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View Full Version : GFT Invite Needed

07-06-2009, 06:08 AM
I could really use an invite to GFT. Feel free to PM me so that I can show you my stats on a few top rated sites to verify that I'd be a good user. :cool:

07-06-2009, 09:51 AM
Please read this post here (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/p--req-gft-post3246479/postcount9)
any way good luck :) .

07-06-2009, 10:34 PM
No real good reason for wanting an invite other than I like sites that are fast and more secure than most. Unfortunately, I don't have much time to spend posting on boards and making new friends...too busy seeking a job atm. But as I said, I got good stats on a handful of great sites and have been on all of them for years.

"FST is not the right place to request GFT" = Your probably right, but there's not many places too ask so to speak. If I knew some admins, I'd probably just ask directly.

In any event, if someone feels like being nice, it would be nice to give GFT a shot. If not, I should be okay.

07-06-2009, 10:35 PM
... and who told you GFT is secure? :eyebrows:

07-06-2009, 10:45 PM
... and who told you GFT is secure? :eyebrows:

Well, I should say more secure than other sites. Nothing is completely secure, that's for sure. However, having a small user base, making it difficult to get on, and having a nice camouflaged login page certainly helps protect the site a bit. I also believe it uses ssl, but I can't say for sure.

07-06-2009, 11:48 PM
Well, I should say more secure than other sites. Nothing is completely secure, that's for sure. However, having a small user base, making it difficult to get on, and having a nice camouflaged login page certainly helps protect the site a bit. I also believe it uses ssl, but I can't say for sure.
So, are you sure you want this tracker or not?GFT invites are hard to get. So we want to make sure :) that the person we invite really deserves is. I ve said it many times before: if you are here just to try your luck, then learn that FST is not a place where miracles usually happens and if they do, it definatley wont happen to someone who wont even bother to write a decent request...

07-07-2009, 01:34 AM
Well, I should say more secure than other sites. Nothing is completely secure, that's for sure. However, having a small user base, making it difficult to get on, and having a nice camouflaged login page certainly helps protect the site a bit. I also believe it uses ssl, but I can't say for sure.
So, are you sure you want this tracker or not?GFT invites are hard to get. So we want to make sure :) that the person we invite really deserves is. I ve said it many times before: if you are here just to try your luck, then learn that FST is not a place where miracles usually happens and if they do, it definatley wont happen to someone who wont even bother to write a decent request...

I never said that I didn't want on, nor am I just trying my luck. The point I was trying to get across before is that I'm not going to cry about it if it doesn't happen. I hate people that beg and I refuse to be one of those people.

In any event, as I stated already, I have been a member of a lot of good sites for quite a while now and I have pretty decent stats on them, so I feel as if I'd be a good member of the community. I like sites that try to be more secure than others, while offering its users nice speeds and pretimes. So hopefully someone will be kind enough to give me a shot there.. ;)

07-07-2009, 09:13 PM

07-10-2009, 03:14 AM

07-12-2009, 02:11 AM

Yeah, sure, why not?


07-12-2009, 05:42 AM

Yeah, sure, why not?


I'll toast to that! Hellz yea! :partytime:

07-14-2009, 01:44 AM

Yeah, sure, why not?


I'll toast to that! Hellz yea! :partytime:

LOL Indeed

Oh yeah, bump!

07-18-2009, 04:34 AM


07-18-2009, 05:34 AM

07-18-2009, 08:02 AM

07-19-2009, 12:49 AM
I must admit, that was pretty gay, but funny at the same time. Someone has WAY too much time on their hands.

07-20-2009, 04:29 AM
Anyone want to help an old crack whore out? Its tough these days...

07-27-2009, 02:55 AM
bump...because somebody has to do it.

07-27-2009, 02:28 PM
try for pretome!!!

07-27-2009, 08:41 PM
try for pretome!!!
+1 pretome is a good alternative & easy to get in you must try it :) .

07-28-2009, 12:26 PM
good luck bro

07-30-2009, 12:02 AM
good luck bro

Thanks...it appears as if I need it! LOL

07-30-2009, 10:57 PM
nearly a month now and no luck hey.

07-31-2009, 01:28 AM
I know somebody that can help ;)

08-03-2009, 12:19 AM
0wnage, pm me links

08-03-2009, 08:21 AM
hai barry.

08-03-2009, 09:02 AM
hi Redrum420

08-03-2009, 10:48 AM
^^ somebody's been in a very good mood of late ;)

08-03-2009, 08:44 PM
0wnage, pm me links

Will do right now...thanks!

08-03-2009, 09:28 PM
Way to persevere, 0wnage! Glad you got your shot. Kinda reminds me of the guys standing on the porch in Fight Club. :)

08-04-2009, 03:42 AM
I did get the invite, but now find my account disabled on ScT. Why that is, I don't know. I didn't trade anything, so I'm not sure what I did wrong. Any staff on here that can answer this for me?

08-04-2009, 12:44 PM
irc.scenetorrents.org (irc://irc.scenetorrents.org)
#sct.support (irc://irc.scenetorrents.org/sct.support)

08-04-2009, 01:45 PM
irc.scenetorrents.org (irc://irc.scenetorrents.org)
#sct.support (irc://irc.scenetorrents.org/sct.support)

Thanks, I'm in their channel now. I'm curious to know what the issue is.


Apparently posting pics that show your stats is against the rules on ScT, even with your nick blacked out. I had no idea this was against the rules. If anyone on ScT can show me that rule, I'd appreciate it.

I was on the site for a very long time, but if I fucked up, then I fucked up. I just really don't remember seeing a rule like that. A warning would have gotten the point across, but I have no control over that.

08-04-2009, 03:31 PM
just out of curiosity, did you post those sct screenies in a public thread, or did you send it to someone via PM ?

08-04-2009, 03:46 PM
Several weeks ago I posted them in a public thread, but nothing happened until I sent the screenies in a private message to BarryWhite. I'm not accusing him of anything since I have no proof that he did anything to cause this to happen. Nevertheless, it is interesting how nothing happened to my account until I sent him a pm. Perhaps its a coincidence and they didn't realize that I posted stats several weeks until yesterday, but who knows.

08-04-2009, 04:15 PM
well, if ever your GFT account is disabled soon, you won't be needing to have any other suspicions.

08-04-2009, 04:22 PM
well, if ever your GFT account is disabled soon, you won't be needing to have any other suspicions.

That's true, but why would someone do that? Pretend to be nice, invite me to GFT, get me banned on ScT, and then disable me on GFT. I find it hard to believe someone would do that just for the fuck of it.

Like I said, I have no reason to believe BarryWhite caused this, so I am not accusing him of shit. I'm just stating what exactly went down.

08-04-2009, 04:30 PM
irc.scenetorrents.org (irc://irc.scenetorrents.org)
#sct.support (irc://irc.scenetorrents.org/sct.support)

Thanks, I'm in their channel now. I'm curious to know what the issue is.


Apparently posting pics that show your stats is against the rules on ScT, even with your nick blacked out. I had no idea this was against the rules. If anyone on ScT can show me that rule, I'd appreciate it.

I was on the site for a very long time, but if I fucked up, then I fucked up. I just really don't remember seeing a rule like that. A warning would have gotten the point across, but I have no control over that.
yeah, there are absolutely no rules stating you can't post screenies showing your stats... i feel sorry for you.
anyway, you seems to be member of a couple of 0day trackers such as ftn, scc and gft so in the end, that's not a big loss.

08-04-2009, 04:35 PM
Thanks, I'm in their channel now. I'm curious to know what the issue is.


Apparently posting pics that show your stats is against the rules on ScT, even with your nick blacked out. I had no idea this was against the rules. If anyone on ScT can show me that rule, I'd appreciate it.

I was on the site for a very long time, but if I fucked up, then I fucked up. I just really don't remember seeing a rule like that. A warning would have gotten the point across, but I have no control over that.
yeah, there are absolutely no rules stating you can't post screenies showing your stats... i feel sorry for you.
anyway, you seems to be member of a couple of 0day trackers such as ftn, scc and gft so in the end, that's not a big loss.

Yeah, I'll be okay, but still its the point that I didn't violate any posted rule on the site. They disabled my account for a bullshit reason imo.

BTW, BarryWhite is in the clear...ScT states they don't check FST very often for "violations." That's exactly why I didn't blame him without proof...there are coincidences in life.

08-04-2009, 04:51 PM
BTW, BarryWhite is in the clear...ScT states they don't check FST very often for "violations." That's exactly why I didn't blame him without proof...there are coincidences in life.
No shit... how could you even think that? The guy invites you to GFT and then you somehow connect him to some incident that occurred to you just because? That`s disrespectful man, very disrespectful. I mean, WTF?

08-04-2009, 05:18 PM
BTW, BarryWhite is in the clear...ScT states they don't check FST very often for "violations." That's exactly why I didn't blame him without proof...there are coincidences in life.
No shit... how could you even think that? The guy invites you to GFT and then you somehow connect him to some incident that occurred to you just because? That`s disrespectful man, very disrespectful. I mean, WTF?
Sounds like someone is trying to suck up to Barry to get his GFT thread noticed :rolleyes:

08-04-2009, 05:25 PM
What site did you post that screenie?
pm me if you aren't comfortable posting it in public.

08-04-2009, 05:55 PM
No shit... how could you even think that? The guy invites you to GFT and then you somehow connect him to some incident that occurred to you just because? That`s disrespectful man, very disrespectful. I mean, WTF?
Sounds like someone is trying to suck up to Barry to get his GFT thread noticed :rolleyes:

all in a days work! :shifty:

08-04-2009, 06:19 PM
BTW, BarryWhite is in the clear...ScT states they don't check FST very often for "violations." That's exactly why I didn't blame him without proof...there are coincidences in life.
No shit... how could you even think that? The guy invites you to GFT and then you somehow connect him to some incident that occurred to you just because? That`s disrespectful man, very disrespectful. I mean, WTF?

How could I even think that? Seriously? I send him a pm and the next thing I know, my account on ScT is disabled. That doesn't strike you as quite the coincidence? On top of all that, the last thing a staff member told me on ScT was to enjoy GFT. Come on now, give me a break...you can't see where I am coming from here?!?!

As I said already, I was just stating how everything went down. End of story. It doesn't make a difference any more. ScT could care less what I have to say, and they sure don't care that they disabled me for violating an unwritten rule.

In the end, I am on GFT and am very happy about it. It seems like a great community and I thank BarryWhite again for the invite.

Will a Mod please lock this thread? Thanks.

08-04-2009, 07:07 PM
Regardless of what happened i think you deserve an explanation.Trackers are known to share information amongst themselves but i think its a little irresponsible for a site to give out member information without checking the legitimacy of the reasons behind the request.scT won't be assed to read this thread but i think they'll listen if B asks them to give you your account back and imho that would be the right thing to do.Its obvious that GFT has everything to do with this and as much as B might not have been responsible i think he should bear some responsibility as he's the one who made staff whoever told on you.You clearly don't deserve this.

08-04-2009, 08:49 PM
It could be something as simple as someone seeing your earlier post (from the poll awhile back) that you have (had) a ScT account and they matched your user name- maybe somebody at ScT did see your public post. Maybe they decided to mess with you because you beat the odds. Gotta admit, from a sadistic POV it's kinda funny...

Did you use the same name on this site as you did on Sct?

I don't know BW and have never been on the site, but I really doubt it was him. The site has a good reputation- if he was the type to do that, people would know about it. I have burnt myself many, many times by "putting together the info I had".

I think you have handled a very frustrating situation with class, 0wnage.

08-04-2009, 09:15 PM
while a specific rule about posting your stats isn't against the rules...i'm sure it is against the rules to do anything the publicizes the site in public

08-04-2009, 09:16 PM
I think you have handled a very frustrating situation with class, 0wnage.

Thanks man, I tried really hard to do so. Its very difficult though when ScT staff doesn't even want to give me the time of day. I asked them to show me the rule I violated, but they can't because it doesn't exist. They just kicked me from the channel and ignored me.

Clearly, there is nothing I can do about it other than move on at this point. What can you do...

while a specific rule about posting your stats isn't against the rules...i'm sure it is against the rules to do anything the publicizes the site in public

Perhaps, I don't really know. I didn't think I was publicizing it anymore than what is already done here on FST, but who knows. There used to be screen shots showing recent torrents, etc. on here, but I see that they have been recently removed.

08-04-2009, 10:09 PM
Clearly, there is nothing I can do about it other than move on at this point. What can you do...

There really is nothing wrong with holding your head up and moving on.:01: Given the choice between the two, I think you ended up on a better tracker with a better community. It's not like there is a shortage of 0-day trackers...

BTW, if you want the thread closed you can use "Thread Tools" on the right-hand side, towards the top of the page. :)

08-04-2009, 10:57 PM
If I were you I would talk to Feeling myself and ask why your account was disabled since you didn't break any rules(at least from what you said...I dunno if its true or not). I just checked the rules and there is nothing there about posting your own SCT information if that was the reason they stated. If another person from staff asks you if they can help you just say you need to speak with Feeling.

08-04-2009, 11:14 PM
If I were you I would talk to Feeling myself and ask why your account was disabled since you didn't break any rules(at least from what you said...I dunno if its true or not). I just checked the rules and there is nothing there about posting your own SCT information if that was the reason they stated. If another person from staff asks you if they can help you just say you need to speak with Feeling.

I sent Feeling a PM on here, but he didn't respond. Unfortunately, I can't get back in the channel to message him. They didn't give me a chance to speak much before banning me from the channel. A staff member stated that it was because I posted a screenie, but not Feeling himself. I would like the opportunity to speak with him because no other staff member was trying to give me the time of day.

08-04-2009, 11:17 PM
If I were you I would talk to Feeling myself and ask why your account was disabled since you didn't break any rules(at least from what you said...I dunno if its true or not). I just checked the rules and there is nothing there about posting your own SCT information if that was the reason they stated. If another person from staff asks you if they can help you just say you need to speak with Feeling.

thats a good idea...feeling has an account here, might be worth sending him a PM...

edit: nevermind...looks like you already did that "lol:

08-04-2009, 11:23 PM
I would try every irc channel of every tracker that you are a member and look for his name or search for his name on other sites in their userlist. Send him a PM there (for example he is a member of What.cd and Waffles)

08-04-2009, 11:34 PM
I can get on to their IRC server, but not in the channel, so I will PM him there. No idea if he will respond though.

08-04-2009, 11:48 PM
Go on the actual sites and PM him because I am sure he checks music sites. General 0day trackers are probably not a great place to find him. He is also a member of HDBits so you can message him there as well.

08-05-2009, 08:57 AM
yes, stalking a sysop sounds like a great idea :lol:

08-05-2009, 12:22 PM
It's very difficult though when ScT staff doesn't even want to give me the time of day.

Maybe ScT doesn't want any public any attention(like that would ever happen), and you did just that by posting a screen of their site. At FST of all places. But I can see your point view. If what you did wasn't generalized in their rules then you thought you were doing nothing wrong.

Shit happens. But I surely wouldn't sweat it though. ScT is easily replaceable(content wise). So I would just learn from this(screens or giving any other info about most sites in public is usually a no-no) and move on...