, or the other.

Both: I really can't understand this issue. Do a few minutes or maybe even a few hours make a difference? Do you sit in front of your computer waiting for a file to appear on Usenet or BitTorrent? Go outside (if it's not 12AM), have a breath of fresh air, come back, and voila, the file appears on BitTorrent or UseNet, at some time or another.

Redunancy (Spam / Useless / Dupes:

Usenet: Usenet is uncontrollable. There are no 'authorized' uploaders so everyone uploads whatever they want. Sure, NZBs are a great way to find what you want, but they don't come close (in my opinion) to a well-constructed search on a BitTorrent site. So many files are dupes, contains viruses, are fake or are just useless. You can't tell me that Usenet increases by 3 or 30 TB/day and thn state that it's better than BitTorrent. How much of that data is actually 'unique' and 'useful' ?

BitTorrent: It's easy to find what you're looking for on numerous trackers, as some are specialized on Music, DVDs, whatever. The serious trackers allow only authorized uploaders, so don't expect trojans / viruses, fakes, dupes or useless releases.

I can't say one's better than the other, even though I may have leaned towards BitTorrent in the above comparisons because I am a fan of both. Usenet is good for some things, BitTorrent for the other.

Skizzo, I shared with FileSharingTalk a bunch of NZBs, I gave giveaways to members and tried to be part of the community, so please don't laugh at me. :cry:

04-30-2009, 03:51 AM
anyone recommend fast usenet server from USA please :-D

Usenet runs at full bandwidth, regardless of who your provider is or what server you connect to.

Giganews carries the largest number of newsgroups, with the longest retention and best completion rates. Some providers are cheaper, but many of them are Giganews resellers and many ISP's got their Usenet from them (Earthlink and Comcast to name a couple). I've been with Giganews since I've been on the Internet (56k dial-up), and I have no complaints. They're in the process of expanding to 365 days of binary retention + over 2,000 days of text retention, which is even more impressive when you know that over 4.5 terabyte of data travels over Usenet every day.

Many in this thread have swooned over their favorite private tracker... but at the very moment I write this, Demonoid (which is semi-private) has 251,519 actively-seeded torrents.

Between these 2 sources... I have all I can eat.

I'll step off the soapbox box now, you go do what you want.

04-30-2009, 07:04 AM
My expericance so far. Astraweb support sucks. (Ok, maybe not that relevant.). Too many stuff can't ger repaired with PAR2s. The free newsreaders seem very unstable and crash quite often (Grabit & Sabnzbd), at least on WinXP. I haven't bothered to try any of the commerical ones yet. Being forced to do the damn PAR2 checks is annoying. (even though it's automatic). I thought DVD9 would be much more common on Usenet, instead it's quite rare IMO. BitHQ is much better for DVD9. Often people who upload on Usenet (I don't mean the people making NZBs) don't bother writing which subs & language the DVDs contains.

Overall I'm not impressed at all with Usenet.

04-30-2009, 01:02 PM
My expericance so far. Astraweb support sucks. (Ok, maybe not that relevant.). Too many stuff can't ger repaired with PAR2s. The free newsreaders seem very unstable and crash quite often (Grabit & Sabnzbd), at least on WinXP. I haven't bothered to try any of the commerical ones yet. Being forced to do the damn PAR2 checks is annoying. (even though it's automatic). I thought DVD9 would be much more common on Usenet, instead it's quite rare IMO. BitHQ is much better for DVD9. Often people who upload on Usenet (I don't mean the people making NZBs) don't bother writing which subs & language the DVDs contains.

Overall I'm not impressed at all with Usenet.

You should not have to reapir stuff. If you do it should be very rarely. You shouldn't really need to contact support either??

Anyways I had an issue for months where all my downloads would have at least 2-3 corrupted downloads. The problem was that this also happened when downloading from BT and from the Web. Any big file downloaded without a downlaod manager would get corrupted. I thought it was my ISP, then my HDD and it was my RAM. I switched my RAM. Now I don't get corrupted downloads at all. I use Astraweb for anything that is 150 days or older and I don't need to repair stuff.

Right now I use Alt.Binz as my newsreader. No problems at all with it. Of course try to get the latest version you can. Not 0.25 which is really old.

When looking for DVD9s look for achieves that are roughly 50 megs and go over 90 parts. A lot of times they are not labeled as DVD9s but you can tell which ones are by their size. A lot of DVD posts on usenet are not scene releases too.

Also whenever you know the scene file name of something just do a search for that and you shall find stuff easy instead of trying to find something by their title.

Here is a good example. Some tiems you will see something like. Efnet post #23234 "scene-filename.rar"

If you search for the title name you may think that is not there but by searching by the file name you'll know it's there. I only search this way when searching by the file name fails.

As for DVDs I think the most common format everywhere is PAL so that's what you will find most and a lot of them have weird subs but again almost all PAL releases default to English as the original language. I have found that DVD9s are usually NTSC though. I used to grab just DVD9s. Now I try to get just 720p rips.

It seems that people usually try to make usenet sound complicated but it's just so easy. Get the right newsreader. The right provider. Learn to search for stuff. That's the advise I give you and there are a lot of guides on using usenet for newbs. When you know what you are doing you don't even have to look on NZB sites for anything. If anything you could use a site that has scene release names for stuff you download. Then you don't have to leave your news client to search for stuff and to download.

04-30-2009, 01:21 PM
It seems that people usually try to make usenet sound complicated but it's just so easy. Get the right newsreader. The right provider. Learn to search for stuff.
so easy that you have to learn how to search :rolleyes:

04-30-2009, 01:21 PM
My expericance so far. Astraweb support sucks. (Ok, maybe not that relevant.). Too many stuff can't ger repaired with PAR2s. The free newsreaders seem very unstable and crash quite often (Grabit & Sabnzbd), at least on WinXP. I haven't bothered to try any of the commerical ones yet. Being forced to do the damn PAR2 checks is annoying. (even though it's automatic). I thought DVD9 would be much more common on Usenet, instead it's quite rare IMO. BitHQ is much better for DVD9. Often people who upload on Usenet (I don't mean the people making NZBs) don't bother writing which subs & language the DVDs contains.

Overall I'm not impressed at all with Usenet.

You should not have to reapir stuff. If you do it should be very rarely. You shouldn't really need to contact support either??

Anyways I had an issue for months where all my downloads would have at least 2-3 corrupted downloads. The problem was that this also happened when downloading from BT and from the Web. Any big file downloaded without a downlaod manager would get corrupted. I thought it was my ISP, then my HDD and it was my RAM. I switched my RAM. Now I don't get corrupted downloads at all. I use Astraweb for anything that is 150 days or older and I don't need to repair stuff.

Right now I use Alt.Binz as my newsreader. No problems at all with it. Of course try to get the latest version you can. Not 0.25 which is really old.

When looking for DVD9s look for achieves that are roughly 50 megs and go over 90 parts. A lot of times they are not labeled as DVD9s but you can tell which ones are by their size. A lot of DVD posts on usenet are not scene releases too.

Also whenever you know the scene file name of something just do a search for that and you shall find stuff easy instead of trying to find something by their title.

Here is a good example. Some tiems you will see something like. Efnet post #23234 "scene-filename.rar"

If you search for the title name you may think that is not there but by searching by the file name you'll know it's there. I only search this way when searching by the file name fails.

As for DVDs I think the most common format everywhere is PAL so that's what you will find most and a lot of them have weird subs but again almost all PAL releases default to English as the original language. I have found that DVD9s are usually NTSC though. I used to grab just DVD9s. Now I try to get just 720p rips.

It seems that people usually try to make usenet sound complicated but it's just so easy. Get the right newsreader. The right provider. Learn to search for stuff. That's the advise I give you and there are a lot of guides on using usenet for newbs. When you know what you are doing you don't even have to look on NZB sites for anything. If anything you could use a site that has scene release names for stuff you download. Then you don't have to leave your news client to search for stuff and to download.


searching has got very easy for me like for the new Fast+furious 2009 i just search NZBindex for FaF set at newest age and there it is or i just search BRRip and a hole list pops up:)

using alt binz 28.4 and astraweb

04-30-2009, 01:34 PM
You should not have to reapir stuff. If you do it should be very rarely. You shouldn't really need to contact support either??

Anyways I had an issue for months where all my downloads would have at least 2-3 corrupted downloads. The problem was that this also happened when downloading from BT and from the Web. Any big file downloaded without a downlaod manager would get corrupted. I thought it was my ISP, then my HDD and it was my RAM. I switched my RAM. Now I don't get corrupted downloads at all. I use Astraweb for anything that is 150 days or older and I don't need to repair stuff.

Right now I use Alt.Binz as my newsreader. No problems at all with it. Of course try to get the latest version you can. Not 0.25 which is really old.

When looking for DVD9s look for achieves that are roughly 50 megs and go over 90 parts. A lot of times they are not labeled as DVD9s but you can tell which ones are by their size. A lot of DVD posts on usenet are not scene releases too.

Also whenever you know the scene file name of something just do a search for that and you shall find stuff easy instead of trying to find something by their title.

Here is a good example. Some tiems you will see something like. Efnet post #23234 "scene-filename.rar"

If you search for the title name you may think that is not there but by searching by the file name you'll know it's there. I only search this way when searching by the file name fails.

As for DVDs I think the most common format everywhere is PAL so that's what you will find most and a lot of them have weird subs but again almost all PAL releases default to English as the original language. I have found that DVD9s are usually NTSC though. I used to grab just DVD9s. Now I try to get just 720p rips.

It seems that people usually try to make usenet sound complicated but it's just so easy. Get the right newsreader. The right provider. Learn to search for stuff. That's the advise I give you and there are a lot of guides on using usenet for newbs. When you know what you are doing you don't even have to look on NZB sites for anything. If anything you could use a site that has scene release names for stuff you download. Then you don't have to leave your news client to search for stuff and to download.

Nah, my bittorent downloads aren't corrupted. 5/40 Usenet downloads weren't repairable, the majority of the rest had to be repaired.

"You shouldn't really need to contact support either??" Lol. Ok, you don't even know what it was about and you assume that?

I'm not going to take a guess if some release has eng subs or the original audio (yeah some even lack that, and only have dubs) as it's seems quite common to be the opposite. Maybe not so much for Hollywood stuff, but I don't only download that. I don't really care about PAL/NTSC thing as I live in Europe.

As for searching I use NZBmatrix, but as many movies lack NFO or some kind of info text you have to guess what you get. Even if it's not a scene release people upload in groups they could at least bother to do a simple NFO.

04-30-2009, 03:59 PM
It seems that people usually try to make usenet sound complicated but it's just so easy. Get the right newsreader. The right provider. Learn to search for stuff.
so easy that you have to learn how to search :rolleyes:

Newbs have to. I don't :)

It's common sence. It's like google. Some people know how to search for stuff and others just don't.

But it sure beats having to try 10 different trackers to find something :P

You should not have to reapir stuff. If you do it should be very rarely. You shouldn't really need to contact support either??

Anyways I had an issue for months where all my downloads would have at least 2-3 corrupted downloads. The problem was that this also happened when downloading from BT and from the Web. Any big file downloaded without a downlaod manager would get corrupted. I thought it was my ISP, then my HDD and it was my RAM. I switched my RAM. Now I don't get corrupted downloads at all. I use Astraweb for anything that is 150 days or older and I don't need to repair stuff.

Right now I use Alt.Binz as my newsreader. No problems at all with it. Of course try to get the latest version you can. Not 0.25 which is really old.

When looking for DVD9s look for achieves that are roughly 50 megs and go over 90 parts. A lot of times they are not labeled as DVD9s but you can tell which ones are by their size. A lot of DVD posts on usenet are not scene releases too.

Also whenever you know the scene file name of something just do a search for that and you shall find stuff easy instead of trying to find something by their title.

Here is a good example. Some tiems you will see something like. Efnet post #23234 "scene-filename.rar"

If you search for the title name you may think that is not there but by searching by the file name you'll know it's there. I only search this way when searching by the file name fails.

As for DVDs I think the most common format everywhere is PAL so that's what you will find most and a lot of them have weird subs but again almost all PAL releases default to English as the original language. I have found that DVD9s are usually NTSC though. I used to grab just DVD9s. Now I try to get just 720p rips.

It seems that people usually try to make usenet sound complicated but it's just so easy. Get the right newsreader. The right provider. Learn to search for stuff. That's the advise I give you and there are a lot of guides on using usenet for newbs. When you know what you are doing you don't even have to look on NZB sites for anything. If anything you could use a site that has scene release names for stuff you download. Then you don't have to leave your news client to search for stuff and to download.

Nah, my bittorent downloads aren't corrupted. 5/40 Usenet downloads weren't repairable, the majority of the rest had to be repaired.

"You shouldn't really need to contact support either??" Lol. Ok, you don't even know what it was about and you assume that?

I'm not going to take a guess if some release has eng subs or the original audio (yeah some even lack that, and only have dubs) as it's seems quite common to be the opposite. Maybe not so much for Hollywood stuff, but I don't only download that. I don't really care about PAL/NTSC thing as I live in Europe.

As for searching I use NZBmatrix, but as many movies lack NFO or some kind of info text you have to guess what you get. Even if it's not a scene release people upload in groups they could at least bother to do a simple NFO.

Just so you know. No tech support would get back to you if they think you are doing something illegal. Like grabbing warez. I never have had to contact tech support for Easynews or Giganews or Astraweb.

I had the problem with lots of corrupted downloads and it was my RAM. Sounds like you have hardware problem as well. Torrents may not come out corrupt because Bitorrent checks your download and repairs it before it completes it. But in the end it ends up downloading extra data.

04-30-2009, 04:43 PM
so easy that you have to learn how to search :rolleyes:

Newbs have to. I don't :)

But you are a newb :blink:

04-30-2009, 04:58 PM
Newbs have to. I don't :)

But you are a newb :blink:

Well I must be a smarter newb. Newb! :whistling

Obviously you haven't looked at my posts. Have you? I help newbies :D

04-30-2009, 06:14 PM
Guys don't bother arguing with these usenet slaves. They think they're elitist because they have to do more things in order to get their files. They think just because they can use newsleecher and quickpar they're smarter than the entire bittorent community.

Open an NZB, it loads the files and Newsleecher which also auto repairs and extracts, that's just about as easy as it gets, so please don't talk absolute shit.

There is room for both formats, so I really don't see what the big deal is tbh. :rolleyes:

Do you honestly think I care if some movie is released 2h or 2d before another on some tracker or Usenet?

04-30-2009, 08:14 PM
so easy that you have to learn how to search :rolleyes:

Newbs have to. I don't :)
yes, that's precisely the point: 'noobs' don't have to learn anything to make a successful search on bt trackers :whistling

04-30-2009, 08:47 PM
Anyone that has to ask how to find something obvious does not know how to search. You are missing another point. To be able to find something on BT you sometimes need to search through 5-10 different trackers. I don't see how that makes it easier for newbs?. I know this because I used to be stuck getting something from Demonoid because it was too old for other trackers. That's why Usenet is the way to go for me.

04-30-2009, 08:51 PM
you don't need to search through 5-10 trackers when you know what you're looking for (classic, 0day, anime, tv-show etc...).

04-30-2009, 09:00 PM
I think you have too much faith on your trackers cinephilia. I already told you that I was looking for stuff too old for the main trackers that the only place to find them was demonoid of a public tracker since retention there is better.

You are failing to realize that a lot of torrents go dead after a month sometimes. In fact I swear I said this more than once to you. So really dude!!


WiseD are you just a 12 year kid looking for some attention? I think you may have the wrong guy. Go and play Pokemon with your DS! Gotta catch them all.

04-30-2009, 09:10 PM
I think you have too much faith on your trackers cinephilia. I already told you that I was looking for stuff too old for the main trackers that the only place to find them was demonoid of a public tracker since retention there is better.

You are failing to realize that a lot of torrents go dead after a month sometimes. In fact I swear I said this more than once to you. So really dude!!


WiseD are you just a 12 year kid looking for some attention? I think you may have the wrong guy. Go and play Pokemon with your DS! Gotta catch them all.

I was never aware that torrents have retention. Is this a concept you've just invented?

04-30-2009, 09:20 PM
Nope retention is a term that is referred to how long something is stored on a usenet server before it gets deleted.

You are right because BT does not have a central server seeds could just vanish and they just die. Then days later or week and sometimes months later a seed may show up for that torrent. That's why torrents don't stay up for a slong as files stay on usenet. So that's why torrents don't really have retention.

I just call it retention because that's the usenet term.

04-30-2009, 09:21 PM
WiseD are you just a 12 year kid looking for some attention? I think you may have the wrong guy. Go and play Pokemon with your DS! Gotta catch them all.

Remember saulin, the interwebs are serious business.

And I don't think I have the wrong guy, since I quoted you, then called you a cunt ;)

But hey, all in good jest <3

04-30-2009, 09:23 PM
WiseD are you just a 12 year kid looking for some attention? I think you may have the wrong guy. Go and play Pokemon with your DS! Gotta catch them all.

Remember saulin, the interwebs are serious business.

And I don't think I have the wrong guy, since I quoted you, then called you a cunt ;)

But hey, all in good jest <3

Hey no problem newb! all in good jest :P. Of course I would not want to get off topic here since skizo does not like it.

04-30-2009, 09:25 PM

Remember saulin, the interwebs are serious business.

And I don't think I have the wrong guy, since I quoted you, then called you a cunt ;)

But hey, all in good jest <3

Hey no problem newb! all in good jest :P. Of course I would not want to get off topic here since skizo does not like it.
This topic has been fucked for a good 10 pages anyway heh.

04-30-2009, 09:35 PM
Hey no problem newb! all in good jest :P. Of course I would not want to get off topic here since skizo does not like it.
This topic has been fucked for a good 10 pages anyway heh.

That still doesn't mean that mods won't warn you for being an idiot. :frusty:

04-30-2009, 09:55 PM
I use usenet for Full Blurays and HD captures but prefer torrents for encodes

04-30-2009, 10:28 PM
I think you have too much faith on your trackers cinephilia. I already told you that I was looking for stuff too old for the main trackers that the only place to find them was demonoid of a public tracker since retention there is better.

You are failing to realize that a lot of torrents go dead after a month sometimes. In fact I swear I said this more than once to you. So really dude!!

damn, you're stubborn as a mule :wacko:
of course i have faith in my trackers since i never failed to find anything lol.
you have to understand that bittorrent fit many people needs for FREE so why would they switch to usenet if they're happy with their trackers ?
each one of my accounts has its own function and i already know where to search when i need something... it's as simple as that.
and when i don't find what i was looking for (it must happen 1 or 2 times a year), i can always give a try to the good old emule :yup:

04-30-2009, 10:40 PM
Usenet is fine for 0day, but really doesn't stack up against a site such as What.CD for music in the slightest.

04-30-2009, 11:02 PM
Usenet is fine for 0day, but really doesn't stack up against a site such as What.CD for music in the slightest.

What.cd does not meet my needs or Waffles either. You can barely find any spanish music there. I rarely get music off torrents.

05-01-2009, 12:40 AM
Usenet is fine for 0day, but really doesn't stack up against a site such as What.CD for music in the slightest.

What.cd does not meet my needs or Waffles either. You can barely find any spanish music there. I rarely get music off torrents.

That might be the boldest and false statement I've seen so far.

I've found a bunch of Spanish music, bachata, reggaeton, latino....

What.cd is known for its QUALITY. Where do you find QUALITY (100% Verified RIPS) of music on Usenet?

Stop misinforming people, this is getting really out of hand.

05-01-2009, 12:49 AM
He's entitled to his opinion even if it's wrong :P, Rips on usenet are verified man. Once you DL it and it works its verified ;)

05-01-2009, 01:00 AM
What.cd does not meet my needs or Waffles either. You can barely find any spanish music there. I rarely get music off torrents.

That might be the boldest and false statement I've seen so far.

I've found a bunch of Spanish music, bachata, reggaeton, latino....

What.cd is known for its QUALITY. Where do you find QUALITY (100% Verified RIPS) of music on Usenet?

Stop misinforming people, this is getting really out of hand.

Actually I think you just misinformed people here buddy. I'm Spanish and I know what music I want and neither What or Waffles meet my needs lol.

Oh my! some people really just talk out of their asses.

05-01-2009, 01:09 AM
That might be the boldest and false statement I've seen so far.

I've found a bunch of Spanish music, bachata, reggaeton, latino....

What.cd is known for its QUALITY. Where do you find QUALITY (100% Verified RIPS) of music on Usenet?

Stop misinforming people, this is getting really out of hand.

Actually I think you just misinformed people here buddy. I'm Spanish and I know what music I want and neither What or Waffles meet my needs lol.

Oh my! some people really just talk out of their asses.
It is not an spanish tracker you know. I am not a member of either of them that is, what and waffles, yet if you think of it that way, there is no turkish music there as well, indian, japanese, chinese, korean, singapore and et cetera. It is an english tracker after all, you cant actually expect to find all you are looking for in one place. If that doesnt meet your needs, then choose another, yet dont badmouth it just because it doesnt have what you want. Generally, both of them are good trackers. Yet doesnt actually meet what i need or luv as well.

05-01-2009, 01:22 AM
waffles & what.cd miss paco ibanez albums, the greatest spanish singer ever in my eyes :(
that doesn't mean they're not worthwhile though...

05-01-2009, 01:22 AM
Actually I think you just misinformed people here buddy. I'm Spanish and I know what music I want and neither What or Waffles meet my needs lol.

Oh my! some people really just talk out of their asses.
It is not an spanish tracker you know. I am not a member of either of them that is, what and waffles, yet if you think of it that way, there is no turkish music there as well, indian, japanese, chinese, korean, singapore and et cetera. It is an english tracker after all, you cant actually expect to find all you are looking for in one place. If that doesnt meet your needs, then choose another, yet dont badmouth it just because it doesnt have what you want. Generally, both of them are good trackers. Yet doesnt actually meet what i need or luv as well.

Like I said some people just talk out of their asses. What part of it doesn't meet my needs didn't you understand? I'm entitled to my opinion lol. I didn't say it was a worthless tracker. And if you read my post above I said I rarely use them for music and there is a good reason for it. And you got something right yay! you cannot find everything in one place.

waffles & what.cd miss paco ibanez albums, the greatest spanish singer ever in my eyes :(
that doesn't mean they're not worthwhile though...

Just like usenet does not have your israeli movie eh? But guess what. That doe not make it useless. Oh yeah could you please quote the msg where I said that those trackers are not worthwile? I simply said it does not meet my needs for music. Of course you know better than me what music I like.

Oh yeah you can also read my previous post lol I said the same thing to the last guy :frusty:

Attached are my Waffles stats :P

13 snatches yay! probably some apps and some songs.

05-01-2009, 01:34 AM
It is not an spanish tracker you know. I am not a member of either of them that is, what and waffles, yet if you think of it that way, there is no turkish music there as well, indian, japanese, chinese, korean, singapore and et cetera. It is an english tracker after all, you cant actually expect to find all you are looking for in one place. If that doesnt meet your needs, then choose another, yet dont badmouth it just because it doesnt have what you want. Generally, both of them are good trackers. Yet doesnt actually meet what i need or luv as well.

Like I said some people just talk out of their asses. What part of it doesn't meet my needs didn't you understand? I'm entitled to my opinion lol. I didn't say it was a worthless tracker. And if you read my post above I said I rarely use them for music and there is a good reason for it. And you got something right yay! you cannot find everything in one place.

waffles & what.cd miss paco ibanez albums, the greatest spanish singer ever in my eyes :(
that doesn't mean they're not worthwhile though...

Just like usenet does not have your israeli movie eh? But guess what. That doe not make it useless. Oh yeah could you please quote the msg where I said that those trackers are not worthwile? I simply said it does not meet my needs for music. Of course you know better than me what music I like.

Oh yeah you can also read my previous post lol I said the same thing to the last guy :frusty:
Of course you are entitled to your opinion, yet the way you talked about what n waffles gave me the impression that they are not actually good tracker. Yet they are even though just like most sites they lack certain things as well.

05-01-2009, 02:46 AM
waffles & what.cd miss paco ibanez albums, the greatest spanish singer ever in my eyes :(
that doesn't mean they're not worthwhile though...

Just like usenet does not have your israeli movie eh? But guess what. That doe not make it useless. Oh yeah could you please quote the msg where I said that those trackers are not worthwile? I simply said it does not meet my needs for music. Of course you know better than me what music I like.

Oh yeah you can also read my previous post lol I said the same thing to the last guy :frusty:

Attached are my Waffles stats :P

13 snatches yay! probably some apps and some songs.
huh? :huh:
take it easy, i didn't say anything about your music tastes - i don't give a flying fuck.

05-01-2009, 02:57 AM
I use both personally.

90%- Usenet
10%- Torrents

Luckily for me I get Usenet access with Astraweb through my ISP for free so the best of both worlds.

As for pretimes I mainly download TV shows and they are available there about 2-3 minutes after they are on torrent site.

Retention at least if you have both and you are looking for something old, then your are likely to find what you want.

Speed well I give the advantage to Usenet over Torrents, but there is only like a 1 mintue difference with a fast torrent site.

Convenience I give to Usenet as I use Newsleecher which does all the saerching, paring, unraring and deleting for me :)

Cheaper- In my case neither. But if you have to pay for Usenet access and pay for a seedbox to get your ratio up for 1 month only then Torrents. If you use a seedbox on a ongoing basis then Usenet.

Have both if you can and you are covered.

05-04-2009, 07:49 PM
*trolling thunder*

I tried using torrents for a week. I moved something like 200GBs total traffic. I thought to myself again why usenets might be better: ISPs have less economic incentive to monitor or regulate the bandwith used. Bittorrent generally requires much more bandwith, assuming you're seeding to a minimal 1:1, then you're using twice the bandwith than just downloading the file would be. And I'm sure many of you use more than that (I certainly hit 2-3 times upload on popular HD movies even though I removed the torrent within a 12-24 hours.

05-04-2009, 10:29 PM
So what's the conclusion? What is better? Usenet or bittorrent? Everything is a bit vague, I think this has not been discussed thoroughly yet...

05-04-2009, 10:38 PM
This has been an interesting thread with lots of different arguments and view brought up, but I think that many people are just feeding the fire now.

Conclusion: Both are useful and have their purposes.

I use both, lots of other people do, and it works.

There. Done.

05-04-2009, 11:34 PM
I use both... I just preffer usenet. 90% of my stuff comes from usenet, then I try to use rapidshare and last torrents. I think that if you want to be able to grab what you want whenever you want you need more than 1 source.

05-05-2009, 03:55 AM
vast majority of stuff i get is from NG, SABnzbd just does the lot for ya, downloads, unrars, moves it to the required folder, all i got to do is click play on my ps3 :D

but i still get the odd pack from one of my 2 trackers [TL/FTN] coz their stuff kicks ass

05-05-2009, 05:06 AM
Well I must be the un normal one, Usenet only, unless I'm downloading free stuff then that's http our course :lol:....haven't touched torrents in like 6 months.

05-05-2009, 05:13 AM
i think i will be going that way in the next few days, cant really justify 40euro for my box anymore. will be NG all the way. so maybe i will invest in that supersearch thing which i just been looking at, seems quite good. $2.99 is £1.50 a month, better that 40euro too :D

05-05-2009, 06:04 AM
Need invites for private sites, public ones are freakin expensive!

05-05-2009, 09:48 AM
Who will die first, usenet or bittorent?

Something Else
05-05-2009, 12:21 PM
Who will die first, usenet or bittorent?

Torrents without a doubt. That's pretty damn obvious. Look at when usenet started and how many convictions there are related to it's use.

05-05-2009, 12:36 PM
But, I have a little question:

What happens if a government forces the usenet providers to block the binaries groups access?

What happen with the court case from usenet.com?

Something Else
05-05-2009, 12:47 PM
Hypothetical, schmetical.

05-05-2009, 12:59 PM
i think i will be going that way in the next few days, cant really justify 40euro for my box anymore. will be NG all the way. so maybe i will invest in that supersearch thing which i just been looking at, seems quite good. $2.99 is £1.50 a month, better that 40euro too :D

Or you could try Newzbin, it has the Superseach facility included (raw search) and also a mammoth list of NZB's, all for 30p a week, or 15p if you go with the half price sale at Xmas week and buy a years credit, which works out £7.80 for the year :)

05-05-2009, 01:06 PM
Or you could just do like most of us and download a copy of Newsleecher with fully working Supersearch. :smilie4:

05-05-2009, 01:10 PM
Which I already have but prefer Newzbin :) The convenience, ease and comments regarding damaged or fake files makes that worth the money alone.

If you are just supersearching it's very possible that you will miss something that you hadn't thought of, whereas Newzbin has a massive list of NZB's and you may well end up going on a tangent and downloading apps,music,movies etc that hadn't occured to you previously.

05-05-2009, 01:54 PM
Since when are newsgroups used for binaries transfer/file sharing?

05-05-2009, 03:21 PM
But, I have a little question:

What happens if a government forces the usenet providers to block the binaries groups access?

What happen with the court case from usenet.com?

They can't, they fall under common carrier law, Wiki it if you don't understand. There is no case ever with usenet, there is one up coming with Newzbin, but that affects that site only, not Usenet, usenet has been around as long as the internet.

05-05-2009, 03:26 PM
Since when are newsgroups used for binaries transfer/file sharing?

Usenet was developed in the late 70's but for binary file sharing the 80's, a long long time before torrents :lol:

Newzbin (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newzbin) has also been around for quite some time.

05-05-2009, 03:29 PM
Usenet was developed in the late 70's but for binary file sharing the 80's, a long long time before torrents :lol:

i fail to see what's funny about it.

05-05-2009, 03:31 PM
Usenet was developed in the late 70's but for binary file sharing the 80's, a long long time before torrents :lol:

i fail to see what's funny about it.

Then develop a sense of humor

05-05-2009, 03:34 PM
i have a developed sense of humour... i think that's precisely why i didn't laugh.

05-05-2009, 03:36 PM
Yes because unfortunately you don't possess one.

Something Else
05-05-2009, 03:42 PM
I think he just meant to put the :lol: at the beginning. :eyebrows:

05-05-2009, 04:01 PM
I am going to try both,why switch one for another.I have IPT for bittorrent and have just signed up to Astreweb.Now all i need is a Newzbin invite and i have the best of both worlds.Will have to see though if usenet users are as kind as people here, who trusted me with invites

05-05-2009, 04:50 PM
Yeah indeed go for it, you could also go http://www.packetnews.com/ for IRC downloading, private FTP's and RS/MU and then you have the full set :)

05-05-2009, 05:16 PM
I honestly can't even download all the content I have at my proposal in the bittorrent world, let alone watch all of it, listen to it, play it, work with it, jizz on it etc. I just don't need Usenet (or other ways to get content), there simply is too much content available for me already.

Something Else
05-05-2009, 05:19 PM
I am going to try both,why switch one for another.I have IPT for bittorrent and have just signed up to Astreweb.Now all i need is a Newzbin invite and i have the best of both worlds.Will have to see though if usenet users are as kind as people here, who trusted me with invites

You don't need a newzbin invite. It's not worth it.

05-05-2009, 05:43 PM
That's a matter of opinion I'm afraid.

05-06-2009, 02:01 AM
I tried using usenet, and it SUCKS. I havent even used my all download quota. Maybe i am noob, yet i didnt like it at all.Better use rapidshare, at least you have a way of checking whether the games actually work or not. Beside BT, Rapidshare is the best.

It doesn't "suck"; you may be too dim to comprehend the basic concepts, but it most certainly does not suck. It isn't like Bittorrent where you can learn everything you need to know in an hour and you're off and running. It does take some work and it does take longer to learn and experience everything there is to know, but it's well worth it.

Usenet was around way before private BT trackers. It predates them by some twenty years and releases of apps, TV programs, and the latest films traditionally go to Usenet first. It's always been that way. Usenet and its numerous groups, has many, many more uploaders than any private torrent site.

Now I'm not saying that some BT trackers don't have uploaders that cap TV shows or crack programs and release them exclusively to the site but Usenet is the place for getting releases first. You have to know the right groups, of course, but once you've got your favorite groups entrenched in your newsreader of choice, you'll find everything you need and will be able to download it sooner and faster than if you relied on your private tracker.

Using Giganews and Alt.Binz I have 365+ days of content to download* at max speeds which downloads, fixes, and extracts itself.

* As an example, Newzbin can provide me with approximately 120,000 posts of content** whilst the average on my private trackers is maybe 10,000. Usenet search engines reveal literally hundreds of thousands of files available.

** That's new and old content. At max speed. All the time. With no need to upload.

There really is no comparison.

The existence of so many users shilling out much more cash than a news server would cost, for seedboxes is just plain foolish and a waste of money. I'll never understand it.

Well said. :yup:

05-06-2009, 06:52 AM
Average retention of a newservice is now at 200 days. The only thing that makes torrent societies more attractive are the the societies and their activity. Other than that the usenet is far more interesting.

05-06-2009, 07:09 AM
BCG has a retention of 3 years, other sites 5 years. basically as long as we have ben open.

Anyway the way i see it is.

The reason most people are in private trackers, is because they like the notion of sharing, and that everyone else has to share, or they get kicked out.

Usenet is pay and download, no sharing involved.

If you want to preach Usenet to a bittorrent community, you would be much better off doing it on TPB/Minninova etc as most on there, do the same as usenet.

Download and dont upload jack squat.

On a private tracker, you have to share, now depending if thats a good/bad thing, depends on the type of user you are.

but to me, that is the only advantage of usenet over private trackers, you can leech like crazy, as long as you pay the bill at the start of the month.

05-06-2009, 10:53 AM
i've been on usenet probably longer than some of the people on this forum have been alive... it is good and has its uses but also a lot of drawbacks...

first off there is no community ... there are also no comments on the various uploads like you have on torrent sites. for 0-day torrent sites you can see exactly what's new by looking at the first page. on a usenet group who knows if its new it could be a re-post

BUT to me the biggest problem that has evolved with usenet in recent years is the number of viruses and spyware disguised as fake uploads. if i want a small 0-day app there is no fucking way in hell i would download it off usenet. you'd have to be out of your mind. there's an EXTREMELY good chance its been tampered with.

usenet wasn't always like that but unfortunately as more and more people become familiar with it so do the spyware/junk emailers and people looking to get their trojans on your computer

05-09-2009, 12:22 AM
I've been planning on getting back on Usenet for a while. My problem with it is that I download way too much stuff that I don't need. As far as apps go, I only get them from private torrent sites but I've never had a problem with movies. One thing I don't like about Usenet is that its hard to find stuff by re-encoders such as STG, and Lynks. To me one is not better than the other and both have their uses.

Does anybody here have a Newzbin invite they can spare? I used it when it was public and loved it. For references I can provide proofs on several trackers with multiple terabytes uploaded. I did post in the Newzbin invite thread in the Usenet section but never got a reply and I figured that there were probably several Newzbin users participating in this thread.



05-09-2009, 01:14 AM
I use usenet and torrents. For my daily tv show fix or movies. Sometimes they'res something I can't find on usenet. I use HDbits and there's alot on that site that I can't get off usenet. So I suppose i use private torrent sites to enhance my usenet experience :)

05-09-2009, 02:20 AM
That's a matter of opinion I'm afraid.

Great point.

Well represented.

Newzbin is a pay service which offers NZBs consisting of the exact same content freely offered and available via other sites and services. Even the minute cost is not worth it.

It doesn't "suck"; you may be too dim to comprehend the basic concepts, but it most certainly does not suck. It isn't like Bittorrent where you can learn everything you need to know in an hour and you're off and running. It does take some work and it does take longer to learn and experience everything there is to know, but it's well worth it.

Usenet was around way before private BT trackers. It predates them by some twenty years and releases of apps, TV programs, and the latest films traditionally go to Usenet first. It's always been that way. Usenet and its numerous groups, has many, many more uploaders than any private torrent site.

Now I'm not saying that some BT trackers don't have uploaders that cap TV shows or crack programs and release them exclusively to the site but Usenet is the place for getting releases first. You have to know the right groups, of course, but once you've got your favorite groups entrenched in your newsreader of choice, you'll find everything you need and will be able to download it sooner and faster than if you relied on your private tracker.

Using Giganews and Alt.Binz I have 365+ days of content to download* at max speeds which downloads, fixes, and extracts itself.

* As an example, Newzbin can provide me with approximately 120,000 posts of content** whilst the average on my private trackers is maybe 10,000. Usenet search engines reveal literally hundreds of thousands of files available.

** That's new and old content. At max speed. All the time. With no need to upload.

There really is no comparison.

The existence of so many users shilling out much more cash than a news server would cost, for seedboxes is just plain foolish and a waste of money. I'll never understand it.

Well said. :yup:


Just to add to that bit of pwnage: I also utilize RSS feeds for my favorite TV shows. Alt.Binz finds my TV shows almost immediately after they are uploaded to Usenet. It then proceeds to download them, fix any errors, extract the content from the .rar, and it does it all automatically. When I get home from work, all I need to do is open a folder and press 'Play'.

If there is ever something rare I'm looking for which isn't available, I simply add it to the search parameters. If ever that movie/album/song/whatever is uploaded to Usenet, it will find it and download it automatically. :happy:

BUT to me the biggest problem that has evolved with usenet in recent years is the number of viruses and spyware disguised as fake uploads. if i want a small 0-day app there is no fucking way in hell i would download it off usenet. you'd have to be out of your mind. there's an EXTREMELY good chance its been tampered with.

usenet wasn't always like that but unfortunately as more and more people become familiar with it so do the spyware/junk emailers and people looking to get their trojans on your computer

I never have a problem. :huh:

Don't grab exe's
Don't grab an app that has been uploaded the same time as 100 other apps.
Grab apps from groups you know.

05-29-2009, 10:21 PM
I can't believe that this thread is still going on after 25 pages....ridiculous! Each form has it's pro's and con's, all you people are doing is regurgitating shit that was said a month ago a dozen times already! Who really gives a shit who uses what to get their bounty? You people sound like a bunch of petty little children talking shit about who's dad can beat up who's dad.